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Training for Landing and

Cutting Stability in Young

Female Basketball and
Soccer Players
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Karina C. Howell, MS, CSCS

KCH Training, Columbia, South Carolina

ABSTRACT maneuvers are common occurrences Unfortunately, these are factors that
(32,22). Among these injuries, the are difficult to modify (unlike move-
majority result from no forceful contact ment patterns, muscle strength imbal-
by another individual, but rather the ances, and muscle activation patterns)
OFTEN ARE NOT A RESULT OF all of which may be altered with
ACL was damaged during deceleration,
PHYSICAL CONTACT, RATHER INJU- proper training. Therefore, current
acceleration, plant-and-cut movements,
RIES TEND TO OCCUR DURING ACL injury prevention interventions
sudden change of direction, landing
LANDING, CUTTING, OR PIVOTING have primarily focused on modifiable
from a jump, or other movements that
TO CHANGE DIRECTION OR SPEED. biomechanical and neuromuscular
can excessively load the knee. Such
FEMALE BASKETBALL AND SOCCER loading combined with high injury risk control factors, such as, knee abduc-
ATHLETES TEND TO EXHIBIT motions, such as knee valgus motion, tion, hamstring recruitment, excessive
BIOMECHANICAL AND NEUROMUS- where the knee moves medially similar leg rotation, and decreased knee flex-
CULAR PATTERNS DURING THESE to a “knock-knee” stance (Figures 1–4) ion (2,19).
MANEUVERS, WHICH CONTRIBUTE can potentially strain the ACL, making
TO THEIR HIGHER INCIDENCE OF it susceptible to possible damage
Commonly, female athletes tend to SOCCER ATHLETES
exhibit knee valgus and decreased When considering the overall injury
INJURY PREVENTION PROGRAMS patterns of high school athletes in the
knee flexion during landing, resulting
THAT INCORPORATE NEUROMUS- United States, boys may have a higher
in anterior shear forces and stress on
CULAR, PLYOMETRIC, STRENGTH, injury rate particularly when sports not
the ACL. Moreover, they tend to per-
AND BALANCE TRAINING HAVE commonly played by both genders, like
form cutting maneuvers with their
BEEN BENEFICIAL IN REDUCING football and volleyball were included.
knees more extended (46). Conse-
INJURY RISK FACTORS AND For instance, in a study that compared
quently, these events contribute to
PROMOTING PROPER BIOMECHAN- severe injury rates in football, soccer,
the tendency of female athletes having
ICS TO PROMOTE KNEE STABILITY basketball, volleyball, wrestling, base-
higher ACL injury rates than male
athletes in the same sport, and among ball, and softball, severe injury rates
ACL DURING THESE MANEUVERS. were higher in all the sports played
female athletes, basketball and soccer
by boys (r 5 0.45) than those played
players tend to have a higher inci-
by girls (r 5 0.26). However, in the
dence of injury (3). Anatomical fac-
same study, when severe injury rates
INTRODUCTION tors, such as intercondylar notch
he bulk of anterior cruciate lig- width and knee joint laxity, along with

T ament (ACL) tears occur during

sports participation, particularly
sports such as soccer, basketball, and
developmental and hormonal factors
(such as gender) ACL tensile strength,
and menstrual status have been pro-
basketball; soccer; youth; female; off-
season; knee; injury; ACL; landing;
cutting; jumping; change of direction
football where pivoting and cutting posed as ACL injury risk factors.

66 VOLUME 35 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2013 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
to have higher injury rates than male
athletes particularly in comparable
sports such as basketball, soccer, base-
ball, and softball, where the rules of
play and equipment are similar. Spe-
cifically, it has been shown that girls’
basketball and soccer teams have
higher injury patterns than boys’ bas-
ketball and soccer teams (15,55). Fur-
thermore, in a surveillance of North
Carolina schools, girls’ soccer had the
second highest injury incidence when
comparing basketball, soccer, track,
baseball, softball, wrestling, cheerlead-
ing, volleyball, and football (36).
The difference in injury rates between
males and females are also present
when comparing knee injuries. The
knee is a commonly injured site among
high school athletes, and knee injuries
Figure 1. Landing errors: Knee valgus have been shown to make up the
Figure 3. Landing errors: Knee valgus
“knock-knee” motion, land- majority of injuries requiring surgery
“knock-knee” motion and feet
ing on toes rather than on (15,35). Female basketball and soccer
are not shoulder width apart.
the ball of foot, and feet are players have been inclined to have
not shoulder width apart. more knee injuries, knee surgery, and
were compared among common ACL surgery than male basketball and
sports, girls had significantly higher soccer players (55). The higher rates of
severe injury rates than boys when knee injury in female basketball and
participating in the same sport such soccer players compared with male
as basketball or in a similar sport such basketball and soccer players are con-
as softball (15). Female athletes tend firmed by Darrow et al. (15) who
reported that girls had a higher amount
of severe injuries to their knees than
boys, and a large proportion of these
knee injuries were caused by complete
ligament tears. Although higher knee
injury rates in boys than in girls have
been observed (35) while examining
high school athletes in the sports of foot-
ball, soccer, basketball, baseball, wres-
tling, volleyball, and softball, these rates
may have differed if the knee injury rates
were examined among comparable
sports only.
Despite the lack of a comparison of
injury rates between males and females
in similar sports, Ingram et al. (35) con-
cluded that girls’ soccer and basketball
still ranked among the sports with the
highest knee injury rates, accompanied
Figure 2. Landing errors: Knee valgus
“knock-knee” motion, land- only by football and wrestling, which
ing on toes rather than on are primarily contact sports. Major
the ball of foot, feet are not Figure 4. Landing errors: Knee valgus knee injuries caused by noncontact
shoulder width apart, and “knock-knee” motion and feet mechanisms were twice as likely to
feet are not symmetrical. are not shoulder width apart. occur in females as males, and they

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Training for Landing and Cutting Stability in Young Female

were the primary mechanism of injury complete structure failure at that time. preseason biomechanical screenings and
in girls’ basketball and soccer, which High-risk lower extremity misalign- regular season observational follow-up
were the top 2 high school girls’ sports ment, which occurs when the tibia for ACL injury incidence. Female ath-
with the most frequent knee injuries externally rotates and valgus motion oc- letes who had an ACL injury in the reg-
(35). Complete ligament tears in the curs at the knee, has been noted in soc- ular season had a maximum knee flexion
knee were most common among female cer players during cutting maneuvers. during landing that was 10.58 less than
basketball and soccer players, with bas- Misalignments in basketball players those who did not experience an ACL
ketball players having a higher fraction during landing occur when the players injury, yet no difference in knee flexion
of reinjures to the knee (56), and female hyperextend the knee with simulta- were found at initial contact (30). Initial
athletes overall being more likely to neous internal rotation of the tibia contact is the moment of first contact of
have higher rate of reinjures than their (9). Overall, female athletes tend to the feet with the ground and does not
male counterparts in comparable sports cut and land with the knee more constitute complete landing, which is
(55). Such disparities among female bas- extended, thereby placing more stress when the player is fully pushing against
ketball and soccer players compared on the knee. Neuromuscular factors the ground, resulting in a ground reaction
with other athletes are also evident such as muscle activation and resultant force. Ground reaction force is the force
among collegiate athletes. Collegiate muscle strength and force are also sug- the ground exerts on the body and is
women’s basketball and soccer players gested to contribute to ACL injury. equal in magnitude to body weight.
have been shown to have statistically Musculature around the knee provides When landing from a jump, a player
higher rates of ACL injury than wom- stability for the knee, yet gender differ- dispels his or her momentum by push-
en’s lacrosse players (1) and men’s bas- ences have been found in muscular ing against the floor, resulting in
ketball and soccer players (23). strength, muscle recruitment, and mus- a ground reaction force that is equal
The higher prevalence of knee injury, cle coactivation patterns, which all and opposite to the force exerted by
particularly ACL injury, in female ath- influence knee stability (46). his or her body. However, during
letes compared with male athletes and deceleration, the ground reaction force
female basketball and soccer players BIOMECHANICAL exceeds the force exerted by body
compared with other female athletes CONSIDERATIONS weight. The magnitude of the resultant
provides strong evidence for injury pre- Knee flexion. Female athletes tend to ground reaction force is influenced by
vention training specifically within this land and cut with less knee flexion body posture during landing. Landing
population to minimize the occurrence than male athletes, which may contrib- with a stiff upright posture causes
of injury during activities involving little ute to their higher incidence of ACL a player to decelerate quickly, resulting
or no player contact. Thus, this article injury (54). The ACL is the principal in large mean and peak ground reac-
focuses on young female basketball and restraint to anterior tibial displacement, tion forces, which may increase the
soccer players in an effort to increase the forward sliding motion of the tibia risk of injury. Landing with knees,
the players’ strength and stability during relative to the femur occurring when hip, and ankles flexed increases decel-
common and frequent sport-related the knee extends. Assuming 75% of eration time, resulting in a smaller
activities to reduce their risk of injury, the force exerted by a fully extended ground reaction force (60) (Figure 5).
particularly knee injuries. knee, the ACL endures more strain Adolescent athletes participating in
with less knee flexion (50). Ligament jumping sports, such as basketball,
LANDING AND CUTTING PATTERNS strain is referred to the deformation of tend to have an average peak vertical
the ligament as a result of continued ground reaction force that is 4.5 times
loading. As ligaments are loaded ini- their body weight (45), and those par-
CONSIDERATIONS tially, fibers in the ligaments elongate, ticipating in gymnastics tend to land on
Biomechanical and neuromuscular fac- and as loading continues, the tissue stif- heels, toes, or without flexing knees
tors have been related to ACL injury, fens and more force is required for con- have been shown to have peak vertical
especially injuries occurring while piv- tinued elongation. This further ground reaction forces that are 3 to 8
oting, decelerating, cutting, and landing elongation is conveyed as strain and times their body weight. Coordinated
from a jump (10). It has been suggested refers to the deformation of the tissue activity by skeletal muscles help con-
that lower extremity alignment during in reference to its original length. As trol the motions of joints, and this
movement influences the amount of strain increases, the ligament is subject coordinated action helps to absorb
stress on supporting structures of the to failure and potential subsequent rup- the compressing actions of the oppos-
knee, such as the ACL. Lower extrem- ture and tearing (51). ing forces of body weight and ground
ity misalignment exacerbates the stress The injury risk associated with decreased reaction forces (60). Skeletal muscle
on the ACL, leading to structural dam- knee flexion has been seen among female creates moments of force, the effect
age over time or if combined with an adolescent basketball, soccer, and volley- of force that causes twisting, rotational,
excessive load and force, it may result in ball athletes who participated in or bending actions. These moments of

68 VOLUME 35 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2013

compared with jumping vertically or and cutting increase the risk of ACL
to the right. Moreover, the effect of injury (25,54). The movements neces-
jump anticipation and jump direction sary to land from a jump or perform
on the degree of knee flexion was a cut may be responsible for the valgus
larger in females, who had less knee and varus occurrences at the knee
flexion during reactive jumps and because these alignments are exhibited
when jumping to the left compared more during landing and cutting than
with males (57). during running (21). For instance, varus
Cutting maneuvers can create large and valgus motions were significantly
knee flexion moments on the knee espe- different during cutting maneuvers as
cially at the point when the player opposed to a straight run in male soc-
pushes off the most, and these moments cer players (6).
are possibly the result of an increase in Valgus or varus motions are also more
flexion load (6). Knee flexion moments pronounced when the task is abrupt
can also vary depending on the angle of and may occur more when players
the cut and whether the cut is abrupt or perform maneuvers unexpectedly
planned, resulting in varying degrees of (57). A particular side may also be
knee flexion. Male soccer players have more susceptible to valgus motions
been shown to experience a 19% during landing and cutting, with female
decrease in knee flexion when perform- high school basketball and soccer
Figure 5. Proper landing technique: ing an unanticipated side-step cut at 608 players experiencing greater valgus
Hips flexed, knee over mid- (6). The degree of knee flexion can also moments on their dominant side (the
foot, feet are shoulder width be influenced by the presence of a defen- leg the athlete would preferably use to
apart, feet are symmetrical, sive opponent. Increases in knee flexion kick a ball) during landing and cutting
and landing on ball of foot. have been observed while performing (14,17,29). Female athletes tend to
a cutting maneuver when a defensive experience more valgus and varus knee
force, also referred to as torque, control opponent was present; however, despite motions than male athletes during cut-
joint motions (61). In the previously this increase in knee flexion, female ath- ting and landing. At initial contact,
mentioned study of female adolescent letes were more liable to have less knee female basketball and soccer players
basketball, soccer, and volleyball ath- flexion during side-step cutting whether have been shown to have greater knee
letes participating in preseason biome- a simulated defensive opponent was valgus when landing (18) and greater
chanical screenings and regular season present or not (44). Additionally, in knee abduction angles when cutting (5)
observational follow-ups for ACL a study of male and female collegiate compared with their male counter-
injury incidence, the knee flexion recreational basketball, soccer, and vol- parts. This tendency for valgus motion
moment did result in knee flexion for leyball players, knee flexion angle in female athletes is not limited to the
all athletes, but the athletes who even- displayed by the females during cross- point of initial foot contact or to land-
tually experienced an ACL injury cutting was 88 smaller than that dis- ing and cutting tasks only.
flexed the knee less during the presea- played by males (42). Female basketball
Malinzak et al. (42) observed that
son screenings and regular season and soccer players who land and cut
female athletes consistently displayed
follow-ups compared with those who with little knee flexion may have an
valgus motion throughout each cutting
remained uninjured (30). increased risk of ACL injury considering
task as well as during running. The
The tendency of athletes to flex the that most stress on the ACL occurs
tendency for female athletes to have
when the knee is near full extension (50).
knee less during landing may be dem- more valgus motion than male athletes
onstrated even more in practice and was consistent despite gender differen-
games, where unlike a controlled lab- Knee valgus and varus alignments. In ces such as height. For instance, female
oratory environment, maneuvers are addition to resisting anterior displace- basketball players tended to have sig-
faster, immediate, and multidirectional, ment of the tibia relative to the femur, nificantly more valgus motion during
causing knee flexion to decline further. the ACL also functions as a resistor to landing compared with male players
For instance, male and female high valgus, varus, and tibia rotation. Valgus even when the values were normalized
school basketball players have been loading of the knee causes the leg to for height (17). These gender differen-
shown to display significantly less knee curve inward or adduct at the knee, ces between males and females may
flexion when performing jumps that and varus loading causes the leg to develop during adolescence, with girls
were reactive rather than planned, curve outward or abduct at the knee displaying more valgus motion as they
and they tended to have less maximum (62). It is suggested that valgus and age, considering Hewett et al. (29)
knee flexion when jumping to the left varus knee alignments during landing found no difference in medial motion

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Training for Landing and Cutting Stability in Young Female

between prepubertal boys and girls. collapsing of the knee (39). Valgus ACL. As the knee extends, an anterior
Medial motion refers to the movement motions of the knee have been shown force occurs at the knee, and the ACL
of the knee toward the midline of the to predict and precede ACL injury, and is responsible for regulating this force
body; in other words, it indicates val- female basketball and soccer players by restraining the knee and resisting
gus motion, and in this study, prepu- tend to display these motions more anterior displacement.
bertal girls tended to demonstrate than male players, particularly during In addition to this passive system of
medial motion as much as prepubertal landing and cutting; consequently, knee stability, the hamstring functions
boys. However, postpubertal girls dem- these players may have an increased as an antagonist to this anterior
onstrated more medial motion and risk of resultant ACL injury. motion and contracts to help restrain
larger valgus angles during landing the knee joint by pulling it in the pos-
compared with postpubertal boys and Hip motion. Increased hip adduction, terior direction. If the quadriceps con-
prepubertal girls. decreased hip flexion, and internal tracts strongly when the knee is
rotation are also motions that may between 08 of flexion (fully extended)
Notwithstanding this differentiation,
subject athletes to an increased risk of and 458 of flexion and the hamstring
differences in valgus motion are not
ACL injury (54). The degree of hip contraction does not match the strong
apparent between sports, and high
adduction has been shown to predict quadriceps contraction, the anterior
school female basketball and soccer
the degree of knee abduction or varus force that is produced can considerably
players may have similar risks of injury
motion during cutting in high school stress the ACL possibly resulting in an
particularly when performing cuts
female soccer players (34). Female bas- injury (25). Female basketball and soc-
(14). Valgus and varus alignments are
ketball and soccer players also may cer players, who subsequently experi-
a potential risk of ACL injury. Specifi-
have an increased hip adduction during enced an ACL injury, when assessed
cally, knee valgus moments and angles
landing causing knee valgus motion; during preseason for dynamic strength,
are significant predictors of ACL injury
however, isolated hip adduction had decreased hamstrings strength but
in adolescent female basketball and
moments may not be a risk factor for no decreased quadriceps strength com-
soccer players (30). Players who had
ACL injury itself (2). Female athletes pared with male players (47). Quadri-
an ACL injury during the regular sea-
tend to flex their hips less compared ceps strength in these female athletes
son demonstrated greater knee abduc-
with male athletes when cutting, and did not differ from that in male athletes,
tion angles at initial contact and
this decrease in flexion is also seen but the decrease in hamstrings strength
maximum displacement during landing
when facing a defensive opponent resulted in the quadriceps being stron-
in preseason screenings (30). Video
(44). The degree of hip flexion during ger than the hamstrings. This imbal-
analysis measuring foot position and
landing helps determine the magnitude ance could have resulted in the
lower extremity angles preceding
of force at the knee because hip flexion quadriceps overpowering the ham-
ACL injury revealed that knee abduc-
combined with knee and ankle flexion string and stressing the ACL, thereby
tion moments increased progressively
help to decrease ground reaction forces contributing to the conditions that
following initial foot contact with the
(2,60). caused their injuries because female
ground, and females had more knee
abduction than males (8). athletes who did not experience an
CONSIDERATIONS ACL injury had decreased quadriceps
Chaudhari and Andriachi (12), using
strength but no decreased hamstrings
a lower extremity model, evaluated Quadriceps and hamstrings strength. strength compared with male athletes.
knee alignments and resultant ACL Knee stability occurs passively and Therefore, it is important to use train-
thresholds, which they defined as the dynamically. Bones, menisci, liga- ing programs that will challenge and
maximal amount of force the ACL can ments, and the joint capsule compose develop both the quadriceps and the
endure before the joint opens medially the passive system of knee joint stabil- hamstrings.
or laterally more than 88. According to ity (25). For example, the ACL primar-
their model, the ACL injury threshold ily stabilizes the knee by regulating
was the highest, 5.1 times body weight, anterior and posterior translation, Muscle co-contraction: quadriceps and
during a neutral alignment. However, varus and valgus motions, and internal hamstrings balance in force. Balanced
when alignments changed to either and external rotations (50). The co-contraction of the quadriceps and
valgus or varus angles, the threshold dynamic system of stability consists hamstrings influences the degree of
decreased to 2.2 and 2.1 times body of muscle contraction, occurring pri- anterior tibia translation and decreases
weight, respectively. In other words, marily by volitional muscle activation. the anterior force stress on the knee. Li
with valgus or varus motions in the Knee joint stability relies on a balance et al. (41) demonstrated the effects of
knee, the amount of force it takes to between both systems, but variations in isolated quadriceps loading and com-
injure the ACL would be less, and with strength between the quadriceps and bined quadriceps and hamstring loading
excessive valgus motion, the injury to hamstrings in female athletes place at angles of 08, 158, 308, 608, 908, and
the ACL may be preceded by a medial them at the risk of stressing their 1208 of knee flexion in cadaver knees.

70 VOLUME 35 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2013

During isolated quadriceps loading, slower than male athletes; however, in hamstring torque have been
anterior tibial translation increased from their time to peak torque nearly observed after plyometric training
full extension (08) to 308 of knee flexion; equated the peak torque time seen in (13,31,48,52,58,63). Strength training
however, as knee flexion increased, ante- female nonathletes. Overall, investiga- has been implemented as a component
rior tibial translation decreased. Forces tors concluded that female athletes of neuromuscular training programs
on the ACL, during isolated quadriceps generated peak torque in the hamstring (49), as well as an isolated program,
loading, increased from 08 to 158 of knee an average of 11 milliseconds after and it has been shown to decrease knee
flexion and then decreased as the knee reaching peak torque in the quadriceps, valgus and hip adduction, increase
flexion angles increased. On the other whereas the other groups reached peak muscle strength, and increase knee
hand, when quadriceps loading was torque in the hamstring an average of flexion angle (26,27).
accompanied with hamstring loading, 3–6 milliseconds before reaching peak
anterior tibial translation was signifi- torque in the quadriceps.
cantly reduced at all angles except at PLYOMETRIC TRAINING
Activation of the hamstrings prevents Plyometric training involves multidi-
08 and 158 knee flexion. Forces on the knee hyperextension, but the ability of
ACL were significantly reduced with rectional consecutive jumping, where
the hamstrings to prevent this motion the athlete jumps, lands, and immedi-
quadriceps and hamstrings loading at relies on the amount of force it is capa-
158, 308, and 608 of knee flexion. Forces ately jumps again. Correct posture and
ble of producing, which indicates the body alignment are emphasized as
at 158 of knee flexion, which were high- degree of muscle strength. It has been
est with isolated quadriceps loading, well as jumping straight up rather than
suggested that hamstring antagonist leaning to the side or to the front or
were reduced by 23%. Moreover, inves- coactivation patterns are very low in
tigators found no significant difference back. Athletes are instructed to land
athletes who do not routinely engage softly with knees and hips flexed while
between isolated quadriceps loading in training programs consisting of ham-
and combined quadriceps and ham- immediately preparing to jump again
string strengthening exercises, but (31,58). Programs tend to progress in
string loading when the knee was fully significant changes in antagonist coac-
extended, suggesting that athletes the level of difficulty by requiring ath-
tivation patterns in the hamstrings letes to transition from jumping and
should avoid this knee position as much occur after a strength training program
as possible. Nevertheless, concurrent landing with both feet to jumping
(4). Such evidence supports the need for and landing with one foot (53) and
hamstring contraction during move- female athletes to participate in training
ments involving forceful quadriceps con- focus on building strength, power,
programs that are designed to equally and agility (31). Plyometric training
traction is beneficial to reduce strain in train and strengthen the hamstrings and
the ACL. has been shown to decrease landing
quadriceps to minimize imbalances forces and knee abduction and adduc-
between these muscles. tion moments (31) and increase ham-
Timing of muscle recruitment and
muscle activation. Female athletes string strength (64).
tend to activate their quadriceps more INJURY PREVENTION TRAINING Decreases in landing forces after plyo-
than their hamstrings, and their quad- PROGRAMS metric training have been observed in
riceps tend to reach peak torque before A REVIEW OF ACL INJURY college women involved in recrea-
their hamstrings. When muscle activa- PREVENTION PROGRAMS tional sports (58) and in female high
tion patterns were measured in colle- Neuromuscular training interventions school volleyball players who, for
giate recreational basketball, soccer, with emphasis on core strengthening, example, decreased their peak landing
and volleyball athletes, via electromy- joint stability, balance training, and force by 22% (31). Increases in perfor-
ography (EMG), quadricep’s EMG jump training have been shown to mance have also resulted from plyo-
activity in females was consistently modify and improve landing errors metric training. Improvements in
greater than that in males especially such as knee valgus and varus motions, sprint speed and vertical jump height
during running and side-cutting. Con- and knee hyperextension (11,16,20). In in NCAA female soccer players (13),
versely, hamstring’s EMG activity in addition, plyometric training, which in- increases in vertical height in high
females was less than that in males cludes jumping drills such as wall school volleyball players (31), and in-
particularly during running and jumps and tuck jumps, has been imple- creases in average power and improved
cross-cutting (42). Huston and Wojtys mented in ACL injury intervention body position in female collegiate bas-
(33) detected that female collegiate programs in an attempt to modify inad- ketball players (63) have been noted.
athletes reach peak torque in knee flex- equate muscle activation, decrease However, plyometric training alone
ion slower than male collegiate ath- landing forces, decrease valgus mo- may not reduce the risk of ACL injury,
letes, but their time to peak torque in ments and knee rotations, and to but it may be more effective when
knee extension was similar. At higher increase hamstring strength. Increases combined with other types of training.
speeds, female athletes still reached in preparatory muscle coactivation, de- Female high school basketball, soccer,
peak torque in hamstrings significantly creases in landing forces, and increases and volleyball athletes were assessed

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Training for Landing and Cutting Stability in Young Female

for ACL injury after a plyometric adaptations resultant in an increased factors such as decreased knee flex-
program, where athletes trained for strength and an improved athletic per- ion and knee valgus that are associ-
20 minutes before or after practice. formance (37). Training increases ated with ACL injury. Such factors
Those who participated in the plyo- strength in the muscles specifically may be modified more effectively
metric program incurred the same trained, resulting in an increase in max- with more dynamic training that is
amount of ACL injuries as those ath- imum voluntary contraction (27) dem- more representative of common athletic
letes who did not participate in the onstrated through increases in maneuvers; however, resistance training
program. Furthermore, all ACL inju- 1-repetition maximum tests (7,38) is an essential component of overall
ries were incurred by basketball and and improved athletic performance. training because it provides a solid foun-
soccer players, with basketball players Recreational female athletes, following dation for athletic performance.
experiencing more injuries than soccer a strength training program emphasiz-
players (53). ing quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus
On the other hand, plyometric training maximus, and gluteus medius develop-
ment, demonstrated an average In an 8-week training program imple-
combined with other types of training mented with female basketball and soc-
may decrease the risk of injury. For increase in strength in these muscles
ranging from 35% to 48% (27). A cer players, players were categorized
instance, female high school soccer play- into 2 groups consisting of either plyo-
ers who participated in plyometric strength gain in the hamstrings is
important when considering the role metric training or basic resistance train-
training, sports-specific cardiovascular ing. Players trained in their respective
conditioning, sport cord drills, strength of hamstring co-contraction in reduc-
ing ACL strain (64). Reductions in programs 3 days a week for 30 minutes
training, flexibility training, and accelera- each day. Both groups significantly
tion drills with emphasis on body ground reaction forces have also been
noted after strength training. In the improved in quadriceps strength, but
position awareness and avoidance of there was no significant difference in
high-risk movements had less ACL inju- assessment of landing mechanics of
female recreational athletes who par- hamstring and hip abduction strength
ries than those who did not train in these between baseline and postintervention.
components. Specifically, trained athletes ticipated in strength training and those
who did not, athletes performed initial Kinematic data revealed that both pro-
had 1 ACL injury as opposed to 8 ACL grams promoted increases in knee flex-
injuries in untrained athletes (24). jumps and then were given immediate
feedback on their jumping and landing ion at initial contact, peak knee flexion,
biomechanics. Athletes were allowed and time to peak knee flexion during
RESISTANCE/STRENGTH to view their jumps along with demon- landing. Both groups also demonstrated
TRAINING a decrease in knee flexion moment and
strations of proper jumping and land-
Movement is a result of muscle force ing technique before performing hip flexion moment; however, there
acting on the skeletal system, specifi- subsequent jumps. Those who partici- was no difference in vertical ground
cally joints, causing torque or mo- pated in the strength training program reaction force between the groups
ments, expressed as rotating, twisting, experienced a greater decrease in peak (40). Thus, this study further indicates
or bending actions. These actions vertical ground reaction force. Peak the need for a more comprehensive
depend on how strongly the muscle knee anterior shear force also training program.
is stimulated and the degree of force decreased in this group, but increased Individually, each training program
production in the muscle (37). The in the group with no strength train- may be effective in altering some mod-
maximal amount of force that a muscle ing. Although both groups experi- ifiable factors associated with an
generates is referred to as the muscle’s enced a decrease in knee valgus increased risk of ACL injury such as
strength, and this strength is altered moment and an increase in knee flex- the degree of knee flexion, quadriceps
with training (37). The concept of ion during landing, the magnitude of and hamstring muscle strength and
strength training involves placing both was greater in athletes who did force imbalances, landing forces, and
a demand on muscles to perform not participate in a strength training knee valgus motions. However, a train-
beyond their current levels, referred program (26). Others have indicated ing program that incorporates all or
to as overloading. When muscles are no changes in lower extremity most of these individual programs, such
consistently overloaded, the neuro- motion patterns such as peak ante- as neuromuscular training programs,
muscular system adapts, resulting in rior tibial shear force and vertical may prove more effective. Neuromus-
an increase in muscle size, increased ground reaction force with only cular training tends to incorporate
motor unit recruitment, and improved strength training (27), suggesting that strength training, balance training, plyo-
coordination of the agonists, all of although strength training is benefi- metric training, and proprioceptive
which influence muscle strength. cial for strength gains, it may not training, in addition to core strengthen-
Strength training exploits this principle be very effective in translating the ing and dynamic joint stability training.
of adaptation and progressively over- increases in strength to modifying Such training has been shown to
loads the body to elicit further some of the biomechanical injury risk increase knee flexion, decrease knee

72 VOLUME 35 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2013

Table 1
A sample 8-week program designed for increased landing and cutting stability

Routine 1 Sets Repetitions/Time Routine 2 Sets Repetitions/Time

Weeks 1 and 2
Single-leg balance circuit—each 2 12 Body weight squats (on whistle, 2 20
exercise: 908 leg lift and single-leg 5-second hold on each squat
figure 8 before blowing whistle)
Body weight squats 3 20 Body weight split squat (on 2 10
whistle, 5-second hold on each
split squat before blowing
whistle)—each leg
Overhead squat with dowel 2 12 Wall sits 2 30 sec
Stationary lunges 3 8 Jump rope 2 1 min
Lying hamstring curls (with resistance 3 8 Line jumps (front/back and 2 30 sec
band) side/side)
Straight-leg hip abduction 2 10 Low-intensity depth jumps (from 2 10
first step of bleachers working
on proper knee alignment and
hip flexion)
Bent-leg hip abduction 2 10 Up/back 2 30 sec
Hip bridge 2 10 Agility ladder drills: 1-foot run, 3 rotations
2-foot run, lateral run
Weeks 3 and 4
Single Leg Balance Circuit—each exercise: 2 12 Body weight squats (on whistle, 2 20
908 leg lift, single-leg figure 8, and 5-second hold on each squat
hopping to balance before blowing whistle)
Body weight squats 3 20 Body weight split squat (on 2 10
whistle, 5-second hold on each
split squat before blowing
whistle)—each leg
Overhead squat with dowel 2 12 Wall sits 2 45 sec
Forward lunge 3 8 Jump rope (double and single leg) 2 2 min
Hamstring curls (with stability ball) 3 8 Line jumps (front/back and side/ 2 30 sec
Straight-leg hip abduction 2 10 Low-intensity depth jumps (from 1 10
first step of bleachers working
on proper knee alignment and
hip flexion)
Hurdle run/sprint through 3 rotations
Bent-leg hip abduction 2 10 Hurdle hops (jump and stick) 3 rotations
Cook hip lift 2 12 Hurdle hops (continuous) 3 rotations
Weeks 5 and 6
Single-leg balance circuit—each 2 15 Body weight squats (on whistle, 2 15
exercise: 908 leg lift, single-leg figure 10-second hold on each squat
8, hopping to balance before blowing whistle)


Strength and Conditioning Journal | 73

Training for Landing and Cutting Stability in Young Female

Table 1
(continued )
Body weight squats 3 20 Body weight split squat [on 2 8
whistle, 10-second hold on
each split squat before
blowing whistle)—each leg
Sandbag squats (squats with contoured 3 8 Lateral hurdle hops with sprint 4 rotations
sandbags on shoulders) (2 each side)
Backward lunge 3 8 Figure 8 3 rotations
Up/downs (eccentric exercise for 3 8 Box drill 3 rotations
Wall jumps 2 30 sec Zig-zag/change of direction drill 3 rotations
Jump and reach 2 30 sec Agility Ladder Drills: hop scotch 3 rotations
and straddle hops
Squat jumps 2 30 sec Free-style Jumping:
Heiden and Stick/Skaters 2 5 jumps each side
Power Skips 2 10 yards
Monster walks (with resistance bands) 2 10 yds (down Hurdle hops (jump and stick) 2 rotations
and back)
Ball squeezes (with soft elastic ball) 3 20s Hurdle hops—single leg 2 rotations
Side-to-side (with rope): (a) position 2 15
rope at hip height; (b) move side to side
under rope in an athletic stance, with
hips and knees flexed, head up, feet at
least shoulder width apart—without
rounding back—clearing
both shoulders on each side; (c)
under and back is one repetition
Weeks 7 and 8
Single-Leg Balance Circuit—each 3 30 s Lateral hurdle hops with sprint 4 rotations
exercise: single leg ball tosses (each (2 each side)
leg) and mirror drill
Body weight squats (on whistle) 3 20 Figure 8 3 rotations
Sandbag squats (squats with 3 12 Box drill 3 rotations
contoured sandbags on shoulders)
Walking lunge 3 10 yd Zig-zag/change of direction drill 3 rotations
One-leg bench squat 2 10 Lateral shuffle 3 30 s
Up/downs (eccentric exercise for 3 12 Lateral quickness 3 30 s
Leg abduction (with tubing) 2 10 Lateral quickness with drop step 3 30 s
Leg adduction (with tubing) 2 10 Star Drill 3 rotations

74 VOLUME 35 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2013

Table 1
(continued )
Side to side (with rope): (a) position 2 15
rope at hip height; (b) move side to side
under rope in an athletic stance, with
hips and knees flexed, head up, feet at
least shoulder width apart—without
rounding back—clearing
both shoulders on each side; (c)
under and back is one repetition

flexion moment and knee valgus experienced 32 ACL tears, and in OFF-SEASON TRAINING
moment, and decrease maximum the second season, the trained group PROGRAM
knee valgus in female collegiate bas- experienced 4 ACL tears compared The following landing and cutting
ketball and soccer players during with 35 ACL tears in the untrained stability training program (Table 1)
landing (11). Promising results have group (43). is intended to train athletes in such
also been observed in female high Neuromuscular training has also been a way that they have sufficient neu-
school basketball, soccer, and volley- shown to increase performance in romuscular activation, muscular
ball athletes who participated in female high school athletes. Basket- strength, and technique to success-
a 6-week program with similar com- ball, soccer, and volleyball players fully land and cut with less stress on
ponents and sessions occurring 3 days have increased strength, improved their knee joint, which may translate
a week for 60–90 minutes per session jump distance and height, and to reduction in injury risk. The train-
(28). Athletes who trained in the pro- decreased sprint times after a training ing program incorporates strength,
gram had significantly less ACL inju- program incorporating plyometric plyometric, lateral, agility, balance,
ries than those who did not train in training, core strengthening and bal- and coordination as well as flexibility
the program. Moreover, this reduction ance, resistance training, and speed training, all of which are incorporated
in ACL injury may persist over training consisting of interval sprint- with emphasis on being aware of
seasons. ing with nonresisted and partner- body position and moving with bal-
Female soccer players aged 14– resisted sprinting (49). Additionally, ance and stability (Table 2). Overall,
18 years were observed for 2 consec- female soccer players aged 13–18 the training program is aimed to
utive seasons while participating in years who trained 3 times a week teach athletes how to move properly,
a 20-minute prepractice program. before practice had faster sprint times and the strength gained provides
Investigators found that those who (50). Considering the evidence, it them with the capacity to do so. All
trained had significantly lower occur- would be beneficial to use a multicom- training days should be preceded by
rences of ACL injury than those who ponent program when attempting to a proper dynamic warm-up, which
did not train. In the first season, the increase knee stability when landing should include linear and lateral
trained group experienced 2 ACL and cutting because such a program movement to prepare the athletes
tears and the untrained group may prove more effective. for subsequent activities, and training

Table 2
Training program components for increased landing and cutting stability

Training Purpose
Strength/resistance Counter muscle imbalances in the hamstring and quadriceps and strengthen the hip and thigh, and
reinforce proper knee alignment. Includes body weight training where incorporate exercises (i.e.,
body weight squats) that use the athlete’s body weight as resistance with emphasis on strength,
coordination and control, proper knee alignment, and hip flexion
Balance and coordination Encourage body control and stability during movements. Includes single leg balance training
Plyometric Strength, power, proper landing mechanics
Lateral and agility Lateral movement, changing directions, cutting
Flexibility training Improve range of motion especially in hip, hamstrings, and quadriceps

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 75

Training for Landing and Cutting Stability in Young Female

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