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Subject: English

Name: Abdullah Shahzad

Class: MYP 3

UNIT Inspirational Poetry

KEY CONCEPT Creativity
RELATED Self-Expression, Structure, Cycle
GLOBAL Personal and Cultural Expression
SOI Poetry can inspire imagination, expressing an individual's personal
feelings in a creative style.
LEARNER Communicators
ATLS Communication and Thinking Skills


1 Were the Yes the SoI/Concepts/Context were conveyed explicitly
SoI/Concepts/Context through the unit because at the beginning our teacher
conveyed explicitly explained the unit plan to us.
through this unit?

2 What did you find I found the different poetic devices and their use in the unit
interesting in this unit? interesting.

3 How were you able to I was able to practice communication skills by

practice certain ATL skills communicating with my teacher about the poetic devices
through this unit? Discuss? and thinking skills by thinking about the uses of poetic
devices in a poem.
4 How do you think that a Communicator was enhanced by communicating with my
particular learner profile teacher about poetic devices.
attribute(s) were enhanced
through this unit?

5 How do you feel you can I can improve by learning more about the devices and
improve on your learning using them in regular life to improve my writing with
experience for future units? them.

6 Which teaching strategy I found the different websites and video strategy helpful.
did you find helpful?

7 How did this unit enhance There were no IM/Services.

your understanding of

8 What (if any) There was an Interdisciplinary connection with PHE in

Interdisciplinary which we watched a mime and wrote a story on it.
connections were you able
to identify with other
subjects and units?

9 What resources do you I found the different videos and websites helpful.
think were useful in
teaching this unit?

10 What concepts in the unit I am not struggling with any concepts in the unit and my
are you still struggling teacher has explained everything to me explicitly.

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