(WCS 240) Storyboard

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Theme: Gratitude

Nailya = Girl


Girl is making something out of CU of beads + cut to CU of girl’s Opening shot to invoke audience’s
beads. hands handling the beads + Front what is this reaction“”
MS to girl focused on the task

Girl drops a bead CU of girl’s reaction to dropping a Gradual development of the story.
bead + cut to CU of the fallen bead

Girl sitting and leaning on the wall Match cut of the bead + CU of a Transitionary shot with some
sideways girl lower octave music

A school bell ring. A busy school. CU of school bell. LS (low shot) of Establishing shot of everyone going
running legs + PR to show to classrooms

An empty spot ZI on the empty spot to emphasize Drawing audience’s attention.


Girl sitting in the school bathroom. Match cut to the girl sitting in the The CT to bathroom sign acts as a
Girl lowers the head on the her beginning + CT the bathroom sign hint establishing the place of girl’s
knees. + MS of the girl bending down + location. The gradual change from
LS of the girl sitting with the head MS to LS is used in order to reveal
on her knees (linger on that shot the setting fully.
for a few seconds) + FTB

Girl going home on the bus, dead CU of the girl + ECU of the girl’s ECU is used to emphasize girl’s
look in the eyes eyes emotional state

Girl trying to study, hears the LS (long shot) of the girl sitting at This sequence is used to give the
noises, covers her ears with hands. the desk. Side MS at the girl when viewer hints about what could be
It doesn’t work, so she puts on she reacts to the noise, CT the causing girl’s depressed emotional
earphones, face grimaces, you can door, CT the girl. CU of her hand state
see that it doesn’t help as well. taking the earphones. Side MS of
girl putting on earphones. Front
MS of girl grimacing.

Girl stands up, turns off the light, LS of girl standing up and walking. This sequence further establishes
and leans down sitting against the CU of hand switching the light off. the problem of unstable home
wardrobe door. She is crying Side LS of girl walking to the environment
whereas noise becomes louder and wardrobe and FD as she sits down.
more clear, you can distinguish ZI on the girl as she crouches. FTB.
glass breaking and people arguing.
Girl sits on the sofa. It’s dark LS of the girl sitting. Cut LS to the Cut LS to the window is done in
outside. The phone lights up with a window. OTS of the phone order to establish that it’s late
message. lighting up. CU of the phone night.
screen message.

Girl texts back “gonna be home Front MS of the girl texting. POV This scene shows that the girl is
late”. of the phone screen, turning off the avoiding going home and prefers to
phone and throwing it. stay up late ar school

Girl sitting alone in the classroom. LS of the classroom. Front LS of The LS are used for establishing the
Looking outside, not paying the girl. CT to the MS of the setting of the girl sitting alone (aka
attention. window. Side CU of the girl being lonely). The gradual close
looking outside. ECU of the girl’s ups are to establish the emotional
eyes. state of the girl (lonely).

Girl is approached by another CU of the hands rubbing motion + CUs are used to hint and keep a
person (teacher). Doesn’t react. CU of lips movement sense of intrigue to the viewer
The teacher crouches down. Rubs before revealing who is the person
the back, says something. behind

Girl reacts – slightly turns Front MS of the girl lying. No Here the music would slightly
change of the shot at turning. pause and change to more cheerful
one to suggest the change of mood

Girl is seen in an empty classroom LS of the classroom. Reveal of the full shot
with the teacher

Girl is crouching down against the MS of the girl + CU of the phone CU of the phone is done in order
wardrobe again, crying at night to shift viewer’s attention to it

Girl hesitates to call the teacher, Side MS of the girl texting, CU of

sends a text message “are you the phone screen.
busy?”. Receives a call

Talks, cries. MS throughout

Girl is on a bus, nervous FS (full shot) of the girl in bus. CU FS is done in order to establish the
of the girl’s face. setting of the bus

Girl steps out of the bus, stands in LS (low shot) of the leg stepping Back ZO as the bus leaves is
front of a apartment complex. out. Back MS of the girl. Back ZO chosen to gradually reveal the new
as the bus leaves. location.

Girl nervously goes in, calls the bell Side FS of girl walking through the
doors. Follow from Behind as she
goes through the apartment
complex. CU of the finger hitting
the bell. LS (low shot) of footsteps
& door closing.

A fast series of shots girl smiling, LS (long shot) for all shots. These scenes are necessary for
eating, and talking establishing how the other person
is helping the girl to deal with her
emotional state.

Girl is seen in regular class, paying Match cut to classroom setting This scene shows the positive
attention to lessons though the same sitting position. improvements in girl’s life.
PR of the class + CU of girl writing
something down

Girl is talking to classmates, clearly FS with DR This scene shows the positive
engaging in conversation improvements in girl’s life as well

Girl is holding the bead, staring CT + Front MS of the girl holding Cut back to the opening shot from
somewhere, lost in thought the bead the beginning to suggest the going
back to present time.

Girl goes back to beading Side MS + CU of hands + FTB

Final bead product (a tree is FS of the bead product + shot of The bead product is a
revealed). Girl is shown packing it the girl packing the bead product representation of gratitude the girl
up. (focus on the bead product, face is feels for the other person.
not shown).

Girl is on the bus with that package MS of the girl + CU on the hands Building up the antiicpation of
in hands. holding the package. where the girl is going for the

Girl steps out the bus and is in CU of footsteps + PU to reveal the CU of the hospital title in order to
front of a hospital. hospital. CU on the title of establish the setting.
hospital. Side diagonal (45 degrees)
MS on the girl's face and her

Girl enters the building, goes up FTB + follow girl’s actions from
the elevator, and stops in front of a behind + Side LS (low shot) of
room. footsteps stopping. Side DU of the
girl in front of the door. Side MS
stays as she enters the room. FTW
as the door opens.

Girl is sitting at a table smiling, MS of the girl. Not revealing the other person to
talking to someone (the teacher) keep the intrigue of what

The beaded tree and a card CT bead tree. Focus on the card in The final reveal. At this point, the
congratulating on a newborn is the behind. Gradual FTW. viewer should realize that the bead
shown. product is a representation of
gratitude the girl feels for the other

White screen with a short text The final quote in order to clear
(dedication-style): “For the person out the confusion if any viewers
who was there through the have it.
toughest period of my life”

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