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GRADE 3 (2023-24)

Note for parents: Worksheets are basically for reinforcement with sample questions on the
topics. Kindly avoid taking printouts and help your child to solve the worksheets at home
in a notebook.

QI Choose the correct answer as indicated in the bracket:

1. I flew from San Francisco_______ Zurich with the Swiss International Air Lines.
a) into
b) from
c) to

2. He usually goes on a holiday ______ July.

a) at
b) in
c) on

3. We were sitting in the boogie which was just _______ the engine of the train.
a) on
b) behind
c) in front

4. My parents always wish me ______my birthday.

a) in
a) at
b) on

5. The elevator didn't work and we had to walk ____ the stairs to the 15th floor.
a) over
b) past
c) up

6. The robber broke his leg when he tried to jump _____a wall.
a) over.
b) towards
a) through

7. He threw the ball _____ the fence and it landed on the roof of a car.
a) over
b) up
c) into
8.The interview is ____8 O’clock ______ Monday morning.
a) at, on
b) at, in
c) in, on

Q. II Identify and underline the incorrect prepositions in the sentences given below. Write
the correct preposition in the blank provided:
a. Rita rowed the boat under the sea. ____
b. Rohan jumped under the wall. ____
c. The masks must be put on the dustbin after use. ____
d. We should take care of protect ourselves from the seasonal flu. ______
e.The argument was with me and my friend. _______

QIII. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition of time:

a. The manager isn’t here ________ present, but she’ll be back _______half an hour.

b. It snows all the time _______ December.

c. She goes to dance class ________ Wednesdays.

d. The boys started eating their lunch _________ noon.

e. The party is ________ half past 6 ________ the afternoon.

f. I get lots of presents ________ my birthday.

g. They have not eaten __________ yesterday.

h. ___________ rainy season we use umbrellas.

QIV. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks using the correct prepositions:

Last Sunday, my mother had a big surprise ____ my sister and me. We were going to visit
the amusement park! Excitedly, we packed our lunches and hopped _____ the car. Mother
drove ___________ the freeway and _______ town _________ our destination. Finally, we
arrived _____ the Thrills and Chills Amusement Park. We almost started running ___ different
directions! Mom told us it was important ___ stay together. We took turns deciding ___ the
rides. Fortunately, my favourite ride was right next _______ my sister’s favourite roller coaster.
We rode roller coasters, bumper cars and racing boats together. At the end of the day, we
were exhausted _______ all the fun we had. We pretended we were flying ______
rollercoaster tracks ____ the way home. I had a wonderful time with my family.

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