Tindu Subtraction Test

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1. There are 45 houses in a street. 21 houses have been painted white. How many houses have
not been painted?
2. A basket hold 55 oranges. The shopkeeper has 65 oranges. How many oranges can not be
put in the basket?
3. Out of 8797 children of town, 6989 go to school. How many children do not go to school?
4. Shelly bought a bed sheet for $1699. She gave the shopkeeper $2000. What amount will be
returned by the shopkeeper?
5. There were 473 students in class V of a school. Out of them 461 passed and were promoted
to the next class. How many students did not get promoted?
6. Adriana has 346 apples in the garden. She gave a few apples to her friend. 135 apples were
left with her. How many apples did she give to her friend?
7. By how much is 4897 less than 6123?
8. Derek needs to cover a distance of 1456 km to reach his home town and if he covers 1152
km by train and rest by bus. How much distance does he cover by bus?
9. By how much is 698 less than 553?
10. Nathalie has to write an essay of 6500 words in 3 hours. If she is able to write 4895 words in
2 hours, how many words does she needs to write more in 1 hour to complete her essay?
11. By how much is 3162 less than 2526?
12. 948 children participated in the fest, out of which 573 were boys. How many girls
participated in the fest?
13. 790 students appeared for the Olympiad examination. 248 students took Math Olympiad
exam and rest took science Olympiad exam. How many students took Science Olympiad?

14. Brad could solve 483 questions out of 500. How many questions were left unsolved?
15. Rosy made 452 dark chocolates and 183 vanilla chocolates. Which flavor is less and how
many more chocolates are required to make both chocolates equal?
16. There are 1348 girls in a school. If the total number of students in the school is 2900, then
what is the number of boys in the school?
17. Sara earns $6955 monthly as her salary. She saves $1565 monthly. What is her monthly
18. Jerry wants to complete reading 1762 pages of a book in 5 days. If she is able to read 1143
pages in 3 days, then how many pages are still left to be read?
19. The cost of a television is $ 7069 and that of a cycle is $2359. By how much does the
television cost more than the cycle?
20. Vanilla wants to buy a trouser for $975 and a shirt for $1699. If she has $2000, will she be
able to buy both the shirt and trouser? If not, how much more amount does she need?

21.In a school, there are 3130 children. If 2168 of them are boys, how many are girls?

22.There were 1837 passengers in a train. At Lucknow, 435 passengers got down from the train
while 398 boarded it. How many passengers were in the train then?

23. A fruit seller had 846 oranges, 850 mangoes and 885 bananas in his shop. If he sold 1480 fruits
during the day, how many were left at the end of the day?

Subtract the numbers:

(i) 248 - 32
(ii) 108 - 6

(iii) 467 - 50

(iv) 515 - 26

(v) 433 - 127

(vi) 823 - 623

12. Write the numerals and subtract.

(i) Seventy-seven from one hundred fifty-six

(ii) Three hundred one from three hundred fifty-one

(iii) Twenty-six from one hundred eighty-eight

(iv) One hundred thirty-eight from five hundred sixty-nine

(v) Eight hundred thirty-five from nine hundred ninety-three

Do these sums in your notebook-

(i) 4832 - 2917

(ii) 2640 - 985

(iii) 8823 - 5282

(iv) 9172 - 7562

(v) 2315 - 1882

(vi) 5341 - 2120

(vii) 7372 - 2485

(viii) 9228 - 6329 + 1212

(ix) 9889 - 5656 + 32431

(x) 4796 - 2997 + 2323

(xi) 3243 + 1879 - 1111

(xii) 9743 - 7211 + 3214

Write 'T' for true and 'F for false statement:

(i) 1689 - 1569 is equal to 1729.

(ii) The sign of subtraction is ÷.

(iii) 2890 + 4550 - 3748 is equal to 3692.

(iv) A number subtracted from itself gives zero.

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