C Ovid Medical Certificate

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‫ תעודת‬COVID

‫ קורונה‬Certificate
‫אדם‬ ADAM
‫שם פרטי‬ Name
‫רבידי‬ RABIDI
‫שם משפחה‬ Surname

322326505 0033979724
‫ תעודת זהות‬.‫מס‬ Passport Number
11.08.2000 11.08.2000
‫תאריך לידה‬ Date Of Birth

01 24.04.2021
BNT162b2, ET2838, Pfizer
MOH ‫משרד הבריאות‬

02 11.08.2021
BNT162b2, FF2154, Pfizer
Clalit ‫כללית‬

Issued by the
State of Israel

This certificate is not a travel document. The scientific evidence on COVID-19

vaccination, testing and recovery continues to evolve, also in view of new
variants of concern of the virus. Before travelling, please check the applicable
public health measures and related restrictions applied at the point of


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