FS 2 Ep. 1

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Which personal traits do I possess? Not possess? Where do I need

 As a student teacher, the personal traits that I possess are skills in
communication, active listening, adaptability, empathy, and cooperation. These
traits will be a great help to having an effective and efficient classroom
engagement with my students. Aside from these traits, there are also needs for
improvement in my creativity, time management, and patience. I know that
patience is required when teaching because it is the best quality of a teacher,
especially in diverse classrooms. It takes patience, persistence, and humility to
understand what students go through to learn and help them complete that
journey successfully.
Which professional competencies am I strongly capable of demonstrating?
The professional competency I am strongly capable of demonstrating is Classroom
Management. I believe that establishing a well-organized and conducive learning
environment is essential. This involves setting clear expectations, managing behavior,
and ensuring a safe and respectful atmosphere.
In which competencies do I need to develop more?
 I think the competency I need to develop more is my Technological Proficiency
because in today's digital age, proficiency with educational technology is
becoming increasingly important. This includes using digital tools for instruction,
assessment, and communication.

Who are the teachers that we remember most?

 The teachers we remember the most are those who greatly influenced our path
in life, supported and encouraged us, and treated us as a family. Sometimes,
these teachers are the ones who can see what we are capable of that no one
else did.
Write Action Research Prompts

1. OBSERVE In assisting my Resource Teacher, I observed a lack of personal traits

such as creativity and professional competencies like organization and
management. As a result, the students/class were not focused on the
lecture/discussion. Specifically, when using instructional materials like television
or PowerPoint presentations, use a larger font size so that the students at the
back can read and understand what is being taught.

2. REFLECT The lack of these personal traits and professional competencies

(mentioned in #1) may be caused by some problems they are facing. Technology
is a significant factor influencing education today. Schools are expected to use it
to enhance the education of their students, and the proper execution is also
essential to improve the student's engagement in their lessons.

3. PLAN I would like to address this problem (mentioned in #2) by conducting

action research on Improving the effectiveness of technology as a mode of

4. ACT
a. The main objective of my action research is to identify what interventions
we can use to improve the effectiveness of technology in teaching.
b. My specific research questions are:
1. What kind of formats need to be used in PowerPoint
2. What type of templates are preferred by the students in terms of
(color and design)? Is it colorful and bold or neutral?
3. What are the benefits of technology in instruction?
c. To answer my specific research questions, I will gather data through a
survey, review of literature, and analysis.
Write a reflection regarding the personal qualities and professional
competencies of a teacher.

Teaching is a noble profession that holds the power to shape the minds and futures of
countless individuals. To excel in this role, a teacher must possess a unique blend of
personal qualities and professional competencies. The personal qualities of the
teachers include:
1. Patience- Teaching can be challenging, especially when students are trying to
understand a difficult lesson or subject. Patience allows a teacher to explain, reiterate,
and guide students until they grasp the lesson.
2. Passion for Teaching- A passionate teacher instills a love for learning in their
students. This passion is infectious and encourages students to engage with the subject
3. Empathy- A great teacher understands the emotions and needs of their students.
They can empathize with their struggles and successes, creating a supportive and
nurturing learning environment.
4. Adaptability- A teacher must be flexible and open to adjusting their teaching methods
to accommodate different learning styles and adapt to varying classroom dynamics.
5. Communication Skills- Effective communication is essential for conveying
information, instructions, and concepts. A teacher should be able to articulate ideas
clearly and listen actively to students' questions and concerns.
The professional Competencies of the teachers include
1. Subject Matter Expertise- A teacher should have a comprehensive understanding of
the subjects they are teaching. This expertise serves as the foundation for effective
2. Pedagogical Knowledge- Understanding how to effectively convey information and
facilitate learning is crucial. This includes knowledge of teaching methodologies,
learning theories, and curriculum development.
3. Classroom Management- Establishing a well-organized and conducive learning
environment is essential. This involves setting clear expectations, managing behavior,
and ensuring a safe and respectful atmosphere.
4. Assessment and Evaluation- Teachers need to design appropriate assessments to
gauge student progress. They must be able to evaluate these assessments and provide
constructive feedback.
5. Technological Proficiency- The teachers must be proficient in technology this includes
using different digital tools for instruction, assessment, and communication.
6. Reflective Practice- A teacher should engage in regular reflection on their teaching
methods and outcomes. This self-assessment allows for ongoing improvement and
refinement of instructional approaches.
7. Collaboration and Teamwork- Teachers often work in teams, whether with other
teachers, administrators, or parents. Effective collaboration enhances the overall
educational experience for students.
Being an effective teacher requires a delicate balance of personal qualities and
professional competencies. It's a profession that demands continuous self-improvement
and a genuine commitment to the growth and well-being of students. A great teacher not
only imparts knowledge but also inspires a love for learning that lasts a lifetime. The
impact of an effective teacher reaches far beyond the classroom, leaving an indelible
mark on the trajectory of each student's life.

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