Debate Guidelines SSC

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Roxas Avenue, Mahayahay, Iligan City

Supreme Student Council



(Substance of the debate,
arguments and evidence
presented, and the logical
reasoning and presentation of
said arguments)
(Style of delivery, persuasion
skills, and conduct of the
(Response to the dynamics of the
debate, and observance of the
rules of debate)
TOTAL 100%

There two opposing teams in an Asians format of debate:

1. Government side - proposes and defends the motion;

2. Opposition side - refute and negates the motion.
Each side is composed of Three (4) members
The Members of the government side are the following:

1. Prime minister (PM) - opens the debate, defines the motion and advances
2. Deputy prime Minister(DPM) - refute at first instance the case of the
opposition, reestablish the government’s claim, and advances arguments;
3. Government whip (GW) - makes an issue-based rebuttal of the opposition’s
case and summarizes the case of the government.
The Members of the Opposition side are the following:

1. Leader of the Opposition(LO) - responds directly to the case of the

government by giving a direct clash, and advances arguments. May
challenge the motion if the definition is
2. Deputy Leader of the Opposition(DPL) - refutes the case of the DPM,
reestablishes the case of the opposition, and advances an argument;
3. Opposition Whip (OW) - makes an issues-based rebuttal of the
government’s and
summarizes the case of the opposition.

Time of Speeches:
Each speaker is allocated seven minutes to deliver their constructive speeches.
The speakers will be speaking in the following order:

1. Prime Minister (7 mins)

2. Leader of the Opposition (7 mins)

3. Deputy Prime Minister (7 mins)

4. Deputy Leader of the Opposition (7 mins)

5. Government Whip (7 mins each)

6. Opposition Whip (7 mins each)

7. Opposition Reply (7 mins)

8. Government Reply (7 mins)

Open to the following:
 1st yr level
 2nd yr level
 3rd yr level
 4th yr level

1. Year Level Representative shall take charge of submitting the list of the
participants to the Secretary of the Supreme Student Council. NO
changing of names, once submitted. Also, participants whose names
are not found in the list shall not be allowed to participate.
2. Default shall be declared after 20 minutes based from the scheduled time
given. It will be done with the concurrence of the representative per Year
Level Representative and the literary committee.
3. Participants: Three (4) Participants (M/F)
4. Uniform Requirement: Their Team/Jersey Shirt for Gangi 2024
5. General Rules:
 Major Category Event
 Each team shall be composed of three (3) speakers and (1)
 The complete list of motions will be provided on February 12, 2024.
Only the jury will select the final motion that the debaters will
 There shall be two opposing teams in this format namely the
government side who proposes and defends the motion and the
opposition side who refutes and negates the motion.
 The members of the government side shall consist of a Prime
Minister (PM), a Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) and a Government
Whip (GW). On the other hand, the members of the opposition side
shall consist of a Leader of the Opposition (LO), a Deputy Leader of
the Opposition (DLO) and an Opposition Whip (OW)
 Each team shall follow the time speeches mentioned above.
 Each speaker shall be allocated seven (7) minutes to deliver their
constructive speeches. The SSG official timer will raise a blue flag
when six (6) minutes have already passed and the bell will be rung
once. When the time reaches seven (7) minutes, a red flag will be
raised and the bell will be rung twice.
 During the constructive speeches, Point of Information (POI) may
be raised by the opposing side after the first minute up to the sixth
minute. The SSG official timer will raise a white flag when one (1)
minute has already passed indicating that the speakers can now
ask POIS POI may be refused or accepted by the speaker. During
reply speeches, no POI may be raised.
 Use of foul words is strictly and highly prohibited a five-point
deduction will be made for the first offense, and the team will be
automatically disqualified if a second offense is committed.
 The Debate Committee will assign the moderator, adjudicators and
time keepers.
 Participating debaters on every team can shuffle in every round as
long as they're listed in the Roster, but not during an ongoing
 All participants must be present at the set venue and time for each
 If by chance any member(s) has not yet arrived to complete the
team preparation will still continue However, if the member is late
for more than ten (10) minutes, he/she is automatically
disqualified in the competition.
 In the event that the adjudicators had already called the house to
order and the team is still not composed of three members, they
are automatically considered default.
 Participants must observe proper decorum at all times while the
debate is ongoing. Decent behavior includes being presentable. A 5
point deduction from the criterion "MANNER" will be implemented
per judge.
 References should not include electronic references while the
debate is ongoing.
 The adjudicators will be the one who will announce the champion
regardless of the points garnered by the finalists.

Blue – 1 minute left

Red - time for the next speaker

6. Deadline of Submission: Year Level Representative shall submit the list

of their participants to the Secretary of the SSC on or before February 05,
2024 until 4:00 P.M.

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