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Stand up, Speak up !!!

Colin — James’ friend — Claribel
Mrs. Feliz — Teacher — Fathia
Adele — James’ friend — Aira
Silvie — Bully — Sekar
Aenor — Bully — Aqilah

James — Bullied — Abyan
Travis — James’ friend — Caesar
Kaden — Bully — Kevin
Alex — Bully — Adrian
Reed — James’ friend — Raffasya
Zain — James’ friend — Zidan

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world of “Stand up, Speak up” a drama about
anti-bullying, and exactly why it should be stopped.

Girls and boys and scattered around the school yard, engaged in various activities,
while James is sitting alone by himself.

Scene 1: School yard

Colin: Approaching James Hey James, what's up?

James: Forced smile Oh, hey Colin. Nothing much.

Travis: You don’t seem fine..

Colin: You sure? You seem kinda down.

James: Sighs It's just... Alex and his crew. They won't leave me alone.

Silvie and Aenor enter, laughing and pushing each other.

Silvie: Well, well, well, if it isn't James the loser.

Adele: Leave him alone, Silvie.

Silvie: Smirks Or what? You gonna cry to the teacher?

Alex and his friend Kaden, join Silvie.

Alex: What's going on here?

Travis: Stop this guys..

Silvie: Just having a little chat with James.

Alex: Grinning Oh, perfect. Let's make it a group chat.

They start to circle around James, taunting him.

Then suddenly Reed and Zain enters, witnessing the scene

Reed: Whispering to Zain We have to do something.

Zain: Let's go.

Reed and Zain approach the group, standing beside James.

Reed: Back off, Alex.

Zain: Yeah, leave him alone.

Aenor: Laughs Shut it, Reed.

Alex: What are you gonna do about it?

Reed and Zain exchange glances, then step forward, facing Alex and his gang.

As they were about to start a fight, all of a sudden the students are in their
seats, waiting for the teacher to arrive. James is sitting with Colin, and Adele.

Scene 2: Classroom

James: Thanks for standing up for me earlier, guys.

Colin: No problem, James. We're friends, right?

Adele: Absolutely. We've got your back.

Alex, Silvie, Aenor, and Kaden enter, glaring at James and his friends.

Aenor: This is going to be fun..

Adele: Here we go again.

The teacher enters the classroom, and everyone settles down.

Mrs. Feliz: Good morning, class. Today, we're going to talk about something very
important: bullying. (improvise)

The class murmurs among themselves.

Mrs. Feliz: Bullying is never okay. It's not just physical; it can also be verbal
or emotional. It's about making someone feel small, weak, and powerless. And it's
something we should all stand up against.

Alex and his gang exchange looks, feeling uncomfortable.

Mrs. Feliz: James, would you like to share your experience?

James hesitates for a moment, then nods.

James: Um, sure. I've been bullied by Alex and his friends for a while now. It's
been really tough, but having my friends stand up for me makes it a little easier.

The class listens attentively, some looking sympathetic, while others feel guilty.

Teacher: Thank you for sharing, James. Remember, it's important to speak up if you
or someone you know is being bullied. And it's equally important to be there for
each other, just like James's friends are for him.

The bell rings, signaling the end of class.

Teacher: Okay, class dismissed. And remember, be kind to one another.

Scene 3: School Yard

James and his friends are walking together, chatting and laughing.

James: Thanks again, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Colin: No need to thank us, James. We'll always have your back.

Adele: Yeah, we're a team.

Alex and his gang approach them, looking hesitant.

Alex: Um, hey James.

Kaden: James, we gotta say something..

James: Cautiously Yeah?

Alex: Look, I... I'm sorry for what I've done. I didn't realize how much it was
hurting you.

Kaden: Yeah, me and alex, and everyone else is sorry..

James and his friends exchange surprised looks.

Colin: Wait what??

James: Apology accepted, Alex.

Alex: And, uh, if you ever need anything...

James: Thanks, Alex. I appreciate it.

You can count on me by Bruno Mars plays

The curtain falls as they walk offstage, arm in arm.

End of Play

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