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In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirement

In Practical Research 2

A Research paper presented to

Mr. Lee Franciss C. Sagum

Presented by:

OCAY, Julia Marie E. – St. Paul

PALOMA, Rona Jean R. – St. Paul

QUIÑANOLA, Mary Ann D. – St. Paul

REDULLA, Ashley Jule S. – St. Paul

REMONDE, Ma. Daniela S. – St. Paul

SAGRADOS, Gwyneth B. – St. Paul

SAMIANA, Lendle G. – St. Paul

SOMBRIO, Kobe G. – St. Paul

SUMBELING, Bryne G. – St. Paul

TANAKA, Hiroshi M. – St. Paul

December 2021

This research title entitled, THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA TO THE HOLISTIC


BABAK IN THE NEW NORMAL, prepared and submitted by OCAY, Julia Marie E.,

PALOMA, Rona Jean R., QUIÑANOLA, Mary Ann D., REDULLA, Ashley Jule S.,

REMONDE, Ma. Daniela , SAGRADOS, Gwyneth B., SAMIANA, Lendle G., SOMBRIO,

Kobe G., SUMBELING, Bryne G., TANAKA, Hiroshi M. in partial fulfillment of the

subject Practical Research 2 has been examined and recommended for Oral

Examination, Acceptance, and Approval.


Lee Franciss C. Sagum


This research paper becomes a reality with the kind support and help of many

individuals. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of them.

Foremost, We want to offer this endeavor to our GOD Almighty for the wisdom

he bestowed upon us, the strength, peace of our mind and good health in order to finish

this research paper.

We would like to express our gratitude towards to our teacher, Mr. Lee Francis

Sagum for the encouragement which helped us in completion of this research paper.

We would like also to express our special gratitude to the selected grade 11 and

grade 12 students of Holy Cross of Babak who become our respondents in doing this

research paper.

Last but not the least; we would like to thank you our beloved family and friends

for supporting us and helping us doing this research paper.


Social media exposes students to a new way of learning. Students who use

social media on a regular basis are more inventive and have better recall. It

encourages students to be creative and think outside the box, which opens up new

research possibilities. Students can also join online or social groups that reflect aspects

of their personalities that they want to learn more about or develop. Anxiety about online

safety, health, and balanced social media use, including unwanted materials exposure,

online victimization, and the practice of dangerous online behaviors. They openly share

their opinions, which were previously kept private or reserved for a select few, with

varying degrees of accuracy, honesty, and openness.


Title page

Approval sheet i

Acknowledgement ii

Abstract iii

Table of content iv

Chapter 1: Introduction 1

Purpose of the study

Statement of the problem

Significance of the study

Scope and limitations

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

Chapter 3: Conceptual Framework

Narrative Conceptual Framework

Chapter 4: Methodology


Background of the study

Students, in particular, can now communicate and share ideas in real time

via a variety of social media platforms, regardless of their geographical location or

distance. This is only one example of how social media has benefited students.

Students are also exposed to a new manner of learning through social media.

According to studies, pupils who use social media frequently are more innovative and

have superior recall. It opens up new research options by pushing students to be

creative and think outside the box, which may go a long way in an age where innovation

is appreciated.

Social media sites offer students new opportunities and challenges for self-

expression of individual’s worth to the world (their likes & dislikes) and get immediate

feedbacks. Most of the students express their views to both the known and unknown

recipients. They widely share their views with varying degrees of accuracy, honesty and

openness that have been private before now or reserved for selected individuals.

Students can also join internet or social groups reflecting aspects of their personality

they wish to discover or develop (Kolek & Saunders, 2008). With respect to

psychosocial development, the use of social media has influences matters such as

individuality formation and social skill advancement. A current study opined that social

media usage may have positive consequence, with how youth cope with emotional

disturbance with particular reference to grieving due to the passing of someone

(Williams & Merten, 2009). Anxiety about safety, health and balanced use of social

media can be classified in three main groups; worries about the exposition to unwanted

materials, online victimization and the practice of dangerous online behaviors.

Many parents are worried over their children’s habit on Facebook, WhatsApp,

2Go, and other social media sites because they are of the opinion that their children

now hardly have time to read, as reported by Flad (2010), social media networking do

not only allow students to keep profile and host of friends as well as followers but the

sending of emails, messages, sharing of videos and pictures at their fingertips. There

has also been a concern on the possible effect of day.


The purpose of this study is to make the students, teachers, and parents aware

about the impacts of social media to the holistic development of senior high school

students of Holy Cross of Babak in the new normal. And to be able to be used as

reference to the future researchers who will study about the connectivity of their

research to this research study.


This study aims to determine the Impact of Social Media to the Holistic

Development of Senior High School Students of HCB in the New Normal.

Its specific goal is to provide answers to the following questions:




Survey questions:

1. What social media app/s do you often use or access?

2. How much time do you approximately consume in using or accessing this

app/s? Do you take breaks?

3. Does this app/s help you interact with other people? How?

4. How does this app/s affect you and your holistic development? Does it have

a negative or positive effect on you?

5. Would you recommend this app/s to other people like friends and family?

Why? Why not?


All study has a purpose to all people, the researcher does not research a study

without a purpose to the world.

The study is significant to all people who had able to read this study because

after they read, they can know what this study is all about. And it is also significant to

the students, teachers, and to all people because they are involved to this study.

 Students

This study is significant to the students because it lets them easier and more

convenient to access information and it help students to create and manage a

study community.

 Teachers

This study is significant to the teachers because it provides a platform for

teachers to share, network, and build professional learning communities.

 Co-researchers

This study is significant to the co-researchers because this will help them

solve the problem regarding the obstacle and events that are affecting the


This research focused on the elements that influence senior high school

students’ academic performance in new normal setting. It examines whether the

outcomes are favorable or unfavorable as a result of the aforementioned elements.

The researchers focused on senior high school students of Holy Cross of Babak

as the subject of the study. Furthermore, researchers choose 5 random students from

grades 11 and 12 for the total of 10 students as the respondents in our set of

questionnaires. Subsequently, the researchers devise assessment techniques for

analyzing and evaluating the data acquired.



Social media are contemporary computer-based learning tools which offer

applicable up to date knowledge and skills whenever needed. This can contribute both

beneficial and detrimental to holistic development of the students. Today on the new

normal students are engrossed in social media using their gadgets and other search

engines. This could deal a huge blow on their holistic development considering they will

be too engrossed on social media than developing their holistic skills.

Yesilyurt et al. (2014) showed that access to a home computer and internet

connection contributes to students’ academic performance as well as self-learning skills.

Olatokun (2008) indicated that most students believed the internet to be far better and

convenient than their school libraries. The study pointed out that students see the

internet as a source for general knowledge, and it really helps them improve their

reading habits leading to an improvement in their academic performance. Siraj et al.

(2015) affirmed that students perceived the internet as a supplement for learning and

thus contributes to higher academic feat. Ogedebe (2012) agreed that majority of

students obtain relevant information such as academic materials from the internet. This

suggests that students use the internet to enhance their study.

Though social media can increase student leaming through student interactions,

challenges arise when social media are incorporated into an academic course. The

assumption that students are familiar with and agreeable e to using certain types of

social media can cause educators to inadvertently fail to provide the resources or
rencouragement t ill necessary to support student usage and learning (Cole, 2009:

Viljatags & Fiedler, 2000)

Social media can also be a challenging instructional strategy to incorporate

because it attempts to balance the authority of the educator with the active participation

of the students Collaboration through social media supports more of a constructivist

approach to learning, where students and educators can work together to co-create

understanding of a particular topic, rather than an approach that emphasizes individual

contributions (Stevens, 2009).

Online social networking sites, such as Facebook, can help students become

academically and socially integrated as well as improving learning outcomes. The

researchers explain that Facebook usage is around 90% across campuses and many

educational institutions. Students reported that it could enhance and maintain

friendships, build social networks/establish virtual relationships, diminish barriers to

making friends, follow peer trends, share photos, for fun and leisure and to keep in

touch with family. In terms of learning, students reported that Facebook allowed them to

connect with the faculty and other students in term of friendship/social relationship,

provide comments to peers/share knowledge, share feelings with peers, join Groups

established for subjects, collaboration: notification, discussion, course schedule, project

management calendar and to use educational applications for organizing learning

activities. (Wen Tian et al, 2015)

Better understanding potential roles of social media in social support and social

adjustment of international students in the United States is important, especially given

the growing number of international students in the United States and the increased

significance of social media in their lives. The total number of international students

enrolled in U.S. colleges reached a record high of 974,926 as of 2015, accounting for

4.2 percent of the total students in the U.S. higher education during the period (Institute

of International Education, 2014). However, there is insufficient research on this topic. In

particular, little research has investigated how international students’ social psychology

and social media use combine to influence perceived levels of social support and social


Social media can play an important role in international students receiving

relevant social support and acquiring resources for adjusting to college experiences in a

different country. Increasingly, young adults around the world manage their social ties

through popular social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram (Gray, et al.,

Amold and Paulus (2010) found that even when social media is used for an educational

purpose, students incorporate the technology into their lives in a v a way that may differ

from the intentions of the course instructor. For example, off-topic or non-academic

discussions occur on social media because of its primary design as a social networking


According to Joey Aviles and Rosanna Esquivel from Panpacific University North

Philippines-Tayug Campus and Angeles University Foundation, “Philippine Higher

Education Institutions (HEIs) integrate social media (SM) platform like Facebook to

digitally market their position and brand, post announcements, news and other pertinent

information about their institution. Though SM is used in education, it is noted that its
primary purpose is for users’ online social engagement. SM users react to posts,

comment and give their sentiments on a particular topic to discuss and share their daily

life in an informal and casual manner. Students even create unofficial Facebook pages

associated to their institution and post their experiences and sentiments. These digital

footprints of SM users could be a good source to use Data Mining (DM) techniques to

understand HEI stakeholders’ experiences and form decision-making interventions to

improve quality education.”

According to Duvince Zhalimar Dumpit and Cheryl Joy Fernandez from

University of the Philippines Visayas, Iloilo City, Philippines, “In today’s digital economy,

success in businesses is attributed to the effective use of information and

communications technology (ICT). Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are not

exempted from these rapidly changing technological advancements and hence, cannot

afford to lag behind these developments as these can provide valuable insights to the

academic community. For instance, students of today have become technologically

savvy and pro-active users of ICTs. They are seen as ‘active producers of knowledge’

as they become responsible for their learning (McLoughlin & Lee, 2008). Thus, HEIs,

especially educators, need to plan to address uncertainties by discovering/adapting new

ways and processes to enhance student learning, performance, and satisfaction

through the use of ICT.”

According to Jinky Marie T. Chua and Jennifer L. Luyun from Cagayan State

University, Tuguegarao, Cagayan, Philippines, “In today's generation, a gadget

becomes an indispensable companion that becomes our means in achieving the goal.

This study determined the use and effects of social media to the values of tertiary
school students, which can be used as a basis for the development of an educational

program. In general, it is found that the benefits and effects of social media are

significantly related to the values of young adults. Facebook/Messenger, Twitter, and

Instagram are the top three social media sites used by the students. Majority of the

student respondents strongly agreed that their day is not complete if they do not open

their social media accounts, but overall social media has an excellent effect on the


Social media is a composition of activities that contains socializing through the

use of words, pictures, and videos. It is a form of digital communication media which

gives the ability for everyone to interact, associate, and share and form a room to

disseminate content with the use of the internet. Social media has become a powerful

and impacted the whole world in every aspect, especially students. Internet and social

media are essential to students nowadays now that it became a part of their daily lives.

Now that students are studying under the new learning system, which is through

online methods, it is no doubt that social media can affect their academic life in some

ways. (Jacinto et al, 2021)

Social media grab the attention of the students and then diverts it towards non-

educational and inappropriate actions including useless chatting and extreme web

surfing. Based on the above statement we can say that social media may badly affect

the study habits, academic life and learning experiences of the student. Moreover, such

enormous increase of the youths using social media in the world, a lot of concerns in

fact cut across from parents, church leaders, politicians and educationists on the

unknown effect of social media on various aspects of human life. It is therefore very
important to check on the influence of social media and their academic study habit

which is a very important activity for them particularly in the life of a student.

(Alejandrino et al, 2018)

According to Casimera Bastasa, a teacher from Barangay Cogon, "The holistic

development of Senior Highschool Student nowadays is very crucial because of the use

of social media in the New Normal Education. Thus, social media has an alarming

potential to negatively influence numerous aspects of a Student's holistic development,

including mental health, beliefs, sexual initiation, and social isolation. However, social

media also have positive effects on child health." (Bastasa, 2021)

According to Wilfredo Roxas, a teacher in Assumption Academy of Peňaplata,

“Apps are very important in this new normal, especially for the distance learning that is

on-going. I use multiple apps like google meet, zoom, some LMS apps, and other

educational apps that support distance learning. Apps are very important in this

newnormal, especially for the distancelearning that is on-going. I usemultiple apps like

google meet,zoom, some LMS apps, and othereducational apps that supportdistance


According to Raven Gamba, a student from Fiat Lux Academe, Dasmariñas

Campus,” The effects of social media to the holistic development of Senior High School

Students in this generation can be alarming and dangerous at the same time. It is

because of the if these negative factors that can lead them to some serious changes

wherein, they change their typical habits, the ones that they love doing the most in the
past feels like they don't want it anymore. This also affects their physical appearance

and the way of their perspective on to something.”



Figure 1.1

Socialization learning, ideas,
inspirations, etc.



Online and
from school Cyber bullying
illegal scams

According to figure 1.1, it appears that social media may have positive effects to

the students. Socialization might be one of them, it appears students have develop their

socialization in terms of social media it can assist them. Through social media,

friendship might be initiated in some students as of nowadays that most of the students

have social media. Social media can be a source of knowledge and ideas, mostly used

for searching and so on.

Although the impact of social media in students may have a positive effect, there

will be a negative effect in terms of long term exposure. Such as, it may appear as a

distraction from school activities which may also result to the limitation of knowledge

and some failure. Also social media right now may harm people by their emotional and

mental aspects. Apparently it appears social media may have some suspicious scam

and illegal shenanigans occurring which may harm people.



The impacts of social media can have negative and positive effects on the

holistic development to the students. The social media, including applications used by

the youth today, most especially that we are facing different adversities in the new

normal education system. The social media is an effective component that students can

use whenever and wherever, and the potential and advancement of technology

continues to be progressive.

The study conducted using survey questionnaires because the study intended to

investigate the impacts of social media to the holistic development of the senior high

school students of Holy Cross of Babak during the new normal. According to Hitesh

Bhasin, “Data collected from descriptive research is helpful in important decision-

making because the data is obtained from a large population. Because using the

descriptive survey method, statistical information can be obtained, and analysis of

that data can be made to deduce desired results.”(Bhasin 2019). The instruments

used for the study consists of five self-structured questionnaires, all they need to do is

honestly answer the questions to the survey.




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