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Here's a customized template for the IELTS Writing Task 2 Agree/Disagree essay:


1. Paraphrase the Question: Begin by paraphrasing the given statement or question.

2. Thesis Statement: Clearly state your position, whether you agree or disagree with the
statement, and briefly outline the main reasons supporting your stance.

Body Paragraph 1:

1. Topic Sentence: Present the first main reason supporting your viewpoint.
2. Explanation: Elaborate on the topic sentence, providing relevant examples, facts, or
personal experiences.
3. Counter-argument (if applicable): Acknowledge potential counter-arguments and
briefly explain why they don't undermine your position.

Body Paragraph 2:

1. Topic Sentence: Introduce the second main reason supporting your viewpoint.
2. Explanation: Develop the topic sentence with specific details, examples, or statistics.
3. Counter-argument (if applicable): Address and refute any potential counter-
arguments, reinforcing your position.


1. Restate Thesis: Summarize your stance on the topic, rephrasing the thesis statement.
2. Summary of Main Points: Concisely recap the main reasons supporting your position.
3. Final Thought or Recommendation: End with a final thought, recommendation, or a
call to action related to the topic.

Example: Introduction: Paraphrase: In contemporary society, the role of technology is

ever-expanding, with some arguing that it has more benefits than drawbacks. Thesis: I
firmly agree that the advantages of technology outweigh its disadvantages due to its
impact on communication, education, and healthcare.

Body Paragraph 1: Topic Sentence: Firstly, technology has revolutionized communication

by enabling instant global connectivity. Explanation: For instance, social media platforms
facilitate real-time communication, bridging geographical gaps and fostering global
understanding. Counter-argument: While some claim that technology hinders face-to-
face interactions, the benefits of enhanced global communication far outweigh the

Body Paragraph 2: Topic Sentence: Furthermore, technology has significantly improved

educational access and outcomes. Explanation: Online learning platforms, for instance,
provide educational opportunities to individuals worldwide, regardless of their
geographical location. Counter-argument: Critics argue that excessive screen time may
have adverse effects on student well-being, but the positive impact on education cannot
be ignored.

Conclusion: Restate Thesis: In conclusion, the positive influence of technology on

communication and education highlights its overall advantages. Summary of Main
Points: The global connectivity and educational opportunities facilitated by technology
underscore its positive impact. Final Thought: While acknowledging concerns, it is
essential to leverage technology responsibly, ensuring its continued benefits for future

IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantages and Disadvantages essay:


1. Paraphrase the Question: Begin by rephrasing the given statement or question.

2. Thesis Statement: Clearly state that you will discuss both the advantages and
disadvantages of the given topic and provide a brief overview of the main points you
will cover.

Body Paragraph 1 (Advantages):

1. Topic Sentence: Present the first main advantage of the topic.

2. Explanation: Elaborate on the topic sentence, providing specific examples, facts, or
personal experiences to support your point.
3. Concluding Sentence: Summarize the key advantage discussed in this paragraph.

Body Paragraph 2 (Advantages):

1. Topic Sentence: Introduce the second main advantage.

2. Explanation: Develop the topic sentence with relevant details, examples, or statistics.
3. Concluding Sentence: Summarize the second advantage discussed in this paragraph.

Body Paragraph 3 (Disadvantages):

1. Topic Sentence: Transition into the disadvantages by presenting the first main
2. Explanation: Elaborate on the topic sentence, providing specific examples, facts, or
personal experiences.
3. Concluding Sentence: Summarize the main disadvantage discussed in this paragraph.

Body Paragraph 4 (Disadvantages):

1. Topic Sentence: Introduce the second main disadvantage.

2. Explanation: Develop the topic sentence with relevant details, examples, or statistics.
3. Concluding Sentence: Summarize the second disadvantage discussed in this


1. Restate Thesis: Summarize that both advantages and disadvantages have been
2. Balance Statement: Provide a balanced perspective, acknowledging that the issue is
3. Personal Opinion (Optional): Share your personal opinion on whether the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa.

Example: Introduction: Paraphrase: In today's society, the impact of technology is

evident in various aspects of our lives. This essay will explore both the advantages and
disadvantages of the increasing reliance on technology. Thesis: While technology has
brought about numerous benefits in terms of communication and efficiency, it also
poses challenges related to privacy and job displacement.

Body Paragraph 1 (Advantages): Topic Sentence: One significant advantage of

technology is its contribution to enhanced communication. Explanation: For example,
the advent of smartphones and social media has facilitated instant communication,
connecting individuals globally in real-time. Concluding Sentence: In summary, the
improvement in communication is a key benefit of technological advancements.

Body Paragraph 2 (Advantages): Topic Sentence: Another positive aspect of technology

is the increased efficiency in various fields. Explanation: Automation and
computerization have streamlined processes, leading to higher productivity and reduced
human error. Concluding Sentence: In conclusion, the efficiency gains brought about by
technology contribute to overall progress in society.
Body Paragraph 3 (Disadvantages): Topic Sentence: However, the reliance on technology
has its drawbacks, with privacy concerns being a notable disadvantage. Explanation: The
collection and misuse of personal data raise ethical questions and pose risks to
individual privacy. Concluding Sentence: Thus, while technology offers benefits, it also
demands careful consideration of privacy implications.

Body Paragraph 4 (Disadvantages): Topic Sentence: Furthermore, job displacement is a

significant downside of technological advancements. Explanation: Automation in
industries has led to the elimination of certain jobs, contributing to unemployment and
societal challenges. Concluding Sentence: In summary, the negative impact on
employment underscores the complexity of the technological revolution.

Conclusion: Restate Thesis: In conclusion, the advantages of technology, such as

improved communication and efficiency, must be weighed against the disadvantages,
including privacy concerns and job displacement. Balance Statement: It is essential to
strike a balance between embracing technological progress and addressing the
associated challenges for a harmonious societal development.

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