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Lower Primary – Post lesson

Worksheet 1

Task 1
Your presentation should have a clear beginning, middle and end. Use signposting language
and the preparation sheet below to prepare for your presentation.
Task 2
Time to practise! Find an audience and give your speech. You can even record your speech to
see what you sound like.


Task 3
Read interesting facts about the solar system and choose any one item that you like.

The Sun is the most important thing in our Solar System. It gives the planets their heat and light
and its gravity stops them from flying off into space. Life on Earth wouldn’t exist without the
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It is a barren, rocky planet that looks a lot like Earth’s
moon. The surface of Mercury is covered with craters, where space rocks, called meteorites
crashed into it.
Interesting Fact: During the day, temperatures on Mercury can reach 427º. That’s more than
four times as hot as boiling water!
Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System. Venus has lots of volcanoes. In the past they
erupted, throwing out hot molten rock, called lava. The lava flowed over the surrounding area
and then hardened. Most of Venus’s surface is covered in hard lava.
Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the only planet in the Solar System where we know
life exists. Earth has excellent conditions for life. Its distance from the Sun gives it perfect
temperatures. Earth also has air and water on it. If these were missing, life could never exist
The soil on Mars has got lots of iron, which makes the planet look red. Mars is often called the
Red Planet.
Interesting Fact: The largest volcano in the Solar System is on Mars. It is more than 27km tall!
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It has at least 61 moons, and new ones are still
being found. The four largest moons were discovered by an astronomer named Galileo. They
are called the Galilean moons.
Interesting Fact: Four of the planets on our Solar System- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune-
are made mostly of gas. They are known as the gas giants.
Saturn is smaller than Jupiter, but it is still huge. It is famous for the enormous rings around it.
Uranus and Neptune both have a gas called methane in their atmosphere. Methane absorbs
red light and reflects blue light, so these planets look blue and green from space.
Pluto is made from rock and ice. It is the planet furthest away from the sun.

Task 4
Write about your favourite celestial body that you selected. Research and write facts about it.
Ask your parents to help you research.
Name of planet

Type of planet
(rocky, gas or ice)



Interesting facts

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