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1. Tell me one activity that is good for your health?
I wake up at 6 a.m. every day, drink a glass of water and exercise for
about 30 minutes. I have maintained for 10 years
2. Do you think that you have a healthy life style? Why/Why not?
Yes,I do. Because, I exercise every day, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits,
drink enough water, eat less sweets and fried foods.
3. How many hours do you usually sleep at night?
I usually spend seven hours a day on sleeping. I go to bed at 10 o'clock
p.m and wake up at 6 o'clock a.m. and I usually take a nap for about 1
hour at noon
4. Do you have a healthy eating habit?
Yes, I have. I usually eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, eat less sweets,
fried foods, drink enough water and eat clean food
5. Are you usually sleepy in the middle of the day?
Yes, I am. I usually take a nap for about 1 hour at noon
1. Are you a competitive person?
No, I am not I am a gentle, simple person. I only compete when i play
sports with my friends
2. Do you always like winning?
Yes, I do. Because it makes me feel happier and more motivated
3. Do you prefer being a spectator or a player?
I prefer being a player. Because It helps me to be more active and healthy
4. Do you find it easy to learn new rules?
Yes, I do. I think it easy to learn new rules if we if we try and focus
5. Describe a competition you took part in or watched recently.
When I was in high school. I played football with my classmates. only girls
played each other. Because we weren't used to playing, we see the ball wherever
we went. and all kicked each other's feet. I scored a goal. i and my team were
very happy. My team won. After we finished we went to the party. it is an
unforgettable memory.
1. What sports do you like doing?
My favourite sport is football. I usually play football every Friday with
my colleagues. it keeps me healthy and reduces stress
2. What sports don’t you like watching on television?
I don’t like watching boxing on TV because it’s not my favourite sport.
3. Who is your favorite sport person?
My favourite sports person is Leo Messi. He’s a famous football player
and very handsome. He plays very well and professionally
4. Do you support a sports team?
No, I don’t. I don't have much time to watch the matches
5. Do you think that it’s important for children to leam to play a sport?
Yes, I do. Because Playing sports helps children to exercise their health
and fitness
1. What’s the best way to get around your town or city?
the best way to get around my city is by motorbike. I use it every day
from home to work. the streets are very crowded and narrow, often
congested during rush hour.
2. How often do you use public transport?
I take the bus to go my village at the weekend. It takes about 1 hour to get
my home.
3. Is there a lot of traffic where you live?
yes, there is. I live in Doi Can Ward, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi so there is a
lot of traffic there,such as: cars, buses, motorbikes, bicycles, etc…
4. How do you go to work/school every day?
I usually travel to work by motobike. It takes about 10 minutes from my
house to my office
5. Is there a traditional method of transport in your hometown?
No, there isn’t. I was born and raised in the 1990s, the country started to
develop, so I don't see any traditional method of transport where I live.
1. What’s the best way of travelling long distances?
the best way of travelling long distances is by car or by plane. it depends
on your pocket
2. Do you like travelling? Why/ Why not?
yes, I like. Because it makes me feel relaxed. I love to explore regions in
the country and around the world
3. What’s your best travelling experience?
My best travel experience was the Moc Chau trip last summer. I go with
my colleagues. we go on tour. We sang during the ride. In the evening we
make a campfire. We slept together on the floor. It was a very fun trip and
many memories.
4. What’s your worst travelling experience?
That was a trip to Tam Dao last year. In the evening it rained, we couldn't
make a campfire, didn't go for a walk, just sat down to drink coffee and
5. Have you ever been on a long boat trip?
No, I haven’t. I only sail for the day
1. Do you like taking risks?
No, I don’t like. i like safe and sure. maybe i'm a coward
2. Are you a decisive person?
Yes, I am. I always trust my decisions
3. What do you prefer - mountains or the sea?
I like them both. I just love going to the beach in the summer. In winter, I
like to go to the mountains.
4. Would you like to go on some kinds of expedition?
Of course, I would like to go on some kinds of expedition. I desire to go
on a trip to Son Doong Cave. I think it will be very interesting. I will go
when I have time and enough money.
5. What kind of person makes a good expedition leader?
He or She takes people to new. Lead from the front and ensure the safety
of all members, leader advise on the route to reduce risks.
1. What kinds of things do you regularly recycle?
I would cut off the bottoms of plastic bottles to create a planter.
2. Do you often use plastic water bottles or plastic bags?
No, I don’t. I usually use glass water bottles and recycled plastic bags
3. What can we do to raise people’s awareness of environmental
In my opinion, it has to start at home and at school. Those are the best
way to educate from a young age
4. Would you like to go on some kinds of expedition?
Of course, I would like to go on some kinds of expedition. I desire to go
on a trip to Son Doong Cave, located in the core area of Phong Nha – Ke
Bang National Park, Quang Binh Province – is a new cave discovered and
declared to be the largest cave in the world by the Royal Cave Research
Association of England. 2009 – 2010 and put into operation in the form of
adventure travel from 2013.
With the limited number of participants, the number of successful
conquerors of Son Doong Cave is now even less than the number of
people who have ever stood on Mount Everest. I would like to explore
Son Doong so much to discover the secrets inside them.
5. What kind of person makes a good expedition leader?
He or She takes people to new places so expeditions are often
unpredictable and full of change. Expeditions may involve trekking,
cultural adventure and community project work.
The role of the Expedition Leader is to oversee all decisions made by the
group that affect the health and safety of the team. The Expedition Leader
aims to advise the team on courses of action where risks are minimised
and benefits to the development of the team are maximised.
1. Which do you prefer: ordering things online or ordering things by
I prefer ordering things online. It helps me to buy everything I need. it's
very convenient and doesn't take much time
2. Do you have any problems with online orders?
yes, I have. The pictures on the website are very virtual. So there are
times, I feel disappointed with my order
3. Do many people in your country have computers in their homes?
yes, they have. They use computers for studying, shopping online,
working and surf the internet, etc….
4. What are the advantages of the Internet?
Work from home, study from anywhere, connect to information around
the world, buy and sell online. The Internet offers people benefit to
connect with others around the world.etc....
5. What are the disadvantages of the Internet?
the disadvantages of the Internet are: Addiction, time-waster, and causes
distractions. ...Bullying, trolls, stalkers, and crime. ...Spam and
advertising. it's not a safe place for children.
1. What plans do you have for your next holiday?
my next holiday is visitting Dalat city. it's a very beautiful place, mild
climate, paradise of flowers
2. What is your future plan in the next 10 years?
I want to study the highest college and travel to explore some European
countries like Netherlands, France, Italy
3. Are you interested in future predictions?
yes, I am. I often watch horoscopes. you may not believe but I think it's
very true
4. In the future, which foreign language would you like to study?
I would like to study English in the future. It is the most common
language in the world. I can use it in studying and interacting with
5. How will your hometown change in the next 10 years?
My hometown is developing rapidly, life in the countryside is more and
more convenient. For example, there are many new stores, many high-rise
buildings are built, many factories, industrial parks
1. Describe a special or traditional celebration in your country?
A traditional celebration in mycountry is Mid-Autumn Festival. It's
Children's Day. The children are bought a lot of sweets, watch the lion
dance and carry the star lanterns in the evening
2. Do you like dressing up in costumes or masks in festivals?
Yes, I like. On New Year's Day, I usually wear traditional costumes.
3. Do you think that people need a long holidays?
yes, I do. Because people need a long holidays to relieve stress at work,
spend time with themselves and family.
4. Describe the most important festival in your country?
the most important festival in my country is Lunar New Year. Tet is one
of the most anticipated holidays in Vietnam. It lasts 3 to 4 days from the
first day of the Lunar calendar. Tet is also an occasion for family
reunions. Everyone wishes each other good health, children get lucky
money. I'm looking forward to Tet
5. Do you like participating in traditional festivals? Why?
Yes, I like.Traditional festivals are the national identity of my country. it
helps us to remember the origin of the nation
1. Do you like robots to work at your home?
Yes, I like. As it helps me clean the house. So, I can have more time
2. Do you use computers for your work?
Yes, I do. I am an office professional. My work have to use a computer.
3. How much time do you spend using a computer at work?
I spend 7 hours a day to use my computer.
4. In what ways has technology changed the society?
technology helps society develop more, life is improved, civilized and
5. What do you do when your experienced technical problems?
I asked my colleague to solve it for me. he is very good at technology.
1. What is your job?
I am a specialist in Academy of journalism and communication
2. Why did you choose that job?
Because it's an office job. I feel very suitable for me. it's not too hard, the
salary is suitable
3. Do you get on well with your co-workers?
yes, I do. We are very united and help each other in work.
4. Are there anything special about your job?
My work is related to the student's exam, so it must be kept confidential
5. Is there another type of job you would like to do in the future?
no, there isn’t. i like my job
1. Do you think you use the internet too much?
yes, I do. i use 7 hours for work and 2 hours for study everyday
2. What do you use the internet for?
I use the internet for work, study, search for information, talk to friends,
surf face
3. Do you think that the Internet is useful for your work?
yes, I do. my work uses specialized software, it would be delayed without
4. What are some disadvantages of Internet?
some disadvantages of Internet as: Addiction, time-waster, and causes
distractions. ...Bullying, trolls, stalkers, and crime. ...Spam and
advertising. it's not a safe place for children
5. Do you think that the internet safe for children?
I think the Internet is not safe for children without supervision. Children
will imitate bad actions online
1. What is the weather like today?
Well, It is very hot.
2. Does today’s weather affect your feelings?
no, I don’t. I'm at home all day today
3. Do you do different thing in different weather?
Yes, I do. In the summer I wake up earlier, in the winter I sleep in
4. What are the three most natural wonders in your country?
the three most natural wonders in my country are:
the first, Halong Bay: Ha Long Bay is one of the seven natural wonders
in the world. It is located in Ha Long city, Quang Ninh province in the
north of Vietnam. It is about 200 kilometers from Hanoi to Ha Long city.
the second, Phuquoc Island: Phu Quoc is the pearl island of Vietnam
This is one of the great tourist destinations. There are large islands here
and many other small islands.
C, Da Lat . Da Lat is the capital city of Lam Dong province in Vietnam.
It is also known as the City of Flowers and honeymooners with lovely
French villas, the fresh air, the beautiful waterfalls and gorgeous lakes.
5. Are you afraid of natural disasters?
yes, I am.. They are extreme weather conditions that can cause a lot of
damage to people and property in a large scale.
1. Do you like holidays? Why / why not?
Yes, I like. because I can travel with my family, join friends and relieve
stress after a hard-working month.
2. Do you prefer to travel or stay at home during holiday periods?
I prefer to travel during holiday periods. Because I prefer to go to famous
places in the country and the world. .
3. What do most people do during their holidays in Vietnam?
Mostly, people spends time with family, they often travel together.
4. Where are you going next summer holiday?
My next summer holiday is going to Phu Quoc Island. Phu Quoc is the
pearl island of Vietnam This is one of the great tourist destinations. There
are large islands here and many other small islands.
5. Do you prefer spend your holiday alone or in a group?
I prefer spend my holiday in a group. if I spend my holiday alone, I will I
will be sad and lonely
1. Do you like learning history?
Yes. I like. I like learning about things that had happened in the past and
discovering why certain events happened.
2. Have you ever been to historical museums?
yes, I have. I have visited the Hoa Lo Museum in Hanoi several times.
3. What was the last time you read something about history?
Recently I am interested in Soviet history because of the war between
Russia and Ukraine.
4. Why should we learn history?
because we can learn from the experiences of history to correct our
current actions.
5. What is the effective way of learning history?
I think the effective way of learning history is watching documentaries
about history on TV and internet. We can see a lot of materials that cannot
be seen in the textbooks.
1. Do you have a mobile phone? yes, I have
2. How often do you use your mobile phone?
I use my cell phone on a daily basis in order to keep in touch with my
family and my friends and surf the Internet.
3. Do you ever use a mobile phone for shopping?
yes, I do. sometime I use mobile phone to order
4. Do people use mobile phones too much these days?
yes, they do. They use mobile phones wherever they can
5. How has your mobile phone changed your life?
My smartphone has changed my life a lot. it helps me save a great deal of time. I
can study online, search for information, shopping online, make new friends and
keep in touch with them.
1. What was the last thing you bought? The last thing I bought was a
iphone 13 pro max
2. Where did you buy it? I bought it at Hoang Ha mobile
3. Why did you buy it? it is new version of iphone
4. Do you know what company made it? no, I don’t. I only know that
iphone is a trademark of Apple
5. Do you know where it was made?
yes, I only know a little. iPhones are producted by Apple. Apple is a large
American technology corporation. it is made in china
1. What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?
I like to use Facebook and YouTube
2. How much time do you spend on social networking sites?
I don’t think I can tell exactly but I have to say, I use them quite a lot. I
use them quite a lot. i use them whenever i have time
3. Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking website?
I think no, most of the friends I have on Facbook are just normal friends,
it is common that people just make friends for fun.
4. Do you like to use Facebook?
yes, I like. I use it every day.
5. Is there anything you don’t like about social networking sites? Why?
yes, there is.that’s advertising. There are too many advertisements on
social networking sites. I feel so annoyed
1. Where did you go last summer holiday?
I went to Dalat last summer holiday
2. When did you go there?
I went there last summer
3. Who did you go with?
I went with my family
4. How did you go there?
I went there by plane
5. How did you feel?
I felt very fun and happy. Dalat is the paradise of flowers. The climate is
very mild

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