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Product Subscriptions with Support

Docker Enterprise Edition ( is a subsc ription of software, support,

and c ertific ation for enterprise dev and IT teams building and managing c ritic al apps in produc tion at sc ale.
Doc ker EE provides a modern and trusted platform for all apps with integrated management and sec urity
ac ross the app lifec yc le, and inc ludes three main tec hnology c omponents: the Doc ker daemon (fka "Engine"),
Doc ker Trusted Registry (DTR), and Doc ker Universal Control Plane (UCP). Doc ker EE is validated and supported
to work in spec ific operating environments as outlined in the Doc ker Compatibility Matrix
(/Polic ies/Compatibility_Matrix), adhere to the Doc ker Maintenanc e Lifec yc le
(/Polic ies/Maintenanc e_Lifec yc le), and is supported within the defined Doc ker S c ope of S upport
(/Polic ies/S c ope_of_S upport) and Docker Commercial Support Service Levels. Refer to the S ubsc ription
S ervic es (https://www.doc ker.c om/subsc ription-servic es) or the End User S ubsc ription Agreement
(https://www.doc ker.c om/doc ker-software-end-user-subsc ription-agreement) for more information. To view the
latest updates and upgrade instruc tions, visit the release notes for daemon (https://doc s.doc ker.c om/doc ker-
trusted-registry/c s-engine/release-notes/release-notes/), DTR (https://doc s.doc ker.c om/doc ker-trusted-
registry/release-notes/release-notes/), and UCP (https://doc s.doc ker.c om/uc p/release_notes/).

These c ommerc ial support levels are in effec t only for the Doc ker EE produc t family. They are not in effec t for
other Doc ker produc ts suc h as Doc ker Community Edition, Doc ker Cloud, Doc ker Hub, Doc ker Compose, and
similar software and servic es.

Business Day Business Critical

Basic Support
Support Support
Coverage Hours n/a 9:00am - 6:00pm loc al All hours for P1, otherwise 9:00am -
time 1 Monday - Friday 6:00pm loc al time 1 Monday - Friday
Initial Response No S LA, c ommerc ially
Time S LA reasonable "best effort" 2 business hours 2 hours (when initiated by phone)
4 business hours 4 business hours
Urgent (P1)
12 business hours 12 business hours
High (P2)
12 business hours 12 business hours
Normal (P3)
Low (P4)

Contac t Customer servic e web Web, Email, & Phone Web, Email, & Phone
Methods form only
Number of Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Inc idents
Number of 1 4 8
S upport
Contac ts 2


1. "Loc al time" is defined by the timez one assoc iated with the loc ation shown on the S ales Order.
2. "S upport c ontac t" is a single individual, named in advanc e, who is authoriz ed to c ontac t Doc ker Tec hnic al
S upport to make use of Doc ker S upport S ervic es

Support Case Priority Definitions for Docker EE Products only

Severity Definition
Urgent (P1) Any inc ident whic h c auses a full produc tion outage involving Doc ker EE, UCP, and/or DTR.
High (P2) Any inc ident whic h c auses high impac t to produc tion servic es or severe impac t to non-c ritic al
business operations . Usually operations are func tional but operating in a degraded state and
there is no known way to overc ome the impac t.
Normal (P3) Any inc ident whic h c auses moderate impac t to business operations. Usually operations are only
minimally degraded or fully func tional (produc t usage questions or impac t to planned
Low (P4) Any inc ident whic h c auses low or no impac t to business operations. Usually a general inquiry or
rec ommendation for produc t enhanc ement.

Remote Support
Doc ker Global S upport utiliz es many tools to assist our enterprise c ustomers, inc luding remote support
sessions (sc reen shares). To maximiz e the benefit of a remote session, we ask that any requested session be
sc heduled via an ac tive support c ase. Remote sessions are normally sc heduled for 60 minute durations with a
maximum of 90 minutes per session. At the end of the sc heduled session the Tec hnic al S upport Engineer will
review next steps and planned follow-up ac tivities with you.

P1 Procedure
For the best servic e on Priority 1 issues we rec ommend:

1. Ensure the produc t involved in the full produc tion outage is c overed by a c ommerc ial support
subsc ription. S uc h produc ts are typic ally Doc ker EE, UCP, and DTR.
2. Open a c ase (https://support.doc ker.c om/) to provide the relevant tec hnic al details.
3. After the c ase is open, c all Doc ker Tec hnic al S upport at +1-888-214-4258 (toll-free in the US A) or +1-204-
318-3889 (outside the US A).
4. During the c all, provide your name, email, and phone number. Inform the operator that you have opened a
Priority 1 inc ident and provide the c ase number.

The c ase will then be routed to the appropriate Doc ker S upport engineer who will c ontac t you as appropriate.

Technical Account Management Subscriptions

Doc ker's Tec hnic al Ac c ount Managment (TAM) servic e (https://www.doc ker.c om/doc ker-support-
servic es#/servic es) is an additional subsc ription layered on top of the underlying produc t subsc riptions. The
TAM servic e provides a c ustomiz ed guidanc e and support experienc e with direc t ac c ess to an experienc ed
Doc ker Tec hnic al Ac c ount Manager. TAM c ustomers:

Continue to rec eive direc t tec hnic al support in ac c ordanc e with the support servic e level c orresponding
to their Doc ker produc t subsc riptions
Can c ontac t their TAM direc tly during loc al business hours
Rec eive TAM support in ac c ordanc e with their TAM subsc ription alloc ation

Products Without Commercial Support

If a produc t is not mentioned explic itly in the sec tion above, only Community S upport is provided via
doc umentation, knowledge base, c ommunity slac k, and/or c ommunity forums. Produc ts in this c ategory
inc lude all open sourc e software and servic es suc h as Doc ker Cloud.

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