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Mega Nurfah, Ika Rachmayanti, Grace Hartanti

Interior Design, School of Design, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480


The Public Collection Library at Grhatama Pustaka is always busy with visitors,
because it has the most complete collection among other libraries. However, the need
for furniture for working individually and in groups is not yet available, besides that
there is furniture that does not meet the many visitor activities. This research was
conducted to answer the problems of furniture in this public collection library by
conducting field research research methods, observation, literature study, data
collection on visitors and interviews to produce furniture that can meet the needs and
activities of library visitors, as well as add an educational function in the library
collection. especially in environmental education

Keywords: Public collection library, activities, furniture, environmental education

According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), it shows that the level of interest
in reading (TGM) in the people of Yogyakarta in 2021 will be at the level of 70.55.
This score is the highest score compared to other provinces [1]. Grahatama Pustaka
was built and provides public facilities so that it can further increase the public's
interest in reading. One of them is the Public Collection Library facility.
The library has the origin of the word, namely Pustaka which means book or other
meaning of book. The word library uses the prefix per and the suffix an so that it
becomes the word library which means a collection of various books which are
currently known as collections of library materials. So it can be concluded that the
library is a room, part of a building that functions as a place to store books to read
[2]. A public library is a type of library whose holding funds come from the
government. This library can also be used for the general public, ranging from
children to adults. In addition, this library also provides areas and facilities that can
be used by all visitors
Because it has the most complete collection among the other rooms, the public
collection library is always busy. However, the furniture needed to work individually
and in groups is not yet available in this room. In addition, there is a lot of furniture
that does not meet the many activities and sitting habits of visitors in this public
collection library. Therefore it requires redesigning furniture that can meet the needs
of individual and group activities as well as different sitting habits among visitors.
One of the functions of the library is the function of education. The education that
needs to be conveyed is education about the environment. One of the environmental
issues that occur in Yogyakarta is the issue of waste left over from batik cloth. 2% of
the total waste in Indonesia comes from cloth and cannot be decomposed by nature,
so this cloth waste needs to be reprocessed [3] One way is to apply the remaining
batik cloth to library furniture, so that it can provide environmental education
content in the form of recycling

The library (including the documentation and information center) according to the
decision of the Minister of Administrative Reform number
132/KEP/M.PAN/12/2002 is a work unit that has human resources, special rooms
and collections of library materials consisting of at least 1,000 titles from various
disciplines in accordance with the type of library concerned and managed according
to a certain system Law No. 43. Year 2007 in chapter I article 1 states, Libraries are
institutions that manage collections of written works, printed works, and/or recorded
works in a professional manner with a system that standards to meet the needs of
education, research, preservation, information, and recreation of users.
The textile and clothing industry is the manufacturing sector that experienced the
highest growth in the third quarter of 2019, namely 15.8% [4]. This number alone
can surpass economic growth in Indonesia, which is 5.2%. In addition, the industry
and textile products in Indonesia are increasingly competitive in the global market.
This is also supported by the industrial structure that has been built. This increase in
clothing production correlates with the amount of fabric waste where 20% of global
production waste comes from the textile and clothing sector [5]. One of the
developing textile sectors in Jogja is the center for producing batik. Based on data
from the Department of Industry and Trade in 2019, the number of batik IKMs in the
Yogyakarta area is 1,195 business units and employs up to 5,771 people. The
production value of the batik IKM sector in Yogyakarta reaches more than IDR 300
billion. This makes the large amount of textile waste in batik production unavoidable
[6]. Patchwork is part of the waste in the production and processing of batik and
usually must be disposed of. Because there are really a lot of them and it takes too
much time to process the patchwork again. Therefore, garment or tailor companies
are more likely to dispose of the remaining cloth [7]. So that it requires continuous
innovation for creative industry players who are encouraged to create superior
products that come from patchwork waste so that they can be accepted in a wider
market [8]
Among the many eating traditions of the Javanese, sitting lesehan is one of the most
well-known traditions and is widely known by the public. Initially, lesehan was an
activity of buying and selling food or other goods by sitting on a mat or floor. So that
visitors can eat or choose goods directly while sitting cross-legged [9]. Now the
lesehan tradition is developing widely and is not only related to eating traditions, but
has become a lifestyle and even a habit for some people in carrying out their daily
activities. Because there are many people who choose and prefer to sit on the
cross-legged, there are many public facilities for sitting on the cross-legged that can
be found in public spaces such as workshops, campuses, and libraries.

Using several stages and research methods, namely:
1. Field Survey/Research

The research began with a field survey/research in the public collection library room
at Grhatama Library. Done by directly observing the room to be designed, data from
observations of interior and furniture analysis in this room can be used as a basis and
reference for designing furniture in this room.
2. Observation
Observation is a data collection technique that is carried out by directly observing
visitors who usually come to the public collection library room at Grhatama Pustaka.
This data will later be used to analyze visitor activities in this room.
3. Literature Study
This data collection was obtained from reading literature such as books or journals
related to research. Serves as data that can strengthen research results through
theories that will be used and add new references for writers.
4. Questionnaire
Questionnaires were filled out by visitors to the public collection library room at
Grhatama Pustaka. The questions asked are related to problems with the furniture in
this room. In addition, there are questions about furniture that need to be added and
expectations about the furniture to be designed. Distributed online using the Google
Form platform and filled in by a minimum of 30 respondents.
5. Interview
Data collection through interviews was carried out to provide sufficiently valid data
in the room to be designed. Done directly with several people who are responsible
for the room so that they can provide sufficient data for the design of this room.

Implementing the following design stages:

Picture 1. Schematic of the Design Stages


Proof of the need for furniture that can be used individually or in groups as well as
differences in visitor sitting habits, is obtained through the research method of filling
out questionnaires so as to obtain the following data:

Picture 2. Visiting Types Diagram

Picture 3. Sitting Position Diagram

From the diagram above, it can be concluded that there is a need for furniture that
can be used individually or in groups as well as different sitting habits of visitors in
the public collection library.

Multifunctional Modular Furniture

One of the furniture systems that can overcome this problem is the use of a Modular
Multifunction system for furniture.
Modular design is a design that has the advantage of being moved easily and most of
the designs are stand-alone with modules that can be separated and combined
according to the needs of their users [10]. Meanwhile, multifunctional furniture can
maximize space and fulfill the many user activities because this furniture can be used
for more than one activity [11].

So the authors answer these problems by implementing a multifunctional modular

furniture system. The modular system is applied to the shape of the furniture so that
it can be used in groups (with configurations) and individually. The multifunctional
system is applied to the choice of sitting position when using this furniture, it can be
used to sit on the cross-legged or to sit in a chair normally.

Inspired by the shape of an open book and has a basic trapezoid shape applied to
Then from the inspiration this form is combined with a multifunctional modular
system to answer the problem of furniture in the library, namely the need for

individual/group activities, the existence of different sitting habits for library visitors
and fulfilling the many activities in this library

Picture 4. Furniture Shape Inspiration

Picture 5. Set of furniture when sitting on the floor

Picture 6. Set of furniture when it becomes a chair

So the authors answer these problems by implementing a multifunctional modular

furniture system. The modular system is applied to the trapezoidal form of furniture
so that it can be used as a group (with configuration) and individually. The
multifunctional system is applied to the choice of sitting position when using this
furniture, it can be used to sit on the cross-legged or to sit in a chair normally.

Picture 7. Furniture sets when used in groups

Multifunctional Modular Furniture Mounting System

Picture 8. How to Install Furniture Sets

How to install:
1. Insert the chair through the side of the table
2. Adjust the position of the chair on the table
3. Put the cushion on the chair

How to separate tables and chairs:

1. Remove the Cushion from the chair
2. Pull the chair from the side of the table
3. When it's gone, put the cushion back on the chair

Picture 9. Furniture set configuration (Modular)

Several configurations can be made by combining furniture sets when you want to
use them in groups

Interior Concept
In addition to implementing multifunctional modular furniture, the interior of the
public collection library also supports this system so that it can support user
activities and habits
Using the concept of interaction sheets taken from the words Yogyakarta and Library
so as to create the following schema:

Picture 10. Mind Map Design Statement

Picture 11. Mood Board Interior

The interaction sheet describes human interaction with books (sheets) in the library
to find a meaning. Apart from that, the application of multifunctional modular
furniture allows visitors to interact with the furniture. The design concept of
"Interaction Sheet" is expected to produce interiors and furniture that can increase
the productivity of visitors in this library. Many use many line elements in interiors
and trapezoidal geometric shapes taken from shape studies on furniture.
This form of system support is applied to the reading area of the library which is
divided into 2 parts, namely the reading area that uses chairs and the sitting area as
well as the work area, where there is an ordinary work area and a sitting area.
The collections displayed in this library are public collections, the work area and
reading area are designed to be near the window so that visitors can see the views
around the building

Picture 12. Interior Axonometry of the Public Collection Library

Besides that, it also applies interior colors that support visitor activities in this public
collection library

Picture 13. Color Concept

Psychologically, the color brown gives the impression of being comfortable, warm
and safe. Meanwhile, green can give a relaxed impression because it is synonymous
with nature

The concept of applying Sustainable Design

This design embodies the application of a sustainable design to the materials used.
Like using wood material which has good material resistance so it doesn't need to be
replaced periodically. In addition, the use of patchwork as a seat cover material is
also a form of implementing a sustainable design. Reprocessing unused fabrics into
new materials so as to reduce textile waste which is a global issue today.

Conclusion and Suggestion

The high interest in reading in Yogyakarta is one of the reasons for the construction
of the Grhatama Pustaka Library. This high interest in reading needs to be
accompanied by the availability of good furniture facilities so that they can meet the
needs and activities of visitors when they come to the library. The results of the
design of public collection library furniture and accessories are influenced by the
needs of visitors who have needs for individual or group activities, and to meet the
many visitor activities a modular and multifunctional furniture is designed.
The design of this furniture and interior accessories consists of a cross-legged chair,
a cross-legged table and seat cushions that can be combined with a cross-legged
chair. Lesehan furniture was chosen because of the habits of visitors who are used to
it and prefer the sitting position on the lesehan. So that the multifunction used in this
furniture is in the form of cross-legged chairs and sitting tables that can be combined
to form new chair furniture that can be used in reading areas and working areas. In
addition, this furniture is in a modular form so that it can be configured according to
the needs of visitors who will have activities in the library. The use of patchwork in
the seat lining material makes this furniture contribute to environmental
improvement in the form of recycling leftover batik cloth which is commonly found
in the Yogyakarta area.
Furniture designs can be developed to be more multifunctional but still simple so
that visitors have no difficulty in using them. The public collection library manager
is expected to pay more attention to the furniture facilities provided so that they can
meet the needs of visitors who come


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