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Copyright© 2010 Bulletin 3666423

Cummins Inc. Printed 13-DECEMBER-2010
All rights reserved
This manual contains information for the correct operation and maintenance of your Cummins engine. It also includes
important safety information, engine and systems specifications, troubleshooting guidelines, and listings of Cummins
Authorized Repair Locations and component manufacturers.
Read and f o l l o w all safety i n s t r u c t i o n s . Refer to the WARNING in the General Safety Instructions in Section i
- Introduction.
Keep this manual with the equipment. If the equipment is traded or sold, give the manual to the new owner.
The information, specifications, and recommended maintenance guidelines in this manual are based on information
in effect at the time of printing. Cummins Inc. reserves the right to make changes at any time without obligation. If
you find differences between your engine and the information in this manual, contact your local Cummins Authorized
Repair Location or call 1-800-DIESELS (1-800-343-7357) toll free in the U.S. and Canada.
The latest technology and the highest quality components were used to produce this engine. When replacement parts
are needed, we recommend using only genuine Cummins or ReCon® exchange parts.
NOTE: Note: Warranty information is located in Section W. Make sure you are familiar with the warranty or warranties
applicable to your engine.
Table of Contents

- rduction ; i

Engine Identification E

Ccerating Instructions 1

Maintenance Guidelines 2

Maintenance Procedures at Daily Interval 3

Maintenance Procedures at 250 Hours or 6 M o n t h s 4

w= ntenance Procedures at 1500 Hours or 1 Year - 5

Maintenance Procedures at 6000 Hours or 2 Years 6

Maintenance Procedures at 10,000 Hours or 5 Years 7

Adjustment, Repair, and Replacement A

System Diagrams D

Service Literature L

Service A s s i s t a n c e S

Engine Storage • 308

Troubleshooting Symptoms TS

Maintenance Specifications V

Warranty W
Important Reference Numbers
Fill in the part name and number in the blank spaces provided below. This will give you a reference whenever service
or maintenance is required.

Name Number Number

Engine Model
Engine Serial Number (ESN)
Control Parts List (CPL)
Fuel Pump Part Number
Electronic Control Module (ECM)
Electronic Control Module Serial Numbers (ECM)
Filter Part Numbers:
• Air Cleaner Element •

• Lubricating Oil
• Fuel
• Fuel-Water Separator
• Coolant
• Crankcase Ventilation
• Cummins Particulate Filter
Governor Control Module (GCM) (if applicable)
Belt Part Numbers:


Clutch or Marine Gear (if applicable):

• Model
• Serial Number
• Part Number
• Oil Type
• Sea Water Pump
- Model
- Part Number

Section i - Introduction Page i-a

Section i - Introduction
Section Contents
Jtoout the Manual i-2
eral Information i-2
± c o n y m s and A b b r e v i a t i o n s ...i-15
General Information i-15
General Cleaning Instructions i-10
- c a s i v e Pads and Abrasive Paper i-10
Definition of Clean i-10
Fuel System i-13
3asket Surfaces i-11
- as: c Bead Cleaning i-12
E: /ent and Acid Cleaning
S:eam Cleaning i-12
General Repair Instructions i-8
General Information i-8
iVelding on a Vehicle with an Electronic Controlled Fuel System i-9
General Safety Instructions i-6
Important Safety Notice i-6
- o w to Use t h e Manual i-3
General Information i-3
ustrations i-5
General Information i-5
Symbols i-4
General Information. i-4
To the Owner and Operator i-1
General Information i-1
Page i-b Section i - Introduction

This Page Left Intentionally Blank

-SX15 To the Owner and Operator
Section i - Introduction Page i-1

To the Owner and Operator

General Information
-:ive maintenance is the easiest and least expensive type of maintenance. Follow the maintenance schedule
r:: - -nendations outlined in Maintenance Guidelines (Section 2).
• -ecords of regularly scheduled maintenance.
. : T :ne correct fuel, lubricating oil, and coolant in your engine as specified in Maintenance Specifications (Section
3lending engine oil with fuel is prohibited for engines with an aftertreatment system.
_ ns Inc. uses the latest technology and the highest quality components to produce its engines. Cummins Inc.
f : : ~ i m e n d s using genuine Cummins new parts and ReCon® exchange parts.
-e'sonnel at Cummins Authorized Repair Locations have been trained to provide expert service and parts support.
- you have a problem that can not be resolved by a Cummins Authorized Repair Location, follow the steps outlined
- : r e Service Assistance (Section S).
-*3duct coverage, warranty limitations and owner responsibilities are available in Warranty (Section W).

Z sconnect b o t h the positive ( + ) and negative (-) battery cables f r o m the battery before w e l d i n g o n t h e
vehicle. A t t a c h the welder g r o u n d cable no more t h a n 0.61 meters [2 feet] f r o m the part being w e l d e d . Do not
connect the g r o u n d cable of t h e welder to the ECM c o o l i n g plate or ECM. Welding o n t h e engine or engine
—ounted c o m p o n e n t s is not r e c o m m e n d e d .
About the Manual QSX15
Page i-2 Section i - Introduction

About the Manual

General Information
This manual contains information needed to correctly operate and maintain your engine as recommended by Cummins
Inc. For additional service literature and ordering locations, refer to Service Literature (Section L).
This manual does not cover vehicle, vessel, or equipment maintenance procedures. Consult the original vehicle,
vessel, or equipment manufacturer for specific maintenance recommendations.
Both metric and U.S. customary values are listed in this manual. The metric value is listed first, followed by the U.S.
customary in brackets.
Numerous illustrations and symbols are used to aid in understanding the meaning of the text. Refer to Symbols in
this section for a complete listing of symbols and their definitions.
Each section of the manual is preceded by a Section Contents to aid in locating information.
How to Use the Manual

How to Use the Manual

~ r - e ai Information
E - = - - a is divided into the same group system used for previous manuals and the Cummins' filmcard system.
:-=-:' : " s organized into a logical sequence of engine disassemble/assemble, all other sections are in numerical
sequence. Refer to the Table of Contents at the front of the book to determine the section that details the desired
— on.
" • r : sassemble/assemble sections of this manual is divided into the same group system used for previous manuals
i-: '~r Cummins' filmcard system.
: - 13 is organized into a logical sequence of engine disassemble/assemble, all other sections are in numerical
:-ri _ r - :e Refer to the Table of Contents at the front of the book to determine the section that details the desired
• : —ation.
z section contains the following in sequence:
• Table of Contents
• - e : _ i r e d Service Tool Listings
• Several Information containing the basic service, maintenance, design and revision information necessary to assist
in the rebuild of an engine or a component
• o c e d u r e instructions for the disassembly, inspection, maintenance, and assembly that can be required to rebuild

an engine; additional procedures that are not necessary during every rebuild, but can be necessary, are included.
These procedures depend on the length of time an engine has been in service and the conditions of the parts.
A the procedures are identified with a name and a number. Each digit in the procedure number has a specific
The first three digits of the number refer to the specific section that the procedure can be found within the manual. In
ft 5 example, " 0 0 1 " represents Section 01 - Cylinder Block. This number will range from 000 to 022.
' h e second three digits of the number are unique and refer to a specific subject. In this example, "028" represents
Cylinder Liner. This number will range from 001 to 999.
R efer to Section V for specifications recommended by Cummins Engine Company, Inc. for your engine. Specifications
and torque values for each engine system are given in that section.
NOTE: Discharge of oil or oily water into or upon the water is a direct violation of today's laws. Violators are subject
to a penalty of various monetary charges. Dispose of these substances in accordance with standards set by the EPA.
Symbols QSX15
Page i-4 Section i - Introduction

General Information
The following symbols have been used in this manual to help communicate the intent of the instructions. When one
of the symbols appears, it conveys the meaning defined below:

WARNING - Serious personal injury or PERFORM a mechanical or time
extensive property damage can result if MEASUREMENT.
the warning instructions are not
followed. LUBRICATE the part or assembly.

CAUTION - Minor personal injury can Indicates that a WRENCH or TOOL SIZE
result or a part, an assembly, or the en- will be given.
gine can be damaged if the caution in-
structions are not followed.
TIGHTEN to a specific torque.
0 step. PERFORM an electrical
BLY step. Refer to another location in this manual
or another publication for additional
INSPECTION is required.

a CLEAN the part or assembly.

The component weighs 23 kg [50 lb] or
more. To avoid personal injury, use a
hoist or get assistance to lift the compo-
nent. <,<wv*«,
S-ection i - Introduction Page i-5

General Information
Some of the illustrations throughout this manual are
generic and will not look exactly like the engine or parts
_59d in your application. The illustrations can contain
r.Tibols to indicate an action required and an acceptable
:•* not acceptable condition.

he illustrations are intended to show repair or

Placement procedures. The procedure will be the same
r all applications, although the illustration can differ.

General Safety Instructions QSX15
Page i-6
Section i - Introduction

General Safety Instructions

Important Safety Notice

Improper practices, carelessness, or i g n o r i n g the w a r n i n g s can cause burns, c u t s , m u t i l a t i o n , asphyxiation
or other personal injury or d e a t h .
Read and understand all of the safety precautions and warnings before performing any repair. This list contains the
general safety precautions that must be followed to provide personal safety. Special safety precautions are included
in the procedures when they apply.
• Work in an area surrounding the product that is dry, well lit, ventilated, free from clutter, loose tools, parts, ignition
sources and hazardous substances. Be aware of hazardous conditions that can exist.
• A l w a y s wear protective glasses and protective shoes when working.
• Rotating parts can cause cuts, mutilation or strangulation.
• Do not wear loose-fitting or torn clothing. Remove all jewelry when working.
• Disconnect the battery (negative [-] cable first) and discharge any capacitors before beginning any repair work.
Disconnect the air starting motor if equipped to prevent accidental engine starting. Put a "Do Not Operate" tag in
the operator's compartment or on the controls.
• Use ONLY the proper engine barring techniques for manually rotating the engine. Do not attempt to rotate the
crankshaft by pulling or prying on the fan. This practice can cause serious personal injury, property damage, or
damage to the fan blade(s) causing premature fan failure.
• If an engine has been operating and the coolant is hot, allow the engine to cool before slowly loosening the filler
cap to relieve the pressure from the cooling system.
• A l w a y s use blocks or proper stands to support the product before performing any service work. Do not work on
anything that is supported ONLY by lifting jacks or a hoist.
• Relieve all pressure in the air, oil, fuel, and cooling systems before any lines, fittings, or related items are removed
or disconnected. Be alert for possible pressure when disconnecting any device from a system that utilizes pressure.
Do not check for pressure leaks with your hand. High pressure oil or fuel can cause personal injury.
• To reduce the possibility of suffocation and frostbite, wear protective clothing and ONLY disconnect liquid
refrigerant (Freon) lines in a well ventilated area. To protect the environment, liquid refrigerant systems must be
properly emptied and filled using equipment that prevents the release of refrigerant gas (fluorocarbons) into the
atmosphere. Federal law requires capturing and recycling refrigerant.
• To reduce the possibility of personal injury, use a hoist or get assistance when lifting components that weigh 23
kg [50 lb] or more. Make sure all lifting devices such as chains, hooks, or slings are in good condition and are of
the correct capacity. Make sure hooks are positioned correctly. A l w a y s use a spreader bar when necessary. The
lifting hooks must not be side-loaded.
• Corrosion inhibitor, a component of SCA and lubricating oil, contains alkali. Do not get the substance in eyes.
Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Do not swallow internally. In case of contact, immediately wash
skin with soap and water. In case of contact, immediately flood eyes with large amounts of water for a minimum
• Naptha and Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) are flammable materials and must be used with caution. Follow the
manufacturer's instructions to provide complete safety when using these materials. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF
• To reduce the possibility of burns, be alert for hot parts on products that have just been turned off, exhaust gas
flow, and hot fluids in lines, tubes, and compartments.
• A l w a y s use tools that are in good condition. Make sure you understand how to use the tools before performing
any service work. Use ONLY genuine Cummins® or Cummins ReCon® replacement parts.
• Always use the same fastener part number (or equivalent) when replacing fasteners. Do not use a fastener of
lesser quality if replacements are necessary.
• When necessary, the removal and replacement of any guards covering rotating components, drives, and/or belts
should only be carried out be a trained technician. Before removing any guards the engine must be turned off and
any starting mechanisms must be isolated. All fasteners must be replaced on re-fitting the guards.
• Do not perform any repair when fatigued or after consuming alcohol or drugs that can impair your functioning.
General Safety Instructions
-- - -troduction Page i-7

>:~€ s:ate and federal agencies in the United States of America have determined that used engine oil can be
-ogenic and can cause reproductive toxicity. Avoid inhalation of vapors, ingestion, and prolonged contact
" ..sea engine oil.
: not connect the jumper starting or battery charging cables to any ignition or governor control wiring. This can
r a - s e electrical damage to the ignition or governor.
• - ..ays torque fasteners and fuel connections to the required specifications. Overtightening or undertightening
: = - allow leakage. This is critical to the natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas fuel and air systems.
• Always test for fuel leaks as instructed, as odorant can fade.
• I :s~ the manual fuel valves prior to performing maintenance and repairs, and when storing the vehicle inside.
• Coolant is toxic. If not reused, dispose of in accordance with local environmental regulations.
• ' - = : catalyst reagent contains urea. Do not get the substance in your eyes. In case of contact, immediately flood
eyes with large amounts of water for a minimum of 15 minutes. Avoid prolonged contact with skin. In case of
contact, immediately wash skin with soap and water. Do not swallow internally. In the event the catalyst reagent
is ingested, contact a physician immediately.
• The catalyst substrate contains Vanadium Pentoxide. Vanadium Pentoxide has been determined by the State of
California to cause cancer. Always wear protective gloves and eye protection when handling the catalyst assembly.
Do not get the catalyst material in your eyes. In Case of contact, immediately flood eyes with large amounts of
water for a minimum of 15 minutes. Avoid prolonged contact with skin. In case of contact, immediately wash skin
with soap and water.
• The Catalyst substrate contains Vanadium Pentoxide. Vanadium Pentoxide has been determined by the State of
California to cause cancer. In the event the catalyst is being replaced, dispose of in accordance with local
• California Proposition 65 Warning - Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the State of
California to cause cancer, birth defects, and other reproductive harm.
General Repair Instructions QSX15
Page i-8 Section i - Introduction

General Repair Instructions

General Information
This engine incorporates the latest technology at the time it was manufactured; yet, it is designed to be repaired using
normal repair practices performed to quality standards.

C u m m i n s Inc. does not r e c o m m e n d or authorize any m o d i f i c a t i o n s or repairs to engines or c o m p o n e n t s
except for t h o s e detailed in C u m m i n s Service I n f o r m a t i o n . In particular, unauthorized repair to safety-related
c o m p o n e n t s can cause personal injury or death. Below is a partial listing of c o m p o n e n t s classified as safety-

1 Air Compressor
2 Air Controls
3 Air Shutoff A s s e m b l i e s
4 Balance W e i g h t s
5 Cooling Fan
6 Fan Hub A s s e m b l y
7 Fan M o u n t i n g Bracket(s)
8 Fan M o u n t i n g Capscrews
9 Fan Hub Spindle
10 Flywheel
11 Flywheel Crankshaft Adapter
12 Flywheel M o u n t i n g C a p s c r e w s
13 Fuel Shutoff A s s e m b l i e s
14 Fuel Supply T u b e s
15 Lifting Brackets
16 T h r o t t l e Controls
17 T u r b o c h a r g e r Compressor Casing
18 T u r b o c h a r g e r Oil Drain Line(s)
19 T u r b o c h a r g e r Oil Supply Line(s)
20 T u r b o c h a r g e r Turbine Casing
21 Vibration Damper M o u n t i n g Capscrews

• Follow all safety instructions noted in the procedures

- Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning solvents and other substances used during the repair of
1 the engine. Some solvents and used engine oil have been identified by government agencies as toxic or
carcinogenic. Avoid excessive breathing, ingestion and contact with such substances. A l w a y s use good safety
practices with tools and equipment.
• Provide a clean environment and follow the cleaning instructions specified in the procedures
- The engine and its components must be kept clean during any repair. Contamination of the engine or components
will cause premature wear.
• Perform the inspections specified in the procedures
• Replace all components or assemblies which are damaged or worn beyond the specifications
• Use genuine Cummins new or ReCon® service parts and assemblies
- The assembly instructions have been written to use again as many components and assemblies as possible. When
it is necessary to replace a component or assembly, the procedure is based on the use of new Cummins or
Cummins ReCon® components. All of the repair services described in this manual are available from all Cummins
Distributors and most Dealer locations.
• Follow the specified disassembly and assembly procedures to reduce the possibility of damage to the components
General Repair Instructions
Page i-9

I : - : e:e -ebu id instructions are available in the service manual which can be ordered or purchased from a Cummins
- . -: : e : -soair Location. Refer to Section L — Service Literature for ordering instructions.

• e 2 n g on a Vehicle with an Electronic Controlled Fuel System

: r-:: -~ect both the positive ( + ) and negative (-) battery cables f r o m the battery before welding on the
f - : e Attach the welder g r o u n d cable no more than 0.61 meters [2 feet] f r o m the part being w e l d e d . Do not
: : : < - - f t h e g r o u n d clamp of the welder to any of the sensors, w i r i n g harness, the ECM or the engine. Direct
I z -g of any electronic engine c o m p o n e n t or engine m o u n t e d c o m p o n e n t must not be a t t e m p t e d . Sensors,
* - z -arness, and ECM s h o u l d be removed if nearby welding will expose these c o m p o n e n t s to temperatures
z z normal operation. Additionally, all ECM c o n n e c t o r s must be d i s c o n n e c t e d . .
General Cleaning Instructions QSX15
Page i-10 Section i - Introduction

General Cleaning Instructions

Definition of Clean
Parts must be free of debris that can contaminate any engine system. This does not necessarily mean they have to
appear as new.
Sanding gasket surfaces until the factory machining marks are disturbed adds no value and is often harmful to forming
a seal. It is important to maintain surface finish and flatness tolerances to form a quality sealing surface. Gaskets are
designed to fill small voids in the specified surface finish.
Sanding gasket surfaces where edge-molded gaskets are used is most often unnecessary. Edge-molded gaskets are
those metal carriers with sealing material bonded to the edges of the gasket to seal while the metal portion forms a
metal to metal joint for stability. Any of the small amounts of sealing material that can stick to the parts are better
removed with a blunt-edged scraper on the spots rather than spending time polishing the whole surface with an air
sander or disc.
For those gaskets that do not have the edge molding, nearly all have a material that contains release agents to prevent
sticking. Certainly this is not to say that some gaskets are not difficult to remove because the gasket has been in
place a long time, has been overheated or the purpose of the release agent has been defeated by the application of
some sealant. The object however is just to remove the gasket without damaging the surfaces of the mating parts
without contaminating the engine (don't let the little bits fall where they can not be removed).
Bead blasting piston crowns until the dark stain is removed is unnecessary. All that is required is to remove the carbon
build-up above the top ring and in the ring grooves. There is more information on bead blasting and piston cleaning
later in this document. .
Cummins Inc. does not recommend sanding or grinding the carbon ring at the top of cylinder liners until clean metal
is visible. The liner will be ruined and any signs of a problem at the top ring reversal point (like a dust-out) will be
destroyed. It is necessary to remove the carbon ring to provide for easier removal of the piston assembly. A medium
bristle, high quality, steel wire wheel that is rated above the rpm of the power tool being used will be just as quick and
there will be less damage. Yes, one must look carefully for broken wires after the piston is removed but the wires are
more visible and can be attracted by a magnet.
Oil on parts that have been removed from the engine will attract dirt in the air. The dirt will adhere to the oil. If possible,
leave the old oil on the part until it is ready to be cleaned, inspected and installed, and then clean it off along with any
attracted dirt. If the part is cleaned then left exposed it can have to be cleaned again before installation. Make sure
parts are lubricated with clean oil before installation. They do not need to be oiled all over but do need oil between
moving parts (or a good lube system priming process conducted before cranking the engine).
Bead blasting parts to remove exterior paint is also usually unnecessary. The part will most likely be painted again
so all that needs happen is remove any loose paint.

Abrasive Pads and Abrasive Paper

The keyword here is "abrasive". There is no part of an engine designed to withstand abrasion. That is they are all
supposed to lock together or slide across each other. Abrasives and dirt particles will degrade both functions.

Abrasive material must be kept out of or removed f r o m oil passages and parts wear p o i n t s . Abrasive material
in oil passages can cause bearing and b u s h i n g failures that can progress t o major c o m p o n e n t damage b e y o n d
reuse. This is particularly true of main and rod bearings.
Cummins Inc. does not recommend the use of emery cloth or sand paper on any part of an assembled engine or
component including but not limited to removing the carbon ridge from cylinder liners or to clean block decks or
Great care must be taken when using abrasive products to clean engine parts, particularly on partially assembled
engines. Abrasive cleaning products come in many forms and sizes. All of them contain aluminum oxide particles,
silicon carbide, or sand or some other similar hard material. These particles are harder than most of the parts in the
engine. Since they are harder, if they are pressed against softer material they will either damage the material or
become embedded in it. These materials fall off the holding media as the product is used. If the products are used
with power equipment the particles are thrown about the engine. If the particles fall between two moving parts, damage
to the moving parts is likely.
If particles that are smaller than the clearance between the parts while they are at rest (engine stopped), but larger
than the running clearance then damage will occur when the parts move relative to each other (engine started). While
the engine is running and there is oil pressure, particles that are smaller than the bearing clearance are likely to pass
between the parts without damage and be trapped in the oil filter. However, particles larger than the bearing clearance
will remove material from one part and can become embedded in one of the parts. Once embedded in one part it will
2SX15 General Cleaning Instructions
Section i - Introduction Page i-11

zz z-ze the other part until contact is no longer being made between the two parts. If the damage sufficiently degrades
- z : film, the two parts will come into contact resulting in early wear-out or failure from lack of effective lubrication.
-_ -as . 9 particles can fly about during cleaning it is very important to block these particles from entering the engine
L i ~_ch as possible. This is particularly true of lubricating oil ports and oil drilling holes, especially those located
3 c * ~ s t r e a m of the lubricating oil filters. Plug the holes instead of trying to blow the abrasive particles and debris with
: : - : -essed air because the debris is often simply blown further into the oil drilling.
- : : gasket material must be removed from the parts gasket surfaces. However, it is not necessary to clean and
: : 5 - :ne gasket surface until the machining marks are erased. Excessive sanding or buffing can damage the gasket
1 _ - = : e . Many newer gaskets are of the edge molded type (a steel carrier with a sealing member bonded to the steel).
What little sealing material that can adhere is best removed with a blunt-edged scraper or putty knife. Cleaning gasket
= . - a c e s where an edge-molded gasket is used with abrasive pads or paper is usually a waste of time.

= x :essive s a n d i n g or g r i n d i n g the carbon ring f r o m the t o p of the cylinder liners can damage the liner b e y o n d
-euse. The surface finish will be d a m a g e d and abrasive particles can be f o r c e d into t h e liner material w h i c h
:-an cause early cylinder wear-out or piston ring failures.
" a c e off or plug all openings to any component interior before using abrasive pads or wire brushes. If really necessary
:-e-:ause of time to use a power tool with abrasive pads, tape the oil drillings closed or use plug and clean as much
:* :ne surface as possible with the tool but clean around the oil hole/opening by hand so as to prevent contamination
:* :ne drilling. Then remove the tape or plug and clean the remaining area carefully and without the tool. DO NOT use
- r e p r e s s e d air to blow the debris out of oil drilling on an assembled engine! More likely than not, the debris can be
c own further into the drilling. Using compressed air is fine if both ends of the drilling are open but that is rarely the
rase when dealing with an assembled engine.

Gasket Surfaces
~~e object of cleaning gasket surfaces is to remove any gasket material, not refinish the gasket surface of the part.
C j m m i n s Inc. does not recommend any specific brand of liquid gasket remover. If a liquid gasket remover is used,
:neck the directions to make sure the material being cleaned will not be harmed.
- - powered gasket scrapers can save time but care must be taken to not damage the surface. The angled part of
-.-5 scraper must be against the gasket surface to prevent the blade from digging into the surface. Using air powered
: asket scrapers on parts made of soft materials takes skill and care to prevent damage.

Zz not scrape or brush across the gasket surface if at all possible.

Solvent and Acid Cleaning

Several solvent and acid-type cleaners can be used to clean the disassembled engine parts (other than pistons. See
3elow). Experience has shown that the best results can be obtained using a cleaner that can be heated to 90° to 95°
Celsius (180° to 200° Fahrenheit). Kerosene emulsion based cleaners have different temperature specifications, see
•elow. A cleaning tank that provides a constant mixing and filtering of the cleaning solution will give the best results.
Cummins Inc. does not recommend any specific cleaners. Always follow the cleaner manufacturer's instructions.
Remove all the gasket material, o-rings, and the deposits of sludge, carbon, etc., with a wire brush or scraper before
putting the parts in a cleaning tank. Be careful not to damage any gasket surfaces. When possible, steam clean the
•arts before putting them in the cleaning tank.

When using s o l v e n t s , acids, or alkaline materials for c l e a n i n g , f o l l o w t h e manufacturers r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s
for use. Wear g o g g l e s and protective c l o t h i n g to reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Experience has shown that kerosene emulsion based cleaners perform the best to clean pistons. These cleaners
should not be heated to temperature in excess of 77°C (170°F). The solution begins to break down at temperatures
in excess of 82°C (180°F) and will be less effective.
Do not use solutions composed mainly of chlorinated hydrocarbons with cresols, phenols and/or cresylic components.
They often do not do a good job of removing deposits from the ring groove and are costly to dispose of properly.
Solutions with a pH above approximately 9.5 will cause aluminum to turn black; therefore do not use high alkaline
Chemicals with a pH above 7.0 are considered alkaline and those below 7.0 are acidic. As you move further away
from the neutral 7.0, the chemicals become highly alkaline or highly acidic.
Remove all the gasket material, o-rings, and the deposits of sludge, carbon, etc., with a wire brush or scraper before
putting the parts in a cleaning tank. Be careful to not damage any gasket surfaces. When possible use hot high
General Cleaning Instructions QSX15
Page i-12 Section i - Introduction

pressure water or steam clean the parts before putting them in the cleaning tank. Removing the heaviest dirt before
placing in the tank will allow the cleaner to work more effectively and the cleaning agent will last longer.
Rinse all the parts in hot water after cleaning. Dry completely with compressed air. Blow the rinse water from all the
capscrew holes and the oil drillings.
If the parts are not to be used immediately after cleaning, dip them in a suitable rust proofing compound. The rust
proofing compound must be removed from the parts before assembly or installation on the engine.
Steam Cleaning
Steam cleaning can be used to remove all types of dirt that can contaminate the cleaning tank. It is a good method
for cleaning the oil drillings and coolant passages

When using a steam cleaner, wear safety glasses or a face shield, as well as protective clothing. Hot steam
can cause serious personal injury.
Do not steam clean the following components:
• Electrical Components
• Wiring Harnesses
• Injectors
• Fuel Pump
• Belts and Hoses
• Bearings (ball or taper roller)
• Electronic Control Module (ECM)
• ECM Connectors
• Dosing Control Unit
• NOx Sensor.
Plastic Bead Cleaning
Cummins Inc. does not recommend the use of glass bead blast or walnut shell media on any engine part. Cummins
Inc. recommends using only plastic bead media, Part Number 3822735 or equivalent on any engine part. Never use
sand as a blast media to clean engine parts. Glass and walnut shell media when not used to the media manufacturer's
recommendations can cause excess dust and can embed in engine parts that can result in premature failure of
components through abrasive wear.
Plastic bead cleaning can be used on many engine components to remove carbon deposits. The cleaning process is
controlled by the use of plastic beads, the operating pressure and cleaning time.

Do not use bead blasting cleaning methods on aluminum pistons skirts or the pin bores in any piston, piston
skirt or piston crown. Small particles of the media will embed in the aluminum or other soft metal and result
in premature wear of the cylinder liner, piston rings, pins and pin bores. Valves, turbocharger shafts, etc.,
can also be damaged. Follow the cleaning directions listed in the procedures.

Do not contaminate wash tanks and tank type solvent cleaners with the foreign material and plastic beads.
Remove the foreign material and plastic beads with compressed air, hot high pressure water or steam before
placing them in tanks or cleaners. The foreign material and plastic beads can contaminate the tank and any
other engine parts cleaned in the tank. Contaminated parts may cause failures from abrasive wear.
Plastic bead blasting media, Part Number 3822735, can be used to clean all piston ring grooves. Do not sure any
bead blasting media on piston pin bores or aluminum skirts.
Follow the equipment manufacturer's cleaning instructions. Make sure to adjust the air pressure in the blasting
machine to the bead manufacturer's recommendations. Turning up the pressure can move material on the part and
cause the plastic bead media to wear out more quickly. The following guidelines can be used to adapt to
manufacturer's instructions:
1. Bead size: U.S. size Number 16 — 20 for piston cleaning with plastic bead media, Part Number 3822735
2. Operating Pressure — 270 kPa (40 psi) for piston cleaning. Pressure should not cause beads to break.
3. Steam clean or wash the parts with solvent to remove all of the foreign material and plastic beads after cleaning.
Rinse with hot water. Dry with compressed air.
3SX15 General Cleaning Instructions
Section i - Introduction Page i-13

~-e bead blasting operation must not disturb the metal surface. If the metal surface is disturbed the engine
ran be damaged due to increased parts clearance or inadequate surface finish on parts that move against
other parts.
iVhen cleaning pistons, it is not necessary to remove all the dark stain from the piston. All that is necessary is to
e~ove the carbon on the rim and in the ring grooves. This is best done by directing the blast across the part as
imposed to straight at the part. If the machining marks are disturbed by the blasting process, then the pressure is too
- gh or the blast is being held on one spot too long. The blast operation must not disturb the metal surface.
?. nut shell bead blast material is sometimes used to clean ferrous metals (iron and steel). Walnut shell blasting
z -oduces a great amount of dust particularly when the pressure if the air pressure on the blasting machine is increased
aoove media manufacturer's recommendation. Cummins Inc. recommends not using walnut shell media to clean
engine parts due to the risk media embedment and subsequent contamination of the engine.
Cjmmins Inc. now recommends glass bead media NOT used to clean any engine parts. Glass media is too easily
embedded into the material particularly in soft materials and when air pressures greater than media manufacturer's
-ecommend are used. The glass is an abrasive so when it is in a moving part, that part is abrading all the parts in
contact with it. When higher pressures are used the media is broken and forms a dust of a very small size that floats
easily in the air. This dust is very hard to control in the shop, particularly if only compressed air (and not hot water)
is used to blow the media after it is removed from the blasting cabinet (blowing the part off inside the cabinet may
-emove large accumulations but never removes all the media).
Bead blasting is best used on stubborn dirt/carbon build-up that has not been removed by first steam/higher pressure
washing then washing in a heated wash tank. This is particularly true of pistons. Steam and soak the pistons first then
use the plastic bead method to safely remove the carbon remaining in the grooves (instead of running the risk of
damaging the surface finish of the groove with a wire wheel or end of a broken piston ring. Make sure the parts are
dry and oil free before bead blasting to prevent clogging the return on the blasting machine.
Always direct the bead blaster nozzle "across" rather than directly at the part. This allows the bead to get under the
unwanted material. Keep the nozzle moving rather than hold on one place. Keeping the nozzle directed at one-place
too long causes the metal to heat up and be moved around. Remember that the spray is not just hitting the dirt or
carbon. If the machining marks on the piston groove or rim have been disturbed then there has not been enough
movement of the nozzle and/or the air pressure is too high.
Never bead blast valve stems. Tape or use a sleeve to protect the stems during bead blasting. Direct the nozzle across
the seat surface and radius rather than straight at them. The object is to remove any carbon build up and continuing
to blast to remove the stain is a waste of time.
Fuel System
When servicing any fuel system components, which can be exposed to potential contaminants, prior to disassembly,
clean the fittings, mounting hardware, and the area around the component to be removed. If the surrounding areas
are not cleaned, dirt or contaminants can be introduced into the fuel system.
The internal drillings of some injectors are extremely small and susceptible to plugging from contamination. Some
fuel injection systems can operate at very high pressures. High pressure fuel can convert simple particles of dirt and
rust into a highly abrasive contaminant that can damage the high pressure pumping components and fuel injectors.
Electrical contact cleaner can be used if steam cleaning tools are not available. Use electrical contact cleaner rather
than compressed air, to wash dirt and debris away from fuel system fittings. Diesel fuel on exposed fuel system parts
attracts airborne contaminants.
Choose lint free towels for fuel system work.
Cap and plug fuel lines, fittings, and ports whenever the fuel system is opened. Rust, dirt, and paint can enter the
fuel system whenever a fuel line or other component is loosened or removed from the engine. In many instances, a
good practice is to loosen a line or fitting to break the rust and paint loose, and then clean off the loosened material.
When removing fuel lines or fittings from a new or newly-painted engine, make sure to remove loose paint flakes/
chips that can be created when a wrench contacts painted line nuts or fittings, or when quick disconnect fittings are
Fuel filters are rated in microns. The word micron is the abbreviation for a micrometer, or one millionth of a meter.
The micron rating is the size of the smallest particles that will be captured by the filter media. As a reference, a human
hair is 0.003 mm [3/1000 in] in diameter. One micron measures 0.00004 mm [4/100,000 in]. The contaminants being
filtered out are smaller than can be seen with the human eye, a magnifying glass, or a low powered microscope.
The tools used for fuel system troubleshooting and repair are to be cleaned regularly to avoid contamination. Like fuel
system parts, tools that are coated with oil or fuel attract airborne contaminants. Remember the following points
regarding your fuel system tools:
General Cleaning Instructions QSX15
Page i-14 Section i - Introduction

• Fuel system tools are to be kept as clean as possible.

• Clean and dry the tools before returning them to the tool box.
• If possible, store fuel system tools in sealed containers.
• Make sure fuel system tools are clean before use.
Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms and Abbreviations

W m e - a \n
"Aefolowing list contains some of the acronyms and abbreviations used in this manual.
API American Petroleum Institute
ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials
BTU British Thermal Unit
BTDC Before Top Dead Center
°C Celsius
CO Carbon Monoxide
CCA Cold Cranking Amperes
CARB California Air Resources Board
C.I.B. Customer Interface Box
C.I.D. Cubic Inch Displacement
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CPL Control Parts List
cSt Centistokes
DEF Diesel Exhaust Fluid
DOC Diesel Oxidation Catalyst
DPF Diesel Particulate Filter
ECM Electronic Control Module
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
°F Fahrenheit
ft-lb Foot-Pound Force
FMI Failure Mode Indentifier
GVW Gross Vehicle Weight
Hg Mercury
hp Horsepower
H 0
2 Water
inHg Inches of Mercury
in H 0 2 Inches of Water
ICM Ignition Control Module
km/I Kilometers per Liter
kPa Kilopascal
LNG Liquid Natural Gas
LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas
LTA Low Temperature Aftercooling
MIL Malfunction Indicator Lamp
MPa Megapascal
mph Miles Per Hour
mpq Miles Per Quart
N«m Newton-meter
NOx Mono-Nitrogen Oxides
NG Natural Gas
02 Oxygen
OBD On-Board Diagnostics
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
PID Parameter Identification Descriptions
Acronyms and Abbreviations QSX15
Page i-16 Section i - Introduction

ppm Parts Per Million

psi Pounds Per Square Inch
PTO Power Takeoff
REPTO Rear Power Take Off
RGT Rear Gear Train
rpm Revolutions Per Minute
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SCA Supplemental Coolant Additive
SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction
STC Step Timing Control
SID Subsystem Identification Descriptions
VDC Volts of Direct Current
VS Variable Speed •
VSS Vehicle Speed Sensor
E - Engine Identification Page E-a

Section E - Engine Identification

Section Contents
r c ne Diagrams E-2
E-g ne Views E-2
-custrial CM570 and Power Generation without CM570 E-3
rxjine identification E-1
ECM Dataplate E-1
:ustrial Applications E-1
P: ver Generation E-1
E-gine Dataplate... ; E-1
Pan* Ph QSX15
r a g e '
C D Section E - Engine Identification

This Page Left Intentionally Blank

Engine Identification
E - Engine Identification Page E-1

Engine Identification
E-gine Dataplate
A 2 3 1
/ / / / IMPORTANT E N G I N E INFORMATION: This engine conforms
Displacement r-.a\ Model / X E.C.S.
:*- ; pouce > ^ C P L ' Models " S FEL EPA CARB to U.S. EPA and California regulations applicable to
Fuel Raj|»mAdvert. HP Engine No. Jf Date of Mfg. Model Year New Heavy Duty Diesel Engines, This
engine has a primary intended service application as a heavy
Deb4*combusJ. a PUIDS. Indiquee Moteur No. ~ Date Frnbricotion
heavy-duty diesel engine. This engine is certified to operate
Family Inj. Timing Code on diesel fuel. This engine is not certified for use in and urban
Famile Pm Course d'injection bus as defined at 40 CFR 86,093-2. Sales of this engine for
t-. i Cold (mm) Int. Exh. Ref. No. Idle Speed (RPM) Matte mUSA use in an urban bus is a violation of Federal Law under the
sc-joapes a Roid Adm Ecfi Vitesse Rolentie 3412261 Clean Air Act.

"ne engine dataplate, located on top of the rocker lever cover, provides the model identification and other important
rata about the engine.
-ave the following engine data available when communicating with a Cummins Authorized Repair Location. The data
zn the dataplate are mandatory when sourcing service parts:
1. Engine serial number (ESN)
2. Control parts list
3. Model
4. Advertised horsepower and rpm.

ECM Dataplate
Industrial Applications
The electronic control module (ECM) dataplate is located
on the front of the ECM.
The abbreviations on the dataplate are explained as
• p/N = Part number
• S/N = Serial number Ciimi
• D/C = Data code.

Engine Diagrams
Page E-2 QSX15
Section E - Engine Identification

Engine Diagrams
Engine Views

m a t n t P ^ Sh( T ^ '° ° °
Cati n °
ft h e m a j r external
e n 9 components, filters, and other service and
i n e
maintenance points. Some external components will be at different locations for different engine models.
E - Engine Identification Engine Diagrams
Page E-3
al CM570 and Power Generation without CM570

u mm ins inc.

© Cummins Inc s) Cummins Inc

QSX15 Industrial with CM570 - Front View
1. Accessory drive belt
2. Water pump/fan drive belt
3. Lubricating oil fill
4. Water pump/fan drive belt tensioner
Accessory drive belt tensioner.
Engine Diagrams QSX15
Section E - Engine Identification
Page E-4

Industrial CM570 and Power Generation without CM570

1 2 3 4 5

© Cumrri


QSX15 Industrial with CM570 - Left Side View

1. Gear housing
2. ECM
3. Air intake
4. Engine dataplate
5. Fuel pump
6. Starter
7. Fuel filter
8. Lubricating oil dipstick
9. Crankshaft timing pin port
10. Vibration dampers
11. Barring device/air compressor
12. Fan hub.
Engine Diagrams
E - Engine Identification Page E-5

rial CM570 and Power Generation without CM570

1 2 3 4 5

QSX15 Industrial with CM570 - Right Side View

* Exhaust manifold
2 Turbocharger
3. Oil inlet to turbocharger
4. Wastegate actuator
5. Thermostat housing vent
6. Thermostat housing
7. Engine coolant outlet (to radiator)
8. Freon compressor
9. Coolant temperature sensor
10. Alternator
11. Water pump
12. Coolant filter
13 Lubricating oil drain
14 Turbocharger oil drain
15 Combination full-flow/bypass lubricating oil filter
16 Lubricating oil cooler assembly
17 Flywheel housing
18 Engine serial number.
Engine Diagrams QSX15
Page E-6 Section E - Engine Identification

Industrial CM570 and Power Generation without CM570


QSX15 Power Generation without CM570 - Front View

1. Accessory drive belt
2. Water pump/fan drive belt
3. Oil fill/crankcase breather
4. Water pump/fan drive belt tensioner
5. Accessory drive belt tensioner.
Section E - Engine Identification Engine Diagrams
Page E-7
Industrial CM570 and Power Generation without CM570

1 2 3


QSX15 Power Generation without CM570 - Left Side View
Gear cover
Engine dataplate
Air intake
Fuel pump
Fuel filter
6. Starter
7 Lubricating oil pan
8 Lubricating oil drains
9 Crankshaft timing pin port
10 Lubricating oil dipstick
11, Vibration dampers
12. Lubricating oil fill/barring device
13. Fan hub. *
Engine Diagrams QSX15
Page E-8 Section E - Engine Identification

Industrial CM570 and Power Generation without CM570

1 2. / 1 3 4


QSX15 Power Generation without CM570 - Right Side View

1. Exhaust manifold
2. Lubricating oil Inlet to turbocharger
3. Turbocharger
4. Thermostat housing vent
5. Thermostat housing
6. Engine coolant outlet (to radiator)
7. Coolant temperature sensor
8. Water pump
9. Coolant filter
10. Lubricating oil drains
11. Combination full-flow/bypass lubricating oil filter
12. Lubricating oil cooler assembly
13. Flywheel housing
14. Engine serial number
15. Turbocharger lubricating oil drain.
BIS Engine Diagrams
Secron E - Engine Identification Page E-9

trial CM570 and Power Generation without CM570


Fuel System - Left Side View

1. Intake manifold pressure/temperature sensor 6. ECM/engine harness port (OEM)
2. Fuel outlet 7. ECM
3. Fuel inlet 8. ECM/engine harness port (actuator)
4. Fuel shutoff valve 9. ECM/sensor port
5. Oil pressure/temperature sensor 10. Cooling plate (behind ECM).
Engine Diagrams QSX15
Page E-10 Section E - Engine Identification

Industrial CM570 and Power Generation without CM570

11 18

Fuel System - Left Side View (continued)

11. Camshaft position sensor
12. Crankshaft position sensor
13. Ambient air pressure sensor
14. Water-in-Fuel sensor
15. Fuel pressure sensor
16. Front and rear rail sensors*
17. Timing actuators
18. Fueling actuators.
* Eliminated on most engines
-3X15 Engine Diagrams
S-ection E - Engine Identification Page E-11

ndustrial CM570 and Power Generation without CM570


Fuel Delivery Housing - Front View

1. Priming bypass valve (internal)
2. 320 psi pressure regulator
3. 36-micron filter screen
4. Fuel inlet
5. Quick disconnect pressure tap - suction side
6. Water-ln-Fuel sensor
7. 250 psi pressure regulator
8. Fuel shutoff valve
9. Quick disconnect pressure tap - pressure side
10. Fuel pressure sensor
11. Front rail actuator
12. Front timing actuator
13. Rear timing actuator
14. Rear rail actuator.

Section E • Engine Identification
- :. = 5 : M 5 7 0 and Power Generation w i t h o u t CM570

wins Inc Suramins

^•Cummins Inc,

QSX15 with CM570 Fuel Delivery Housing - Rear View
1. Fuel pump assembly
2. Front rail pressure sensor*
3. Fuel filter
4. Rear rail pressure sensor*.
* Eliminated on most engines.

Section 1 - Operating Instructions Page 1-a

Section 1 - Operating Instructions

Section Contents
Cold Weather Starting 1-2
General Information 1-2
Using Starting Aids 1-2
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) -1-21
General Information • 1-21
System EMI Radiation Levels 1-21
System EMI Susceptibility 1-21
Electronic Controlled Fuel System 1-8
Diagnostic Fault Codes 1-9
Industrial Applications . 1-9
Engine Protection System •'• 1-15
Fuel System Description 1-15
General Information 1-8
Engine Operating Range 1-8
General information.... 1-8
Engine Shutdown 1-8
General Information 1-8
Normal Starting Procedure 1-8
General Information 1-3
Jump Starting . • 1-5
Operating Instructions - Overview 1-1
General Information 1-1
Operating the Engine • 1-5
Ambient Temperature • • 1-8
Cold Weather -. • .....1-6
Normal • 1"5

Winterfronts and Shutters 1- 7

Starting Procedure After Extended Shutdown or Oil Change 1-3

General Information 1-3
Page 1-b Section 1 - Operating Instructions

This Page Left Intentionally Blank

QSX15 Operating Instructions - Overview
Section 1 - Operating Instructions Page 1-1

2Derating Instructions - Overview

General Information
Co~ect care of your engine will result in longer life, better
' ~ a n c e , and more economical operation.
-z d w the daily maintenance checks listed in
£ -:enance Guidelines (Section 2).
new Cummins® engine associated with this manual
::<es not require a "break-in" procedure. This section of
~ e T.anual provides all of the necessary information
- r c j ed for proper engine operation.

. 5 legislation requires that stationary compression

~ tion internal combustion engines designated for
e - e r g e n c y use are limited to emergency operations and
'r-z- red maintenance and testing.

Cneck the oil pressure indicators, temperature indicators,

warning lights, and other gauges daily to make sure they
are operational.

For the PowerCommand Controller 3300 Generator Set

Control the automatic and manual modes are selected via
push buttons. Cummins® Inc recommends that the
Generator Set is operated in automatic mode.
I i.-z * : i - -g QSX15
Section 1 - Operating Instructions

A R E OR CAN B E C O M B U S T I B L E V A P O R S . The vapors
can be sucked through the air intake system and
cause engine acceleration and overspeeding that can
result in a fire, an explosion, and extensive property
damage. Numerous safety devices are available, s u c h
as air intake shutoff devices, to minimize the risk of
overspeeding where an engine, due to its application,
might operate in a combustible environment, such as
due to a fuel spill or gas leak. Remember, Cummins
has no way of knowing the use you have for your
Cummins recommends the installation of an air intake
shutoff device or a similar safety device to minimize
the risk of overspeeding when an engine is operating
in a combustible environment, s u c h a s due to a fuel
spill or gas leak.

Do not expose the engine to corrosive chemicals.
Corrosive chemicals can damage the engine.

Cold Weather Starting

General Information
Follow the Normal Starting Procedure in this section. In
cold weather, the engine can run longer at idle but only
until the minimum specified oil pressure is detected by the
electronic control module (ECM).
a m 5 Normal Starting Procedure
: - : • : " 1 - Operating I n s t r u c t i o n s Page 1-3

Starting Procedure After Extended

Shutdown or Oil Change
General Information
: : . the Normal Starting Procedure in this section. The

engine will run at idle o n l y until the minimum specified oil

pressure is detected by the electronic control module

Normal Starting Procedure

General Information
~ - e stop or stop engine lamp is red and indicates the need - WARNING ns
stop the engine as soon as it can be safely done. The
engine m u s t then remain shut down until it can be
The warning or check engine lamp is yellow. When it
- n i n a t e s , the engine is in need of repair at the first
STOP i s Inc.
available opportunity.
The yellow lamp will flash for 30 seconds at key-on when
one of the following occurs:
• Maintenance required (if maintenance monitor is
• Water-in-fuel is detected.
If the warning light flashes for 30 seconds at key-on and
water is drained from the primary water-separating fuel
filter, the secondary fuel filter m u s t be replaced.

Do not depress the accelerator pedal or m o v e t h e
accelerator lever f r o m the idle p o s i t i o n while c r a n k i n g
the e n g i n e . T h i s can result in engine o v e r s p e e d and
severe d a m a g e to t h e e n g i n e .

To prevent damage to t h e s t a r t i n g m o t o r , d o not
engage t h e s t a r t i n g m o t o r for more t h a n 30 s e c o n d s .
Wait 2 m i n u t e s b e t w e e n each a t t e m p t to start
(electrical starting m o t o r s o n l y ) .
NOTE: Engines equipped with air starting motors require
a minimum of 480 kPa [70 PSI].
• Disengage the driven unit, or if equipped, put the
transmission in neutral.
• With the accelerator pedal or lever in the idle position,
turn the key switch to the ON position, then turn the
key to the START position.
• If the engine does not start after three attempts, check
the fuel supply system. Absence of blue or white
exhaust smoke during cranking indicates no fuel is
being delivered.
Normal Starting Procedure QSX15
Page 1-4 Section 1 - Operating Instructions

The engine must have adequate oil pressure within 15
s e c o n d s after starting. If the warning lamp indicating
low oil pressure has not gone out or there is no oil
pressure indicated on a gauge within 15 s e c o n d s ,
shut off the engine immediately to reduce the
possibility of engine damage. The low oil pressure
troubleshooting procedure is located in
Troubleshooting Symptoms (Section T S ) .

Idle the engine 3 to 5 minutes before operating with a load.

3 to 5 minutes

After starting a cold engine, increase the engine speed

(rpm) slowly to provide adequate lubrication to the
bearings and to allow the oil pressure to stabilize.

Do not operate engine at low idle for long periods with
engine coolant temperature below the minimum
specification in Coolant Recommendations and
Specifications (Section V). Low coolant temperature
can result in:
• Fuel dilution of the lubricating oil
• Carbon build-up in the cylinder
• Cylinder head valve sticking
• Reduced performance.
Operating the Engine
1 - Operating Instructions Page 1-5


s can emit explosive g a s e s . To reduce the
lity of personal injury, always ventilate the
rtment before servicing the batteries. To
the possibility of arcing, remove the negative
battery cable first and attach the negative (-) battery

using jumper cables to start the engine, make Connection
= . r :z connect the cables in parallel: Positive ( + ) to
re ( + ) and negative (-) to negative (-). When
an external electrical source to start the engine,
. - - :ne disconnect switch to the OFF position.
: - : . e the key before attaching the jumper cables.

" : -educe the possibility of damage to engine parts,
: : - o ; connect jumper starting or battery charging
:iz e to any fuel system or electronic component.
" - T i : : o m p a n y i n g illustration shows a typicai parallel
battery connection. This arrangement doubles the
ng amperage.

Operating the Engine

•' equipped, monitor the oil pressure and coolant
temperature gauges frequently. Refer to Lubricating Oil
System specifications and Cooling System specifications,
i Maintenance Specifications (Section V) for
-ecommended operating pressures and temperatures.
Shut off the engine if any pressure or temperature does
not meet the specifications.
Continuous operation with engine coolant temperature
above or below the engine coolant temperature
specifications listed in Maintenance Specifications
Section V) can damage the engine.
Operating the Engine QSX15
Page 1-6 Section 1 - Operating instructions

If an overheating condition starts to occur, reduce the

power output of the engine by releasing the accelerator
pedal or lever or shifting the transmission to a lower gear,
or both, until the temperature returns to the normal
operating range. If the engine temperature does not
return to normal, shut off the engine, and refer to
Troubleshooting Symptoms (Section TS), or contact a
Cummins® Authorized Repair Location.

Most failures give an early warning. Look and listen for

changes in performance, sound, or engine appearance
that can indicate service or engine repair is needed. Some
changes to look for are:
• Engine misfires
• Vibration
• Unusual engine noises
• Sudden changes in engine operating temperatures or
• Excessive smoke
• Loss of power
• An increase in oil consumption
• An increase in fuel consumption
• Fuel, oil, or coolant leaks.

Cold Weather
It is possible to operate engines in extremely cold environments if they are properly prepared and maintained.
Satisfactory performance of an engine in low ambient temperature conditions requires modification of the engine,
surrounding equipment, operating practices and maintenance procedures.
The correct engine coolant lubricating oil and fuels m u s t be used for the cold weather range in which the engine is
being operated. Below are the recommendations for these critical engine fluids:

Ambient Temperature
0 to -32 °C [32 to -25°F]
Use 50-percent ethylene glycol antifreeze and 50-percent water for the engine coolant mixture.
Refer to Maintenance Specifications (Section V) Lubricating Oil recommendations for the correct specifications.
The Diesel fuel m u s t have maximum cloud and pour points 6 ° C [10°F] lower than the ambient temperature in which
the engine operates.
-32 to - 5 4 ° C [-25 to -65°F]
Use 60-percent ethylene glycol antifreeze and 40-percent water for the engine coolant mixture.
Refer to Maintenance Specifications (Section V) Lubricating Oil recommendations for the correct specifications.
The Diesel fuel m u s t have maximum cloud and pour points 6 ° C [10°F] lower than the ambient temperature in which
the engine operates.
Operating the Engine
: - 1 - Operating I n s t r u c t i o n s Page 1-7

Cold Weather Operating Aids

"s-iperature Starting Coolant Oil Under- Fuel Battery Radiator Engine Winter Thermatic Breather Heater
Aid Heater Heater hood Air Heater Heater Shutters Enclosure Front Fan (External Breather)

50 to 32° F
10to0° C i i m u
jiiia • mi

32 to-10° F

0 to -23° C

•10 to -25° F
-23 to -32° C


Required Required Required
Required Required

-25 to -65° F
-32 to -54° C

* Required dependent upon viscosity/pour point.

~ - e cold weather operating aid is required for cold weather situations.

Winter-fronts and Shutters

-terfronts and shutters can be used on a vehicle or
e:_ Dmentto reduce air flow through the radiator core into
~ e engine compartment. This can reduce the time
-ec~ red to warm the engine and help maintain the engine
rooiant temperature. The engine coolant temperature
specifications are in the Maintenance Specification
Section V).
Electronic Controlled Fuel System QSX15
Page 1-8 Section 1 - Operating Instructions

Engine Operating Range

General Information

Do not operate the engine at full throttle below peak
torque rpm (refer to engine dataplate for peak torque
rpm) for more than 30 s e c o n d s . Operating the engine
at full throttle below peak torque will shorten engine
life to overhaul, can cause serious engine damage,
and is considered engine abuse.

Do not operate the engine beyond the maximum
engine s p e e d . Operating the engine beyond the
maximum engine speed can cause severe engine
damage. Use proper operating techniques for the
vehicle, v e s s e l , or equipment to prevent engine
overspeed. The maximum engine speed specification
is listed in Maintenance Specifications (Section V).
Cummins® engines are designed to operate successfully
at full throttle under transient conditions down to peak
torque engine speed. This is consistent with
recommended operating practices.

Engine Shutdown
General Information
Allow the engine to idle 3 to 5 minutes before shutting it
off after a full-load operation. This allows adequate cool
down of pistons, cylinders, bearings, and turbocharger
Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position. If the engine
does not shut down, refer to Troubleshooting Symptom
3 TO 5 MINUTES (Section TS) in appropriate Operation and Maintenance


Failure to follow the correct shutdown procedure may

result in damage to the turbocharger and shorten the
turbocharger life.

Max. Electronic Controlled Fuel System

General Information
ill The Signature/ISX fuel system is an electronically
controlled fuel injection system that optimizes fuel
economy and reduces exhaust emissions. It does this by
m Inc controlling the torque and horsepower curve, engine high
speed, low idle, and road speed.
• ; • ' m i-I .'

rpm Governed
Electronic Controlled Fuel System
1^: ;-. 1 - O p e r a t i n g I n s t r u c t i o n s Page 1-9

: : - has the capability of controlling the fan

: . :" actuator if an electronically controlled fan clutch is

: ;-=:-re/ISX also allows the engine brakes to be Inc.

:: i:ed by controlling the engine brake solenoids.
~ - T = r:tronic feature, fan control engine braking can be
i: ez to activate the fan clutch during engine braking.
~- e u r e a s e s the load on the engine during engine
mins Inc.


D agnostic Fault Codes

rcjstrial Applications Fault Code
" - f 3 8X15 fuel system can display and record certain
- T i : a b l e fault conditions. These failures are displayed © Cummins Inc.. / > Cummins Inc.
i= - = codes, which make troubleshooting easier. The
:odes are retained in the electronic control module
(Q Q -Q. is ihc,

ECM \mmm Inc


" - e - e are two types of fault codes. There are engine

e ec:-onic fuel system fault codes and engine protection
= . s:em fault codes.
- ~ault codes recorded will either be active (fault code is
:-esently active on the engine) or inactive (fault code was
a : : ve at some time, but is not presently active).

Diagnostic Fault Codes

•Engine Electronic Fuel System Fault Codes
•Engine Protection System Fault Codes.
Electronic Controlled Fuel System QSX15
Page 1-10 Section 1 - Operating Instructions

When the vehicle keyswitch is turned on and the

diagnostic switch is off, the fault code lamps (red, yellow,
2 Seconds and maintenance) will illuminate for approximately 2
seconds, one after the other, to check their operation.
ummins inc.
Lamps On Lamps Off


The lights will remain off until a fault code is recorded. If

a stop (red) light comes on while the engine is in operation,
the fault can be engine-disabling. Stop the engine in a safe
manner as soon as possible.
If the warning (amber) light illuminates, the engine can still
be operated, but it can lose some system features that can
sometimes result in a power loss. The failure m u s t be
repaired as soon as is convenient.
• May lose some
• Engine is NOT features.
functioning normally. • Proceed and repair as
• Stop engine operation soon as convenient.
in a safe manner. 19400332

The engine protection system records separate fault

[4R codes when an out-of-range condition is found for any of
the sensors in the engine protection system. Engine
protection is only available when the engine protection
feature is enabled.
• Coolant Temperature
• Coolant Level
• intake Manifold Temperature
• Oil Pressure.

£s$\e engine protection system will light the maintenance

lamp (orange) when an out-of-range condition occurs.
NOTE: Lamp colors and labels will vary by OEM.
Electronic Controlled Fuel System
• 1 - Operating Instructions Page 1-11

-gine protection maintenance lamp comes on while /~~2>

. it means that a fault code has been recorded. The Ijffi Fault Code
remain on as long as the fault is occurring.
i t will begin to flash if the condition continues to
xse. The engine power and/or speed will be
. y reduced. If the engine protection shutdown
is enabled, the engine will shut down to prevent
damage. ECM
© Ci i m m I h


: - e c k for active fault codes, first turn the vehicle

•-. E :ch to the OFF position. Move the diagnostic switch L**® C h e c k for Fault C o d e s
: " r DN position.
'.: Some OEMs use a shorting plug.
ummins trie

Switch ;ummm
Plug 19400336

the vehicle keyswitch to the ON position. If no active

: codes are recorded, all three lights will come on and
S 3 , on. If active fault codes are recorded, all three lights
come on momentarily. The amber (warning) and red
s::o) lights will begin to flash the code of the recorded

~~e fault code will flash in the following sequence. First, Example Fault Code S e q u e n c e s
r e amber (warning) lamp will flash. Then there will be a
snort 1-second pause when both the amber and red lights ® = Pause
= -9 off. Then the numbers of the recorded fault code will Fault C o d e 235
flash in red. There will be a 1-second pause between each
number. When the number has stopped flashing, an
amber light will appear again. The number will repeat in
're same sequence. 1 Blink 2 Blinks 3 Blinks 5 Blinks 1 Blink

1 Blink 1 Blink 1 Blink 2 Blinks 1940033s

Electronic Controlled Fuel System QSX15
Page 1-12 Section 1 - Operating Instructions

Step Forward to Step Backward to The lights will continue to flash the same fault code until
Next Fault Code the system has advanced to the next active fault code. To
Previous Fault Code
go to the second fault code, move the idle-speed adjust
switch to " + , " then release it. You can also go back to the
previous fault code by moving the switch to then
releasing it. To check the third or fourth fault code,, move
the switch to " + , " then release it when all active fault
codes have been viewed. Moving the switch t o " + " will go
back to the first fault code.
_ 1
The explanation and correction of all fault codes is in the
troubleshooting charts of the QSX15fuel manual. Refer to
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual, Electronic Control
19400339 System, Signature, ISX and QSX15 Engines, Bulletin No.
Electronic fault code troubleshooting trees are in
ascending numerical order. An index is located at the
beginning of the section.

To stop the diagnostic system, move the diagnostic switch

to the OFF position, or remove the shorting plug. Turn the
vehicle keyswitch to the OFF position.
NOTE: Some OEMs use a shorting plug.

OFF ^ —


Fault Code Snapshot Data

When a diagnostic fault code is recorded in the ECM, ECM
input and output data are recorded from all sensors and
switches. Snapshot data allow the relationships between
ECM inputs and outputs to be viewed and used during
Electronic Controlled Fuel System
1 - Operating Instructions Page 1-13

•e 13X15 fuel system can display and record certain
r e r a o l e fault conditions. These failures are displayed
- i - : codes, which make troubleshooting easier. The
j t cedes are retained in the ECM.
•e-e are two types of diagnostic codes:
-'ormation codes are to inform the operator and
e ectronic system (paralleling controllers, smart switch
:aar) that an event has occurred.
Fault codes are to report to the operator and the
a ectronic system that there is a problem or potential
:'c-blem with the engine or fuel system.

i - : codes can be accessed in three different ways:

I . Flash Out
2 Electronic Service Tool
3 Operator Interface Panel.

3r~erator-Drive Control System ECM Diagnostic Lamps

generator-drive control system ECM has five LEDs for
: agnostics. Typical lights will include:
' O S - Overspeed o
I LOP - Low Oil Pressure
3. HET - High Engine Temperature
4. Shutdown - Engine Protection Shutdown Has o f HET
5. Warning - Engine Protection Warning Condition


3enerator-Drive Control System Relay Drivers

The generator-drive control system has seven relay
drivers for customer-supplied relays. 1

• Overspeed I1 ( o
O M rn

Low Oil Pressure
High Engine Temperature
o *(A>LOP
• Engine Protection Shutdown Has Occurred o

Engine Protection Warning Condition Exists
Prelow Oil Pressure
o \T

• Prehigh Engine Temperature.

Electronic Controlled Fuel System QSX15
Page 1-14 Section 1 - Operating Instructions

Fault Code Flash-out

To "flash out" a fault code, the ECM m u s t be put into the
diagnostic mode. Enter the diagnostic mode by removing
( o
O U n the diagnostic connector shorting the plug from the engine
harness, turning the plug, and reinserting it, or using the
o <i>LOP diagnostic mode switch.
o The warning lamp will flash (signifying the start of a new
o \T
fault code), and then the fault code will flash out on the
shutdown lamp.


Fault Codes - Electronic Service Tool

The electronic service tool can be used to read the fault
codes. Connect a personal computer, with the electronic
service tool installed, to the engine using the service
harness, Part No. 3163156. Refer to the electronic service
tool manual for specifics about how to use the tool to read
the fault codes.


Fault Code - Operator Interface Panel

If the customer supplied an operator interface panel, it has
been integrated with the generator-drive control system
nc. using the RS485 datalink. The ability to display fault codes
is one plus of this panel; refer to the manuals supplied with
the unit for more details.



Fault Code Snapshot Data\

When a diagnostic fault code is recorded in the ECM, the
ECM input and output data are recorded from all sensors
© - and switches. Snapshot data allow the relationships
between ECM inputs and outputs to be viewed and used
during troubleshooting.

© Cummin s Inc.

• I : Electronic Controlled Fuel System
5mer.c~- * - Operating Instructions Page 1-15

a Fault Code
ctive fault codes can be cleared. There are two
: ear an inactive fault code:
eset switch on the operator interface panel
r © Cummins li i s InCi
electronic service tool.
"ne engine m u s t be shut down to clear inactive —1
" faults.
:odes recorded will either be active (fault code is
active on the engine) or inactive (fault code was
some time, but is not presently active).

-»e Protection System

engines are equipped with an engine protection
The system monitors critical engine temperatures
assures and will log diagnostic faults when an
a operating condition occurs. If an out-of-range
n exists and engine derate action is to be initiated,
-ator will be alerted by an in-cab warning light. The
; light will blink or flash when out-of-range
- 5 continue to worsen. The driver m u s t pull to the
l i e road, when it is safe to do so, to reduce the
rty of engine damage.
Engine power and speed will be gradually
:. depending on the level of severity of the
<j condition. The engine protection system will
I down the engine unless the engine protection
m feature has been selected. If the feature has
iected and the engine does shut down, the engine
started again by turning off the keyswitch and then
: back on.

r .e System Description
t 18X15 electronically controlled fuel system consists of:

u e l shutoff valve

1 Z oressure/temperature sensor
ntake manifold pressure/temperature sensor
- Cooling plate (behind ECM)
Electronic control module
- ^uel in
7. Fuel out
: ECM actuator harness port (industrial only)
r ECM OEM harness port (industrial only).
Electronic Controlled Fuel System QSX15
Page 1-16 Section 1 - Operating Instructions

11 12

Ins liie.

n o

The QSX15 electronically controlled fuel system consists of:

1. Camshaft Position Sensor 6. Water-in-Fuel Separator

2. Fueling Actuators 7. Crankshaft Position Sensor
3. Ambient Air Pressure Sensor 8. Front and Rear Rail Pressure Sensor
4. Timing Actuators 9. Fuel Inlet Restriction Sensor
5. Fuel Pressure Sensor 10. Coolant Level Sensor (In Radiator) - Optional*.

* Not in this view.

Electronic Control Module (ECM) Dataplate

The data tag for the ECM is located on the front of the
module housing.
n Shmins Inc.
©Cummj- \

€> Cummi
p» : 17c00046

Electronic Controlled Fuel System
a c ^ 1 - Operating Instructions Page 1-17
Electronic Controlled Fuel System QSX15
Page 1-18 Section 1 - Operating Instructions

Electronic Control Module Inputs

Electronic Control Module (ECM) Inputs:
1. Engine Camshaft or Crankshaft Position Sensor
2. Throttle Position Sensor (industrial only)*
3. Idle Validation Switch*

6. Coolant Level Sensor*

7. Ambient Air Pressure Sensor
8. Oil Pressure/Temperature Sensor
9. Wet Tank Pressure Sensor*
10. Unintended Fuel Diagnostic Sensor (industrial only)
11. Fuel Pressure Sensor
12. Water-in-Fuel Sensor (industrial only).
*These are OEM sensors that are not installed on the


The engine cam and crank position sensors provide

engine speed and position information.
The cam position sensor is located between the ECM and
fuel pump. The crank position sensor is located below the
air compressor drive or the barring device.

The throttle position sensor (industrial only) is located in

the throttle foot pedal assembly. When the foot pedal is at
idle, the engine brakes can be activated. When the throttle
pedal is depressed, the sensor deactivates the engine
© Cummins inc mmins me brakes and the PTO. The accelerator pedal can override
the cruise control and PTO (if the throttle override in PTO
is enabled).

© Cummins inc.
Electronic Controlled Fuel System
• Operating Instructions Page 1-19

.aiidation switch is added to the throttle pedal

I - d will verify that the throttle pedal is in the low-
ion. .


—1* e air pressure/temperature sensor, located in the

:he intake air connection, monitors positive
: : oressure and turbocharged intake air
r - £ - _ ' 9 . Both are used in the fuel control function.
<e air pressure/temperature sensor is also used
gme protection system.

'-. e-gme coolant temperature sensor , located in the

T - : s:at housing, monitors engine coolant temperature
r-ri_ :ne fuel control function and engine protection
Electronic Controlled Fuel System QSX15
Page 1-20 Section 1 - Operating Instructions

The ambient air pressure sensor is located on the fuel

pump side of the engine, just below the ECM. It is used to
control fueling.

The oil pressure/temperature sensor, located on the fuel

pump side of the engine, monitors lubricating oil pressure
and temperature for the engine protection system.

The unintended fuel diagnostic sensors , located behind

the fuel actuators on the integrated fuel system module,
monitor the fuel actuator's passage pressure.

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
m 1 - Operating Instructions Page 1-21

ner-in-fuel sensor , located on the fuel filter,

s water in fuel.


Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)

~~ - e - a I Information
r : ~ T e-gine applications utilize accessories (CB radios, mobile transmitters, etc.) that generate and use radio
- ~: - - : . energy that, if not installed and used properly, can cause electromagnetic interference (EMI) conditions to
- E" : e:\een the accessory and Cummins electronic controlled fuel system. Cummins is not liable for any
: - - : — a'ce problems with either the fuel system or the accessory due to EMI. EMI is not considered by Cummins
= a- engine failure and therefore is not warrantable.

5 . s : e m EMI Susceptibility
I -mmins product has been designed and tested for minimum sensitivity to incoming electromagnetic energy.
"-: - : -as shown that there is no engine performance degradation at relatively high energy levels; however, if very
- energy levels are encountered, then some noncritical diagnostic fault code logging can occur. The fuel system
E e _s:eptibility level will protect your engine from most, if not all, electromagnetic energy-emitting devices that
--rr" - e Federal Communications Commission legal requirements.

System EMI Radiation Levels

I ^ m m i n s product has been designed to emit minimum electromagnetic energy. Electronic components are
-ed to pass various Cummins and industry EMI specifications. Testing has shown that when the engine is properly
lied, it will not interfere with onboard communication equipment or with the vehicle's, equipment's, or vessel's
hz :. :o meet any applicable EMI standards and regulated specifications.
•-- - : e i e r e n c e condition is observed, follow the suggestions below to reduce the amount of interference:
_:cate the receiving antenna as far away from the engine and as high as possible.
1 _ : : a t e the receiving antenna as far away as possible from all metal obstructions (e.g., exhaust stacks)
I Consult a representative of the accessory supplier in your area to:
Accurately calibrate the device for proper frequency, power output, and sensitivity (both base and remote site
zevices must be properly calibrated)
Obtain antenna reflective energy data measurements to determine the optimum antenna location
- Obtain optimum antenna type and mounting arrangement for your application
Make sure yoilr accessory equipment model is built for maximum filtering to reject incoming electromagnetic noise.
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) QSX15
Page 1-22 Section 1 Operating Instructions

I • Maintenance Guidelines Page 2-a

Section 2 - Maintenance Guidelines

Section Contents
•*ance Guidelines - Overview 2 - 1

a Information 2 ""l
•anee Record Form 2 - 8

e-ance Data 2 - 8

ance Schedule " "o o

= Information • "~

i n Intervals 2"^
quirements • 2 - 2
Maintenance Guidelines - Overview
2 - Maintenance Guidelines Page 2-1

Maintenance Guidelines - Overview

r'al Information

-rrons Inc. recommends that the engine be maintained according to the Maintenance Schedule in this section.
--. e-gine is operating in ambient temperatures below -18°C [0°F] or above 38°C [100°F], perform maintenance
• . -z• ntervals. Shorter maintenance intervals are also required if the engine is operated in a dusty environment
r i j e n t stops are made. For gas fueled generator sets, shorter maintenance intervals are also required, if
: - : - : at loads below 7 0 % for prolonged periods. Contact your local Cummins® Authorized Repair Location for
mca—ended maintenance intervals.
I•: - - v :nese maintenance procedures require special tools or must be completed by qualified personnel. Contact
JOLT ocal Cummins® Authorized Repair Location for detailed information.
. T - g i n e is equipped with a component or accessory not manufactured by Cummins Inc., refer to the component
_- = : : j r e r ' s maintenance recommendations.
a chart provided in this section as a convenient way to record maintenance performed.
Tool Requirements QSX15
Page 2-2 Section 2 - Maintenance Guidelines

Tool Requirements
General Information
Automotive Applications
Most of the maintenance operations described in this manual can be performed with common hand tools (metric and
SAE wrenches, sockets, and screwdrivers).
The following is a list of special service tools required for some maintenance operations:

3400158 Coolant Filter Wrench

3400157 Oil and Fuel Filter Wrench
3164795 Torque Wrench
3163530 Brake Feeler Gauge - 7.00 mm [0.276 in]

Refer to the appropriate sections for a description of the tools and how to use them.
Contact your nearest Cummins Authorized Repair Location for the required service tools.

15 . Maintenance Schedule
••ction 2 - Maintenance Guidelines Page 2-3

Maintenance Schedule
3eneral Information
Dairy or Refueling - Maintenance Check (1)
• r - e l - W a t e r Separator - drain
• _ubricating Oil Level - check
• Coolant Level - check
• Fan, Cooling - check
• Drive Belts - check
• Air Intake Piping - check
• Charge-Air Piping - check
• Air Tanks and Reservoirs - drain
• Crankcase Breather Tube - check
Every 250 Hours, or 6 Months(1), (4)
• Lubricating Oil and Filters - change ,
• Supplemental Coolant Additive (SCA) and Antifreeze Concentration - check
• Fuel Filter (Spin-On Type) - change
Every 1,500 Hours, or 1 Year (2), (3)
• Coolant Filter - change
• Coolant Filter Head - Inspect for reuse
• Cooling Fan Belt Tensioner - check
• Air Leaks, Air Intake and Exhaust Systems - check
• Air Cleaner Restriction - check
• Engine Wiring Harness - check
Every 6,000 Hours, or 2 Y e a r s (3)
• Crankcase Breather Tube - check
• Radiator Hose - check
• Cold Weather Starting Aids - check
• Engine Steam Cleaning - clean
• Engine Mounting Bolts - check
• Vibration Damper, Viscous - inspect for reuse
• Overhead Set - adjust
• Crankcase Breather (Internal) - replace
Every 10,000 Hours, or 5 Years(3)
• Fan Hub, Belt Driven - replace
• Air Compressor Discharge Lines - check
1 The lubricating oil drain intervals can be adjusted based on fuel consumption and engine duty cycle. See the Oil
Drain Interval section of this procedure for more details.
2 Follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance procedures for the starter, alternator, generator, batteries,
electrical components, charge-air cooler, air compressor, air conditioner compressor, and fan clutch
3 Perform maintenance at whichever interval occurs first. At each scheduled maintenance interval, perform all
previous maintenance checks that are due for scheduled maintenance.
4 Test the SCA concentration level every 6 months unless the concentration is over 3 units; then check at every oil
drain interval until the concentration is below 3 units. For coolant condemnation limits, Refer to Procedure 018-004
in Section V.
Maintenance Schedule QSX15
Page 2-4 Section 2 - Maintenance Guidelines

Oil Drain Intervals

All Others Without EGR
Select oil drain interval based on oil classification for Recreational Vehicle, Refuse, Mixer, Dump, Delivery, Logging,
Fire Truck, or Crane vehicle applications.
Oil Classification Kilometers Miles Hours Months
CES 20071 11,500 7000 300 6
CES 20076 and CES 14,500 9000 400 6
20078, CES 20081 1

If the application is not one of the above, select the oil drain interval Severe Duty, Normal Duty, or Light Duty based
on how you use the engine. See Oil Drain Intervals by severity km [mi] located in this section.
• Follow oil drain interval Severe Duty if the vehicle operates under either of the conditions listed in interval Severe
• Follow oil drain interval Normal Duty if the vehicle operates under either of the conditions listed in interval Normal
Duty and does not meet any of the conditions listed in interval Severe Duty.
• Follow oil drain interval Light Duty if the vehicle operates under both of the conditions listed in interval Light Duty
and does not meet any of the conditions listed in interval Severe Duty or interval Normal Duty.
1 When used with ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel (15 ppm sulfur). If the sulfur content of the fuel is greater than 15 ppm,
the oil change intervals must be reduced by 20 percent.
Oil Classification Severe Duty Normal Duty Light Duty
< 2.3 km/liter [5.5 mpg] 2.3 to 2.8 km/liter [5.5 to > 2.8 km/liter [6.5 mpg]
or > 36,287 kg [80,000 6.5 mpg] or 36,287 kg or < 31,751 kg [70,000 lb]
lb] gross vehicle weight [80,000 lb] gross vehicle gross vehicle weight
CES 20071 24,000 km [15,000 mi] 56,500 km [35,000 mi] 72,500 km [45,000 mi]
CES 20076 and CES 20078, 32,000 km [20,000 mi] 64,500 km [40,000 mi] 80,500 km [50,000 mi]
CES 20081 1

NOTE: Extending the oil and filter change interval beyond the recommendation will decrease engine life due to factors
such as corrosion, deposits, and wear.
NOTE: If the sulfur content of the fuel is greater than 0.50 percent, the oil change intervals must be reduced by an
additional 20 percent.
1 When used with ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel (15 ppm sulfur). If the sulfur content of the fuel is greater than 15 ppm,
the oil change intervals must be reduced by 20 percent.

For industrial engines, the oil drain intervals are based on the duty cycle (as reflected by fuel consumption) and
lubricating oil quality. The table below specifies the maximum oil drain interval for the listed lubricating oil
classifications based on the three different duty cycles: Heavy, Medium, and Light.
• Follow oil drain interval Heavy Duty if the equipment uses more than 57 liter [15 gal] of fuel per hour.
• Follow oil drain interval Medium Duty if the equipment uses between 42 to 57 liter [11 to 15 gal] of fuel per hour.
• Follow oil drain interval Light Duty if the equipment uses less than 42 liter [11 gal] of fuel per hour.
NOTE: Extending the oil and filter change interval beyond the recommendation will decrease engine life due to factors
such as corrosion, deposits, and wear.
Duty Cycle (Fuel Consumption)
Oil Classification Heavy >57 liters/hour [15 Medium 42 to 57 liters/ Light < 42 liters/hour] [11
gallons/hour] hour [11 to 15 gallons/ gallons/hour]
API CD-4, CE-4, C F - 4 ' 1 3 125 250 375
API CG-4 3 250 375 500
API CH-4 3 400 525 650
CES 20076/CH-4 - 2 3 500 625 750
1 The oil classifications CD, CE, and CF have been obsoleted by API and must not be used, as their specifications
are no longer controlled.
Maintenance Schedule
~a&r- : - 2 - Maintenance Guidelines Page 2-5

; = voline Premium Blue™ and Premium Blue™ 2000 meet CES 20076 standards.
- '--=:' to Procedure 018-003 for the lubricating oil filter specification table in Section V.
=: e below list typical duty cycles by application.
•OTE: The actual duty cycle can vary from the below chart. In those cases, it is necessary to change the lubricating
a function of average fuel consumption. Therefore, select a column based on the representative fuel
: - E o p t i o n range.
Typical Duty Cycles by Applications
Heavy Medium Light
Air Compressor Articulated Dump Truck Crane
Combine Irrigation Equipment Rear Dump Truck
Dozer Scraper
Dragline Skidder
Farm Tractors
Forage Harvester
Rock Drill
Tub Grinder

ror Generator Drive engines, this service interval is based on load factor (as reflected by fuel usage), lubricating oil
quality, lubricating system capacity, and operating speed 1,500 rpm (50 Hz) or 1,800 rpm (60 Hz). Premium grade oils
API CG-4, CH-4, and CES 20076) are recommended for the QSX15 engine. The oil grades CD, CE, and CF have
:een obsoleted by API and must not be used, as their specifications are no longer controlled. There are two
-ecommended methods for determining the proper oil change interval:
• Fixed hour method; based on fixed hours of operation or months of service, whichever occurs first.
• Chart method; based on known fuel consumption rates.

If the chart method is not used or, for all stand-by power applications, the oil must be changed at a regular interval
or 12 months, whichever occurs first:
Operating Speed Sump Size Change Interval
1,500 rpm (50 Hz) 45 liters [12 gal] 125 Hours or 12 Months
45 liters [12 gal] 250 Hours or 12 Months
1,800 rpm (60 Hz) 95 liters [25 gal] 250 Hours or 12 Months
95 liters [25 gal] 500 Hours or 12 Months

The chart method is recommended to provide the lowest total cost of operation while still protecting the engine. Due
to differing availability outside North America, lower grade oil (CD, CE, and CF) are also depicted, however their
classifications have been obsoleted by API, and oil change intervals are greatly reduced.
The charts must be used as guidelines because actual oil drain intervals will also depend on operation and
maintenance practices. It is suggested that oil analysis must be used periodically for prime power applications (every
100 hours) to make sure the proper oil change interval is being applied.
To use the charts, locate the chart for the appropriate sump size and operating speed. Find the fuel consumption rate
in liters per hour or U.S. gallons per hour on the left vertical axis. Draw a horizontal line from left to right across the
chart, parallel with the bottom of the chart, until it intersects the curve.
From the intersection point on the curve, draw a line perpendicular to the bottom of the chart. The number the line
intersects across the bottom of the chart represents the recommend oil change interval in hours.
Maintenance Schedule QSX15
Page 2-6 Section 2 - Maintenance Guidelines

1500 rpm (50 Hz) Operation

12 Gallon Sump
[32] 1 1
- • - C D , CE, CF
1_0Q • L - • - C G
- A - C H , C E S 20,076

c [21]
< •
E [16]
c 40
o [11]
CD 4 11
O) 20
s [5]
< 11
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Oil Change Interval (hours)

1800 rpm (60 Hz) Operation

12 Gallon Sump
[35] I I
-m- CD, C E , C F
[30] —A— CG, CH, C E S 20,076

o 76
s [20]
c 57
o [15] i
3 38
Li- [10] f • I | | I •
CO 19
i >

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Oil Change Interval (hours)
2SX15 Maintenance Schedule
Section 2 - Maintenance Guidelines Page 2-7

1500 rpm (50 Hz) Operation

25 Gallon Sump

top 4 | J^,

c 80
o [21]
I < • II
£3 60
c [16]
< I i
"55 40
3 [11]
- • - C D , C E , CF I IflC
i •
- A - C H . C E S 20,076

I I 4• I I

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Oil Change Interval (hours)

1800 rpm (60 Hz) Operation

25 Gallon Sump

> 1_

114 <

0) w 95 Irtc
D [25]
\ •

<• 11

110 ft
o [15] < >
[10] • < •
O) - • - CD, C E , C F
2 19
o [5] —•— CG, CH, C E S 20,076
I I >

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Oil Change Interval (hours) 17c00176

Maintenance Record Form QSX15

Page 2-8 Section 2 - Maintenance Guidelines

Maintenance Record Form

Maintenance Data
Maintenance Record
Engine Serial No.: Engine Model:
Owner's Name: Equipment Name/Number:
Key to table headings:
A = Date
B = km [Miles], Hours or Time Interval
C = Actual km [Miles] or Hours
D = Maintenance Check Performed
E = Check Performed By
F = Comments


Section 3 - Maintenance Procedures at Daily Interval Page 3-a

Section 3 - Maintenance Procedures at Daily Interval
Section Contents
Air Intake Piping 3-7
Maintenance Check 3-7
Air Tanks and Reservoirs 3-7
Drain 3-7
3harge-Air Piping 3-7
Maintenance Check 3-7
Coolant Level 3-3
Maintenance Check 3-3
Crankcase Breather Tube 3-7
Maintenance Check 3-7
Daily Maintenance Procedures - Overview 3-1
Engine Operation Report 3-1
General Information 3-1
Unusual Engine Noise 3-1
Drive Belts 3-5
Maintenance Check 3-5
Fan, Cooling 3-4
Inspect for Reuse 3-4
Fuel-Water Separator 3-2
Drain 3-2
Canister Type , 3-2
Spin-on Type 3-2
Lubricating Oil Level ...3-3
Maintenance Check 3-3
Page 3-b
Section 3 - Maintenance Procedures at Daily Interval

This Page Left Intentionally Blank

08X15 Daily Maintenance Procedures - Overview
Section 3 - Maintenance Procedures at Daily Interval Page 3-1

Daily Maintenance Procedures - Overview

General Information
--eventative maintenance begins with day-to-day awareness of the engine and its system. Before starting the engine,
:~eck the oil and coolant levels. Look for:
• Leaks
• Loose or damaged parts
• Worn or damaged belts
• Any change in engine appearance.
• Odor of fuel
Engine Operation Report
~ne engine must be maintained in top mechanical condition if the operator is to get optimum satisfaction from its use.
' - e maintenance department needs daily running reports from the operator to make necessary adjustments in the
: ne allocated. The daily running report also helps to make provisions for more extensive maintenance work as the
-eoorts indicate the necessity.
Comparison and intelligent interpretation of the daily report, along with a practical follow-up action, will eliminate most
'a lures and emergency repairs.
-eport to the maintenance department any of the following conditions:
• Low lubricating oil pressure
• Low power
• Power increases or engine surge
• Erratic or no accelerator control or response
• Any warning lights flashing or staying on
• Abnormal water or oil temperature
• Unusual engine noise
• Excessive smoke
• Excessive use of coolant, fuel, or lubricating oil
• Any fuel, coolant, or lubricating oil leaks
• Loose or damaged parts
• Worn or damaged belts
Unusual Engine Noise
During daily maintenance checks, listen for any unusual
engine noise that can indicate that service is required.
--el-Water Separator QSX15
Page 3-2 Section 3 - Maintenance Procedures at Daily Interval

Fuel-Water Separator

Drain the water-fuel separator into a container and
dispose of in accordance with local environmental
Cummins Inc. requires a fuel-water separator or fuel filter
be installed in the fuel supply system.
Drain the water and sediment from the separator daily.

Canister Type
Shut off the engine.
Pull up on the drain valve lever until fluid drains out of the
drain tube. Drain the filter sump until clear fuel is visible.
Push up on the drain valve until fluid drains out of the drain

Spin-on Type
Shut off the engine.
Use your hand to open the drain valve. Turn the valve
counterclockwise approximately 3 /2 turns until the valve

drops down 25.4mm [1 in] and draining occurs.

Drain the filter sump until clear fuel is visible.

When closing the drain valve, do not overtighten the
valve. Overtightening can damage the threads.
To close the valve, lift the valve and turn clockwise until
it is hand-tight.
QSX15 Coolant Level
Section 3 - Maintenance Procedures at Daily Interval Page 3-3

Lubricating Oil Level

Maintenance Check

Sever operate the engine with oil level below the L
low) mark or above the H (high) mark. Poor engine
oerformance or engine damage can occur.
~ne engine must be level when checking the oil level to
~a<e sure the measurement is correct.
Shut off the engine for an accurate reading.
at at least 15 minutes after shutting off the engine to
:neck the oil level. This allows time for the oil to drain into
n e oil pan.
o r additional lubricating oil recommendations and oil pan

raoacity information, refer to Maintenance Specifications

Section V).

Coolant Level
Maintenance Check

Do not remove a pressure cap from a hot engine. Wait
until the coolant temperature is below 50°C [120°F]
oefore removing the pressure cap. Heated coolant
spray or steam can cause personal injury.
Never use a sealing additive to stop leaks in the
cooling system. This can result in cooling system
plugging and inadequate coolant flow, causing the
engine to overheat.
^he coolant level must be checked daily.

Do not add cold coolant to a hot engine. Engine
castings can be damaged. Allow the engine to cool to
below 50°C [120°F] before adding coolant. "•aim
Coolant added to the engine must be mixed with the
correct proportions of antifreeze, supplemental coolant
additive, and water to avoid engine damage. Cf?
Coolant recommendations and specification details on
correct mixing of coolant can be found in Maintenance
Specifications (Section V).

1 1 11 ra800wn
F a n , Cooling QSX15
Page 3-4 Section 3 - Maintenance Procedures at Daily Interval

Fill the cooling system with coolant. Refer to the markings

on the radiator or expansion tank for coolant levels or refer
to the OEM manual.
NOTE: Some radiators have two fill necks, both of which
must be filled when the cooling system is drained.

Fan, Cooling
Inspect for Reuse

Do not rotate the engine by pulling or prying on the
fan. The fan blade(s) can be damaged and cause the
fan to fail and cause personal injury or property
damage. Use the accessory drive shaft or the
crankshaft barring tool to rotate the crankshaft.

Do not straighten a bent fan blade or continue to use
a damaged fan. A bent or damaged fan blade can fail
during operation and cause personal injury or
property damage.
3SX15 Drive Belts
Section 3 - Maintenance Procedures at Daily Interval Page 3-5

-eplace original equipment fan that is damaged with a fan

:• :he identical part number. Cummins Inc. must approve
any other fan changes to be covered under warranty.
-efer to the vehicle or equipment manufacturer's
specifications for capscrew torque.

Drive Belts
Maintenance Check
3 oly-Vee Belt ^^^»
Make sure that the engine is switched off and any
starting mechanisms are isolated before any
nspections are made. Daily belt inspections can be
carried out through an appropriate aperture. Do not
•emove any guards.
-spect the belts daily. Check the belt for intersecting
:'acks. Traverse (across the belt width) cracks are
acceptable. Longitudinal (direction of belt length) cracks
•-at intersect with transverse cracks are not acceptable,
-eplace the belt if it is frayed or has pieces of material
- ssing. Refer to Section A for belt adjustment and
•eplacement procedures.
3elt damage can be caused by:
• Incorrect tension
• Incorrect size or length
• Pulley misalignment
• Incorrect installation
• Severe operating environment
• Oil or grease on the side of belts.
Drive Belts QSX15
Page 3-6 Section 3 - Maintenance Procedures at Daily Interval

Cogged Belt
Inspect the belts daily. Replace the belts if they are
cracked, frayed, or have chunks of material missing. Small
cracks are acceptable.
Adjust the belts that have a glazed or shiny surface, which
indicates belt slippage. Correctly installed and tensioned
belts will show even pulley and belt wear. Refer to Section
A for belt adjustment and replacement procedures.
s> uurnmins inc. Belt damage can be caused by:
• Incorrect tension
• Incorrect size or length
• Pulley misalignment
• Incorrect installation
• Severe operating environment
• Oil or grease on the belts

Measure the belt tension in the center span of the pulleys.

Refer to the Belt Tension Chart in Section V for the correct
gauge and tension value for the belt width used.
An alternate method (deflection method) can be used to
check belt tension by applying 110 N [25 Ibf] force
between the pulleys on v-belts. If the deflection is more
than one belt thickness per foot of pulley center distance,
the belt tension must be adjusted.
Refer to Section A for adjustment procedures.

For cogged belts, make sure that the belt tension gauge
is positioned so that the center tensioning leg is placed
directly over the high point (hump) of a cog. Other
positioning will result in incorrect measurement.
3SX15 C r a n k c a s e Breather Tube
Section 3 - Maintenance Procedures at Daily Interval Page 3-7

Air Intake Piping

Maintenance Check
sually inspect the intake piping daily for wear points and
zamage to piping, loose clamps, or punctures that can
carnage the engine.
-eplace damaged pipes, and tighten loose clamps, as

-ecessary, to prevent the air system from leaking.
Torque Value: 8 N»m [ 72 in-lb ]
* 1
Check for corrosion under the clamps and hoses of the
-itake system piping. Corrosion can allow corrosive
products and dirt to enter the intake system. Disassemble rp6hosa
and clean, as required.

Charge-Air Piping 4£
Maintenance Check
aspect the charge-air piping and hoses for leaks, holes,
cracks, or loose connections. Tighten the hose clamps if
-ecessary. Refer to the vehicle or equipment
-nanufacturer's specifications for the correct torque value.

Air Tanks and Reservoirs

I automatic purging or spitter valves are used, confirm the
.alves are operating correctly. If a manual drain valve is
-sed on the wet tank, open the draincock on the wet tank
:o drain any moisture accumulated in the air system. If oil
s present, the air compressor system must be checked.
Contact your Cummins Authorized Repair Location. © Cummins • Jj

m cp8tbmh

Crankcase Breather Tube

Maintenance Check
nspect the breather tube for sludge, debris, or ice in the Cui ii i hi immins Inc.
nspect the tube more frequently in icy conditions.


Crankcase Breather Tube QSX15
Page 3-8 Section 3 - Maintenance Procedures at Daily Interval

If sludge, debris, or ice is found clean the tube with

detergent and warm water or a solvent. Dry the tube with
compressed air.

Visually inspect the tube for cracks or damage. If damage

is found, replace the crankcase breather tube. Contact
your Cummins Authorized Repair Location.

Section 4 - Maintenance Procedures at 250 Hours or 6 Months Page 4-a

Section 4 - Maintenance Procedures at 250 Hours or 6

Section Contents
=jel Filter (Spin-On Type) 4-3
Clean and Inspect for Reuse 4-6
With Pressurized Fuel Filtering 4-6
With Vacuum Fuel Filtering 4-6
Initial Check 4-3
With Pressurized Fuel Filtering 4-3
With Vacuum Fuel Filtering 4-4
Install 4-6
With Pressurized Fuel Filtering 4-6
With Priming Pump 4-7
Without Priming Pump 4-8
Remove 4-5
With Pressurized Fuel Filtering 4-5
With Vacuum Fuel Filtering 4-6
.ubricating Oil and Filters 4-1
Drain 4-1
Fill 4-2
Install 4-2
Remove 4-1
Maintenance Procedures - Overview 4-1
General Information 4-1
Supplemental Coolant Additive (SCA) and Antifreeze Concentration 4-3
Maintenance Check 4-3
2SX15 Lubricating Oil and Filters
~ o n 4 - Maintenance Procedures at 250 Hours or 6 Months Page 4-1

Maintenance Procedures - Overview

General Information
- maintenance checks and inspections listed in previous
-antenance intervals must also be performed at this
~~e. in addition to those listed under this maintenance

Lubricating Oil and Filters


To reduce the possibility of personal injury, avoid
direct contact of hot oil with your skin.

Some state and federal agencies have determined that
used engine oil can be carcinogenic and cause
•eproductive toxicity. Avoid inhalation of vapors,
ngestion, and prolonged contact with used engine
oil. If not reused, dispose of in accordance with local
environmental regulations.
Operate the engine until the water temperature reaches
50°C [140°F]. Shut off the engine. Remove the oil drain
Diug. Drain the oil immediately to make sure all the oil and
sjspended contaminants are removed from the engine.

Remove the lubricating oil filter. Refer to Procedure
NOTE: Dispose of used oil in accordance with federal,
state, and local laws and regulations.

)u nmmsfnc. ft rnmins Inc

Lubricating Oil and Filters QSX15
Page 4-2 Section 4 - Maintenance Procedures at 250 Hours or 6 Months

Fill and install the lubricating oil filter. Refer to Procedure

Ins Inc.

Add the specified amount of clean 15W-40 oil to fill the oil
<gz> pan-
Oil Pan (Capacity
Automotive and Industrial 41.6 liters [11 gal]
Power Generation 83.3 liters [22 gal]

Check the oil level on the dipstick. It must be filled to the

H (high) mark. Refer to Procedure 007-009 for dipstick
Operate the engine until the water temperature reaches
82°C [180°F], and check for leaks.

"U fJ f//
<C£\t off the engine. Wait 15 minutes for the oil to drain
H H back to the oil pan.

®/@ ® Check the oil level. Add oil as necessary to bring the level
up to the H (high) mark on the dipstick.

^ < = ^ ^ ^ 5 to 7
•ft f 'M

V. J oi800wg
X15 Fuel Filter (Spin-On Type)
Section 4 - Maintenance Procedures at 250 Hours or 6 Months Page 4-3

S u p p l e m e n t a l Coolant Additive (SCA)

d Antifreeze Concentration
intenance Check
lemental Coolant Additive (SCA) 3-WA>"Hi*VV0uT»

ing to maintain the required SCA concentration
I can cause engine damage.
••• • '.sine.
k the SCA concentration level
At least twice a year c
At every subsequent oil drain interval if the
concentration is above 3 units
Whenever coolant is added to the cooling system
cetween filter changes.
Fleetguard® coolant test kit, Part No. CC2602, to
k the SCA concentration level. Instructions are
-ded with the test kit. Use the Coolant
mmendations and Specifications in Maintenance
ifications (Section V) for the correct SCA and
eeze level.


-concentration of antifreeze or use of high-silicate
reeze can damage the engine.
k the antifreeze concentration. Use a mixture of 50-
re-cent water and 50-percent ethylene glycol or propylene
»l-based antifreeze to protect the engine to -32°C
F] year-around.

Fleetguard® refractometer, Part Number C2800,

: - : .ides a reliable, easy-to-read, and accurate
-easurement of freezing point protection and glycol
= freeze) concentration.
1 -. 'reeze is essential in every climate.
-—. *reeze broadens the operating temperature range by
-.-.ering the coolant freezing point and by raising its
:•: ng point.
Ike corrosion inhibitors also protect the cooling system
::~ponents from corrosion and prolong component life.

c u e l Filter (Spin-On Type)

initial Check
With Pressurized Fuel Filtering
-stall a pressure gauge, Part Number 3824877 (2758 kPa
-10 psi]), on the fuel pump Compuchek® fitting to
-easure the fuel pressure before the fuel filter.
Fuel Filter (Spin-On Type) QSX15
Page 4-4 Section 4 Maintenance Procedures at 250 Hours or 6 Months

Start the engine and run at high idle and no load.

Measure and record the fuel pressure.
Shut the engine off.
^ Remove the pressure gauge from the fuel pump.

Install a pressure gauge, Part Number 3824877 (275 kPa

[400 psi]), on the rail fuel pressure Compuchek® fitting
located on the integrated fuel system module to measure
fuel pressure after the filter.

® Start the engine and operate at high idle and no load.

Measure and record the fuel pressure.
Shut the engine off.
Remove the pressure gauge from the rail fuel pressure
Compuchek® fitting.
The pressure difference between the rail fuel pressure and
fuel pump pressure is the differential pressure.

Fuel Filter Restriction

kPa psi
517 MAX 75
If the fuel filter restriction is above specifications, replace
the filter.

With Vacuum Fuel Filtering

Connect a vacuum gauge to either suction-side
Compuchek® fitting.
NOTE: Some engines equipped with priming pumps do
not have a lower Compuchek® fitting and have an air vent
line plumbed into the upper location. Refer to the following
procedure for measuring inlet restriction.
0SX15 Fuel Filter (Spin-On Type)
Section 4 - Maintenance Procedures at 250 Hours or 6 Months Page 4-5

Z sconnect the air bleed line from the upper location on

r e IFSM. Insert a Compuchek® fitting in this location and
- . - a line to a catch container.

art the engine.

:er the fuel lift pump stops running and with the engine 39
erating at idle, disconnect the hose to the catch
:nnect the vacuum gauge to the Compuchek® fitting and
—sure the fuel inlet restriction.

I cerate the engine at high idle and no load.

Fuel Inlet Restriction

mm Hg in Hg
Upper Location 356 MAX 14
Lower Location 305 MAX 12
k~- inlet restriction greater than specification indicates
sner a dirty fuel filter or a restriction in the OEM fuel
r.coly plumbing. Inlet restriction at the fuel supply
x-nection should be checked to identify the correct
scjrce of the restriction.

With Pressurized Fuel Filtering

zj e l is flammable. Keep all cigarettes, flames, pilot
ights, arcing equipment, and switches out of the work
area and areas sharing ventilation to reduce the
possibility of severe personal injury or death when
working on the fuel system.
Z ean the area around the fuel filter head and filter.
iove the fuel filter with filter wrench, Part Number
Fuel Filter (Spin-On Type) QSX15
Page 4-6 Section 4 - Maintenance Procedures at 250 Hours or 6 Months

With Vacuum Fuel Filtering

Fuel is flammable. Keep all cigarettes, flames, pilot
lights, arcing equipment, and switches out of the work
area and areas sharing ventilation to reduce the
possibility of severe personal injury or death when
working on the fuel system.
Clean the area around the fuel filter head and filter.
Disconnect the wiring harness from the water-in-fuel
sensor if equipped.
Remove the fuel filter with filter wrench, Part Number

Clean and Inspect for Reuse

With Pressurized Fuel Filtering
Use a clean, lint-free cloth to clean the filter head gasket

With Vacuum Fuel Filtering

Use a clean, lint-free cloth to clean the filter head gasket

With Pressurized Fuel Filtering
Use the correct filter(s) for your engine. It must remove a
minimum of 95 percent of free and emulsified water. It
must also have a minimum of 98.7 percent 15-micron
particle-removal efficiency.
Cummins, Part Number 3101546
Fleetguard® Nelson®, Part Number FF2200
Apply a thin coating of clean engine oil to the filter gasket
•SX15 Fuel Filter (Spin-On Type)
Section 4 - Maintenance Procedures at 250 Hours or 6 Months Page 4-7

hanical overtightening of the filter can distort the
ads or damage the filter element seal.
VOTE: Engines equipped with priming pumps do not
lire the fuel filter to be filled prior to installation if the
:wing filling procedure is followed.
rs:all the filter onto the filter head. Turn the filter until the
zasKet contacts the filter head surface.
~ cnten the filter an additional 3/4 of a turn after the gasket
:c ^tacts the filter head surface, or as specified by the filter

- the fuel filter by turning the ignition switch to the ON

rcsition. The priming pump will run for two minutes which
- . adequately fill the fuel filter. The engine can then be
NOTE: The engine will, perhaps, run rough for several
- nutes until the air is out of the system.

iVith Priming Pump

Jse the correct filter(s) for your engine. It must remove a
minimum of 95 percent of free and emulsified water. It
must also have a minimum of 98.7 percent at 25-micron
: article-removal efficiency.
Cummins, Part Number 4010651
Fleetguard® Nelson®, Part Number FS1040
Apply a thin coating of clean engine oil to the filter gasket
sjrface and the center seal.

Mechanical overtightening of the filter can distort the
threads or damage the filter element seal.
NOTE: Engines equipped with priming pumps do not
-equire the fuel filter to be filled prior to installation if the
'ollowing filling procedure is followed.
install the filter onto the filter head. Turn the filter until the
gasket contacts the filter head surface.
Tighten the filter an additional 3/4 of a turn after the gasket
contacts the filter head surface, or as specified by the filter
NOTE: If the filter is equipped with a water-in-fuel sensor,
rotate the sensor to the desired location and connect the
wiring harness.
Fuel Filter (Spin-On Type) QSX15
Page 4-8 Section 4 - Maintenance Procedures at 250 Hours or 6 Months

Fill the fuel filter by turning the ignition switch to the ON

position. The priming pump will run for two minutes which
will adequately fill the filter. The engine can then be
Some engines utilize a manual, remote mount priming
pump. Flip the priming pump mounted toggle switch to the
ON position. Run the pump for two minutes and shut it off.
The engine can then be started.
NOTE: The engine will, perhaps, run rough for several
minutes until the air is out of the system.

Without Priming Pump

Use the correct filter(s) for your engine. It must remove a
minimum of 95 percent of free and emulsified water. It
must also have a minimum of 98.7 percent at 25-micron
particle-removal efficiency.
Cummins, Part Number 4010651
Fleetguard® Nelson®, Part Number FS1040
Apply a thin coating of clean engine oil to the filter gasket
surface and the center seal.

Mechanical overtightening of the filter can distort the
threads or damage the filter element seal.
NOTE: Fill the filter with clean fuel prior to installation.
Install the filter onto the filter head. Turn the filter until the
gasket contacts the filter head surface.
Tighten the filter an additional 3/4 of a turn after the gasket
contacts the filter head surface, or as specified by the filter
NOTE: If the filter is equipped with a water-in-fuel sensor,
rotate the sensor on the filter to the desired location and
connect the wiring harness.

Remove the external hex plug on the top of the integrated

fuel system .module. Crank the engine until a solid stream
of fuel comes out of the port.
Install the hex plug.
Crank the engine for 20 seconds. If the engine does not
start within 20 seconds, wait two minutes. It will probably
be necessary to remove the filter, fill the filter with clean
fuel, and install the filter.
Repeat these steps until the engine starts.
NOTE: The engine will, perhaps, run rough for several
minutes until the air is out of the system.
Section 5 - Maintenance Procedures at 1500 Hours or 1 Year
Page 5-a

Section 5 - Maintenance Procedures at 1500 Hours or 1 Year

Section Contents

i.' Cleaner Restriction , 5-8
Maintenance Check 5-8
A ' Leaks, Air Intake and Exhaust Systems 5-4
Maintenance Check 5-4
Variable Geometry 5-6
Coolant Filter 5-1
General Information 5-1
-stall 5-2
-amove 5-1
Ccoling Fan Belt Tensioner 5-3
-spect for Reuse 5-3
Engine Wiring Harness 5-9
Maintenance Check 5-9
Haintenance Procedures - Overview 5-1
General Information 5-1
QSX15 Coolant Filter
Section 5 - Maintenance Procedures at 1500 Hours or 1 Year Page 5-1

Maintenance Procedures - Overview

General Information
All maintenance checks and inspections listed in previous
maintenance intervals must also be performed at this
time, in addition to those listed under this maintenance

Coolant Filter
General Information
Refer to Procedure Coolant Recommendations and
Specifications at the beginning of this section.

© Cummir Curhmlns Inc.


An on/off valve is provided to prevent coolant leakage

while changing the coolant filter.
With the valve in the ON position (1), the coolant flows to
and from the coolant filter. In the OFF position (2), the
coolant flow is cut off to and from the coolant filter.


Do not remove the pressure cap from a hot engine.
Wait until the coolant temperature is below 50°C
[120°F] before removing the pressure cap. Heated
coolant spray or steam can cause personal injury.
Remove the cooling system pressure cap.
Coolant Filter QSX15
Page 5-2 Section 5 - Maintenance Procedures at 1500 Hours or 1 Year

Coolant is toxic. Keep away from children and pets. If
not reused, dispose of in accordance with local
environmental regulations.
Turn the coolant on/off valve to the OFF position.
NOTE: Do not use force to open or close the on/off valve.
If the valve does not turn freely, refer to procedure
Remove and discard the coolant filter. Clean the gasket
surface on the filter head.


Mechanical overtightening can distort the threads or
damage the filter head.
Apply a thin film of clean engine oil, or its equivalent, to
the coolant filter gasket sealing surface before installing
the coolant filter.
Tighten the coolant filter 1/2 to 3/4 of a turn after initial
gasket contact, or as specified by the manufacturer.
Turn the coolant on/off valve to the ON position.

Install the radiator pressure cap.

Do not remove the pressure cap from a hot engine.
Wait until the coolant temperature is below 50°C
[120°F] before removing the pressure cap. Heated
coolant spray or steam can cause personal injury.
Operate the engine until the coolant temperature is above
82°C [180°F], and check for coolant leaks.
After the air has been purged from the system, check the
coolant level again.
QSX15 Cooling Fan Belt Tensioner
Section 5 - Maintenance Procedures at 1500 Hours or 1 Year Page 5-3

Cooling Fan Belt Tensioner

Inspect for Reuse
With the engine turned off, verify that neither the top nor
cottom tensioner arm stop is touching the cast boss on the
tensioner body. If either of the stops is touching a boss,
the alternator belt must be replaced. Check to make sure
the correct belt part number is being used if either
condition exists.

Check the tensioner pulley and body for cracks. If any

cracks are noticed, the tensioner must be replaced.
Check the tensioner for dirt buildup. If this condition
exists, the tensioner must be removed and steam- ^§^>

Remove the alternator belt.

If the tensioner pulley touches the accessory drive pulley
after the tensioner has been fully relaxed, the bottom
tensioner arm stop boss has broken and the tensioner ^S?* W C u m m i n s inc.
must be replaced.

ins Inc.

Check that the bottom tensioner arm stop is in contact with

the bottom tensioner arm stop boss on the tensioner body.
If these two are not contacting, the tensioner must be
Install the alternator belt.
Air L e a k s , Air Intake and Exhaust S y s t e m s QSX15
Page 5-4 Section 5 - Maintenance Procedures at 1500 Hours or 1 Year

Inspect the tensioner for evidence of the pivoting

tensioner arm contacting the stationary circular base. If
there is evidence of these two areas contacting, the pivot
tube bushing has failed and the tensioner must be

Air Leaks, Air Intake and Exhaust

Maintenance Check

Engine intake air must be filtered to prevent dirt and
debris from entering the engine. If the intake air
piping is damaged or loose, unfiltered air will enter the
engine and cause premature wear.
Inspect for loose clamps or damage between the intake
air piping, air cleaner, turbocharger, charge-air cooler,
and intake manifold.
Replace any damaged pipes, and tighten loose clamps.

Check for corrosion of the intake system piping under the

clamps and hoses. Corrosion can allow corrosive products
and dirt to enter the intake system. Disassemble and clean
as required.
Excessive back pressure can cause exhaust leaks. Verify
the exhaust back pressure is within specified limits. Refer
to Procedure 011-009. ,
Operate the engine at full throttle and maximum load, and
check for air leaks. Listen for a whistling noise caused by
high-pressure air leaks.

Do not use air tools to remove or install the nut on the
v-band clamp. Use of these tools can seriously
damage the threads or the bolt and cause the clamp
to not be able to be used.
The noise can be caused by an air leak from the following:
Turbocharger-to-charge-air cooler elbow connection.
• Inspect the connection and o-ring seal for damage.
• Tighten the v-band clamps.
Torque Value: 9 N»m [ 80 in-lb ]
3SX15 Air L e a k s , Air intake and Exhaust S y s t e m s
Section 5 - Maintenance Procedures at 1500 Hours or 1 Year Page 5-5

Any charge-air cooler piping or connecting hose.

• Inspect the hose and piping for damage.
• Tighten the hose clamps.
Torque Value: 9 N»m [ 80 in-lb ]

2neck soot streaks from the exhaust manifold slip joints.

-emove the exhaust manifold and inspect the slip joints
'or damage.
3heck exhaust manifold-to-cylinder head sealing gasket.
*' soot streaks are found replace the exhaust manifold to
cylinder head gaskets. Refer to Procedure 011-007.

"jrbocharger-to-exhaust-manifold mounting gasket.

• Replace the gasket.
Refer to Procedure 010-033.

Do not use air tools to remove or install the nut on the
.-band clamp. Use of these tools can seriously
damage the threads or the bolt and cause the clamp
to not be able to be used.
"jrbine housing sealing surface air leak.
• Tighten the v-band clamp.
Torque Value: 14 N»m [124 in-lb]
• Check for an air leak.
• If an air leak is still present, remove and replace the

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