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This study aims to know the efficacy of the oregano oil as a mosquito repellent. The

researchers wanted to know the effectiveness of the said repellent to the people who

have tried and must try the product. Oregano oil is an antibacterial and insect repellant

that is widely used. It contains active compounds including carvacrol, thymol, and -

terpinene, which have been shown to be particularly effective in repelling mosquitos.

Since the oregano oil is known as an insect repellent, then data that is gathered and

observed with the 5 researchers as for they are the one who performed the experiment.

They have observed that when they apply the oregano oil to their skin the mosquitoes

wouldn’t even get the chance to go near them, because of its fragrance. So, the SIP

that the researchers have made is an effective product to repel mosquitoes.

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