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This paper is used to fulfill the course assignment of the English Language Education
Business Marketing.

Lecture : Muh. Husin AL Fatah, M.Pd.

By Group :

Zarra Awalia Epriana (216121)

Maharani Nurfina Putri (216121)

Ivana Nawang Wulan (216121060)





All praise be to the presence of Allah SWT, who has bestowed His grace and
blessings on us, both the blessings of age, health, spaciousness and others. And
thanks to His taufiq and guidance we can complete the paper entitled "English
Language Education Business Marketing" as expected. Sholawat and greetings will
always be poured out to our master the great Prophet Muhammad SAW and his
Companions and Followers until the end of time.

This paper is structured so that readers can understand and fully understand the
material. We as author of this paper give many thanks to Muh. Husin AL Fatah,
M.Pd. as the subject lecturer who has guided us to complete this paper. We also thank
all parties who have supported and encouraged the smooth running of both the
preparation and other processes.

Hopefully this paper can provide broader knowledge and insight to readers,
even though this paper has advantages and many disadvantages. We need constructive
criticism and suggestions from readers, so that in the future we can improve as best
we can.

Surakarta, 12 March 2022



A. Background
B. Formulative
C. Purpose


A. Basic Principle Of Marketing

1. Product
Product is one of the most crucial principles of marketing. The product
can be either a good or a service you provide to customers. One important
thing that marketers often ignore is to see the appeal of your product and
market for it before deciding what you want to offer.
2. Price
The price is the money the customer has to pay for the product or
services they receive. There are two types of pricing, such as cost-oriented
prices and market-oriented prices. In market-oriented prices, there is more to
the price than the contribution price, and it needs through market research.
Some things to look into are:
a) What your customers are willing to pay.
b) The price of the same type of products offered by your competitors.
c) And the goals your company has set to reach.
Moreover, the price is selected after determining the market value. Or on
the value you offer through your product or service. If you ask for a higher
price than market value, customers will have more expectations from your
product, and you should live up to their expectations if you want a successful
business. The price can also be adjusted with time to make sure it is right for
your current market. If you sell products, you A/B test the product price with
relevant tools.
3. Place
Place refers to the process of bringing your products and services to the
customers. The place is wherever your product or services are available for
purchase and customers can buy them. It could be a brick-and-mortar store, an
online website, or you can use multiple channels to reach a broader audience.
It is essential for a business to choose the right place that is convenient
for customers, and reach out to the potential customers to increase the sale of
the product. Therefore, careful planning of the placement or distribution of
your product is important for a successful business. For instance, knowing
where your prospective customers are, where your location should be, and
how to connect your potential customers to your location is an essential part
of your business growth and growth marketing.
Additionally, in today's digital age, no matter where your store or
services are located, a digital presence can make a huge difference in reaching
out to your potential customers. As more and more people tend to search
online for their needs.
4. Promotion
Promotion is creating awareness for your products, services, company,
and brand. All the ways a company uses to build awareness for their product
and services are known as promotion. Promotion should give customers a
reason to choose your product or service, as well as show the prospective
customers the benefits of using your product.
Promotion is the backbone of marketing and as crucial for businesses as
the quality of the products they produce. It refers to communicating with the
target audience through different channels and creating awareness for your
product and services.
There are different methods used to let the market know about your
product or services. The following are some of the most popular ways
marketers use to reach out to their prospective customers.
a) Email marketing: Email marketing refers to reaching out to your target
audience through emails.
b) Advertisement: Advertisement is a paid promotional tool marketers use to
promote their products or services. It includes social media ads, tv,
magazine advertisements, and local marketing tricks like supporting
events with branded clothing for staff and/or attendees.
c) Search Marketing: Search marketing is generating leads from search
engines like Google & Bing through SEO & SEM. It includes techniques
like rank blog content or landing page on product/service relevant queries
to drive website traffic.
d) Sales promotions: Sales promotion is temporary incentives, such as deals
or trails offered for a short period of time. These promotions are used to
encourage prospective customers to try out the product and services before
e) Direct marketing: Direct marketing is when you directly reach out to your
target audience and build relationships through two-way communication.
f) Public Relations: Public relations are presenting a favorable image of your
products and services.
g) Event Marketing: Event marketing refers to reaching your potential
customers through trade shows, webinars, virtual events, conferences, and
so on.
h) Product-led growth: PLG is a user-focused growth model in which user
acquisition, expansion, conversion, and retention are all product-driven.
B. Role Of Marketing
C. Function Of Marketing
The main function of marketing is to do marketing to get consumers who
match the company's target. In addition, marketing has several other functions,
1. Market Research
Market research involves gathering information about potential
customers, competitors, and overall market conditions. Marketing research, or
riset pemasaran, is a crucial function in the world of marketing. It is a
systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information to
help businesses make informed decisions. The main functions of marketing
research include understanding consumer needs, identifying market trends,
developing and improving products, formulating marketing strategies, and
gaining market insights. By conducting marketing research, businesses can
obtain objective and accurate data to guide their decision-making processes
and ultimately enhance their competitiveness in the market.
The specific functions of marketing research can be summarized as follows:
1. Understanding consumer needs and preferences.
2. Identifying market trends and changes.
3. Developing and improving products.
4. Formulating effective marketing strategies.
5. Gaining market insights and understanding target markets.
Marketing research plays a vital role in guiding businesses to make
informed decisions and implement successful marketing strategies. It is an
essential tool for understanding consumer behavior, market dynamics, and
competitive landscapes, ultimately contributing to the overall success of a
2. Product Development
Development of new products according to customer needs and wants.
The objective of product development is to cultivate, maintain, and increase a
company's market share by satisfying consumer demand. The product
development process begins with idea generation, research, planning,
prototyping, sourcing, costing, and commercialization. Marketing plays a
crucial role in product development by providing information about the target
market and competitors, encouraging flexibility in idea generation and
implementation, improving lead generation and conversions, and
distinguishing the product with a unique value proposition.
3. Pricing
Determining the appropriate price for a product or service by taking into
account production costs, profits, and price preferences of customers. Pricing
is a crucial function of marketing that involves determining the cost of a
product or service. It is the element of the marketing mix that leads to
revenues, unlike the other elements that incur costs. Pricing is also important
as a strategic tool as it creates customer value. Before deciding on a pricing
strategy, the company needs to consider its pricing objectives, which should
be aligned with the company's overall marketing and corporate objectives.
Some of the different types of pricing objectives may include attracting new
customers, retaining existing customers, preventing competitors from entering
the market, preventing competitors from gaining market share, attracting
customer attention to the release of a new product or brand, and increasing
sales of a specific product line.
The three key pricing strategies are customer value-based pricing, cost-
based pricing, and competition-based pricing. Effective pricing is as much art
as it is science, and brands need to find that sweet spot that balances how
customers value their goods or services. The perceived value of a brand
directly impacts its pricing strategy, and various pricing models may be
considered, such as choosing between one-time purchase and subscription
4. Promotion
To convey marketing messages to potential customers, such as
advertising, public relations, and sales promotions. The goal of promotion is
to build brand awareness, raise the company's profile, and attract new
customers. Promotion can be achieved through various marketing strategies,
such as advertising, public relations, direct marketing, local online marketing,
and content marketing. Promotional strategies often overlap with other
business units and awareness-building activities, such as advertising and
public relations.
5. Customer Handling
Increase consumer confidence in the product or service offered. Build
good connections with target consumers. Increase the number of transactions
and purchases of products or services.
6. Target Market
Determine the target market more specifically for products or services.
Defining a target market is a critical part of the decision-making process when
a company designs, packages, and advertises its product. It helps in tailoring
the marketing message, product specifications, packaging, and distribution to
appeal to the identified customers. Target market segmentation, the process of
dividing the target market into smaller, more specific groups, allows for the
creation of more relevant marketing messages for each group. Understanding
and defining the target market is essential for the development and
implementation of a successful marketing strategy, as it sets the tone for the
entire marketing approach and helps in improving overall marketing


A. Conclusions

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