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Name: Bea Nicole D.

Basañez Date: 03-21-2023

Course/Year Level/Section: BSPH-1F
Express yourself by having this question in mind: "Which among the theological and
cardinal virtues that you can relate the most? Why?"

Among the theological and cardinal virtues that I can relate the most is the faith and
temperance, respectively. First is the theological virtue, faith. I can relate to this than
the other 2 theological virtues because as a person who is brought up in a very strict
in terms of religion household, we were taught in such a young age about how
everything starts with having faith in God and since it was taught during childhood, it
was inculcated in our being. But as we grew older, we cannot take out the obstacles
on the way which includes the test on how strong the faith that is inculcated within. By
being given the hardships in life, I experienced my faith being wavered in many ways
possible in many occurrences but thankfully, with the help of God, I went through it
and it even became stronger than ever.

As for the cardinal virtue, temperance, I chose it because I have never been good at
keeping my temperament since I was a child. I am very impatient and is very short-
fused to the point that even the smallest thing that I can find that triggers my
annoyance will get an outburst from me. Good thing that as I grew older, I came to
learn on how to control it and impressively, I made progress. Even if it’s just small
steps, it can lead to bigger changes in life. Also, one of the reasons why I chose
temperament is because I want to continue honing it for betterment to become the
best version of myself.

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