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Current Approaches on

Warming up for Sports

Performance: A Critical
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Maria Helena Gil, MD,1,2 Henrique P. Neiva, PhD,1,2 António C. Sousa, MD,1,2 Mário C. Marques, PhD,1,2
and Daniel A. Marinho, PhD1,2
Department of Sport Sciences, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal; and 2Research Center in Sports, Health
and Human Development, CIDESD, Covilhã, Portugal

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION balance of the body (3,48) and perhaps

efore a competitive or training increasing the baseline of oxygen
B event, athletes usually engage in
various activities to increase pre-
paredness and optimize performance,
uptake at the start of subsequent prac-
tice, which potentiates the aerobic sys-
tem (9). Studies have also found
SPORTS PROFESSIONALS IN usually referred to as warm-up (54). increased motor neuron excitability
RECENT YEARS. SEVERAL STUD- According to Swanson (83), the pur- (74) and reduced muscle stiffness
IES HAVE BEEN CONDUCTED TO pose of a warm-up is to prepare the (68), allowing easier and more efficient
VERIFY THE EFFECTS OF DIF- athlete for the requirements of train- action. Nevertheless, passive strategies
FERENT PREACTIVITIES, ing and/or competition. It is believed have recently been studied as a reliable
REGARDING DIFFERING VOLUME, that a well-designed warm-up causes alternative to active procedures, allow-
INTENSITY, REST, AND SPECI- physiological changes and helps the ing the increased temperature obtained
FICITY, AND THE WARM-UP IS athlete to increase his or her mental during warm-up to be maintained
NOW WIDELY ACCEPTED AS AN focus on the next task, allowing him or (41,53,90).
ESSENTIAL PRACTICE TO her to optimize his or her perfor-
More than 80% of the published
research has shown the positive effects
RESEARCH IS NOW FOCUSING Warm-up techniques can be broadly of warm-up on physical performance
ON THE EFFECTS OF STATIC AND classified into 2 major categories, pas- (26), although the impact depends on
DYNAMIC STRETCHES, POSTAC- sive or active (6). Passive warm-up in- the intensity and duration of the com-
TIVATION POTENTIATION PHE- volves raising muscle temperature petition and on the time lag between
NOMENON, AND OPTIMIZATION (Tm) or core temperature (Tc) by some the warm-up and the competitive
OF WAITING PERIODS WITH means (e.g., showers or baths, saunas, event (61,63,97). Warm-up practices
PASSIVE WARM-UP AP- diathermy, heating pads). Active have been extensively studied over
PROACHES. IN THIS BRIEF warm-up involves exercise and is likely the past few decades (6,62,63). These
REVIEW, WE CRITICALLY ANA- to induce greater metabolic and cardio- practices in individual or team sports
LYZE THE EMERGING METHODS vascular changes than passive warm-up usually included a brief period of sub-
AND STRATEGIES OF WARM-UP (e.g., jogging, calisthenics, cycling). An maximal aerobic activity (e.g., submax-
THAT HAVE BEEN INVESTIGATED active warm-up, involving physical imal run), followed by specific tasks
AND USED BEFORE COMPETITIVE exertion, is the preferred and most and/or stretching (54,96,98). Although
commonly used method in almost all the first is performed at low intensity,
athletic events, with some studies re-
porting additional effects beyond
increased temperature. Priming physi-
competition; pre-exercise; heating; training;
Address correspondence to Dr. Mário C. cal activities might stimulate buffering
sports performance
Marques, capacity, maintaining the acid-base

70 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2019 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the subsequent specific exercise could to Knudson et al. (42), the use of caused by a similar total load (volume
be performed at higher intensity (e.g., stretching as a part of a warm-up rou- 3 intensity) from both protocols that
race-pace) to prepare for a competitive tine may improve performance and affected the elastic force transference
event (56,60). It may also include decrease the risk of muscle injury. during the stretch-shortening cycle.
dynamic stretching and/or static The goal of stretching during warm- Despite only few studies having evalu-
stretching to reduce muscle stiffness up is to reduce muscle stiffness and ated the effects of intervals between
and increase range of motion (42,95), increase range of motion, thus reducing sets of stretches on performance
agility exercises and plyometrics to the incidence of activity-related injuries (50,89), it seems that high-speed,
potentiate force production (52,59), (29). Several researchers have recently explosive or reactive efforts could be
and the use of thermal-specific clothing shown that static stretching may reduced with different static stretching
to increase or maintain temperature to inhibit sports performance, especially strategies.
optimize performance (1,44). There is in explosive short-term efforts It is well known that one of the main
thus a wide range of warm-up proce- (5,37,45). The decrease in muscle factors influencing performance, espe-
dures that can be combined and used by strength and power when using static cially in cyclic sports such as running
coaches and athletes, but further evi- stretching may be associated with or cycling, is efficiency, or how effec-
dence from controlled studies is needed a change in the intramuscular visco- tive muscles are in using the available
to demonstrate their efficiency (28). elastic properties, resulting in energy (36). This could depend on fac-
Over the years, research has focused on a decrease in the stiffness of the tors such as morphology, elastic ele-
different warm-up volumes, intensities, muscular-tendinous junctions (5). Even ments, and joint mechanics (10).
and tasks, but there are still many areas more than physiological and mechan- Knowing that static stretching may
that need to be understood (7,62,91,98). ical factors, current research has sug- improve the range of motion or even
Furthermore, there is a difference gested that prolonged muscle reduce muscle stiffness, possibly posi-
between the simulated conditions found stretching practices (more than 20 sec- tively affecting running economy,
in research and those that occur in a real onds) could affect the efferent neural recent studies have investigated the ef-
context. New investigations have sought drive to the working muscles, as dem- fects of static stretches on endurance
to fill this gap by trying to understand onstrated by changes in electromyog- performance. Wilson et al. (92) inves-
how other new procedures can be used raphy signal amplitude, reducing tigated the effects of 16 minutes of
as alternative and/or as complementary muscle activation and resulting in the static stretching on 30-minute running
tasks to the conventional warm-up loss of force production (88). at 65% of maximum oxygen uptake
methods used by coaches and athletes Most studies investigating the loss of (V̇ O2max) followed by 30 minutes at
(2,73). New trends in research have strength and power performance have maximal intensity on a treadmill. The
therefore emerged, investigating the use evaluated intermittent stretching (i.e., authors found 3% lower performance
of different warm-ups combined with several repetitions with rest intervals) in the last 30 minutes (P , 0.05) com-
several stretching strategies, tasks that has led to negative changes in pared with a nonstretching warm-up.
focused on postactivation potentiation muscle contraction by affecting the Accordingly, Lowery et al. (45) found
(PAP), and various tools for passive force transmission between eccentric that runners who performed 6 stretch-
warm-up that could be used to optimize
and concentric phases of movement ing exercises (3 repetitions of 30 sec-
the usual waiting period between warm-
and thus the stretch-shortening cycle onds) for the lower limbs took more
up and competition (2,51,55,73). The
(50). According to Trajano et al. (89), time to complete a 1.6-km ramp race
present article therefore briefly reviews
intermittent stretching has been re- than those who did not perform any
and highlights the newly emerging
ported as more effective in reducing stretches beforehand. When reducing
methods of active and passive warm-
muscle stiffness compared with contin- the duration of stretching, however,
ups used before any competitive event
uous stretching (no rest intervals), and the results seem to be the opposite.
to maximize performance. In brief, this
this may therefore be associated with Takizawa et al. (84) investigated the
review attempts to summarize and
reduced muscle viscosity. However, effects of short duration static stretches
draw conclusions from the many stud-
Marchetti et al. (50) found a decrease (20 seconds without repetitions) of the
ies that have investigated the mecha-
in jump height performance after either lower limbs after 15 minutes of general
nisms by which warm-up may affect
static stretching with or without rest warm-up (running at 70% V̇ O2max) and
performance when static or active
intervals between sets, despite the found no significant differences in the
stretching, PAP or external heating
garments are used. increased range of motion for both running time to exhaustion, at 90% of
stretching routines. Because both con- V̇ O2max (817.9 6 213.7 seconds), com-
tinuous and intermittent stretching pared with general warm-up only (819.3
STRETCHING DURING WARM-UP were performed for the same total 6 230.6 seconds). In addition, no differ-
Static stretching is a common practice duration, the authors suggested that ences in V̇ O2max and blood lactate
during physical activity, and according the decreased performance could be accumulation were found after the

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Warming-up for Sports Performance

running performance test. The authors strength are reported to subside within durations of dynamic stretching do not
therefore suggested that endurance run- 10–15 minutes (4), but it can last up to affect performance (5,6,35). In fact, posi-
ning performance is not affected by the 120 minutes following a stretch inter- tive effects were found in vertical jump
inclusion of 20-second static stretches in vention (67). The different results suggest height, electromyographic signal ampli-
the warm-up exercise. that longer periods of static stretching tude during vertical jump (increased neu-
Variations in force production and per- require a longer time to recovery to romuscular response), and isokinetic
formance might be because of changes baseline levels (4,5). Others suggest that muscle isometric leg strength when
in the length and stiffness of the muscu- the intensity of static stretching is dynamic stretching was performed for
lotendinous unit, damage within the a determinant of increased range of 30-second repetitions for each exercise,
muscle itself that changes the contractile motion or even reduced performance up to a total duration of 7 mi-
force capacity, reduced persistent inward (27,38). Intensities equal to or higher than nutes (35,78).
current formation at the motoneurons 100% of maximum tolerable intensity The literature reports that dynamic
and influencing central efferent drive, without stretching pain increased range stretching resulted in more significant
changes in electromechanical coupling, of motion but decreased isometric mus- improvements than static stretching,
and greater electromechanical delay as cle force (38). Some studies compared or at least, no harmful effects were
a result of the increased slack in the mus- different stretching intensities using the found (5). Therefore, it could be a safe
culotendinous unit (for details please see frequency of movement and found that practice to use dynamic stretching dur-
studies Refs. 5,17,72). These could be con- high frequencies of movement (100 ing warm-up. Nevertheless, studies
sidered the main mechanisms for explain- beats/min) improved countermovement have suggested that dynamic stretch-
ing stretching-induced changes on jumps and lower frequencies (50 beats/ ing is not as effective as static stretching
muscle force transmittal, causing min) improved drop jumps (24). Because in increasing range of motion (18,64).
impaired performances. However, per- dynamic stretching is usually performed In some sports (e.g., gymnastics, some
forming dynamic movements and spe- using a motor pattern identical to the athletic disciplines) range of motion is
cific activities after static stretching following physical activity, some motor essential to performance, and there-
could reduce the possible negative effect learning and adaptation could be taking fore, coaches could choose static
on performance, reversing any undesir- place and resulting in better perform- stretching (93). In this case, these prac-
able muscular effect or associated neural ances (87). The measurement of dynamic tices should be followed by specific
effects (5,43,71). Marinho et al. (51) found stretching intensity by the number of muscle activation activities. Behm and
that a 60-m sprint after static stretching movements is thus still quite limited. Chaouachi (5) pointed out that includ-
warm-up resulted in better sprint per- Athletes and coaches should be careful ing static stretching during the warm-
formances than after dynamic stretching about the duration and intensity of static up followed by dynamic activity
or without warming-up. The authors sug- stretching protocol during warm-ups, increased range of motion and
gested that participants benefited both and the inclusion of 20 seconds of static decreased injury potential without sub-
from the increased range of motion ef- stretching on each target muscle group, sequent negative effect on perfor-
fects by static stretching that might performed at lower than the maximum mance. In fact, Marinho et al. (51)
remain elevated for 30–120 minutes tolerable intensity without pain, is recom- recently found better performances in
(57,67) and from the muscle stimulation mended (27,38,85). the second trial of 60-m sprints when
by the first 60-m sprint. Concordantly, Recent research suggested that dynamic including static stretches in warm-up,
Reid et al. (71) verified that the inclusion stretches are safer and should be used despite that no differences were found
of dynamic stretching or dynamic activity instead of static stretching. Some studies between the static stretch or dynamic
after static stretching lightened some of have indicated that dynamic stretching stretch warm-ups in the first 60 m of
the stretch-induced impairments and can significantly improve power and agil- running performance. They suggested
enhanced performance compared with ity (56), sprint performance (25), vertical that the athletes benefitted both from
baseline. Thus, it should be recommen- and horizontal jumps (85), when com- the gains of a potentiation effect caused
ded that stretching should be followed by pared with static stretching only. by the first sprint and from an
sport-specific dynamic activities that Dynamic stretching has been reported increased muscular range of motion,
would excite the neuromuscular system as a facilitator of power performance whose effects might remain for 30 mi-
wherever explosive or reactive forces are (19). Several reasons for this have been nutes after static stretches (57). This
necessary or any decreases in perfor- suggested, such as the resulting elevated was not the only study to suggest that.
mance would be important (5). muscle and body temperature, activation Others found that static stretching had
Evidence demonstrates that only 10 mi- caused by voluntary contractions of the no significant effect on multiple sets of
nutes should be needed to restore the antagonist, stimulation of the nervous the back-squat exercise (32). Before
maximal values of isometric strength system, or a reduction in the inhibition these studies, Young (96) had already
after a total of 5 minutes of static stretch- of the antagonist muscles (35). The liter- suggested that a low to moderate vol-
ing (58). Often, the negative effects on ature tends to show that shorter ume of static stretching performed

72 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2019

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between the general and specific com- rate of force development (86,94). a predetermined height and perform
ponents of the warm-up has no impact Some research has also speculated a vertical jump immediately after ground
on subsequent performance. about the elevation in excitation poten- contact, resulted in a 5% improvement in
Besides static and dynamic stretching, tials across synaptic junctions at the 20-m running compared with a tradi-
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation spinal cord, the increase in the quantity tional warm-up. To benefit from the ef-
of neurotransmitters released and their fects of these kinds of practices, the ideal
(PNF) is commonly used as a practice
efficacy, resulting in the increased con- rest period for recovering between the
for increasing joint amplitude (4,72).
duction of the nerve impulse to the jumping stimulus and main task should
PNF incorporates static stretching and
muscle, and the quantity of recruited be between 5 and 10 minutes (15,39) and
isometric contractions in a cyclical pat-
motor units (47,86). It therefore seems should take into account the intensity
tern to enhance joint range of motion, by
that this method causes neuromuscular used (for instance, the jump depth and
contract relax technique and contract
changes and improves type II muscle number of sets and repetitions) (39).
relax agonist contract technique (79).
fiber activity, thus favoring perfor-
Despite the efficacy of PNF in increasing Also, there were controversial results
mance in high-intensity and short-
range of motion, this technique is rarely (e.g., Refs. 49,91); there were also inter-
term activities, such as jumping, throw-
used during warm-up routines because ing, and sprinting (21). individual variability responses to PAP,
a partner assistance is needed, it may and this should be of interest to
be uncomfortable or painful, and muscle Different PAP effects have been coaches and athletes. The different
contractions performed at highly described using different kind of exer- methods used, including several types
stretched muscle lengths can result in cises (34,86). Research has reported of exercises, intensities, volumes, and
greater cytoskeletal muscle damage that including depth jumping in the recoveries between stimulation and
(4,10). In their review, Behm et al. (4) warm-up protocol increased maximal main task (86), could explain the differ-
estimated approximately a 4% reduction strength (52), sprint performance ent results found. The interaction
in performance after PNF stretching, (33), and vertical jump (33,81). High between stimulation and fatigue has
with no studies presenting improved per- external loads of strength exercise dur- also recently been suggested as the
formances. Nevertheless, PNF remains ing warm-up also seemed to positively main cause of an individual’s improved
an effective practice for increasing range influence performance. A decrease of or impaired performance. It seems
of motion, and its impacts on muscular 3% in a 40-m sprint time was found important not only to determine the
performance should be further examined. 4 minutes after performing back squats best exercise to promote physical
at 85% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM) adaptation but also to know how much
WARM-UP USING (70). Moreover, 10- and 30-m sprint rest is needed to benefit from neuro-
POSTACTIVATION POTENTIATION performance improved by between 2 muscular changes without physical
PAP has been of great interest in recent and 3% at 5 minutes after performing impairment because of fatigue accumu-
years and has been demonstrated to 10 repetitions of the half back squat lation from previous stimulus. PAP
have an ergogenic effect on perfor- exercise at 90% 1RM (13). Some con- should also be specific to the subse-
mance (8,30). PAP has been defined troversial results have been found. For quent movement, and it depends on
as an increase in force production after example, Kilduff et al. (40) found that 1 a subject’s level and characteristics
a maximum or near maximal muscle set of 3 repetitions of a squat exercise at (76,77). For instance, stronger individ-
stimulation (37). Specifically, PAP aug- 87% 1RM did not improve 15-m swim- uals have greater type II fiber content,
ments a muscle’s force-generating ming performance of swimmers, com- which has been related to a greater
capacity (i.e., muscle twitch and low- pared with a traditional in-water expression of PAP (76,86) and possibly
frequency tetanic force) as a result of warm-up. This perhaps demonstrates a more rapid recovery.
the previous contractile history of the the need for the PAP stimulus to be
muscle cells involved in the previous WARMING UP USING EXTERNAL
specific to the activity performed.
contraction (34). The main mecha- HEATING GARMENTS
nisms responsible for this aid are still It is difficult to use external loads in a real Several studies report significant losses
not clear, but studies have tended to context venue, especially when using in body temperature during the transi-
attribute improvements to the higher loads. Strategies using PAP stim- tion period between warm-up and
increased phosphorylation of the myo- ulation without external loads are there- main physical activity, causing a poten-
sin regulatory light chain, especially in fore continuously studied and are tial reduction in performance
type II muscle fibers (47,86,94). The important for the sport community. (44,59,61). On the other hand, some
actin-myosin interaction via calcium Jumping is being recognized as a great time is required between finishing an
ions released from the sarcoplasmic stimulus during traditional warm-ups for active warm-up and the beginning of
reticulum and the myosin light chain short-term competitive events. For a race, to allow restoration of the acid-
kinase increase the rate of actin-myosin instance, Byrne et al. (11) concluded that base balance (7), to allow restoration of
cross-bridging. This increased rate of the addition of 3 depth jumps, which phosphocreatine (20) and to benefit
cross-bridge formation allows a faster requires an athlete to drop from from muscle potentiation (41).

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Warming-up for Sports Performance

Strength and conditioning coaches in postwarm Tc was related to A warm-up routine consisting of both
should be cautious about this recovery, a decrease in the power of the lower- the usual warm-up and a self-
however, so that performance will not body muscles (r 5 0.71). myofascial release resulted in improve-
be compromised. In this sense, several According to Russel et al. (73), passive ments of performance between 4 and
active and passive warm-up strategies temperature maintenance during the 7% in vertical jump, standing long
have been developed in recent years to interval reduces the decline in Tc, lead- jump, agility test, sprint running, and
recover from active warm-up but at the ing to an improvement in peak power maximal strength in bench press (66).
same time to extend its main effects, and repeated sprint capacity. The study Others found that foam rolling was
such as elevated body temperature. conducted by Cook et al. (16) revealed effective to increase flexibility and the
For example, during athletics or swim- a 65% increase in body temperature range of motion of the quadriceps and
ming events, athletes complete their when active warm-up was performed hamstrings without hampering muscle
warm-up and may then have to sit in with a survival jacket and was related performance (46,82). Foam rolling
a call-room for up to 45 minutes. to a 20-m sprint performance improve- acutely increased range of motion
Active exercise is not usually possible ment. Faulkner et al. (23) demonstrated immediately after implementation but
during that period, and passive temper- that the use of athletic pants with an did not enhance vertical jump height
ature maintenance could be one integrated heating element can either alone or in combination with
method used to mitigate the reduction improve peak sprint power in cycling dynamic activities (80). It was sug-
in body temperature (16). These pas- by approximately 10%. The use of ther- gested that short bouts of foam rolling
sive strategies could involve the use of mal garments during the transition (1 session for 30–120 seconds) before
warm clothing, survival jackets, and/or phase between warm-up and subse- activity does not enhance or negatively
heating pads. Such strategies are easily quent exercise thus seems to be of great affect muscle performance but may
applied to the desired muscle groups to importance in maintaining tempera- change the perception of fatigue (14).
maintain Tm (41) and are now being ture, resulting in optimized sports Those foam rolling interventions
investigated as a potential mechanism performance. should be preceded by a dynamic
for optimizing performance. warm-up focusing on the body parts
WARMING UP USING FOAM where the foam rolling technique was
Tm increases rapidly in the first 3– ROLLING applied.
5 minutes of active warm-up, reaches New warm-up practices are being
a threshold after 10–20 minutes of Nevertheless, we should acknowledge
developed by coaches and athletes to for the contradictory results that also
activity, and falls exponentially within complement the usual warm-ups. That
15–30 minutes after the cessation of were shown. For instance, it was found
includes the foam rolling self- that antagonist muscle activation may
exercise (22,59,61). Some years ago, myofascial release. Foam rolling was
Sargeant (75) demonstrated that every be negatively affected following ago-
originally thought to reduce the pain nist foam rolling and harmful for per-
18C reduction in Tm led to a 3% and stiffness resulting from muscular
reduction in the muscle power of the formance (12). Despite the trend for
adhesions (65). The vasodilation increasing the short-term effects of
lower extremities. Conversely, Racinais response recorded after foam rolling
and Oksa (69) showed that an increase the joint’s range of motion without
suggests that foam rolling could pro- decreasing muscle performance, add-
of 18C in Tm can result in a 2–5% vide performance benefits and thus ing foam rolling techniques to other
improvement in the performance of be used during a warm-up (65,66). warm-up procedures seems not to
the subsequent exercise. Temperature- Some studies have shown that myofas- result in better performances. It was
related mechanisms were always cial release can improve the flexibility therefore suggested that the use of
thought to be the main focus of of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fas- foam rolling might be better suited
warm-up practices; however, the tem- cia by releasing tension in tight muscles for other times throughout the day
perature attained during warm-up is or fascia (14,31) while increasing blood rather than being part of the warm-
reduced immediately after ending exer- flow and circulation to the soft tissues, up (80). This is a new area of research
cise. Neiva et al. (61) found that it only which in turn improves flexibility and and studies are still limited by small
took 20 minutes for the Tc to be at the range of motion (46). This is sample sizes, and the varied methods
basal levels, which could promote thought to improve overall perfor- and outcome measures used, which
a negative impact on swimming perfor- mance; however, there is little research makes it difficult to develop a consensus
mance. Also, Mohr et al. (59) verified supporting this theory. These practices on the optimal program for use
18C reduction in Tc during the have become common in the past (14,65,66).
15-minute time break in a soccer decade as a complementary method
match that coincided with a 28C drop of massage and recovery (31). In fact,
in Tm and in a 2.5% reduction in sprint the reduced feeling of fatigue could PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
performance. Concordantly, Kilduff possibly extend and optimize acute After a period in which dynamic
et al. (41) demonstrated that a decline and chronic performance (31). stretches were considered a viable

74 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2019

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Table 1
Suggestions on stretching, postactivation potentiation, and external heating procedures that could be used during
Procedures Recommendations Specific comments

Dynamic stretching ,30 s per repetition Do not compromise either ballistic or long
,7 min total duration effort performance
Can be applied before, during, or after the
High frequency of movements
Static stretching ,10 s per repetition Tolerable intensity without pain (the range of
,30 s per target muscle motion at pain onset)
Followed by postactivation potentiation
Not recommended for explosive efforts (,10 s
Postactivation potentiation Maximal short-term stimulus (,30 s) Main muscle groups used in the following
Performed 1–10 min before main exercise activity
Examples: .80% 1RM (,5 reps) Depth Avoid fatiguing effects (individualize short-
jumps (,5 reps) Short sprint (,60 m). term stimulation and rest)
External heating garments Warm clothing Used after warm-up (waiting period before
Survival jacket main event)
For more than 20 min of waiting: heated Can be combined with exercise during the
garments at 40–438C waiting period
1RM 5 1 repetition maximum with external loads; reps 5 repetitions.

and secure method compared with research on warming up is the impor- Using randomized conditions can
static stretches, it is now believed that tance of maintaining the effects of avoid learning effect of the perfor-
implementing static stretching as an increased temperature during the tran- mance variables and reduce some pos-
integral part of warm-up could be ben- sition phase between warm-up and sible bias effect. A lack of information
eficial to specific performances. The competition. It seems evident that about whether the same warm-up pro-
literature demonstrates that short maintaining body temperature during cedure was used at the same time of
duration stretches do not affect long- the post warm-up rest period is vital the day could be a main limitation
term efforts and are recommended to avoid decreases in subsequent per- because day-to-day biological varia-
rather than long duration stretches. formance, and, for example, thermal tion could have an effect on other fac-
Specific exercise (i.e., short-term clothing should be used to minimize tors that could influence performance.
high-intensity stimulation of the main such performance losses. Some sugges- This bias effect should be avoided in
muscles that will be used) after stretch- tions for the warm-up procedures ana- future research. Furthermore, several
lyzed in the current article are types of warm-ups, differing in volume,
ing seems to reduce any detrimental
presented in Table 1. intensities, recoveries, and tasks, have
effect and should be performed before
been investigated to date, but most did
the main task. Warm-ups that include
not use controlled conditions (e.g., no
PAP were very popular for improving CONCLUSIONS warm-up condition), making it difficult
performance in explosive activities. Warm-up has assumed a leading role to compare the results and thus hin-
The most important thing to remem- in sports-related investigations in dering the transfer of the findings to
ber when using PAP stimulation is that recent years, despite some controver- practice. Most studies also did not
different individuals reach maximum sies. Some complementary practices evaluate the effects of warm-up in spe-
potentiation at different times. The have been included in warm-up by cific environmental conditions, such as
stimulus should be specific, and the coaches and athletes and discussed in a real competition context, with
subsequent recovery may last between by researchers regarding their effects high standards of external validity.
5 and 10 minutes. The balance on performance. When analyzing the Future research should focus on the
between intensity and fatigue should previous research, we found that some improvement of passive and active
be considered to optimize perfor- studies did not reveal whether the con- strategies after finishing warm-up so
mance. Another concern in recent ditions assessed were randomized. that athletes can benefit from all the

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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Warming-up for Sports Performance

positive effects of warm-up. Authors 01-0145-FEDER-006969) ‐ competi-

Daniel A.
also need to provide more detailed tiveness and internationalization (PO-
Marinho is a Pro-
information with practical applications CI: Programa Operacional
fessor in the
for coaches and researchers. This, Competitividade e Internacionaliza-
together with increased knowledge Department of
ção). It was also supported by research
about the fatigue caused by warm- Sport Sciences at the
fellowship provided by the University
ups and about recovery time, may University of Beira
of Beira Interior/Faculty of Social Sci-
reduce the harmful effects of warm- Interior.
ences and Humanities and Santander
up and maximize performance. Universities (BI/Santander/UBI/
Collectively, the studies included in FCSH/CD/2015).
this review showed that short dura-
tion stretches can be used, followed
by another specific muscle activation Maria Helena Gil
according to subsequent main activ- is a doctoral stu-
ity (e.g., jumping exercises before dent in the REFERENCES
Department of 1. Abad CC, Prado ML, Ugrinowitsch C,
sprint running). The current review Tricoli V, and Barroso R. Combination of
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