Module 9a

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Choose the correct word(s) in brackets :

1- verify
1- Are you able to (ratify-verify-qualify-fry) your allegation?
2-It’s nice to help your mother (does-do-doing-did) the housework. 2- do
3- Cancer is known to be a (mild-medium-slow-fatal) disease.
4-When I got my university degree, I went on (finding-to finding-found-to 3- fatal
find) a job in a big office.
5- Public (knowledge-awareness-reliance-ignorance) about the disease is 4- to find
still a
cause for concern. They don’t know much about it.
5- ignorance
6-A :Do you regret (going-to go-went-will go) to the stadium by car? B: Yes.
The traffic was heavy. 6- going
7- To her teacher's (repair-despair-happiness-satisfaction), Nicole never 7- despair
does the work that she's told to do.
8-We will never forget (visited-visits-visiting-have visited) Europe. It was 8- visiting
a nice journey.
9- I'm burning with (maturity-purity-curiosity-custody) - you must tell me 9- curiosity
who's won!
10- shouting
10-Stop (shout-to shout-shouting-to shouting). I’m trying to concentrate
on my work. 11- speak
11-I always get in troubles when I (talk-read-speak-tell) my mind.
12-Don’t regret anything. It’s no use (cry-crying-to crying-cried) over
12- crying
spilt milk.
13-Have you (made-done-had-set) your mind about going to the country at the 13- made
14- punishing
14-He is too young to be punished for his actions. Nothing is worth (punished-to punish-
punishing-punished) him.
15- mind
15-My mother was out of (brain-mind-thinking-anger) when she heard the noise we were
making yesterday.
16- to buy
16-On my way to school, I stopped (buying-buys-will buy-to buy) a newspaper.
17- This period in history is noted for its religious (tolerance-dependence-curiosity- 17- tolerance
18-Fancy (meeting-to meet-met-had met) you here. It’s a nice surprise. 18- meeting
19- I accepted his resignation with great (deduction-reluctance-development- progress). 19- reluctance
20-Remember (bringing-to bring-bring-brought) your camera with you when you come to
the party. 20- to bring
Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same meaning.

1-I don’t like studying math. (stand)

1- I can’t stand studying math.
2-Father always gets up early. (used to)

2- Father is used to getting up early.

3-Have you ever eaten junk foods? (tried)

3- Have you ever tried eating junk foods?

4-It’s better not to drive you car in rush hours. (avoid)

4- You should avoid driving your car in rush hours.

5-The prisoner said he didn’t commit the crime. (denied)

5- The prisoner denied committing the crime.

6-Can I borrow your pen? (mind)
6- Do you mind lending me your pen?

7-My father made me study hard for the exam. (was made)
7- I was made to study hard for the exam.
10-You must be crazy. I can’t lend you this sum of money. (out)

8- You must be out of your mind. I can’t lend you this sum of money.
9-Don’t be shy and tell us what you are thinking of. (speak)

9- Don’t be she and speak your mind.


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