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Task 1 Prepared by: NAWOSAH ADITYA SINGH Submitted to: MR JUKHOO Date to submission: TITLE: Identifying a suitable project or activities Purpose of this report Fruits salads is a dish consisting of various kinds of fruits. In different forms fruit salads can be served as an appetizer, a side-salad, ora dessert. It is very good for our health, people who eat fruit as part of an overall healthy diet generally have a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Fruits are important sources of many nutrient, potassium. eMethodology There are different ways to prepare the fruit salads. First preparation is the following to wash some apples, then cut into quarters removing the core and cut into chunks. Divide the oranges into segments. Wash grapes and cut into half each one. Cut bananas and kiwis into slices. Cut pineapple into chunks. And finally place all the fruits into a bowl, add the orange juice and mix well. You Can also. serve on its own or with a scoop of ice cream. The next best way to make fresh fruit salad is to clean the fruit well under cold water to remove any dirt or residue. Then cut all fruit into slices. Once you have added all the fruit in a bowl, add % cup of citrus juice like pineapple, orange, grapefruit or lemon. The citrus will give it a better taste. Analysis tools used Basically, | made use of two analysis tools namely: PESTEL Analysis and SWOT Analysis in order to get a better perception of the potential risks and problems like political factors, economic factors and so on that | might face while carrying out my project. In addition, | will get to know about the benefits involved in setting up the business and whether my enterprise will be successful. elnspiration | really inspired the entrepreneur Richard Branson as he is a self- confidence and challenging person. He is also an investor, author and philanthropist as he donates money for a good cause. Personally, my inspiration is to create a well-known brand name and sell my product over the world. Option 1: - Selling burgers and juice Summary of the project This idea is about setting up a food stand at school which will be given a first try on the Enterprise Day and if successful, will continue to operate every year during lunch activities. | will have to bring the equipment and ingredients needed at the stand, and with the help of 5 of my classmates, we will prepare the burgers and fruit juice at school itself. | will try to offer juice of 3 different fruits and different varieties of burgers in order to access a large number of customers. | think that posters will be an appropriate advertising method for this option. Need or Problem it solves Since there are many students who do not bring a lunch box to school, | think they can benefit from ‘on to go meals’ at an affordable price. Option 2: - ice cream stall Summary of the project | would like to set up an ice-cream stall at school which will operate on the Enterprise Day. Firstly, | will buy the equipment, raw- materials and ingredients required, and then | will take the help of my mother to prepare the ice-cream at home. On the day of my operation, five of my classmates and my enterprise teacher will assist me in setting up the stall and selling the ice-cream cones. Students and teachers will have the choice of three different ice cream flavors which will be served in cones and sell with different toppings according to customer's taste. My main objective is to sell healthy homemade ice-cream to students and teachers at school. In order to advertise my enterprise, | will stick posters at school and also make use of the social media. Need or Problem it solves There is a gap in the market of such deserts at school, therefore both students and teachers can benefit from nitrous homemade ice- cream at affordable prices. Ice- cream usually stimulates one’s brain, so students can have a fresher mind to study. Option 3: - fruit salad Summary of the project The idea of setting off a food stand which | am going to sell fruit salads. First and foremost, | will buy the equipment, raw-materials and ingredients required, then will take help with and my mother to cut all my fruit into slices, add all ingredients such as pineapple, mango, cucumber, and last but not least tamarina. On that day of my operation, | will take some help with my classmates and also some teachers as it would be difficult for me to serve and take money at the same time. It will be served in two ways, regular size and medium size. It will be an affordable where the student or teacher can buy. Need or Problem it solves It will be heathy if after the lunch of the students, the need to have a dessert so | decided to sell them a freshly home-made salad which will be good for the digestion. Entrepreneurial Skills Creativity Creativity is needed to run an enterprise because the market is now developing with technology, we have to create new good. Team building It is important to have team building because working together means a success to the enterprise optimistic It is important to have an optimistic think because it helps to motivate the workers around us and do not lose hope Problem solving Problem solving is the most important thing because the entrepreneur must know how to solve the problem quickly to move on in the business perseverance Entrepreneur need to persevere, especially when their enterprise is experiencing difficulties a a | Creativity

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