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Quarter 2–Module 4:

Identifying Key Structural Elements of Arguments

What I Need to Know
At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. define arguments;
2. identify key structural elements of arguments; and,
3. write sound arguments.

What I Know


Directions: Choose the letter with the correct answer and write it in one whole sheet of
intermediate pad paper:
1. Which type of writing has differing points of view?
A. Argumentative writing C. Informative writing
B. Descriptive writing D. Narrative writing
2. What do you call your position on a debate topic?
A. claim C. quote
B. emotion D. reason
3. What is a debate topic?
A. an issue that cannot be debated
B. an issue that no one cares about
C. an issue that everybody has the same opinion of
D. an issue people feel strongly in favor of or opposed to
4. Which term means you strongly agree on something?
A. against C. opposed to
B. in favor of D. unsure of
5. What is an argument in writing?
A. a compromise C. a fistfight
B. a debate D. a verbal fight
6. In argument writing, you should have no more than how many main
reasons (arguments) to support your claim?
A. 1 C. 5
B. 3 D. 7
7. When you copy information exactly from a source, you must .
A. plagiarize
B. not use every word.
C. pretend it is your own work.
D. use quotation marks to show it is not your own work.
8. It is a number fact that you could include as evidence called.
A. anecdote C. fact
B. example D. statistic
9. What do you call convincing stories that relate to your claim?
A. an anecdote C. a fact
B. an example D. a statistic
10. It is a piece of information which can be proven.
A. fact C. example
B. statistic D. anecdote
Identifying Key Structural Elements of
2 Arguments

The ability to make an argument and reason out with a claim tests our
cognizance and intellectual capacity on a given situation depending on how we
perceived things. Understanding arguments uses one’s awareness. When you make an
argument, you are making a claim that you believe is true. For example, you might
argue that you should allow that you have a pet dog. To make an effective argument
and convince your reader you are right, you will need to provide examples or evidences
that support your claim.

What’s In
Task 2: My Opinion

Direction: Answer these questions in 2-3 sentences based on your own understanding
or opinion. Do this in your English notebook.

1. What was the last topic/issue you argue about at home?

2. When was the last time you had to put forward an argument about something?
3. How can you make a convincing argument? What should you do and say?
4. What is the difference between a discussion and an argument?

What’s New

Task 3: What’s the Word, That’s the Word

Direction: Analyze the conversation below and complete the missing letters in the box.
Write your answer on your English notebook
Mark: There are some studies that I have read stating that for many years, some
children growing up in a single parent family have been viewed as different.
Lady: What do you mean by different? I know of someone who belonged to a broken
family but she seemed okay with me. There is nothing different about her.
Mark: I think so, too. However, the research shows some statistics that a child who is
raised by a single mother or a single father alone tends to be more of a recluse than
that of a child who is raised by both mother and father.
Lady: So what is your personal take on this particular issue?
Mark: Well, I think, it is better for a child to really grow up with both parents by his/her
side. What about you?
Lady: Yes, that might be true; but, I think it is not just the family structure that matters
the most. It should be the values – the godly values that are taught to children as they
grow up that should be given more emphasis on. So, whether a child has two parents
by his/her side or he/she has one parent only, with the proper guidance the child will
surely grow up maximizing his/her attitude, skills and potentials.
Mark: I still stick to having two parents by the side of a growing child. Anyways, you still
got a point.


What Is It

Key Structural Elements of Arguments

What is an argument?
 It is a discussion in which people express different opinions about something.
 It is a viewpoint, claim or line of reasoning forwarded by authors or writers.

An argument is composed of two kinds of statement:

1. The Conclusion (main claim) – the statement which follows from the other
statement; and
2. The Premise (evidence/reasons) –those statements which are intended to support
the conclusion.
Premise or Evidence Indicators

Words that introduce or appear in an argument premise (evidence) include:

since may be inferred given that seeing that

as indicated by because for the reason that in as much as however
for owing to
in that as due and

Conclusion Indicators

Words that introduce or appear in an argument conclusion include:

therefore wherefore accordingly

it may be inferred that it must be that whence
we may conclude entails that
thus consequently it follows that implies that as a result then

Note: If an argument has no indicators at all, then good English style suggests that the
topic sentence of the paragraph is the conclusion of the argument.
Remember this formula:

ARGUMENT = Conclusion + Reason

Conclusion Indicator Reason
1. Prohibited drugs because they are harmful to one’s
should be banned physical, mental, social,
and emotional being.
2. DSWD went due to the large number of
through a time of SAP beneficiaries.
3. The medical however it is not yet proven to be
experts are trying to effective for everyone.
discover covid-19

The following are pieces of advice in formulating an argument:

1. Have a clear standpoint – make sure that your audience knows what your opinion is.
2. Present a logical sequence of reasons for your argument so that it is easy to follow.
3. Provide supporting arguments and evidence to strengthen your view.
4. If you refer to other people’s opinions, you can contrast them with your own.
5. Make sure to reformulate your argument so the audience hears it one more time.
6. Summarize your main point at the end of your argument.

What’s More
Activity 1

Directions: Decide on whether the statement has the basic structure of an argument or
not. Write (√) if the statement has or (X) if it does not have. Write the answers in your
English notebook.
1. Since we are affected by the pandemic, the government should provide
necessary action.
2. The government should provide necessary action.
3. ABS-CBN is no longer operational.
4. ABS-CBN is no longer operational due to many violations.
5. People must be informed about the current situation of the country because they
are affected.
6. People must be informed about the current situation of the country.
7. Covid-19 is a pandemic disease.
8. As indicated by the news, Covid-19 is a pandemic disease.
9. China is claiming the West Philippine Sea because it is rich in marine ecosystem,
gas and oil deposits, and it’s an ideal location for military strategies.
10. China is claiming the West Philippine Sea.
Activity 2

Directions: Copy the sentences in your English notebook then, underline the correct
indicator inside the parenthesis.
1. (As indicated by, It follows that) the DOH, in a Modified General Community
Quarantine (MGCQ) we still have to follow health protocols like handwashing
habit, maintaining social distancing and wearing of face mask.
2. ABS-CBN shutdown is final (however, since) there are fans who are still hoping
for its comeback.
3. (In as much as, We may conclude) the Kapamilya supporters want the ABS-CBN
to operate, the decision is already made.
4. Always wash your hands, maintain social distancing, and wear face mask and
face shield (because, so) we don’t see the virus.
5. There are millions of deaths brought by the pandemic; (therefore, however) we
should take care of ourselves.
6. According to the investigation, a lot of violations were committed by ABS-CBN
(so, for) it is necessary for it to be shutdown.
7. (We may infer that, Since) the employees of ABS-CBN were emotional because
of what happened.
8. (Due, Accordingly) to the shutdown of ABS-CBN, Kapuso launched its GMA
Affordabox where viewers can watch their favorite movie anytime.
9. Face to face instruction is allowed (given that, then) there is already vaccine for
10. President Duterte signed the new law on the opening of classes on August 2020,
(hence, for) the DepED had much longer preparation.

Activity 3
Directions: Look at the advice for formulating an argument. Which pieces of advice do
you think are APPROPRIATE? Which are INAPPROPRIATE? Write A for appropriate
and I for inappropriate. Do this in your English notebook.
1. Have a clear standpoint – make sure that your audience knows what your opinion
2. Don’t make your argument clear until just before you conclude.
3. Present a logical sequence of reasons for your argument so that it is easy
to follow.
4. Provide supporting arguments and evidence to strengthen your view.
5. Give many different examples of why your opinion is valid.
6. If you refer to other people’s opinions, you can contrast them with your own.
7. Present a logical sequence of reasons for your argument so that it is easy to follow.
8. Use insults to make your partner’s argument weaker.
9. Make sure to reformulate your argument so the audience hears it one more time.
10. Summarize your main point at the end of your argument.
Activity 4

Directions: From the given indicators below, choose one from each row and write your
own argument on your notebook. (3 pts each)
Claim  I strongly believe…
What do you believe?  (topic) is important for many reasons…
 Everyone should…
 In my opinion…
Evidence  For example…
Give examples that support your  Another reason why…
claim.  You would agree if you knew…
 Not many people know that…
Counter Argument  Some people say…
What might someone say if  It may be true that…
they disagreed with you?  It’s easy to think…
 You might argue that…
Rebuttal  …but I argue that…
What would you say to the  However, the truth is…
person who disagreed with you  …but when you look at the facts…
to change their mind?  But, the evidence shows…
Conclusion  In conclusion…
Restate your claim in a powerful  Now you can see why…
way!  It is clear that…
 Therefore….


Directions: From the given essay below, identify the premise and the conclusion
indicator and write it in your English notebook. Refer on the table given. (2pts each
correct answer.)
Premise Indicator Conclusion Indicator
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.

School from Home Should Be Implemented

Homeschooling means learning outside of the public or private school

environment which means that the students will study at home. In this time of pandemic
disease, the Department of Education is busy on preparing and planning about the
school year 2020-2021. Due to the enhanced community quarantine brought by the
coronavirus disease (COVID-19), many parents are starting to worry about the
studies of their children, prompting them to look for other educational options or
alternatives that would enable students to continue learning even if schools remain
closed. Therefore, school from home should be implemented because of the threat of

First reason why school from home should be implemented is it is an ideal

option at this time where everyone is advised to stay at home to curb the pandemic.
DepEd Secretary Leonor M. Briones, said that DepEd is carefully studying and
evaluating its implementation for the reason that homeschooling follows a
curriculum that is approved by DepEd.

Another reason why school from home should be implemented, is there are
parents who don’t want to enroll their children this school year 2020-2021. Seeing
that the case of covid-19 is continuously increasing every single day we may infer
that they are dreadful about the health of their children.

The above statement shows that the threat of Covid-19 is widespread hence,
school from home should be implemented until the vaccine will be out of the market.
Since President Rodrigo Roa Duterte sign the new law to adjust the opening of classes
instead of August 2020, then the DepEd will have more time planning and preparing a
good learning modality for the sake of the students as Briones said that “Education must
continue even in times of crisis whether it may be a calamity, disaster, emergency,
quarantine, or even war.

Additional Activities
Directions: Write two arguments you have encountered today. Just make sure there is
a conclusion and at least one premise. (10 points each.) Do this in your notebook.

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