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ow na EK AMPLE REPUBLIC OF KENYA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF KENYA Declaration of Income, Assets & Liabilities (The Public Officer Ethics Act, 2003) 1. Name of the Public Officer (Sumame) (First Name) (Other Names) _Ambapo Tamesoa Wam baPo 2. Birth Information a Date of Bitth: [e* March 1960 a b. Place of Birth: Taita- Tavetq Distret (Cov wT) 3. Marital Status: Marrleal or Single 4. Address a. Postal Address: Po. Box 399 voi b. Physical Address: DCS office Teita-Taveta ov Hove’ no, Ei D i 29 Meucongent estate. Or % motor Willa 5. Employment Information Motor sub Goce Tai tea taveta Diehsch a. Employment No. 19 87216374 i b. Designation SeniGe Clerical oypicer i UBUC Service Cag LSS COPRCS OPTED: DEce OP CRE Preside Wcei ¢ + NameofEmployer oy Ker rts “Authoreby, ov Mewn ponte & Court at “7 lover oa Ben, enya Pouce porte ete SAU, Or jer 7 Nature of Employment (Permanent; tempotary, chritreet cic) ime of Spouse or Spouses (Surpame) (First Name) ‘Other Names) Wan baeo Mrem bo jalke Sho (Sumame) (Eirst Name) ~ (Other Names) Gi) Wambapo Maug Wau le. (Sumame) First Name) (Qther Names) (i) Wambaee Filet Wanaishe (Surname) (Eirst Name) (Other Names) (iv) \WWearnloa po Rita Mary, (Sumame) (First Name) (Other Names) @) Names of dependent children under the age of 18 years (Surname) (First Name) (Other Names) @ Wewn bapo Wa uwan 2g (Sumame) (First Name) (Other Names) @) _Wamb«peo Pssa (Surname) (Fjrst Name), (Other Names) (i) ~_Wam bape hatt (Surname) (First Name) (Other Names) (iv) Wambepe lane AmbaPo- (Surnamne) (First Name) (Other Names) () (Sumame) (First Name) (Other Names) (vi) (Sumame) (First Name) (Other Names) vit) (Surname) (First Name) (Other Names) (vit) (Sumame) (First Name) (Other Names) (ex) (Surname) (First Name) (Other Names) Financial Statement for : (A separate statement is req 18 years. Additional sheets 8 ni Statement Date : Income, including jeewovern ber (including, but not limited to, salary and em ‘statement date to the current s is from the previous period is the year en Jameson Wan bapo Am bapo Cnamweés Tred for the officer and each spouse and dependent child under the age of should be added as required) 15% Novernber 201% _ emoluments, for period from, , st, to Db October 2olF uments and income from investments. The period ‘atement date. For an initial declaration, the ding on the statement date.) Description Approximate ‘Amount Crs two year Salary Cie =a 330,000 Gross two Year rent 1005 ©00 Gross 00 (ear Fnsorantce bonus 25, 000 Dowry veceved (9 Decor ber 2006 i5Q 0CO Gross two Year Encome form royat sree Bg coo Gress two year Gli aencls fron Ker Gen 5,000 | (including, but not li Assets (as of the statement di owed t0 the person for whom ate) land, buildings, vehicles, investments the statement is made) imited to, and financial obligations Description Approximate (include location of assets where applicable) Amount Ancestral land LP ve. moteAL falta -Taveic| Wea SOF 9G Dp paxtimcitety HE hac tare S00, coO Acqpired Liz N® moforie | TACea- vets NR Soh sei Bod hatlaes 200 000 Matai Nissan caravan KAT is6~ 650, 008 EWU BEA, MOTI AC Ne ; Cash he Eau AR, MOTD “Ne, eases cash ae haat eenioo 5 Again; ics Cher Livesfock < IA Gbry, beee, Boe eek veaiee ie Boo Coco Fewe len, GSo0, OC Assorted house holds Boo ceo | - t ~Adact ted 5 TOPN na “pala cl Ving 24 -c | Se, 600 Life {mSorance [ Sehovl foes polity valve 96 ove =, (pea wea eae JO, 000 J / j sue eaeuneANt Wate) J erasures GBI STE dave) & g Pew 21 f y Deseription Approximate i, Amount atstanding School fee x Cer as Aincver soy Fee Naud Be CO 9 TE i 50,000 GUtSTAN AINgG -frencly loan -from Jong Ai O50 attstanding Zqurby Bani joan 50 SoG outstanding Ke& Bank lean B42 CDG Out Stanaing vent arréare ZZ Ooo Outstanding briis CREE as hE | “US C006 owtstending Aowry for Babs ek Mex 22 coco Outstanding fmprese awe we GOK 35 000 | Outstanding Sealer, aavance 40 oD0 9. Other information that may be useful or relevant: @ Jie .. ancestral Lang LS registeree 1h the name OF my ate Graxafather Dinlone fon CUPL CES Fam Wy Fer Ss (ang, SUE Piece ih Hotm Tot, ; LOC ET LUC FS anforishe a lancet adjudicate . Tsolemnly declare that the information I have given in this declaration is, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete: Signature of officer: (sign as appmpnate ) Date: state the Hale of signing) Witness: Signatire: ___ sign as “pproprig|e ) Name: Cstate the name a¢ errenak ) Acdaess (State the address gp the osi ness) The iinet fe cee sivditing ee ctasl ee eee ee

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