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Embracing Socio-anthropological Perspective: An Assent to the Inner Self

Roles of each member:

Narrator – Mary Grace Toco
Main Character- Jairus Garces
Teacher- Jasmine Raine Estenor
Student 1 (highest score) – Mareyth Muñez
Student 2 (contented ra sa score) – Heather Faith Uy
Student 3 (ang giconfort ni highest score) – Davieh Pen
Editor – JB Louise Santillan

Scene 1: Introduction

Show some scenes of people talking, or like someone from the group trying to figure out “who
they are,” and then transition to Main persona looking into a mirror when the narrator reaches
“the self” part.

Narrator: The world is diverse, surrounded by different people with different views and
perspectives. Our existence is embarked with distinctive explorations with personal identity
within the broader context, cultural influences and memories, building up the very essence of
memoir — the self.

Scene 2: Theories

Classroom Setting. Highlight how the teacher prepares the test papers for the viewers to get
the idea that she's returning their quiz. When Jairus receives his test paper, he will stare at it

Student 1 receives her test paper, smiled happily

Jairus will look at Student 1, then at his test paper, clench his fist, showing that he's not

Narrator: Individuals will usually base their sense of self on how they believe others view them.
A man, who was perceived by his surroundings to always become the best at everything, will
feel worthless if he won't mirror the reflection others have implanted for him.

Student 2 receives her test paper, with the mark same as Jairus, will smile proudly with
Student 3 got her test paper, with a mark she didn't expect she would get then she'll frown.
Student 1 will comfort her.

Narrator: People use the judgments they receive from others to measure their own worth,
values, and behavior. The sense of independent verdict slowly faded as they embraced and
lived the expectations of others.

Jairus would suddenly get up his chair, feeling frustrated, will go to the bathroom. He'll face the
mirror with sadness and dissatisfaction.

Narrator: Our close environment serves as the mirror that reflects images of ourselves. The
interactions we have, culture we live, and the routines we thrive are just some of the factors that
made us who we are. Our self-awareness is from the perspective that the self emerges from
social interactions. The self is not there from birth, but it is developed over time from social
experiences and activities. (The two theories were discussed)

Scene 3: Conclusion

Insert other scenes and fillers like sila ba ron na group of friends kay galipay lipay, Jairus
convincing himself na mubawi sa next quiz, etc.

Narrator: No one can stand apart from the social world. Everyone is influenced by society and it
makes its indelible mark on us. Everyone is influenced by family, friends, education, ethnicity,
work, class, gender, politics and history. At every point in our lives we both rely on, and
contribute to our social environment.

Yet we are all unique individuals since we all had a unique set of experiences. Even if you were
brought up in the same environment, you have different interactions and social growth.
Answers in number 2:


1. I see you as someone brave and maybe you even go beyond that. You have a firm
personality. It feels like pleasing other people is not in your vocabulary.

2. You and I have a different personality. You being the strong and me being the soft. Therefore,
influencing you has little to no possibility. But once in our lives, I witnessed you cry in front of our
other friends. You once showed your vulnerability and suspended bravery at once. It was when
you shared a story of your life.

3. I think my role in your life is to shed light on your dark and firm aura. Kidding aside, probably
my role to you is to remind you what being soft looks like.


- How do you see me?

I see Jai as a very good son. He is caring and loving to his family. He’s also very competitive but
one of the things I like about him is that he is a very goal oriented person. Despite the immense
challenges he may be facing, he always finds a way to choose to keep going.

-Can you recall any experiences wherein you influenced me in terms of how I should think, feel
or behave?

Maybe there was an instance that I influenced him in controlling his emotions towards people.
Jai is sometimes a tempered person and he easily gets irritated. It was during senior high and
that time our adviser had a favorite student in class. Since I mentioned that Jai is a very
competitive person of course he did his best but still his best was not really enough to be
noticed by our adviser.

-What do you think is your role in my life?

My role in his life is a cute cheerleader. I've been one of his supporters in life ever since. Even
though we don't see each other often, I always proud of him.


a. I see you as someone special in my life

b. Maybe kadtong time nga nangluod ka kay wa ko ka reply dayun, love. ang influence nako
ana is kanang di kaayo mag salig nga naa ko love kay naay times na wa ko

c. Lover, best friend, punching bag (when you have problems, you can vent out on me)

a. How do you see me?

I see you as a person who is full of compassion towards other people. Who are willing to listen
to others opinions, rants, and ideas without judgement.Also, you're the type of person who's
optimistic and full of ambition in life.

b. Can you recall any experiences wherein you influenced me in terms of how should I think,
feel, or behave?

I do influence you in terms of my personality, such as by being bubbly and optimistic as well.
Whenever we are in a problematic situation, we always find ways to make the problem look like
an opportunity.

c. What do you think is your role in my life?

My role in your life is to be a person that you can lean on. Someone who you can ask questions
about things that you don't understand. I'm like your older sister, whom you can run into
whenever you have a problem.


A. How do you see me?

- I see you as my partner in every plan/dreams that we want to do and achieve. I see you as my
tomorrow. Leaning on my shoulder as the sun rises early in the morning. In short I see you as
my future.

B. Can you recall any experiences wherein you influenced me in terms of how should I think,
feel or behave?
- I guess in every situation in life I influence you because I'm your partner and you always draw
a line where you can't cross because you think of me.

C. What do you think is your role in my life?

- Maybe my role in your life is to see the better of you while I'm beside you, to not tolerate you
and give advice on what's right and wrong, to give you a positive energy when you feel negative
vibes around you.

a.) I see JB as a very kind person, friendly and approachable. Whenever i have problems he's
my first go-to person. Since our friendship started he's always been there in my highs and lows,
and for that I am very thankful for him.

B.) It was when we were talking about life and you told me your plans for the future, your goals,
your dreams. It was that time where you influenced my life greatly, because since then I started
to look up to you, and it changed my mindset about life overall.

C.) My role in your life is your therapy buddy, rant buddy, your "whatever" buddy, and someone
you can lean on.


A. As your special someone, I see you as a good person. You are caring by nature. You are not
just a smart girl when it comes to academics; you are also responsible for everything. Above all,
you are also easy to reach whenever I need your help and sympathy.

B. I think that situation is the time when you're having doubts about yourself, very tired from
countless reviews for your departmentals. I was telling you things like you should trust yourself
with these, you shouldn't be doubting yourself, you’re capable of so many things, and I
reminded you that if ever you will have low scores, it won't define you as a whole and it won't
make your worth less. I think I influenced you that time.

C. My role in your life is to be your honest and good companion. Someone that you can always
count on whenever you have a problem. I will be with you on your hard days and happy days.
Even through your misfortunes and successes. I am your supporter in all the things you want to
do that will make you happy.

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