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GRADE-3 (2023-2024)

Note for parents: Worksheets are basically for reinforcement with sample questions on
the topics. Kindly avoid taking printouts and help your child to solve the worksheets at
home in a notebook.

QI Choose the correct tense and fill in the blanks

1. The man ______ on to the terrace last night.

a. climbs
b. climbed
c. climbing

2. Prita ______ for her audition every evening.

a. practicing
b. practiced
c. practices

3. I ______ my work each day before I go to sleep.

a. revise
b. revising
c. revises

4. Father is angry with Tom as he ______ online video games all the time.
a. played
b. plays
c. will play

5. I will be happy if I go ______, along with the fishermen.

a. fishing
b. fishes
c. fish

QII Choose the correct auxiliary verbs given in the brackets:

1.Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ___________ (is /are) an interesting book to be read.
2.Our teachers ___________ (has / have) taught us good values of life.
3.The policemen ________ (has / have) their rule books in their hands.
4.There _________ (were / was) no tables and chairs in the room.
5.Sita completed the whole project quickly because it ________ (was / were) very interesting.
Q III Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs from the brackets:

a) Tina jumped and ______________ the ball. (catch / caught)

b) Every morning Ravi ________to work on his scooty. (went / goes)

c) We _________around the house and caught the kittens. (run / ran)

d) Tomorrow, Gita _________________ bread with butter for breakfast. (will eat / eat)

e) The earth ____________ on its axis. (rotates / will rotate)

f) Alia and Amin _______________fresh vegetables yesterday. (buy / bought)

QIV Do as directed:
1. Jane does her work on time. (Change into simple future tense.)
2. I order snacks for my relatives. (Change into simple past tense.)
3. Mother cooked meal for her neighbour’s children. (Change into simple present tense.)
4. Your brothers combed their hair before bed. (Change into simple future tense.)
5. Nina went to school in her car. (Change into simple present tense.)



6. Sarah helps Tina with her homework every day. (Change into simple past tense.)


QV Fill in the story with the correct tense of the verb given in the brackets.
(Note-The story should be written in the same tense throughout.)

The Ant and the Grasshopper

The ant and the grasshopper ___________ (are) good friends. In summer

the ant _________ (work) hard and _________ (fill) his storage with food.

Meanwhile the grasshopper ________ (enjoy) the fine weather and

_________ (play) all day. When winter __________ (come) the ant ________(is) lying cozily in

his home, ___________ (surround) by food he had ___________ (store) during the summer.

While the grasshopper was in his home hungry and freezing. He __________ (ask) the ant for

food, and the ant gave him some. But it wasn’t enough to last the entire winter.

When he _______ (try) to ask the ant again, the latter replied: “I’m sorry my friend but my food is

just enough for my family to last until the end of winter. If I give you more, we too will starve. We

_______ (have) the entire summer to prepare for the winter but you chose to play instead.”

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