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The Human Person is the Masterpiece of God’s Creation

Genesis 2:7
“Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground”
This is the origin of men from the book of Genesis. And breathe into his nostrils, the
breath of life, and man became a human being

Human beings occupy a unique place in creation

Does man have a special place in creation

“Man is the summit of Creation because God created him in his image” Genesis 1:27)
We are an image and likeness of God.

1. God created us through LOVE (God really loves us unconditionally)

2. God reveals our IDENTITY (fundamental basis of our DIGNITY) (you have worth
and value as a person)
3. We have the capacity of THINKING & LOVING (tayo mga human ay meron
ganito. Our thinking is sooo powerful. We have the wisdom and knowledge of
what is right from wrong)
4. We are fundamentally GOOD. (The more we act according to the way we are
MADE, the more we REFLECT the CREATOR)

- By knowledge and love, we alone are called to share in God’s own life
(This is why we exist and created)
- And this is why every person has dignity: God cherishes each human person

St Athanasius - He became what we are, so that he might make us what he is

Identifying different talents, skills, and interests in individuals can be a valuable

process but why?

1. Self-Assessment: Encourage individuals to reflect on their own abilities, interests,

and passions
2. Observation: Pay attention to what people naturally excel at or seem passionate
3. Feedback: Provide a platform for constructive feedback
4. Exploratory Activities: Engage in diverse activities and projects
5. Group Brainstorming Sessions: Host brainstorming sessions where individuals
share their skills and interests
6. Skill Workshops: Organize workshops or training sessions covering a range of
skills and interests
7. Mentorship: Pair individuals with mentors who can help them explore and
develop their talents

The Mercy of God (The Fall)

John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son; that whoever believes
in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

If God is all-knowing and all-powerful, why does He not prevent evil?

- “God allows evil only so as to make something better result from it” - St. Thomas
- Even the crucified Jesus asked His Father “My God, why have you forsaken Me?”
- Matthew 27:46
- God is good. He can never be the originator of something evil
- God created the world to be good, but it’s not yet complete
- It’s being shaped and moved toward it’s final perfection
Was it part of God’s plan for men to suffer and die?

- God does not want men to suffer and die

- God’s original plan for man was paradise: life forever and peace between God
and man and their environment

What hinders us?

- We don’t live in peace with ourselves
- Act out of fear and uncontrolled emotions
- Have lost the original harmony that man had with the world and ultimately with

In the Sacred Scripture, the experience of this ALIENATION is expressed in the story of
the Fall

Sin crept in, and Adam and Eve had to leave paradise

Signs of the loss of paradise

- Toil of work
- Suffering
- Mortality
- Temptation to sin
- CONCUPISCENCE - an inclination of human beings to sin (the fall of Adam and Eve)


What is Sin?
- At the core of sin is a rejection of God and the refusal to accept his love.
- This is manifested in a disregard for the commandments
- Sin is more than incorrect behavior; it’s not just a psychological weakness
- In the deepest sense, every rejection or destruction of smth good is
- The rejection of good
- The rejection of God
- In its most profound and terrible dimension, sin is separation from God and,
thus, separation from the source of life (death is the consequence of sin)
- Death is the consequence of sin.
This is redemption
JESUS took upon himself the deadly power of sin so that it would not
strike us

When do we commit sin

- Actions done out of love
- Actions without love (sin is a failure of love)

Original Sin doesn’t refer to a personal sin (involves your personal free decision to
commit sin)
- It refers to the disastrous, fallen state of mankind into which the individual is
- In talking about Original Sin, Pope Benedict XVI says that we must understand
that: “we all carry within us a drop of the poison of that way of thinking,
illustrated by the images in the Book of Genesis…”

The serpent said to the woman, “When you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you
will be like God.”
- Genesis 3: 4-5
Are we compelled to sin by original sin?
- NO. Man, though, is deeply wounded by original sin and is inclined to sin
- “The worst thing is not to commit crimes but, rather, not to accomplish the
good that one could have done. It is the sin of omission which is nothing
other than to be unloving, and no one accuses himself of it” - Leon Bloy
(French Writer)
- Sin of omission (omit)
● This refers to a sin that occurs when an individual fails to do something
that he or she is morally obligated to do.
● It involves neglecting one’s duties and responsibilities, such as not
helping someone in need when it is within one’s power to do so.
- Sin of commission (commit)
● This refers to a sinful action that a person knowingly commits and
deliberately performs.
● Examples
○ Lying, stealing, harming others

How does God draw us out of the whirlpool of evil?

- Therefore the original sin is also called felix culpa or “happy fault”:
- “O happy fault… which gained for us so great a redeemer!” (Liturgy of the
Easter Vigil)
- “We have lost paradise but have received heaven, and therefore the gain
is greater than the loss” - St. John Chrysostom (Doctor of the church)

Jesus was born to save us!

As young people today faced with temptations, you must G.R.O.W. in your faith.
1. Give to others
2. Resist evil/temptation
3. Order your life
4. Will to be a Christian.
The Memorare Prayer:

Remember O Most Gracious Virgin Mary

That never was it known
That anyone who fled to your protection,
Implored thy help, or sought your
Intercession was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto you.
O Virgin of virgins, my Mother.
To you do I come, before you I stand,
Sinful and sorrowful.
O mother of the Word Incarnate,
Despite not my petitions,
But in your mercy hear and answer me.

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