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Group 4

Nway Ei Ei Zaw 1661001683 (morning)

May Soe Thar 1660390947 (afternoon)
Nanthawat pangphom 1660390673 (morning)
Chaphoom Chuakitcharoen 1660390681 (morning)
Asawin Natthatrakullert 1660390731 (morning)
Napatsaporn Rakratthananun 1661000032 (morning)
May ThitsarKhin 1660391028 (afternoon)

Today we choose about cheating in marriage or divorce events on media. Most of the midea
comes form Korea dramas and movies which shows about marriage falling apart or some like keeping
secrets from your partners. On the surface, it seems like media wants us to show about thoses things are
bad for us and to the environment, damaging the child’s mental and out of last is to the finance. For
example like The world of the Marriage which was the most hot topic when was aired. After the hit of
this serie, this kinds of genre have become popular and many more series like this have came out.
Most of us like K-drams love to watch those movies or series, But how that effects us? Well, lets
look in a way of poor educated person or millianls who believes in every media said. We look at those
Drama and we’ll be like “oh I can do this way…I can cheat to my partner and keep secrets form him/her…
There’s no damage to the environment” and then do it or learn from it. Well that’s for the brainless
people will say or do. We got brains and we know thatbus not possible to do.. And we do know that will
effects to our surrounding, our mental and everything.

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