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Personality Development – Written Assignment

Learner Name Palak sodhi Reference ID/ Batch Code FIAT/CHD/22-23/408/ Q-7

Course Title Aviation, hospitality, travel management

Assessor Name Sona jones

Assessment Part 1-Self Development

Part 2 –Effective Communication Skills

Assignment Title Pass

1:Investigate factors which contribute to personality Development

2: Understand Time & explore methods for its management & removing blocks

3: Investigate the development of leadership skills appropriate to specific situations..

4: Recognise Inter Personal Behaviour, its affects on relationships with others.

5: Examine Communication, its types & its importance on our effectiveness.

6: Understand the importance of projecting a positive Image.

Purpose/Aims  Analyse own personality type.

 Critically examine a range of factors, which contribute to personality
 What is time, its value, how can it be measured.
 Identify ways to overcome blocks to effective time-management. (Realise the
importance of TIME MANAGEMENT in everyday life and relate it to self
 Define leadership skills needed for a specific situation.
 Propose methods to develop own leadership skills.
 Identify a range of methods required for analysing effective interrelationships
with others.
 Evaluate the main steps required to develop an open self personality.
 Analyse barriers and weaknesses to successful communication
 Produce evidence of effective verbal, non verbal and written communication.
 Explore how character building and morals will support career development.
 Demonstrate public speaking skills.
I confirm that the work submitted for this assignment is my own.

Learner name Palak Sodhi Date Batch code

Reference id FIAT/CHD/22-23/408 19/08/2023 Q-7

Personality Development – Written Assignment

Guidelines: Students to attempt the below questions for getting PASS/ MERIT/

1. Write your responses in the space provided below the questions

2. Review your answers before submitting the Assignment
3. Also, each question indicates if it is PASS/ MERIT/ DISTINCTION

TIMELINE: You can take upto One Week to submit the Assignments

Ques1. Define Personality (PASS)

Ans. Personality: refer to individual difference in characterstic patternsof thinking,
feeling and behaving.
(1) Growth in personal nature.
(2) Growth in personal character.
(3) Progress, evolution, maturing, makeup(physical and psychological), dispositon,
character or persona.

Ques2. Define SWOT. How will you convert Weakness into Strength? (PASS)
Ans . SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis
is a framework used to evaluate a company's competitive position and to
develop strategic planning. SWOT analysis assesses internal and external
factors, as well as current and future potential.
(1) The weakness analyzed can be converted into a strength by
identifying them and then making possible plans and actions for removing
those weakness.
(2) For instance, one may have the weakness of getting anxious if i am
unable to meet my deadline.
(3) This can be converted into a strenght by breaking the work into
smaller targets and accomplishiing in it a predifined time.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques 3. Which factor is important for development of one’s personality? Justify by

giving • Rationality
• Empathic
• Positive Attitude
• Leadership
Rationality :- Rationality is the characteristic of any action, belief, or desire, that
makes their choice a necessity. It is a normative concept about the reasoning in
the sense that rational people should derive conclusion in a consistent way given
the information at disposal.

Empathic:- in process of personality development person should apply empathy

internally that means “ put your self into other person shoes and think
accordingly” empathy help to make understand others very well with good long
term relationship.

Positive Attitude :- Positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily
affairs of life. It brings optimisms into your life, and makes it easier to avoid
worry and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring
constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more
successful. With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life.

Leadership :- Leadership, a critical management skill, is the ability to motivate a

group of people toward a common goal. These items will help you develop your
skills as a leader.

Ques 4. Define Perception, Emotional Intelligence and its impact in one’s Personal
and Professional Life. (PASS)
(* )Perception is the kind of judgement an individual attributes to an object,
subject or a situation.
(*) Emotions are the subjective reactions that an individual gets out of the perception .
(*)Emotional intelligence is the logic one gives to a situation and can reason to make
the correct judgement .
(*)Perception and emotions are very crucial associates in human being.
(*)They are to be controlled for the better human being development.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques5. Why do you think Time has to be managed? (PASS)

Ans.Time management is the process of organising and managing my time. Good
time management helps me schedule my time between my most important activities.
Effective time management means I take control of my time and energy. Taking control
of my time enables me to achieve bigger and better results in less time, without the
stress. The objective of time management is to maximise the time i spend on specific
activities that help i achieve my goals faster. The benefits of managing time allow I to
reduce time on unimportant work and increase time on important work.

Ques6. Talk about your daily Routine & make a DAILY HALF HOUR TIME LOG SHEET.
(PASS) .
[8/19, 9:22 PM] PALAKʂ: .6:00 a.m-wakeup

6:05-6:15a.m-drinking hot water

6:15:6:30 a.m-bathing,brushing

6:30 -6:45- drink Ambala water, nuts(almonds,walnut)

6:45-7:00 -prayer

7:00-7:15- help muma in household chores

7:15-7:30-Reading newspaper

7:30- 8:00- eating food and drop my brother to school

8:00-8:30 - Ready for class(makeup,uniform ironing)

Personality Development – Written Assignment

8:30:9:40- travelling in bus

9:40-10:00 - reached to class

10:00-12:30- Pd class

12:30-2:00 p.m-travel in bus

3:00-3:30 -eating lunch and then rest

3:30-4:00 - rest

] 4:00-5:00 - watching phone

]5:00-6:00 -household work

: 6:00-7:00- reading novel, exercise

] : 7:00-8:00 - making and eating food

8:00-8:30-washing utensils ( going for Walking)


: 9:00-10:00 - studing

10:00-10:15 washing face

10:30 sleep

Ques 7. What are the Time wasters and how to overcome them? (PASS)
Ans. Time wasters are social media like whatsapp, facebook, Instagram etc.
Television and video games.
It is a said to watch TV only half an hour a day not whole are day.
One should use it in limited time only for refreshing not for hours.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques8.During your class Activity how you manage your time, What Sort of Typical
barriers you face and how you overcome them. (PASS)

Ans. Managing time effectively during class activities is important for staying engaged,
learning efficiently, and making the most of the learning experience. I know what i aim
to achieve during each class activity. Whether it's understanding a specific concept or
participating in discussions, having clear goals helps me stay focused. I keep track of
class schedules, assignments, and important dates. This prevents last-minute rushes
and helps me allocate time for various activities. I participate actively in class
discussions and ask questions when needed. I put away distractions like smartphones
and unrelated websites during class activities. I create a focused environment to
maximize my learning.

Common Barriers and Strategies to Overcome Them:

Procrastination: Barrier: Delaying tasks or waiting until the last minute.
Overcome: Break tasks into smaller steps and set specific time slots to work on them.
Distractions: Barrier: Getting distracted by social media, unrelated websites, or external
noises. Overcome: Create a distraction-free study environment, use website blockers,
and practice mindfulness techniques to stay focused.
Poor Time Management: Barrier: Misjudging the time required for tasks. Overcome:
Estimate how long tasks will take, set time limits, and adjust my schedule based on my
actual progress.
Overwhelming Workload: Barrier: Feeling overwhelmed by multiple assignments and
activities. Overcome: Prioritize tasks, create a to-do list, and tackle one task at a time.
Seek help or delegate tasks when possible.
Lack of Preparation: Barrier: Coming to class activities without reviewing the necessary
material. Overcome: Review notes and materials before class to ensure I’m prepared to
engage in discussions and understand the content.
By implementing these strategies and addressing common barriers, I enhance my time
management skills during class activities, leading to better learning outcomes and a
more productive educational experience.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques9. Define Leadership.(PASS)

Ans. leadership is about taking risks and challenging the status quo. Leaders motivate
others to achieve something new and better. Interestingly, leaders do what they do to
pursue innovation, not as an obligation. They measure success by looking at the team’s
achievements and learning.

In contrast, management is about delegating responsibilities and getting people to

follow the rules to reduce risk and deliver predictable outcomes. A manager is
responsible for completing four critical functions: planning, organising, leading, and

Unlike leaders, managers do not challenge the status quo. Instead, they strive to
maintain it. They evaluate success by seeing if the team has achieved what was
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques10.What are the 7 functions of Leadership? (PASS)

Ans. (1) lead
(2) Influence
(3) motivate
(4) control
(5) stimulate
(6) Assert
(7) Cooperate

Ques11.What are the qualities of Leadership? (PASS)

Ans. (1) Setting objectives
(2) Organizing and Planning
(3) Integrity and Honesty
(4) Enthusiasm
(5) Ambition
(6) Decision making
(7) Intelligence
(8) Emotional stability
(9) Empathy
(10) Human Relations and People skills
(11) Objectivity
(12) Motivating skills
Personality Development – Written Assignment

(13) Technical skills

(14) communication skills
(15) socail skills

Ques 12.Why is leadership important? State the 5 reasons which make leadership
important. (PASS)
Ans. Just like the body cannot function successfully without oxygen, a sports team
needs a captain, an army needs a courageous commander and countries need able
leader. All these examples emphasize the fact that succes is directly related to the
quality of leadership in both, personal and sphares of human endeavours.
(1) Leadership is Instrumental in making the Organization Successful.
(2) Leadership Directs the behaviour of people in a desired manner.
(3) leaders Act as role models.
(4) leaders act as catalysts.
(5) leaders create confidence.

Ques13.What do you understand by open Self Personality? (PASS)

Ans. When I know own personality and am willing to share ideas, thoughts, feelings
and values with others, that I am called on open self personaltiy. In service like
hospitality and aviation at it is very important that one should be an open personality to
Personality Development – Written Assignment

work succesfully. I should be very clear to others I should share what I know without
shyness. Uncentanity or luck better than others know about me. I should make
conscious and construtive interpersonal relations.

Ques 14.Explain the Four Self Johari’s window. (PASS)

Ans. (1) OPEN SELF :- When a person knows one's own personality and is willing to
share ideas, thoughts, feelings, and values with other, that person is called an 'OPEN
SELF ' personality.
(2) BLIND SELF:- When others knows more about a person than the person, such a
state is called the 'BLIND SELF' personlaity.
(3) HIDDEN SELF :- When a person knows but is unwilling to share due to shyness
uncertainty or a lack of confidence, such a personality is calle3d the 'HIDDEN SELF'.
(4) UNKNOWN SELF:- When a person comes and goes from this world without
making conscious and contructive interpersonal relations, such a personality is called
'UNKOWN SELF'. Neither the person nor others know the personality.

Ques15.Define the Term Transactional Analysis (PASS)

Ans. To 'transact' means to 'conduct; manage; excute and perfrom'... a 'transaction' is
an arrangement between human beings ti give and take products and services from
Personality Development – Written Assignment

each other this providing gratification to all involved in the transaction. Everyday
transactions are commercail in nature and promote economic growth, however, we are
now about to study trasactions where almost no 'commercail' or 'money matters' are
involved. These trasactions are psychological in nature and relate to how people behave
and, how other people behave with them in response to the behaviour. The give-and -
take jn these trasactions is behaviour related and helps one to understand human
beings better and gets results from teams faster.

Ques16.Define Four Life Stroke Position and its impact while

Working in Team.(PASS)

Ans.(1) I am ok. You are ok.

(2) I am OK, you are not OK.
(3) I am not OK, you are OK and
(4) I am not OK, you are not OK.

While working in a team, these four positions can be highly important because if a
person is not satisfied, like that from groups (2), (3) and (4), it can impact a job and that
can be detrimental for a team.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques:1. Why is the open self personality important? How do you become an open self
personality? (MERIT)
Ans. Tobe open, do my best to be honest about myself and my
opinions. Don't be afraid to show my authentic self.being an open
person means keeping up communication with people I can about.
If something on my mind, talk to a friend or loved one about
it.Being an 'open person' can mean many different things, all of
them postive. It's term with no self definition ,but it generally
includes some combination of friendliness, opprochablity,
hosesty, open mindedness, tolerance, and personal outhenticity.
Open people tend to be more happy, charismatic and succesful
compared to people who "closed off" While some people are open
by nutute, others can learn be more open with practive and a little

Ques2: Name one external and internal motivational factor which motivates you towads
achieving your goal. Justify your answer. (MERIT)
Ans:External motivation is a driving force, which triggers a person in achieving the set
goal such as prize and money, where as internal motivation is the force, which boosts a
Personality Development – Written Assignment

person to accomplish the set goal due to personal desire or satisfaction such as
starting a business and performing to the fullest in the given task.

My external motivation is to disregard things that are not imperative because I think
spending time on the things, which are not required, is can be utillzed to be productive
and facus on the things, which tend to be advantangeous to me.

My internal motivation is no think of variety and fun. This is why I am able to work hard
without considering a task as too much challenging this also enables me to think way.
Beyond the point and perform better in any given task it makes my work simpler and
faster because I believe monotony is a way to become unproductive and lazy.

Ques 3: List any 3 positive emotions and 3 negative emotions. How can you creatively
use each to become more emotionally intelligent? (MERIT)
Ans: The positive emotions are joyful, loving, and peaceful.
On the other hand, the negative emotions are sadness! Anger, and jealousy.
Negative emotions are harmful for human being.
Negative emotions can make people depreessed.
Psotive emotions can add happiness to one's mind.
The negative emotions help to minimize the distractions in case of any acute
The positive emotions can broaden the thinking.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques:-4 What are the applications and results of motivation? (MERIT)

Ans: Motivation can be applied to every area of a human life to produce positive results.
A few important areas are:
(1) Personal life: A motivation person enjoys a healthy personal life with positive
friends and a successful lifestyle. Popularity moves towards a motivated individual.
(2) Professional life:Opportunities flow towards motivated people. Often, the people
for whom they work, respect and trust them and encourage them by giving them more
and more opportunities.
(3) High SELF Esteem: Motivated people hold themselves in high self-esteem and are
caring about others too. They are liked, respected and promoted to reslonsible positions
even though they may be very humble in nature.
(4) sound health: motivation leads to healthy habits which again leads to sound health.
This produces the energy for better work and amazing results.
(5) Can -do people: motivated people are can -do people. Very often they do things
which may never have been done before or things other people may bd afraid to do.

Ques: 5 List any three persons in your life who are most empathy oriented towards you.
State what is it that they do for you that makes you like them. (MERIT)

Ques:6 How will you improve your time-management? State 5 areas in which you
commit to improve. (MERIT)
Ans : (1) Priortize.
(2) do it now.
(3) set goals, achieve goals.
(4) put things in writing.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

(5) use wasted time.

Ques:7 What are the blocks to efficient time management? How will you overcome
Ans: (1) likes and dislikes.
(2) A lack of discipline.
(3) Procarstination.
(4) Weak interests in life.
(5) Improper reference groups.

Ques 8.Which leadership function do you think is most important and justify your choice.
Ans Motivate.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques:9.What are the 10 steps of goal setting and achievement?(MERIT)

Ans. (1) Put the goal in WRITING!
(2) Make the goal SPECIFIC!
(3) Allow the power of yours goals to guide your CHOICES !
(4) Reach out into the FUTURE with your goals to decide what needs to be done
(5) Make goals, which are REALIATIC AND BELIEVABLE.
(6) Make yours goals VIVID! STRIKING! BRIGHT! CLEAR!
(7) Make all yours goals EXCITING CHALLENGES!
(8) All goals must be ADJUSTABLE to new information.
(9) Achiving goals including allowing the goals to decide the ACTIVITIES which will
accomplish the goals.
(10) Goals must be NOW oriented.

Ques10.What are the patterns of communication? Give example for each. (MERIT)
Ans The art and science of successful communication Studies carefully the various
patterns of communication and combinations thereof, just like an artist uses basic
colours to produce thousands of different colours and shades.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques:11. What are Ego states? Which Ego state do you operate most often? (MERIT)
Ans . Ego states refer to the ways that we think, feel and behave, changing across time
and contexts. According to the theory of transactional analysis, people have three ego
states: Parent: Parent is a state in which people behave, feel, and think in ways
influenced by their parents. Adult ego state operate most often.

Ques :12.List any 4 areas where you would like to be more persistent? How will you do

I would like to be more persistent in my studies, my hobbies such as drawing, musicand
dance.and disciple, punctuity, manners are aslo important in every field we want to be persistent.
We all want to be persistent in the subjects or aiers that we lime. But there are skme curtain
areas that we should always be persistent to achieve anything,and those are
.to be displined in the areas we are learning
.discipled is a big guidence in the path of success.if we want to achieve something we need to
be disciplened
. Punctuality is the need. Without it can't do nothing. So it's a must.
we also need to learn how to express ourself.
Expressing ourself is needed to understand and to express your curiosity.
are learning.

Ques1.Does your "personality" need improvement? Why?(DISTINCTION)

Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ans. Personality development is a lifelong process.

* it's a pathway for people to maximise their potential by becoming aware of their
skills and qualities and thus achieve their goals in life.
* it helps you enhance your employability, career prospects, raise your confidence
and thus help you to lead a more fulfilling, high quality life.
* plan to make relevant, positive and effective life choices and decision for your
future to enable personal growth and empowerment.
* as you have already studied personality develpment means enchancing and
frooming one's outer and inner self to bring about a positive change life.
* each individual has a distnct personality that can be developed and refined.

Ques2.List 5 areas in which you hold negative attitudes. How can you change these to
positive attitudes? (DISTINCTION)
Ans. I possess negative attitude in the below areas and also have listed out the
respective ways which I follow to change them into positive ones.
(1) Emotional (get short tempered quickly) -perfrom meditation.
(2) overeating(eat huge amount of oily and deep fried foods) -do regular exercise.
(3) playing moblie games- divert my mind and spend time in outdoor games.
(4) lack of interest in studies-pay proper attention while trainer take class.
(5) saying lies-control mind and practice saying truth always in each situation.

Ques3.How can you motivate people? Give example. (DISTINCTION)

Ans.— 1. Tell people exactly what you want them to do .....

· 2. Limit the amount of time or effort that you're asking for .

· 3. Share in the sacrifice ...

•4.appeal to there emotions...

•5.give people multiple reasons for doing what you want them to do...
Personality Development – Written Assignment

•6. Be the change you want to inspire...

Ques4.What are the applications of Emotional Intelligence? Give examples explaining

this application? (DISTINCTION)
Ans Thinking rationally about the emotion before taking an action:Emotional decisions
usually result in taking incorrect actions. For example angry can motivate I to do
something that me regret later. By thinking rationally before acting I will become more
emotionally intelligent.

Ques5 What are the blocks to efficient time management? How will "YOU" overcome
Personality Development – Written Assignment

(1)The sentence means executing one's task or things at random and at your will
haphazardly will casue hindrance in time management.these are the blocks.
(2)it is an only feasible option for you so that you so that you can simply manage your
time by prioritzing essential tasks ir things and assigning optimum time ti cavities
considering their urgency .
(3) the task needs to be arranged logically and assigent priorties.

Ques 6.What are the three factors essential for leadership to function effectively?
Ans .Being honest, having integrity and listening to employes will only help gain their
respect,which will pay off when it comes time to exercise decisiveness. The best
leaders possess an open mind and flexibility, and are able to adjust to new ways of
thinking or alternative methods when necessary.

Ques7.What are the barriers you faced while improving your communication? What will
you do to overcome them? (DISTINCTION)

Ans.Lack of attention, and interest, distractions or irrelevance to the receiver are some
of the chief barriers while improving communication.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques8. Explain the ladder of inference with an example. (DISTINCTION)

Ans.STEP 1: Selected Reality
More Often Than Not, We Like To Make A ‘Split-Second Decision’ Or ‘Jump To A
Conclusion’. We Don’t Use All The Available Facts And Data To Make Every Decision,
But The Ladder Of Inference Approach Can Help i Do So.

For Example, In Anil’s Case, The Issue Of Priyank Showing Up 30 Minutes Late Could
Have Easily Been Tackled. This Is One Of The Commonly Noticed Ladder Of Inference

STEP 2: Interpreted Reality

Next, We Try To Interpret The Information Based On my Past Experiences, Preferences,
And Beliefs. There Are Many Ladder Of Inference Examples Based On Information
About A Person’s Past.

For Example, If Anil Had Assessed Priyank’s Past Performance And Found Him Prompt
And Committed To His Work, He Would Have Understood That Priyank Would Not Show
Up Late On Purpose.

STEP 3: Make Assumptions

Interpreting The Information Leads To The Third Rung Of The Ladder, Which Is Making
Assumptions. Interestingly, Making Assumptions Can Lead Us To Wrong Conclusions.
So Validate Your Assumptions Before You Jump To Conclusions.

For Example, If Anil Had Interpreted That Priyank Was A Committed Worker, Based On
His Past Performance, he Would Have Assumed That Priyank Was Fully Involved With
The Current Project And Had The Current Deadlines In Mind.

STEP 4: Drawing Conclusions

We Assume Things Through The Lens Of Our Past Experiences And, Based On our
Value System Of Right Or Wrong, We Draw Conclusions Based On These Assumptions.

For Example, Anil Would Have Finally Concluded That Priyank Cares About The Team’s
Reputation And His Performance As A Professional.

But A Wrong Assumption Can Take Things In Another Direction As Well. Imagine If
Anil’s Assessment Of Priyank’s Past Work Was Negative. In That Case, The Conclusion
Would Have Been Diametrically Opposite.

STEP 5: Take Action

After You Have Reached A Conclusion, The Final Step Is To Take Action.

In The Example Being Discussed, If Anil Had Come To A Positive Conclusion About
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Priyank, He Would Have Asked Priyank What Went Wrong, Trusted Him, And, If Required,
Confirmed From The Receptionist.

While Using The Ladder Of Inference, It’s Important To Ask Meaningful Questions. Using
Different Types Of Questions Can Help Obtain Different Views, Details, Linkages, And
Insights Into The Situation. Remember That Asking Impactful And Deep-Dive Questions
Can Help me Analyze Any Situation Better.

The Last Word

What Anil, However, Did Show Was That Jumping Up The Ladder Or Skipping The
Process Completely Can Lead me Into Arriving At The Wrong Conclusions.

This Was Just One Example. But We All Come Across Numerous Situations In
Professional As Well As Personal Lives, Whether It’s Making A Presentation, Making
Assumptions About A Colleague Or Manager, Or Interpreting Different Situations.

Understanding And Practicing The Ladder Of Inference In Daily Life Will Help me Master
Critical Thinking. I Will Then Avoid Jumping To Conclusions And Embarrassing myself.
Join Harappa’s Thinking Critically Course Today To Ease my Journey.

Ques 9.Which of the five team life-cycle stages occurs after storming? (DISTINCTION)
Forming stage
The forming stage involves a period of orientation and getting acquainted.
Uncertainty is high during this stage, and people are looking for leadership and
authority. A member who asserts authority or is knowledgeable may be looked to
take control. Team members are asking such questions as “What does the team
offer me?” “What is expected of me?” “Will I fit in?” Most interactions are social
as members get to know each other.

Storming stage
The storming stage is the most difficult and critical stage to pass through. It is a
period marked by conflict and competition as individual personalities emerge.
Team performance may actually decrease in this stage because energy is put
into unproductive activities. Members may disagree on team goals, and
subgroups and cliques may form around strong personalities or areas of
agreement. To get through this stage, members must work to overcome
obstacles, to accept individual differences, and to work through conflicting ideas
Personality Development – Written Assignment

on team tasks and goals. Teams can get bogged down in this stage. Failure to
address conflicts may result in long-term problems.

Norming stage
If teams get through the storming stage, conflict is resolved and some degree of
unity emerges. In the norming stage, consensus develops around who the leader
or leaders are, and individual member’s roles. Interpersonal differences begin to
be resolved, and a sense of cohesion and unity emerges. Team performance
increases during this stage as members learn to cooperate and begin to focus on
team goals. However, the harmony is precarious, and if disagreements re-emerge
the team can slide back into storming.

Performing stage
In the performing stage, consensus and cooperation have been well-established
and the team is mature, organized, and well-functioning. There is a clear and
stable structure, and members are committed to the team’s mission. Problems
and conflicts still emerge, but they are dealt with constructively. (We will discuss
the role of conflict and conflict resolution in the next section). The team is
focused on problem solving and meeting team goals.

Adjourning stage
In the adjourning stage, most of the team’s goals have been accomplished. The
emphasis is on wrapping up final tasks and documenting the effort and results.
As the work load is diminished, individual members may be reassigned to other
teams, and the team disbands. There may be regret as the team ends, so a
ceremonial acknowledgement of the work and success of the team can be
helpful. If the team is a standing committee with ongoing responsibility,
members may be replaced by new people and the team can go back to a forming
or storming stage and repeat the development process

Ques10.What Barriers did you face during your Project work? How can it be translated
to your Desired Job?
Ans.* A barrier or barricade is a physical structure which blocks or impedes something.
Barries to entry, arr obstacles that make it difficult to entering.
* one of the manjor barrieres I have gone through is permission from the managers
Personality Development – Written Assignment

for my field activity.

*Example:- when I went to coffee day the manager did not allow me to take the
survey. He said he doesn't want to distrub his customers.
* types of barriers:- there are three types if barriers which I had faced.
(1) communication barrier:- there are several barriers that effecta the flow of
communication in an organization this barriers interupt the flow of communication from
the sendsr to receiver, thus making communication ineffactive.
(2) physical barrier:-phycail barriees consist of any sound that prevents a person from
being heard. Physical noise interfers with a speaker's abllilty to send messages and with
an audience's ablilty to receive them. Other phycail blocks include mumbling, speaking
too fast, distractung gestures, noise inside the room such a ringing telephone etc.
(3)personal barrier :-personal barriers open new levels of awerness, dissloves barriers
and aids personal growth.the biggest personal barriers orignate below our personal
rader. The barriers that elude you are very clever defense mechanisms that oprate so
quickly thyley appear to be matural,intelligent ,choices,but in reality they are nothing
mire sybtle methods of keeping you from changing and creating true personal growth
and development.
Based on all these experinces I will try to improve many factirs that are:-
* type of approach
*knowledge on market
*good customer interation

Ques11.How your Inter personal skills will help you to achieve your goal?(DISTINCTION)
Ans.Interpersonal skills play a crucial role in achieving goals as they help in building
relationships, collaborating effectively, and communicating clearly. They enable me to
connect with others, understand their perspectives, and work together towards our
shared objectives.

Ques12.What sort of moral values you are lacking and how you can develop the same?
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ans. I believe in continuously improving myself and developing strong moral values. If
there are any values I feel I may be lacking, I would focus on empathy, honesty, and
integrity. I can develop these values by practicing active listening, being truthful, and
acting ethically in all situations.

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