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Nane :Dzaki Al Khwarazmi

NIM :A320200022

Class :A

The most popular soda in the world that's Coca Cola and to be honest I was kind of avoiding Coca
Cola because you know I love Coca Cola I'm a huge fan of Coca Cola as a brand and as a flavor but at
the same time it's kind of like reviewing a book everyone else has already read a hundred times what
else am I going to say here yet it is a soda and so I want to treat it as just any other soda and our
view and here on sort of tasting what really led to me reviewing it was a viewer request SMAP logs
SMA VL OGS 7:07 on YouTube requested that I review coca-cola so that's really the reason I'm
reviewing it right now I probably would have waited longer but if not for that request so thank you
for the request thank you for supporting the show and let's dive into coca-cola of course this is from
the coca-cola company it was introduced in 1816 and let's run through a little bit of the history your
Coca Cola has a very deep and rich brand story this is a short program so we're gonna just hit a few
high notes Coca Cola was first made available for sale on May 8 1886 it was on this day that the
creator of the syrup a pharmacist named John Pemberton brought a jug of it to Jacobs pharmacy in
Atlanta where was put on sale dr. Pemberton's bookkeeper and partner Frank M Robinson
suggested the name and trademarked it in the unique script that it still uses to this day Pemberton
didn't really capitalize off his creation though he sold his interest off at various points including the
last of it to ASA G Candler who would go on to acquire complete control of the brain Candler strong
marketing of the brand is credited with bringing it to the masses in 1919 an investment group led by
Ernest Woodruff and WC Bradley bought the company for 25 million dollars Woodruff son Robert
Winship Woodruff would go on to become the president of the coca-cola company from 1923 fruit
1954 remaining on the board of directors until 1984 the year I was born so that's quite a run 1923
1984 being involved in leadership of the company during his leadership though the company
became a global powerhouse in 1985 coca-cola tried to change the formula of the drink and despite
the fact that taste tests had indicated that people prefer the new formula once it was released there
was an probably led to them reversing the change cementing a switch to high fructose corn syrup
from sugar now as I mentioned I'm a big big fan of Coca Cola I even have a little bit of a family
connection to the brain my great-great grandfather worked for coca-cola for about 30 years at a
bottling plant I believe and the funding part of that story is during that same time during that same
30-year span my great-grandmother his wife worked at Pepsi but as a family they always drank Coca
Cola all right now let's take a look at the nutritional facts here in 12 ounces of Coca Cola you will
have 140 calories you will have 45 milligrams of sodium 39 grams of total carbohydrates all of which
are sugars you also have 34 milligrams of caffeine and the ingredients are carbonated water high-
fructose corn syrup caramel color phosphoric acid natural flavors and caffeine so again 140 calories
34 milligrams of caffeine and sweetened high fructose corn syrup so coca-cola is a really familiar
smell but I mean what really is it I mean it smells like I think it has a smell that most people associate
with the Cola just because of its popularity but it's hard to say what it really smells like to me it's it's
it's a very light and although it's not a strong smell it's not very pungent it's just very light it smells
like what coca-cola smells like it's hard to tell exactly what what I'm picking up when I taste coca-cola
but it's safe to say that for many people what coca-cola tastes like is the definition of a Cola and to
me it's really the balance of the flavors I love I think there's a lot of things there there's some Tanous
there's the bite there's the sweetness they all blend in really well I think the proportion through
which the flavors come out is you know fairly equal and I think that is a strength of the flavor it's a
strength of the brand you know there are tangy colas there are sweet colas there are clothes that
have a lot of bite their clothes that taste like you know tea there are colas that taste all sorts of
different ways and those colors that rely on one particular flavor very heavily I think of those as sort
of niche colas because they are only going to appeal to the people that really like that particular
flavor now me personally I'm kind of a fan of sweeter colas and I think alcoholic comes up really
strong there but I like there to be some bite and they deliver that as well so to me coca-cola is as far
as the coldest I've tried on the show and elsewhere is my favourite Cola and I like it a lot and it's
hard to rate this again because it's like it's like rating a gold standard in a way that said I want to
treat it like any other soda so really it's kind of between four and a half and five for me I really like
the flavor that much when I think of colas I think of coca-cola and that has not changed so I started
this show I've tried a lot of different colors and a lot of different form factors a lot of different
ingredients and I continue to come back to coca-cola it is sort of a staple drink for me where I can
always get a coca-cola and be content with it so you know four point five or five one of the standards
of really the high ratings that I give is is it a later that I get sick of this is the flavor that I tire of is a
flavor that fatigues me uh even in my short bitter tasting here let alone longer term and for me coca-
cola is not that flavor it's a very palatable very enjoyable Cola this is tough to raid because like I said
it's like writing a book everyone knows it's like writing a gold standard but I want to treat it like any
other soda and I really like coca-cola a lot and my writing is going to be 5 out of 5 but that's just my
taste everyone likes different colas and I'd like to know what's the next really big brand soda I should
review you know I try to throw a good mix in there I try to do sodas you can actually find at the local
store but I also mix it in with a lot of more unique things more regional sodas more hard-to-find
sodas what's then what's a soda that I haven't done that is extremely popular and available let's say
nationwide in the US tell me what I should do and I'll definitely add it to my requests and make it
happen thanks again to SMAP log 7:07 for the request here today thank you for watching and as
always everything in moderation

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