Ellysabeth Putry - 2206840713 - Tugas 5

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Nama : Ellysabeth Putry

NPM : 2206840713
Kelas : RS-1

Latihan ICD 9

No Deskripsi Lead Term Kode ICD 9

1 Piercing of pinna Incision 18.01
2 Electrocoagulation of external ear Excision 18.29
3 Myringoplasty by cauterization Myringoplasty 19.4
4 Canaloplasty of external auditory meatus Reconstruction 18.6
5 Reconstruction ear prominent or protruding Reconstruction 18.5
6 Aspiration of middle ear Myringotomy 20.09
7 Tympanoplasty with fenestra in semicircular cana Other Tympanoplasty 19.55
8 Cauterization inner ear by injection Injection 20.72
9 Removal of foreign body with incision from ear Removal 18.09
10 Lysis of adhesions of middle ear Incision 20.231

No Prosedur atau Tindakan Lead Term Kode ICD 9

1 Excision polip pada hidung Excision 21.31
2 Control of epitaxis by anterior nasal packing Control 20.01
3 Local excision or destruction of intranasal lesion Excision 21.31
4 Polypectomy pada nasal Excision 21.31
5 Turbinectomy by diathermy or cryosurgery Turbinectomy 21.61
6 ncision of external auditory canal Incision 18.02
7 Puncture of nasal sinus for aspiration or lavage Aspiration 22.01
8 Simple mastoidectomy Mastoidectomy 20.41
9 Odontectomy NOS Excision 23.19
10 Extraction of other tooth (cabut gigi) Removal 23.09
11 Removal of residual root Removal 23.11
12 Closed needle biopsy of nasal sinus Biopsy 22.11
13 Sinusectomy sphenoid Sinusectomy 22.64
14 Reconstruction of nose with arm flap Reconstruction 21.83
15 Wide excision of lesion of lip Excision 27.42
Latihan ICD 9 Bab

1. Diagnosa Utama : Pneumothorax (J93)

Diagnosa Sekunder :

 Bronkiektasis terinfeksi (J47)

 Malnutrisi berat (E43)
 TB Paru dalam pengobatan OAT bulan ke 3
(A15.0) Tindakan :

 Pasang WSD (34.04)

 CT scan (87.41)
 Rontgen Thorax (87.44)

2. Diagnosa Utama : Varises esofagus (185.9)

Diagnosa Sekunder : Sirosis hepatis non-B non-C Child-Pugh A

(K74.6) Tindakan :
 Fibroscan (88.73)
 USG Abdomen (88.76)
 Ligasi VE (42.91)

3. Diagnosa Utama : Post Partum Vaginal After Cesarian Section

(075.7) Diagnosa Sekuder :

 Bekas SC (034.2)
 Ruptur Perineum Grade 3 (70.2)
 AKI (N17.8)
 DM Tipe 1 (E10)
 Partus Spontan vertex (80.0)
Tindakan :

 Parineoraphy (71.79)
 Partus Spontan + insersi IUD (080.0 dan 69.7)

4. Diagnosa Utama : Batu ureter distal kanan (N20.1)

Diagnosa Sekunder :
 Infeksi saluran kemih (N39.0)
 AKI (N17.8)
 Hidronefrosis
(N13.3)Tindakan :

 ureteroscopy lithotripsi (URS) Kanan (56.86)

 Injeksi antibiotik (99.21)
 Pemeriksaan kultur urin (91.3)
 USG (88.7)

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