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1. X¥pîQ> dŠVì` 1
2. {gÕm§V 1
3. aUZr{V 1-3
4. ‘Ü`àXoe amÁ` n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘ 3
5. n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZm`| 4
6. n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| hoVw AZwXmZ 5-11
7. drH|$S> Qy>[aÁ‘ H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZm 11
8. n§Or`Z Ed§ ‘wÐm§H$ ewëH$ ‘| Ny>Q> 11
9. {ZOr {Zdoe Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$s ñWmnZm hoVw ^y{‘`m|/ ho[aQ>oO 11-13
n[ag§npËV`m| H$m Amd§Q>Z
10. B©H$mo VWm gmh{gH$ n`©Q>Z 13-14
11. {’$ë‘ Qy>[aÁ‘ 14
12. amÁ` n`©Q>Z g§dY©Z n[afX/{Ocm n`©Q>Z g§dY©Z n[afX H$s ñWmnZm 14
13. Oc n`©Q>Z 15
14. gånmofUr` n`©Q>Z 15
15. `wdmAm| Ho$ {c`o amoOJmamoÝ‘wIr/H$m¡ec {dH$mg {ejU Ed§ à{ejU 15-16
16. {ZdoeH$ ghm`Vm 16
17. ‘mJ© gw{dYm Ho$ÝÐm| H$m {dH$mg 16
18. n`©Q>Z H$mo CÚmooJ Ho$ g‘mZ gw{dYmE§ §
19. g‘«J n`©Q>Z {dH$mg hoVw {deof à`mg 17-18
20. n`©Q>Z Zr{V H$m {H«$`mÝd`Z 18
21. {ZagZ 18
22. n[a{eîQ>-1 - n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$mo Amd§{Q>V emgH$s` ^y{‘`m| H$m Zrcm‘r Ûmam {ZdV©Z H$s à{H«$`m 19-23
23. n[a{eîQ>-H$ - à~§Y g§MmcH$, ‘.à. n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘ H$m àñVmd 24-25
24. n[a{eîQ>-I - ^y{‘/h¡[aQ>oO n[ag§npËV` Ho$ {ZdV©Z hoVw {Z{dXm gyMZm 26
25. n[a{eîQ>-J - {Z{dXm XñVmdoOm| H$m narjU Ed§ {dËVr` {Z{dXm ‘yë`m§H$Z à{VdoXZ 27-29
26. n[a{eîQ>-2 - h¡[aQ>oO n[ag§npËV` à‘mUrH$aU JmBS>cmBZ Ed§ à{H«$`m 2019 30-35
• Tourism Policy (English Version) 41-68
• n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$s n[a^mfmE§
• Definitions of Tourism Projects (English Version) 69-88
• n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$s ñWmnZm na ny§OrJV AZwXmZ, JUZm, ì``, AmdoXZ, MoH${cñQ> 89-99
• Defining Capital expenditure on establishment of Tourism Project, 100-106
its calculation, Application form, checklist, for calculating capital
subsidy (English Version)
• n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| Ho$ {d^mJr` ^y{‘`m| na ñWmnZmW© g‘` gr‘m g§~§Yr {ZX}e 107-108
• ~«mÊS>oS> hmoQ>c àmoËgmhZ Zr{V 2019 109-113
• (Promotion of Branded Hotels Policy 2019) 115-118
n`©Q>Z Zr{V (2016) g§emo{YV 2019
1. Ñ{ï> d³Vì¶ / (Vision Statement)
“g§Vw{bV Ed§ g‘o{H$V n`©Q>Z H$s Eogr A{^d¥{Õ {Oggo gm‘m{OH$ Ed§ Am{W©H$ {dH$mg g§^d hmo,
amoOJma Ho$ Adgam| H$m g¥OZ hmo VWm ‘Ü` àXoe g‘J« n`©Q>Z AZw^d àXmZ H$aZo dmbm JÝVì` ~Z
2. {gÕm§V -
Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V àñVm{dV H$m`©dmhr {~ÝXw (Points of Action)> ‘w»`V… {ZåZ {gÕm§Vm| (Principles)
na AmYm[aV h¢ :-
2.1 Eogr g§ñWmJV ì`dñWm ñWm{nV H$aZm, {Oggo emgZ Ûmam {ZYm©[aV {Xem ‘| {ZOr {Zdoe
àmoËgm{hV hmo&
2.2 g‘o{H$V n`©Q>Z (sustainable tourism) Ho$ {b`o à^mdr {Z`m‘H$ à{H«$`m H$s ñWmnZm hmo &
2.3 n`©Q>H$ ñdmJV, gyMZm, gw{dYm, gwajm, g§aMZm VWm g’$mB© Ho$ {b`o g^r Cnm` {H$`o Om`|&
2.4 Yamoham| H$m g§ajU Ed§ n`©Q>Z ‘| Cn`moJ {H$`m Om`o &
2.5 B©H$mo n`©Q>Z (Eco Tourism) Am‘-OZ ‘| n`m©daU g§ajU Ho$ à{V g§doXZerbVm CËnÞ H$aZo
H$m H$maH$ ~Zo&
2.6 emgH$s` {d^mJm|, ñd`§ godr g§ñWmAm|, g‘wXm` VWm n`©Q>Z CÚmoJ Ho$ {hVYmar njm| Ho$ ‘Ü`
g‘pÝdV g{H«$` ^mJrXmar ñWm{nV hmo&
2.7 n`©Q>Z joÌ ‘| npãbH$-àm`doQ> nmQ>©Za{en na AmYm[aV n`©Q>H$ n[a`moOZmAm| H$m g‘w{MV
{dH$mg hmo &
2.8 Zr{V à^mderbVm Ad{Y- g§emoYZ Cnam§V Zr{V H$s à^mderbVm Zr{V Omar hmoZo Ho$ {XZm§H$
go àW‘V… nm°M df© H$s Ad{Y VH$ ahoJr VWm Bg Ad{Y ‘| àma§^/ñWm{nV (CËnmXZ àma§^/
{dñVma) n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$mo Bg Zr{V Ho$ àmdYmZm| Ho$ AZwgma bm^/ Ny>Q>/ [a`m`V|
àmá H$aZo H$s nmÌVm hmoJr & `Wm Amdí`H$Vm à^mderbVm ‘| emgZ Ûmam Amdí`H$ d¥{Õ H$s
Om gHo$Jr &
3. aUZr{V-
Cn`w©º$ {gÕm§Vm| VWm n`©Q>Z Ñ{ï>-dº$ì` Ho$ bú`m| H$s àm{á Ho$ {b`o aUZr{V (Strategy)> {ZåZmZwgma
hmoJr -
3.1 {ZOr {Zdoe H$mo AmH${f©V H$aZo Ho$ {b`o ñnï>, nmaXeu VWm ‘mZH$ à{H«$`m H$mo ñWm{nV {H$`m
Om`oJm &
3.2 JÝVì` Ho$ {dnUZ Ho$ {b`o Ano{jV AZwg§YmZ VWm S>mQ>m-~og V¡`ma {H$`m Om`oJm &
3.3 n`©Q>Z Ho$ joÌ ‘| à‘m{UH$ gm§p»`H$s` S>mQ>m-~og V¡`ma H$aZo VWm n`©Q>H$m| go ’$sS>~¡H$ àmá
H$a ì`dñWmJV gwYma H$s Ñ{ï> go `w{º$`wº$ àUmbr {dH${gV H$s Om`oJr &
3.4 AYmog§aMZm `Wm g‹S>H$, no`Ob, D$Om©, ñdÀN>Vm, n[adhZ VWm R>mog An{eð> à~§YZ H$m
{Za§Va g§YmaU VWm àmoÞ`Z {H$`m Om`oJm &

3.5 ñWmZr` {ZH$m`m| H$mo n`©Q>Z Ho$ à{V g§doXerb ~ZmH$a CZH$s g{H«$` gh^m{JVm gw{Z{üV H$s
Om`oJr &
3.6 ‘obo, ñWmZr` ì`§OZ/ImZnmZ, g§ñH¥${V, bmoH$ g§JrV, Z¥Ë`, doe^yfm, CËnmX, H$bm,
hñVH$bm VWm {damgV Ho$ àXe©Z Ed§ ‘mH}$qQ>J Ho$ {b`o J«m‘rU n`©Q>Z H$mo àmoËgm{hV {H$`m
Om`oJm& BZ J{V{d{Y`m| Ho$ {bE n§OrH¥$V ‘{hbm ñd-ghm`Vm g‘yhm| H$mo ào[aV {H$`m OmEJm&
3.7 B©H$mo n`©Q>Z Ho$ JÝVì`m| ‘| àmH¥${VH$ g§gmYZm| Ed§ gm¡ÝX`© H$s gwajm VWm g§ajU H$m gdm}n[a
Ü`mZ aIm Om`oJm&
3.8 AmÜ`mpË‘H$ n`©Q>Z Ho$ {b`o {MpÝhV ñWmZm| Ho$ {dH$mg H$s g‘J« `moOZm V¡`ma H$s Om`oJr &
3.9 d¥hX Obme`m| na n`©Q>Z gw{dYmAm| H$m `moOZm~Õ {dH$mg gw{Z{üV {H$`m Om`oJm &
3.10 n`©Q>Z H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo Ho$ {b`o àXoe Ho$ {d{^Þ eham| H$mo g‹S>H$ ‘mJ© (~g godm) VWm dm`w
godm go Omo‹S>Zo hoVw à^mdr Cnm` {H$`o Om`|Jo Ed§ {ZOr joÌ H$mo àmoËgm{hV {H$`m Om`oJm&
3.11 ñWmZr` àemgZ Ho$ gh`moJ VWm à{H«$`mAm| Ho$ gabrH$aU go gmh{gH$ n`©Q>Z Ho$ {b`o
Amdí`H$ ì`dñWm`| ñWm{nV H$s Om¶o§Jr&
3.12 n`©Q>Z CÚmoJ Ho$ g^r joÌm| ‘| {Z`mo{OV ‘mZd g§gmYZ H$m Eogm à{ejU gw{Z{üV {H$`m
Om`oJm Vm{H$ àXoe H$s n`©Q>Z AZwHy$b (Tourism friendly) N>{d ~Z gHo$ Ed§ `wdmAmo| H$mo
amoOJma Ho$ Adga ^r {‘b gH|$&
3.13 {ZOr {Zdoe go n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$s ñWmnZm H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo Ho$ {b`o Cn`wº$ ñWb M`Z
H$a b¡ÊS> ~¢H$ H$mo (Land Bank) {Za§Va ~‹T>m`m Om`oJm&
3.14 àXoe ‘o n`©Q>H$m| H$mo n`m©á Ed ñVar` Amdmg gw{dYm àXmZ H$aZo Ho$ bú` go ñQ>|S>S>©
(Standard) Ed§ S>rbŠg (Deluxe) loUr Ho$ hmoQ>bm| H$s {ZOr {Zdoe go ñWmnZm H$mo
àmoËgm{hV {H$`m Om`oJm&
3.15 emgZ Ho$ AÝ` gwg§JV {d^mJm| H$s H$m`© `moOZm ‘| “n`©Q>Z `moOZm’’ H$mo gpå‘{bV H$aZo H$m
à`mg {H$`m Om`oJm&
3.16 {ZOr {Zdoe go ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>b H$s ñWmnZm H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo Ho$ {b`o AZwXmZ/ [a`m`V| Xr
3.17 MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions) n`©Q>Z H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo Ho$
{b`o àXoe ‘| {ZOr {Zdoe go H$Ýd|eZ g|Q>a ñWmnZm H$mo àmoËgm{hV {H$`m Om`oJm&
3.18 àXoe ‘| hmoQ>b [agmoQ>© g{hV {d{^Þ n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm§o H$s ñWmnZm hoVw AZwXmZ/ [a`m`V|
CnbãY H$am`r Om`o§Jr&
3.19 {deof ‘hËdmo§ Ho$ Ed§ Cn`wº$ ZdrZ n`©Q>Z JÝVì`m| H$m {dH$mg {H$`m Om`oJm VWm XyañW Ed§
XwJ©‘ ñWbm| na n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$s ñWmnZm hoVw {deof Ny>Q> Ed§ gw{dYm`| Xr Om`|Jr&
3.20 ‘o{S>H$b Qy>[aÁ‘, S>oñQ>rmZoeZ doqS>J Qy>[aÁ‘ Ed§ J«m‘rU /H¥${f /B©H$mo Qy>[aÁ‘² H$mo àmoËgm{hV
{H$`m Om`oJm &
3.21 n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ho$ XyañW b¢S> ~¢H$m| Ed§ AYmog§aMZm{dhrZ ^y{‘`m|, dmQ>a ~m°S>rO Ed§ ho[aQ>oO
n[agån{Îm`m| na ‘yb^yV AYmog§aMZmAm| H$m {dH$mg {H$`m Om`oJm &
3.22 n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$s ñWmnZm Ho$ {b`o ‘Ü`àXoe Qy>[aÁ‘ ~moS>© H$mo qgJb qdS>mo EO|gr

~Zm`m Om`oJm Omo {ZdoeH$m| H$mo AZw‘{V`m§/AZmn{Îm Am{X àXmZ H$amZo/ZdrZrH$aU H$amZo
H$m H$m`© H$aoJm & {ZdoeH$m| H$mo Cnamoº$mZwgma AZw‘{V/AZmn{Îm {XbmZo/ZdrZrH$aU H$amZo
hoVw ì`{º$e: AZwgaU (Hand holding) à{H«$`m AnZm`r Om`oJr &
3.23 n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZm H$s ñWmnZm H$mo àmoËgm{hV H$aZo Ho$ {b`o AÝ` {d^mJm| Ho$ g‘Ýì` go Ease
of Doing {~OZog H$s AdYmaUm H$mo A‘b ‘| bmZo H$m à`mg {H$`m Om`oJm &
3.24 ho[aQ>oO n[agån{Îm`m| H$m à‘mUrH$aU n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ûmam H$aZo Ho$ g§~§Y ‘| {Z`‘ Ed§ à{H«$`m
~Zm`r Om`oJr VWm Bg à‘mUrH$aU Ho$ AmYma na ho[aQ>oO BH$mB©`m| H$mo Zr{V ‘| àmd{YV Ny>Q>/
gw{dYm`| àXm` H$s Om`oJr &
3.25 amoOJma Ed§ AmOr{dH$m Ho$ Adgam| Ho$ g¥OZ Ed§ g‘J« n`©Q>Z H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo Ho$ {bE “J«m‘ ñQ>o’’,
“’$m‘© ñQ>o’’ Ed§ “~oS> EÊS> ~«oH$’$mñQ>’’ BH$mB©`m| H$s ñWmnZm H$mo Zr{V ~ZmH$a àmoËgm{hV {H$`m
OmEJm & n`©Q>Z hoVw J{R>V n§OrH¥$V ghH$mar g{‘{V`m| VWm n§OrH¥$V ñd-ghm`Vm g‘yhm| H$mo
J«m‘ ñQ>o ñWmnZm Ho$ {bE àmoËgm{hV {H$`m OmEJm &
3.26 n`©Q>H$ ñWbm| H$mo {Z:eº$OZm| hoVw ^«‘U gwJ‘ ~Zm`m Om`oJm&
3.27 hmoQ>b/[agmoQ>©/d¥hX n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$s ñWmnZm ‘| ~‹S>o ~«m§S²g H$mo àmoËgm{hV H$aZo Ho$
{bE gd© g§~§{YVm| (Stakeholders) go nam‘e© H$a n¥WH$ Zr{V ~ZmB© OmEJr &
4. ‘Ü`àXoe amÁ` n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘-
àXoe ‘| n`©Q>Z Zr{V H$mo {H«$`mpÝdV H$aZo Ho$ {b`o ‘¡XmZr ñVa na ‘Ü`àXoe amÁ` n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘
H$s ^y{‘H$m AË`§V ‘hËdnyU© h¡& {ZJ‘ H$s ^y{‘H$m {ZåZmZwgma hmoJr :-
4.1 {ZJ‘ n`©Q>Z godm`| àXmZ H$aVo hþ`o g§nyU© àXoe ‘| {ZOr {Zdoe go n`©Q>Z godmAm| H$s ñWmnZm,
{dñVma Ed§ {dnUZ ‘| ‘hËdnyU© ^y{‘H$m {Z^m`oJm&
4.2 {ZJ‘ `Wm Amdí`H$Vm AnZr BH$mB©`m| H$mo g§MmbZ hoVw à~§YH$s` AZw~§Y AWdm XrK© Ad{Y
H$s brO na {ZOr joÌ H$mo gm¡n gHo$Jm&
4.3 n`©Q>Z CÚmoJ go OwS>o {hVYm[a`m| go g§nH©$ Ed§ g‘Ýd` aIVo hþ`o n`©Q>Z g§dY©Z, à~§YZ Ed§
g§MmbZ g§~§Yr g‘ñ`m g‘mYmZ hoVw à^mdr H$X‘ CR>m`o Om¶|Jo&
4.4 n`©Q>Z g§^m{dV A{dH${gV ZdrZ joÌm| ‘| {Zdoe H$a n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmE§ ñWm{nV H$s Om`oJr
VWm {ZOr {Zdoe H$m ‘mJ© àeñV H$a {ZdoeH$m| H$mo Amdí`H$ gh`moJ àXmZ {H$`m Om`oJm&
4.5 {ZJ‘ `Wm Amdí`H$Vm AnZr BH$mB©`m| H$m {dñVma H$aoJm Ed§ àmá bm^ go ZdrZ joÌm| H$m
{dH$mg H$aoJm&
4.6 àXoe ‘| gËH$ma à{ejU, ’y$S> H«$mâQ>, n`©Q>Z à~§YZ Am{X joÌm| ‘| Cƒ {ejm Ed§ AÝ` H$m¡eb
à{ejU àXmZ H$aZo dmbo g§ñWmZm| `Wm ‘Ü`àXoe B§ñQ>rQ>çyQ> Am°’$ hm°pñnQo{bQ>r E§S> Q´oqZJ,
’y$S> H«$mâQ> B§ñQ>rQ>çyQ>, ñQ>oQ> B§ñQ>rQ>çyQ> Am°’$ hm°pñnQo{bQ>r E§S> Ho$Q>[a§J Q>oŠZmo>bm°Or Am{X H$m
`Wm Amdí`H$ {dñVma Ed§ gwÑ‹T>rH$aU {H$`m Om`oJm &
4.7 ^maV emgZ, amÁ` emgZ Ed§ {dÎmr` g§ñWmAm| go n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| Ho$ {b`o F$U Ed§
AZwXmZ àmá H$aZo hoVw g‘ñV H$m`©dmhr H$aoJm &
4.8 n`©Q>Z joÌ ‘o§ {ZOr {Zdoe H$mo AmH${f©V H$aZo, BÝdoñQg© ’o${gbrQ>oeZ, {ZdoeH$mo§ H$mo Zr{V
AZwgma AZwXmZ Ed§ gw{dYmE§ CnbãY H$amZo VWm n`©Q>Z n[a`moZmAm| Ho$ AmH$ënZ, {H«$`mÝd`Z

Ed§ ‘m°{ZQ>[a¨J Ho$ {b`o {d^mJ Ûmam n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘ ‘§o EH$ n¥WH$ à^mJ “{Zdoe g§dY©Z
Ed§ `moOZm à^mJ’’ (Investment Promotion and Planning Division) H$m JR>Z {H$`m
Om`oJm& Bg à^mJ hoVw {d{YdV goQ>An H$m {ZYm©aU {d^mJ Ûmam {H$`m Om`oJm& à^mJ ‘§o
goQ>An AZwgma Amdí`H$ ‘mZd g§gmYZ, {ZJ‘ Ûmam nXñWm{nV {H$`o Om`|Jo& Bg à^mJ H$mo
H$m`©erb aIZo Ho$ {b`o Amdí`H$ {dÎmr` g§gmYZ emgZ Ûmam {ZJ‘ H$mo n¥WH$ go CnbãY
H$am`| Om`|Jo &
5. n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZm`| -
Bg Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V {d{^Þ gw{dYm`|/Ny>Q> àmá H$aZo hoVw {ZåZ{bpIV J{V{d{Y`m| H$mo n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZm
‘mZm Om`oJm& n[a`moOZmAm| H$s n[a^mfm, n`©Q>Z ‘§Ìmb`, ^maV gaH$ma Ûmam g‘`-g‘` na Omar
A{YgyMZmAm| Ho$ AZwgma AWdm n`©Q>Z {d^mJ, ‘Ü`àXoe emgZ Ûmam {ZYm©[aV H$s Om`oJr &
5.1 hmoQ>b (ñQ>ma, S>rbŠg Ed§ ñQ>oÊS>S>© loUr)
5.2 hoëW ’$m‘©g²/ [agmoQ>©/hoëW E§S> dobZog [agmoQ>©g²
5.3 [agmoQ>©, Ho$pån§J gmBQ> Ed§ ñWm`r Q>|qQ>J BH$mB©`m§
5.4 ‘moQ>b Ed§ dogmBS> E‘o{ZQ>rO
5.5 ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>b
5.6 H$Ýd|eZ goÝQ>a (MICE)
5.7 å`y{O`‘/ E¹o$[a`‘/ Wr‘ nmH©$g²
5.8 ~oS> EÊS> ~«oH$’$mñQ>/hmo‘ñQ>o BH$mB©
5.9 Jmoë’$ H$mog©
5.10 amon-do (Ropeway)
5.11 dmQ>a nmH©$ Am¡a dmQ>a ñnmoQ>©g
5.12 Eå`yO‘|Q> nmH©$
5.13 Ho$aodm°Z Qy>[aÁ‘
5.14 H«y$O Qy>[aÁ‘
5.15 hm°Cg ~moQ>
5.16 {’$ë‘ ñQy>{S>`mo Ed§ {’$ë‘ {Z‘m©U hoVw AYmog§aMZm {Z‘m©U Ed§ CnH$aUm| H$s ñWmnZm
5.17 ES>doÝMa ñnmoQ>©g²
5.18 gmCÊS> EÊS> bmBQ> emo/ boOa emo
5.19 gr-ßboZ
5.20 E‘’$s{~`Z n`©Q>Z dmhZ
5.21 E`amo ñnmoQ>©g Ed§ E`amo ñnmooQ>©g Q´oqZJ g|Q>a/EHo$S>‘r
5.22 ho[aQ>oO H¡$’o$Q>o[a`m/ ‘moQ>b
5.23 dmB©ëS> bmB©’$ [agmoQ>©g
5.24 J«m‘ ñQ>o/ ’$m°‘© ñQ>o
5.25 AÝ` n`©Q>Z g§~§Yr J{V{d{Y`m§ {OÝh| H|$Ð/amÁ` emgZ H$m n`©Q>Z {d^mJ AnZr Zr{V A§VJ©V
A{Ygy{MV H$ao§&

6. n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| hoVw AZwXmZ-
Bg n`©Q>Z Zr{V H$s à^mderbVm Ad{Y ‘| ñWm{nV hmoH$a àma§^ hmoZo dmbr nmÌ n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm|
H$mo CZHo$ Ûmam {H$`o J`o ñWm`r ny§OrJV ì`` na {ZåZmZwgma loUrdma ny§OrJV AZwXmZ H$s nmÌVm
hmoJr :-
H«$. AZwXmZ `moOZm Ý`yZV‘ ñWm`r AZwXmZ AÝ` eV]
n[a`moOZm ny§OrJV ì`` H$s
ì`` na A{Y-
(ê$n`o bmI AZwXmZ H$m H$V‘
‘|) à{VeV gr‘m
bmI ‘|)
6.1 {ZOr ñdm{‘Ëd Ho$ ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>bm| hoVw 300 bmI 15 à{VeV 200 ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>b ñWm{nV H$a
ny§OrJV AZwXmZ bmI g¨MmbZ Amaå^ H$aZo VWm
HRACC (Hotel &
Restaurant Approval
and Classification
Committee) / ‘Ü`àXoe
Qy>[aÁ‘ ~moS>© Ûmam, ho[aQ>oO
à‘mUrH$aU Cnam§V Xo` hmoJm &
Qy>[aÁ‘ ~moS>© Ûmam n[a{eîQ>-2
na g¨b½Z JmBS>bmBZ Ed§
à{H«$`m AZwgma ho[aQ>oO
n[ag¨n{Îm à‘mU-nÌ Omar {H$`o
Om`|Jo &
6.2 n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ûmam brO na Xr JB© 1000 15 à{VeV 500 H§${S>H$m 6.1 AZwgma
ho[aQ>oO gån{Îm`m| na ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>b bmI bmI
ñWmnZm hoVw ny§OrJV AZwXmZ
6.3 S>rbŠg/ W«r ñQ>ma AWdm CÀM loUr 1000 15 à{VeV 500 {H$am`o na XoZo `mo½` E`aH§${S>e§S>
Ho$ ZdrZ hmoQ>b Ed§ [agmQ>© H$s ñWmnZm bmI bmI H$jm| H$s Ý`yZV‘ g¨»`m 50
hoVw ny§OrJV AZwXmZ hmoZm Amdí`H$ h¡&
6.4 ñQ>oÊS>S>© loUr Ho$ ZdrZ hmoQ>b/{‘Zr 200 bmI 15 à{VeV 50 bmI {H$am`o na XoZo `mo½` H$jm| H$s
[agmoQ>© H$s ñWmnZm hoVw ny§OrJV AZwXmZ Ý`yZV‘ g¨»`m hmoQ>b hoVw 25
Ed§ {‘Zr [agm°Q>© hoVw 10 hmoZm
Amdí`H$ h¡ &
6.5 ZdrZ [agm°Q>© Ed§ dobZog g|Q>a 500 bmI 15 à{VeV 200 ^maV/ amÁ` emgZ Ûmam ‘mÝ`
(Am`wd}X `moJ, ZoMamonoWr {M{H$Ëgm n[a^mfm Ed§ ‘mnX§S>m|/ ‘mZH$m|
gw{dYm`wº$ [agm°Q>©) H$s ñWmnZm hoVw Ho$ AZwgma BH$mB© H$s ñWmnZm
ny§OrJV AZwXmZ Amdí`H$ h¡&

6.6 nyd© ñWm{nV ñQ>ma/ S>rbŠg/ ñQ>oÊS>S>© 100 bmI 15 à{VeV 500 AZwXmZ hoVw nyd© ñWm{nV BH$mB©
loUr Ho$ hmoQ>b/ [agmoQ>©/ ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>b bmI ‘| Eogm {dñVma nmÌ hmoJm,
Ho$ {dñVma na ny§OrJV AZwXmZ {Og‘| Amdmgr` j‘Vm nyd©
j‘Vm go 50 à{VeV `m A{YH$
~‹Tm`r J`r hmo&
6.7 MICE (meetings, incentives, 2000 15 à{VeV 1000 `h Amdí`H$ hmoJm {H$
conferences, exhibitions) bmI bmI n[a`moOZm H$s ñWmnZm H$Ýd|eZ
A§VJ©V 500 `m A{YH$ grQ> j‘Vm g|Q>a hoVw ^maV emgZ, n`©Q>Z
dmbo H$Ýd|eZ g|Q>a/H$Ýd|eZ g|Q>a gh ‘§Ìmb` Ûmam {ZYm©[aV ‘mnX§S>m|/
hmoQ>b H$s ñWmnZm na ny§OrJV AZwXmZ ‘mZH$m| Ho$ AZwê$n H$s J`r hmo&
AHo$bo ‘w»` H$Ýd|eZ hm°b H$s
grQ> j‘Vm 500 `m A{YH$
hmoZm Amdí`H$ h¡&
6.8 {’$ë‘ ñQy>{S>`mo Ed§ {’$ë‘ {Z‘m©U hoVw 100 bmI 15 à{VeV 500
ñWm`r AYmog¨aMZm {Z‘m©U Ed§ CnH$aUm| bmI
H$s ñWmnZm/ å`y{O`‘, EŠdo[a`‘,
Wr‘ nmH©$ ñWmnZm na ny§OrJV AZwXmZ
6.9 ES>d|Ma Qy>[aÁ‘, dmQ>a Qy>[aÁ‘, dm°Q>a 05 bmI 15 à{VeV 300 ñWmB© gw{dYm/ AYmog¨aMZm
ñnmoQ²g©, H«y$O/hmCg ~moQ>, Zm¡dhZ bmI go Ame`, ßboQ>’$m°‘©/ OoÅ>r/
AYmog¨aMZm, Eå`yO‘|Q> nmH©$, bmB©Q> E§S> CnH$aU/ nm{H©$§J gmBQ>/
gmC§S> emo/boOa emo, H¡$pån§J J{V{d{Y`m| {~Obr gw{dYm/ Ob àXm`/
hoVw CnH$aUm|/Q>|Q> H$s ñWmnZm/CnamoŠV Q>m°`boQ> Am{X OZ-gw{dYmAm|
J{V{d{Y`m| hoVw ñWm`r gw{dYmAm| Ed§ go h¡&
AYmog¨aMZmAm| H$m {Z‘m©U
6.10 J«rZ ’$sëS>/’«|$MmBOr ‘m°S>b na ‘mJ© 25 bmI 15 à{VeV 50 bmI {d^mJ H$s ‘mJ© gw{dYm Ho$ÝÐ
gw{dYm Ho$ÝÐ (S>ãë`y.Eg.E.) H$s Zr{V 2016 Ho$ AZwê$n
ñWmnZm {Og‘| ñWm`r ny§OrJV ì`` {ZYm©[aV ñWmZm|/ à~§Y g¨MmbH$
ê$n`o 25 bmI go A{YH$ hmo& E‘.nr Qy>[aÁ‘ ~moS>© Ûmam ‘mÝ`
ñWmZm| na ñWm{nV Ed§ g¨Mm{bV
BH$mB©`m| H$mo nmÌVm &
6.11 n`©Q>Z {d^mJ go brO na br J`r 50 bmI 25 à{VeV 300
^y{‘/ ho[aQ>oO n[ag¨n{Îm na ‘yb bmI
AYmog¨aMZm `Wm {dÚwV àXm`, Ob
àXm` Ed§ g‹S>H$ gånH©$, grdoO Ed§ Ob
‘b {ZH$mgr AYmog¨aMZmAm| Ho$ {Z‘m©U
hoVw ny§OrJV AZwXmZ
6.12 XwJ©‘ n`©Q>Z ñWbm§o/ dZ n`©Q>Z joÌmo§ 100 bmI 40 à{VeV 500
‘§o n[adhZ hoVw amon-do AYmog¨aMZm H$m bmI

6.13 gr-ßboZ, E‘’$s{~`Z n`©Q>H$ dmhZ 100 bmI 25 à{VeV 1000 E`amo ñnmoQ>©g Ed§ E`amo ñnmoQ>©g
Ed§ E`amo ñnmoQ>©g d E`amo ñnmoQ>©g Q´oqZJ bmI Q´o{Z§J goÝQ>a/ EHo$S>‘r H$s
goÝQ>a/EHo$S>‘r H$s ñWmnZm na ny§OrJV ñWmnZm CnamÝV AZwXmZ,
AZwXmZ J{V{d{Y Ho$ EH$ df© VH$
g¨MmbZ Ho$ CnamÝV {X`m
gr-ßboZ Ed§ E‘’$s{~`Z n`©Q>H$
dmhZ H$mo ñdrH¥$V AZwXmZ am{e
H$m {dVaU {ZåZmZwgma {H$¶m
Om¶oJm -
· J{V{d{Y àmaå^ hmoZo na
AZwXmZ am{e H$m 40 à{VeV,
VXþnam§V g§MmbZ Ho$ [ÛVr¶,
V¥Vr¶ Ed§ MVwW© df© ‘| ñdrH¥$V
AZwXmZ am{e H$m 20 à{VeV
à˶oH$ df©

6.14 àXoe Ho$ bmoJm| H$mo amoOJma -

àXoe ‘| ñWm{nV hmoZo dmbr ZdrZ S>rbŠg Ed§ ñQ>oÊS>S>© loUr H$s hmoQ>ëg H$mo ny§OrJV AZwXmZ
nmÌVm àmßV H$aZo Ho$ {bE àXoe Ho$ bmoJm| H$mo hmoQ>b ‘| àXm` Hw$b amoOJma H$m 70 à{VeV
amoOJma XoZm Amdí`H$ hmoJm &
6.15 dmB©ëS> bmB’$ [agmoQ>© hoVw {deof AZwXmZ -
àXoe Ho$ A{Ygy{MV ZoeZb nmH©$, Q>mB©Ja [aOd© Ed§ Aä`maÊ` H$s gr‘m go 20 {H$.‘r. H$s
n[a{Y ‘| ñWm{nV hmoZo dmbo [agmoQ>©g H$mo dZ joÌ H$s loUr AZwgma ny§OrJV AZwXmZ H$s
{ZåZmZwgma nmÌVm hmoJr :-
dmB©ëS> bmB’$ [agmoQ©g² hoVw {deof AZwXmZ
dZ joÌ dZ joÌ H$m Zm‘ Ý`yZV‘ ny§Or Ý`yZV‘ H$jm| ny§OrJV AZwXmZ ny§OrJV
H$s loUr {Zdoe H$s g¨»`m AZwXmZ H$s
A H$mÝhm, ~m§YdJ‹T>, n|M Q>mB©Ja ê$. 5.00 10 20% ê$. 1.00
[aOd© Ed§ BZH$s gr‘mAm| H$amo‹S> H$amo‹S>
go bJo hþE ZoeZb nmH©$ Ed§
~ nÝZm Ed§ gVnw‹S>m Q>mB©Ja [aOd© ê$. 3.00 07 20% ê$. 2.00
Ed§ BZH$s gr‘mAm| go bJo hþE H$amo‹S> H$amo‹S>
ZoeZb nmH©$ Ed§ Aä`maÊ`

g g¨O` Sw>~ar Q>mB©Ja [aOd© Am¡a ê$. 1.00 05 20% ê$. 3.00
Bggo bJo hþE ZoeZb nmH©$ H$amo‹S> H$amo‹S>
Ed§ Aä`maÊ` VWm CnamoŠV
“A” Ed§ “~” loUr ‘| AmZo dmbo
dZ joÌm| H$mo N>mo‹S>H$a àXoe Ho$
AÝ` g‘ñV ZoeZb nmH©$ Ed§
6.16 XyañW/XwJ©‘ ZdrZ joÌm| ‘| n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$s ñWmnZm na A{V[aŠV AZwXmZ -
àXoe ‘| XyañW/XwJ©‘ ZdrZ ñWbm| na n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$s ñWmnZm na 5% A{V[aŠV
bmJV ny§OrJV AZwXmZ {X`m Om`oJm& BZ joÌm| ‘| n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| ‘| Ý`yZV‘ {Zdoe H$s
n`©Q>Z Zr{V ‘| {ZYm©[aV gr‘m go 50% H$‘ Ý`yZV‘ ny§Or {Zdoe ‘mÝ` {H$`m Om`oJm VWm
hmoQ>b/[agmoQ>©g Ho$ àH$aUm| ‘| Amdmg H$jm| H$s g¨»`m ^r Ý`yZV‘ go AmYr ‘mÝ` hmoJr& Eogo
joÌm| ‘| ñWm{nV n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$mo AZwXmZ Ho$ àH$aU ‘| AZwXmZ hoVw {Z`V A{YH$V‘
gr‘m H$m ~§YZ Zht hmoJm &
CnamoŠV gw{dYmAm| Ho$ {b`o Amdí`H$ hmoJm {H$ n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZm Eogo ñWmZ na ñWm{nV H$s
J`r hmo :-
1. BH$mB© B§Xm¡a, ^monmb, CÁO¡Z, Xodmg, gmJa, ½dm{b`a, O~bnwa, H$Q>Zr, ardm Ed§ gVZm
eha H$s ZJa {ZJ‘, {Zdoe joÌ go ~mha AÝ` {H$gr ^r ñWb na ñWm{nV H$s JB© hmo &
2. BH$mB© ñWb H$s 10 {H$bmo‘rQ>a H$s n[a{Y ‘| BH$mB© loUr H$s AÝ` H$moB© n[a`moOZm
ñWm{nV Z hmo &
3. Eogo ñWmZ na ‘Ü`àXoe emgZ Ho$ {H$gr {d^mJ AWdm CnH«$‘ Ûmam H$moB© n`©Q>Z
n[a`moOZm ñWm{nV H$s JB© hmo Vmo Cgo JUZm ‘| Zht {b`m Om`oJm &
4. `{X dmB©ëS> bmB©’$ [agmoQ>©g Bg loUr Ho$ A§VJ©V nmÌVm aIVo h¢ Vmo Cgo `h {dH$ën hmoJm
{H$ dh {H$gr EH$ nmÌVm loUr H$m M`Z H$a gH|$ &
6.17 {dÚ‘mZ hmoQ>b Ho$ OrUm}Õma/ AmYw{ZH$sH$aU H$a AnJ«oS>oeZ hoVw ny§OrJV AZwXmZ -
A. dV©‘mZ ñQ>|S>S>© loUr Ho$ hmoQ>b Ed§ {‘Zr [agmoQ>© Ho$ OrUm}Õma/AmYw{ZH$sH$aU Ed§ An-
J«oS>oeZ H$a ñWm{nV {H$`o OmZo dmbo S>rbŠg hmoQ>b (Ý`yZV‘ Hw$b 50 H$‘ao), [agmoQ>©
(Ý`yZV‘ Hw$b 20 H$‘ao) H$mo ZdrZ BH$mB© H$mo Zr{V ‘| Xr JB© nmÌVm AZwgma g¨~§{YV
loUr ‘| AZwXmZ H$s nmÌVm hmoJr &
AZwXmZ nmÌVm hoVw Ý`yZV‘ ê$. 10.00 H$amo‹S> H$m ZdrZ ny§Or {Zdoe Amdí`H$ hmoJm&
~. {dÚ‘mZ S>rbŠg loUr Ho$ hmoQ>b Ed§ [agmoQ>© Ho$ OrUm}Õma/AmYw{ZH$sH$aU Ed§ AnJ«oS>oeZ
H$a ñWm{nV {H$E OmZo dmbo 4 ñQ>ma AWdm Bggo A{YH$ CÀM loUr Ho$ hmoQ>b (Ý`yZV‘
Hw$b 75 H$j) AWdm [agmoQ>© H$mo (Ý`yZV‘ Hw$b 25 H$j) Zr{V ‘| g¨~§{YV loUr H$s
ZdrZ BH$mB© H$mo Xr nmÌVm AZwgma AZwXmZ nmÌVm hmoJr & Bg hoVw Ý`yZV‘ ê$. 25.00
H$amo‹S> ZdrZ ny§Or {Zdoe Amdí`H$ hmoJm &
g. Eogr BH$mB©`m| H$mo Cgr ny§Or {Zdoe na AZwXmZ nmÌVm hmoJr Omo Bg Zr{V Ho$ bmJy hmoZo Ho$

{XZm§H$ Ho$ Cnam§V {H$`m J`m hmo &
6.18 AZwXmZ àmßV BH$mB© H$m {Za§Va g¨MmbZ -
(i) n`©Q>Z Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V ny§OrJV AZwXmZ d AÝ` H$moB© AZwXmZ àmßV BH$mB© Ho$ {b`o `h
Amdí`H$ hmoJm {H$ dh Eogm AZwXmZ àmßV H$aZo Ho$ {XZm§H$ go 03 dfm}§ Ho$ {b`o {Za§Va
g¨Mm{bV aIr Om`o & Eogr BH$mB©`m| H$mo AZwXmZ àmßV H$aZo Ho$ Cnam§V `h Amdí`H$ hmoJm
{H$ do à{V df© 15 Aà¡b VH$ AnZo H$m`©aV ahZo Ho$ à‘mU ‘| ñd à‘m{UV KmofUm nÌ
(Self-declaration) àñVwV H$a| &
CnamoŠV AZwgma nmbZ Z hmoZo na BH$mB© H$mo {ZåZmZwgma AZwXmZ am{e {d^mJ H$mo bm¡Q>mZr
hmoJr -
A. AZwXmZ àm{á Ho$ EH$ df© go nyd© BH$mB© H$m g¨MmbZ ~§X H$aZo na 80% (AZwXmZ) am{e&
~. AZwXmZ àm{á Ho$ 02 df© go nyd© BH$mB© H$m g¨MmbZ ~§X H$aZo na 60% (AZwXmZ) am{e&
g. AZwXmZ àm{á Ho$ 03 df© go nyd© BH$mB© H$m g¨MmbZ ~§X H$aZo na 50% (AZwXmZ) am{e&
(ii) ny§OrJV AZwXmZ hoVw nmÌ BH$mB© H$mo BH$mB© àma§^ H$aZo Ho$ {XZm§H$ go 01 df© Ho$ ^rVa
AmdoXZ H$aZm Amdí`H$ hmoJm&
(iii)ny§OrJV AZwXmZ hoVw BH$mB© àma§^ hmoZo Ho$ A{YH$V‘ 03 df© nyd© {H$`m {Zdoe hr AZwXmZ
JUZm hoVw ‘mÝ` {H$`m Om`oJm &
6.19 d¥hX/‘oJm Ed§ AëQ´m ‘oJm n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$mo {Zdoe àmoËgmhZ ghm`Vm -
d¥hX/‘oJm Ed§ AëQ´m ‘oJm n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$mo CZH$s loUr AZwgma {ZåZmZwgma {Zdoe
àmoËgmhZ ghm`Vm H$s nmÌVm hmoJr :-

n[a`moOZm n[a`moOZm n[a`moOZm BH$mB© Ûmam {Zdoe df©dma {Zdoe ghm`Vm am{e
loUr loUr hoVw loUr hoVw {H$`o ñWmB© àmoËgmhZ ^wJVmZ H$m à{VeV
Ý`yZV‘ {Zdoe Ý`yZV‘ ny§Or {Zdoe ghm`Vm
(àXoe Ho$ na {Zdoe am{e H$s àW‘ {ÛVr` V¥Vr` MVwW©
bmoJm| H$mo) àmoËgmhZ A{YH$V‘ df© df© df© df©
amoOJma ghm`Vm H$m gr‘m
d¥hX ê$. 10 H$amo‹S> 50 30% 15 H$amo‹S> 10% 10% 5% 5%
AWdm Cggo
‘oJm ê$. 50 H$amo‹S> 100 30% 30 H$amo‹S> 10% 10% 5% 5%
AWdm Cggo
AëQ´m ‘oJm ê$. 100 200 30% 90 H$amo‹S> 10% 10% 5% 5%
H$amo‹S> AWdm
Cggo A{YH$

h¡[aQ>oO hmoQ>b ñWmnZm hoVw Ý`yZV‘ {Zdoe H$s gr‘m CnamoŠV lo{U`m| ‘| {ZYm©[aV Ý`yZV‘ {Zdoe H$m 50%
hmoJr VWm àXoe Ho$ bmoJm| H$mo amoOJma H$s Ý`yZV‘ g¨»`m CnamoŠV lo{U`m| ‘| {ZYm©[aV g¨»`m H$m 50% hmoJr &
{Zdoe àmoËgmhZ ghm`Vm àmßVH$Vm© BH$mB© H$mo {H$gr ^r loUr ‘| Zr{V ‘| àmd{YV bmJV ny§Or AZwXmZ H$s
nmÌVm Zht hmoJr &
6.20 CËVaXm`r n`©Q>Z hoVw AZwXmZ -
(i) n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$mo B©H$mo Qy>[aÁ‘ gmogm`Q>r Am°’$ B§{S>`m go B©H$mo ’«|$S>br BH$mB© H$m
à‘mU nÌ àmßV H$aZo na {Ho$`o J`o ì`` H$s 100%, A{YH$V‘ ê$n`o 01 bmI VH$
à{Vny{V© H$s nmÌVm hmoJr &
(ii) ZdrZ/{dÚ‘mZ n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| Ûmam àXyfU {Z`§ÌU ‘§S>b Ho$ ‘mnX§S>m| Ho$ AZwgma àXyfU
CnMma g¨`Ì H$s ñWmnZm na {H$E nyO § r {Zdoe na 25% H$s Xa go A{YH$V‘ ê$n`o 50 bmI
VH$ Ho$ AZwXmZ nmÌVm hmoJr, ~eV} Eogo g¨`Ì H$s ñWmnZm bmJV ê$n`o 10 bmI go A{YH$
hmo &
6.21 AZwgy{MV OZOm{V / Om{V Ho$ CÚ{‘`m| H$mo {deof AZwXmZ-
AOOm/AOm loUr Ho$ CÚ{‘`m| Ûmam CZHo$ eV à{VeV ñdm{‘Ëd ‘| ñWm{nV H$s JB© n`©Q>Z
n[a`moOZmAm| H$mo 5% A{V[aŠV bmJV ny§Or AZwXmZ H$s nmÌVm hmoJr &
6.22 ho[aQ>oO/d¥hX/‘oJm/AëQ´m ‘oJm n[a`moOZmAm| H$mo MaU~Õ Ny>Q> Ed§ AZwXmZ gw{dYm -
ho[aQ>oO/d¥hX/‘oJm/AëQ´m ‘oJm n[a`moOZmAm| H$mo nyd© AZw‘mo{XV {H«$`mÝd`Z `moOZm AZwgma
J{V{d{Y`m§ àma§^ H$aZo na MaUdma {Zdoe na AZwXmZ/Ny>Q> àmßV H$aZo H$s gw{dYm hmoJr &
MaU~Õ AZwXmZ/Ny>Q> àmßV H$aZo hoVw `h Amdí`H$ hmoJm {H$ àW‘ MaU A{YH$V‘ 02 df©
‘|, {ÛVr` MaU A{YH$V‘ 03 df© ‘| Ed§ A§{V‘ MaU A{YH$V‘ 05 df© ‘| nyU© H$a {b`m
J`m hmo & BH$mB© H$mo nyar n[a`moOZm hoVw {ZYm©[aV nmÌVm H$s gr‘m VH$ hr `h bm^ àmßV hmoJm&
6.23 {d{^ÝZ AZwXmZ gw{dYmAm| Ho$ {bE dhr ny§OrJV {Zdoe ‘mÝ` hmoJm Omo ny§Or AZwXmZ hoVw ‘mÝ`
{H$`m J`m hmo &
6.24 `{X BH$mB© EH$m{YH$ lo{U`m| ‘| Ny>Q>/AZwXmZ H$s nmÌVm aIVr h¡ Vmo Cgo H$m¡Z-H$m¡Z gr
lo{U`m| ‘| nmÌVm boZr h¡, H$m {dH$ën M`Z H$aZo H$s ñdV§ÌVm hmoJr & Xmo g‘mZ Ny>Q>/AZwXmZ
gw{dYmAm| ‘| go EH$ H$m hr M`Z {H$`m Om gHo$Jm & CXmhaUmW© `{X BH$mB© H$mo ny§OrJV AZwXmZ
H$s nmÌVm gm‘mÝ` BH$mB©`m| H$s nmÌVm Ed§ {deof BH$mB©`m| H$s nmÌVm XmoZm| Ho$ A§VJ©V h¡ Vmo
M`Z AZwgma EH$ hr loUr H$s nmÌVm hmoJr &
6.25 (i) n`©Q>Z BH$mB©`m| H$mo amîQ´ ñVar` ‘mH}$qQ>J Am`moOZm| ‘| ^mJ boZo na ñWb/ñQ>m°b ñWmnZm
ì`` na 50% ghm`Vm am{e Omo A{YH$V‘ ê$n`o 50 hOma VH$ hmoJr, H$s nmÌVm hmoJr &
(ii) n`©Q>Z BH$mB©`m| H$mo A§Vam©îQ´r` ‘mH}$qQ>J Am`moOZm| ‘| ^mJ boZo na ñWb/ñQ>m°b ñWmnZm
ì`` Ed§ 01 ì`{º$ hoVw BH$Zmo‘r loUr Ho$ hdmB© `mÌm ì`` na 50% ghm`Vm am{e Omo
A{YH$V‘ ê$n`o 01 bmI VH$, H$s nmÌVm hmoJr &
(iii){H$gr BH$mB© H$mo à{Vdf© CnamoŠV A{YH$V‘ Xmo Am`moOZm| ‘| ^mJ boZo na ghm`Vm H$s
nmÌVm hmoJr &

(iv)H$ëMab/ ’y$S> /nma§n[aH$ dñÌ / hñV{eën J{V{d{Y`m| ‘| g¨b½Z n§OrH¥$V/à‘m{UV
ñd-ghm`Vm g‘yhm|/‘§S>bm| Ed§ n`©Q>Z hoVw J{R>V n§OrH¥$V ghH$mar g{‘{V`m| H$mo amîQ´r`
Ed§ A§Vam©îQ´r` ñVa na Am`mo{OV H$m`©H«$‘m| ‘| ^mJ boZo na Am`o ì`` (ñWb/ñQ>m°b
{H$am`m Ed§ 02 ì`{º$`m| Ho$ Egr-2 loUr H$m aob {H$am`m /01 ì`{º$ H$m BH$Zmo‘r
loUr H$m hdmB© {H$am`m) na 100% ghm`Vm am{e A{YH$V‘ ê$n`o 01 bmI VH$, H$s
nmÌVm hmoJr &
6.26 hm°Q> E`a ~¡byZ g¨MmbZ hoVw {deof AZwXmZ -
ES>d|Ma Qy>[aÁ‘ hoVw hm°Q> E`a ~¡byZ J{V{d{Y g¨MmbZ na ^y{‘ ‘yë` N>mo‹S>H$a eof n[a`moOZm
ì`` na 50% ny§OrJV AZwXmZ Xo` hmoJm & n[a`moOZm ñWmnZm hoVw Ý`yZV‘ ê$n`o 50 bmI
H$m ì`` Amdí`H$ hmoJm & AZwXmZ am{e df©dma {ZåZmZwgma {dV[aV H$s Om`oJr :-
· àW‘ df© J{V{d{Y ñWmnZm na - 15%
· {ÛVr` df© J{V{d{Y g¨MmbZ na - 10%
· V¥Vr` df© J{V{d{Y g¨MmbZ na - 10%
· MVwW© df© J{V{d{Y g¨MmbZ na - 10%
· n§M‘ df© J{V{d{Y g¨MmbZ na - 5%
7. drHo$§S> Qy>[aÁ‘ H$mo ~‹T mdm XoZm-
àXoe Ed§ Xoe Ho$ AÝ` amÁ`m| Ho$ n`©Q>H$m| H$mo àmoËgm{hV H$aZo Ed§ drHo$§S> Qy>[aÁ‘ H$mo ~‹T mdm XoZo Ho$
{b`o n`©Q>H$m| Ho$ AnojmZwê$n n`©Q>H$ gw{dYmAm| H$m CÞ`Z Ed§ d¥{Õ hoVw {Obm n`©Q>Z g¨dÕ©Z n[afX
(DTPC) H$mo g¨gmYZ CnbãY H$am`o Om`|Jo &
8. n§Or`Z Ed§ ‘wÐm§H$ ewëH$ ‘| Ny>Q>-
8.1 {ZOr ^y{‘ na ho[aQ>oO n`©Q>H$ n[a`moOZmAm| H$s ñWmnZm Ho$ {b`o àýmYrZ ho[aQ>oO ^dZ Ho$
{Z{‘©V joÌ’$b VWm Cggo bJr A{YH$V‘ EH$ hoŠQ>o`a ^y{‘ Ho$ ‘yë` na n§Or`Z Ed§ ‘wÐm§H$
ewëH$ na eV-à{VeV Ny>Q> àXmZ H$s Om`oJr& `{X ^dZ Ho$ gmW EH$ hoŠQ>o`a go A{YH$ ^y{‘
hmo Vmo Cg A{V[aº$ ^y-^mJ na {Z`‘mZwgma n§Or`Z Ed§ ‘wÐm§H$ ewëH$ Xo` hmoJm& n§Or`Z Ed§
‘wÐm§H$ ewëH$ H$s Ny>Q> H$s am{e hmoQ>b àma§^ hmoZo Ho$ ~mX n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ûmam hmoQ>b ñdm‘r H$mo
à{Vny{V© Ho$ ê$n ‘| Xr OmdoJr&
8.2 n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ûmam Omo emgH$s` ^y{‘ (b¢S>-nmg©b, ho[aQ>oO àm°nQ>u Ho$ gmW H$s AZwfm§{JH$
^y{‘, ‘mJ© gw{dYm Ho$ÝÐ H$s ^y{‘) Ed§ n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$s g¨n{Îm`m±, n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| Ho$
{b`o brO/{dH$mg AZw~§Y/ à~§YH$s` AZw~§Y/bmBg|g Am{X na {X`o OmZo na {Zînm{XV
Ed§ n§OrH¥$V AZw~§Ym| na n§Or`Z Ed§ ‘wÐm§H$ ewëH$ Xo` Zht hmoJm&
8.3 {dÚ‘mZ H§${S>H$m H«$. 8.2 ‘| Xr J`r ‘wÐm§H$ Ed§ n§Or`Z ewëH$ ‘| dm{UpÁ`H$ H$a {d^mJ Ûmam
Ny>Q> CnbãY H$amZo H$s dV©‘mZ Zr{V ‘| n[adV©Z H$s Xem ‘| BgH$s à{Vny{V© {ZdoeH$ H$mo
{d^mJ Ûmam H$s Om`oJr &
9. {ZOr {Zdoe Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$s ñWmnZm hoVw ^y{‘`m|/ ho[aQ>oO n[ag¨n{Îm`m| H$m
Amd§Q>Z -
9.1 n`©Q>Z CÔoí`m| H$s ny{V© Ed§ {ZOr {Zdoe go n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$s ñWmnZm Ho$ {b`o n`©Q>Z

{d^mJ H$mo emgH$s` ^y{‘/ho[aQ>oO n[ag¨n{Îm {Z:ewëH$ Amd§{Q>V H$a A§V[aV H$s Om`oJr&
9.2 CnamoŠV A§V[aV ^y{‘`m|/ ho[aQ>oO n[ag¨n{Îm`m| Ho$ {ZdV©Z hoVw n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$s Amoa go
‘Ü`àXoe amÁ` n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘ {b{‘Q>oS> A{YH¥$V hmoJm&
9.3 {MpÝhV emgH$s` ^y{‘`m|/^y{‘ {Og na n[ag¨n{Îm`m§ {Z{‘©V h¡ Ed§ Omo n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$mo
hñVm§V[aV h¡ AWdm H$s Om`oJr, H$mo 90 AWdm 30 df© H$s brO na XoZo, 5 go 30 df© Ho$
{bE bmBg|g na XoZo AWdm {dH$mg/à~§YH$s` AZw~§Y Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go {dH${gV H$aZo Ho$ g¨~§Y
‘| A§{V‘ {ZU©` n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ûmam {b`m Om`oJm&
9.4 {ZdV©Z hoVw ZJar` {ZH$m`m| (ZJa {ZJ‘, ZJa nm{bH$m H$s gr‘m Ho$ A§VJ©V) joÌm| ‘| Ed§ ßbmZ
E[a`m ‘| ^y{‘ H$m Ama{jV ‘yë` ê$n`o 10.00 bmI à{V hoŠQ>o`a Ed§ CnamoŠV Ho$ Abmdm
AÝ` joÌm| ‘| ê$n`o 5.00 bmI à{V hoŠQ>o`a hmoJm&
9.5 ho[aQ>oO ‘hËd Ho$ ^dZm| Ed§ Cggo bJr AmZwfm§{JH$ ^y{‘ Ho$ {ZdV©Z hoVw Ama{jV ‘yë` ê$n`o
1.00 bmI hmoJm& {ZdV©Z hoVw Eogo ho[aQ>oO ^dZm| Ed§ AmZwfm§{JH$ ^y{‘ H$m {MÝhm§H$Z Ed§ M`Z
Bg Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V ‘w»` g{Md H$s AÜ`jVm ‘| J{R>V gm{YH$ma g{‘{V Ûmam {H$`m Om`oJm&
9.6 Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V ^y{‘`m| Ed§ ho[aQ>oO n[ag¨n{Îm`m| H$m {ZdV©Z Iwbr {Z{dXm nÕ{V go {H$`m
Om`oJm Ed§ Ama{jV ‘yë` na gdm©{YH$ ‘yë` Ho$ àñVmd H$mo Amd§Q>Z hoVw MwZm Om`oJm&
9.7 CnamoŠVmZwgma àmßV A{YH$V‘ ‘yë` H$s am{e EH$‘wíV àr{‘`‘ Ho$ ê$n ‘| Xo` hmoJr VWm
BgHo$ A{V[aŠV à{Vdf© Bg àr{‘`‘ am{e Ho$ EH$ à{VeV Ho$ ~am~a am{e brO a|Q> Ho$ ê$n
‘o Xo` hmoJr&
9.8 brO na Xr JB© ^y{‘`m| go àmßV hmoZo dmbr {Z{dXm am{e (àr{‘`‘) Ed§ dm{f©H$ brO a|Q> H$s
am{e, n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘ Ûmam emgZ go àmßV am{e Ho$ ê$n ‘o n¥WH$ ‘X “emgH$s` ^y{‘`m|
H$m {ZdV©Z Ed§ AYmog¨aMZm {dH$mg” ‘| aIr Om`oJr& `h am{e ^y{‘`m| Ho$ gd}, hñVm§VaU,
{Z{dXm à{H«$`m, {dÚwV/g‹S>H$/Ob àXm`, Eo[a`m ßbmqZJ, Eo[a`m S>odbn‘|Q>, n[ag¨n{Îm`m| H$s
gwajm d AÝ` Amdí`H$ AYmog¨aMZm {dH$mg ‘| {ZJ‘ Ûmam ì`` H$s Om gHo$Jr& Bg am{e Ho$
ì`` Ho$ g¨~§Y ‘| n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ûmam {Xem {ZX}e Omar {H$`o Om`|Jo &
9.9 n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$mo hñVm§V[aV emgH$s` ^y{‘`m§/ ^y{‘`m§ {OZ na n[ag¨n{Îm`m§ (`Wm ho[aQ>oO
n[ag¨n{Îm Am{X) H$m {ZOr {ZdoeH$m| H$mo n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZm ñWmnZm hoVw {ZdV©Z Bg Zr{V
Ho$ n[a{eîQ> -1 ‘| d{U©V à{H«$`m AZwgma ‘Ü`àXoe amÁ` n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘ Ûmam {H$`m
Om`oJm &
9.10 EH$ hoŠQ>o`a VH$ H$s ^y{‘`m| Ed§ ‘mJ© gw{dYm H|$Ðm| H$s {Z{dXm eVm} H$mo Bg àH$ma {ZYm©[aV
{H$`m Om`oJm {H$ ZdrZ CÚ{‘`m| Ed§ ñQ>mQ>©An CÚ{‘`m| H$mo {Z{dXmAm| ‘| ^mJ boZo H$m Adga
àmßV hmo&
9.11 n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ûmam {ZOr {ZdoeH$m| H$mo brO na n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$s ñWmnZm hoVw Xr JB©
ho[aQ>oO n[agån{Îm`m| na n[a`moOZm ñWmnZm hoVw àW‘V: 05 df© H$s g‘`md{Y Xr Om`oJr
{Ogo Am¡{MË`nyU© H$maUm| go AmJm‘r 02 df© VH$ ~‹T>m`m Om gHo$Jm&
9.12 AëQ´m ‘oJm n[a`moOZm hoVw àñVmd àmßV hmoZo na amOñd/n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ho$ b¢S> ~¢H$ ‘| go
àñVmdH$ Ûmam {MpÝhV emgH$s` ^y{‘ {ZdoeH$ H$mo {d^mJ Ûmam Cg ñWmZ Ho$ VËg‘` àM{bV

H$boŠQ>a JmBS> bmBZ aoQ> na 90 df© H$s brO na 1% dm{f©H$ brO a|Q> na Amd§{Q>V H$s
Om gHo$Jr & àË`oH$ 30 df© Ho$ Cnam§V brO a|Q> ‘| 6 JwZm d¥{Õ H$s Om`oJr & `{X àñVmdH$
Ûmam amOñd {d^mJ Ho$ emgH$s` ^y{‘ Ho$ b¢S> ~¢H$ H$s ^y{‘ {MpÝhV H$s OmVr h¡ Vmo Eogr ^y{‘
àW‘V: n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$mo hñVm§V[aV H$s Om`oJr & `h Amd§Q>Z àW‘ AmAmo àW‘ nmAmo Ho$
AmYma na {H$`m Om`oJm & Eogo àñVmd H$m AZw‘moXZ n`©Q>Z Zr{V A§VJ©V J{R>V gm{YH$ma
g{‘{V Ûmam {H$`m Om`oJm &
10. B©H$mo VWm gmh{gH$ n`©Q>Z-
10.1 dÝ` àmUr (g¨ajU) A{Y{Z`‘, 1972 Ho$ A§VJ©V A{Ygy{MV Aä`maÊ` AWdm amîQ´r`
CÚmZ ‘o§ gpå‘{bV dZ joÌ H$mo N>mo‹S>H$a g¨nyU© amÁ` Ho$ dZ joÌm| ‘| dZ {d^mJ Ûmam {ZYm©[aV
“‘.à. dZ (‘Zmoa§OZ Ed§ dÝ` àmUr AZw^d) {Z`‘-2015” Ho$ A§VJ©V A{Ygy{MV joÌm|
‘| n`©Q>Z J{V{d{Y`m§o H$m g¨MmbZ {H$`m Om`oJm& BgHo$ A§VJ©V {ZOr joÌ H$s ^mJrXmar H$mo
àmoËgm{hV H$aZo hoVw ‘Ü`àXoe amÁ` n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘ Ed§ dZ {d^mJ Ho$ g¨~§{YV CnH«$‘m§o
Ûmam g¨`wŠV ê$n go nmaXeu à{H«$`m {ZYm©[aV H$a g‘w{MV à`mg {H$E OmE±Jo &
10.2 H§${S>H$m 10.1 ‘| d{U©V A{Ygy{MV joÌm| Ho$ A{V[aŠV AÝ` g¨^m{dV ñWmZm| na ^r B©H$mo
ES>d|Ma n`©Q>Z go g¨~§{YV J{V{d{Y`m| Ed§ CZH$m ñdê$n {ZYm©aU H$aZo Ho$ {b`o n`©Q>Z {d^mJ
A{YH¥$V hmoJm& {H$gr ^r ñWb na g¨Mm{bV hmoZo dmbr J{V{d{Y`m| H$m {ZYm©aU ñWmZr`
g¨^mdZmAm| (Potential)/ Amdí`H$Vm Ho$ AZwê$n {H$`m Om gHo$Jm & Bg‘| H¡$pån§J, Q´oqH$J,
E§JqbJ, ObH«$s‹S>m, E{b’o$ÝQ> g’$mar, gm`H$b g’$mar, amBqS>J Q´ob, ’$moQ>mo g’$mar, Ho$ZmoBªJ
g’$mar, ìhmBQ> dmQ>a ampâQ>§J, am°H$ ŠbmB©q~J/‘mCÊQ>oZr`[a¨J, n¡am-goqbJ/n¡am ½bmBqS>J,
hm°Q> E`a ~byqZJ Am{X J{V{d{Y`m§ em{‘b H$s Om gH|$Jr &
10.3 B©H$mo/gmh{gH$ n`©Q>Z ‘| {ZOr {Zdoe H$mo AmH${f©V H$aZo Ho$ {b`o n`©Q>Z {d^mJ ^y{‘ brO
na AWdm bm`goÝg na Xo gHo$Jm &
10.4 B©H$mo/gmh{gH$ n`©Q>Z hoVw ^y{‘ brO na XoZo hoVw Bg Zr{V H$s H§${S>H$m 9 AZwgma à{H«$`m
AnZmB© OmEJr&
10.5 `{X ^y{‘ na H$moB© ì`mnH$ `m ñWm`r ñdê$n H$m {Z‘m©U Amdí`H$ Zhr h¡ Vmo Eogr ^y{‘ bm`g|g
na ^r Xr Om gHo$Jr &
10.6 gm‘mÝ`V… bm`g|g na {X`o OmZo Ho$ nyd© ^y{‘ n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$mo hñVm§V[aV H$s OmdoJr & na§Vw
Ohm§ Eogm g¨^d Zht hmo, dhm§ Cgo ^y{‘ H$m ñdm{‘Ëd YmaU H$aZo dmbo {d^mJ H$s gh‘{V (Eogr
eVm}§ Ho$ gmW, Omo dh {d^mJ {ZYm©[aV H$ao) àmá H$a bm`g|g {X`m Om gHo$Jm &
10.7 ^y{‘ H$mo bm`g|g na {X`o OmZo Ho$ {b`o bm`g|g H$s Ad{Y, eV] VWm ’$sg H$m {ZYm©aU,
Bg Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V ‘w»` g{Md H$s AÜ`jVm ‘| J{R>V gm{YH$ma g{‘{V Ûmam {H$`m OmEJm
& bm`g|g H$s Ad{Y gm‘mÝ`V… 5 df© go H$‘ VWm 15 df© go A{YH$ Zht hmoJr &
10.8 EH$ hr ñWmZ na `m EH$ go A{YH$ J{V{d{Y`m| Ho$ {b`o {d{^Þ AmdoXH$m| H$mo bm`g|g {X`m
Om gHo$Jm &
10.9 B©H$mo/gmh{gH$ n`©Q>Z J{V{d{Y`m| Ho$ bm`g|g XoZo H$s à{H«$`m Am{X hoVw n`©Q>Z {d^mJ {dñV¥V
{Xem {ZX}e V` H$aoJm&

10.10 J«m‘rU Ed§ H¥${f n`©Q>Z H$mo ~ohVa AYmog¨aMZmË‘H$ gw{dYm`| {dH${gV H$a ~‹T>mdm {X`m Om`oJm
Ed§ geŠV ~Zm`m Om`oJm &
10.11 gmh{gH$ n`©Q>Z/H¡$pån§J J{V{d{Y`m| H$s ñWmnZm Ed§ g¨MmbZ Ho$ {bE n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ho$ nmg
CnbãY ^y{‘ bmBg|g na àmßV H$aZo H$s nmÌVm n`©Q>Z hoVw J{R>V n§OrH¥$V ghH$mar g{‘{V`m|
H$mo ^r hmoJr &
11. {’$ë‘ Qy>[aÁ‘-
11.1 {’$ë‘ {Z‘m©VmAm| H$mo ñWmZr` ñVa na eyqQ>J H$s AZw‘{V àmá H$aZo Ho$ {b`o {d{^Þ {d^mJm|
go g‘Ýd` ñWm{nV H$aZo ‘| AZoH$ H${R>ZmB©`m| H$m gm‘Zm H$aZm n‹S>Vm h¡& n`©Q>Z {d^mJ
BZ {Z‘m©VmAm| H$mo emgH$s` {d^mJm| go {d{Y ‘mÝ` AZw‘{V`m§ àmá H$aZo Ho$ {b`o Amdí`H$
g‘Ýd` H$aoJm& `h godm gdm}Îm‘ à`mg Ho$ AmYma na (On Best Effort Basis)> g¨~§{YV
{Z‘m©Vm/ H$ånZr H$mo Xr Om gH$Vr h¡& Bg g¨~§Y ‘| Amdí`H$ H$m`©dm{h`m§ H$aZo Ho$ {b`o
n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$mo A{YH¥$V H$aZo g¨~§Yr AmXoe gm‘mÝ` àemgZ {d^mJ Ûmam Omar {H$`m
Om`oJm &
11.2 {’$ë‘ ñQy>{S>`mo Ed§ {’$ë‘ {Z‘m©U hoVw ñWm`r AYmog¨aMZm {Z‘m©U Ed§ CnH$aUm| H$s ñWmnZm
na ny§OrJV AZwXmZ {X`m Om`oJm &
11.3 ‘Ü`àXoe H$mo {’$ë‘ eyqQ>J Ho$ AmXe© J§Vì` Ho$ ê$n ‘| ñWm{nV H$aZo hoVw ì`mnH$ àMma-àgma
{H$`m OmEJm &
11.4 àXoe ‘| CnbãY {’$ë‘ n`©Q>Z g¨^mdZmAm| Ho$ nyU© Cn`moJ Ed§ àXoe H$mo {’$ë‘ Qy>[aÁ‘ hoVw
ng¨XrXm JÝVì` ~ZmZo Ho$ {b`o n¥WH$ go g‘J« {’$ë‘ Qy>[aÁ‘ nm{bgr V¡`ma H$a {H«$`mpÝdV H$s
Om`oJr& Zr{V ‘| {’$ë‘ eyqQ>J Am{X hoVw {d{^ÝZ AZw‘{V`m§ XoZo, gwa{jV dmVmdaU CnbãY
H$amZo Ed§ {Obm ñVa VH$ gh`moJ àXmZ H$aZo Ho$ {b`o Amdí`H$ ì`dñWm`| H$s Om`oJr & àXoe
‘| {’$ë‘ eyqQ>J na Am`o ì`` ‘| Ny>Q> XoZo na ^r {dMma {H$`m Om`oJm &
12. amÁ` n`©Q>Z g¨dY©Z n[afX/{Obm n`©Q>Z g¨dY©Z n[afX H$s ñWmnZm -
12.1 amÁ` ñVa na amÁ` n`©Q>Z g¨dY©Z n[afX ñWm{nV H$s Om`oJr& `h n[afX ‘mZZr` ‘w»`‘§Ìr
Or H$s AÜ`jVm ‘| n`©Q>Z joÌ Ho$ ñQ>oH$ hmoëS>g© Ho$ Zm‘m§H$Z go J{R>V hmoJr & n[afX H$m JR>Z,
CgH$s H$m`© nÕ{V VWm gXñ`Vm {ZYm©[aV H$aZo H$s H$m`©dmhr n¥WH$ go H$s Om`oJr&
12.2 àXoe ‘| {ZOr {ZdoeH$m| H$mo AmH${f©V H$aZo VWm ñWmZr` ñVa na J§Vì` à~§YZ ‘| {Obm
ñVa Ho$ OZà{V{Z{Y`m| VWm A{YH$m[a`m| H$s ‘hËdnyU© ^y{‘H$m hmoVr h¡& àXoe Ho$ H$B© {hñgm|
‘| ñWmZr` ñVa na gm§ñH¥${VH$ Ed§ n`©Q>Z g¨~§Yr H$m`©H«$‘ Am`mo{OV hmoVo h¢& AV: àË`oH$
{Obm ñVa na {Obm n`©Q>Z g¨dÕ©Z n[afX (DTPC) H$m JR>Z {H$`m OmEJm& Bg n[afX
Ho$ H$m`©H$bmn, A{YH$ma, g¨aMZm Am{X Ho$ g¨~§Y ‘| n`©Q>Z {d^mJ {dñV¥V {Xem {ZX}e Omar
H$aoJm &
12.3 n`©Q>H$ ñWbm| Ed§ n`©Q>Z joÌm| ‘| H$m`©aV {d{^ÝZ emgH$s` {d^mJm| Ho$ bmoJm|/ ñWmZr` bmoJm|/
g{d©g àmodmBS>g©/ ì`dgm{``m| Am{X H$mo n`©Q>H$ AmMaU Ed§ ì`dhma Ho$ à{V g¨doXZerb Ed§
{Oå‘oXma ~ZmZo Ho$ {b`o {Obm n`©Q>Z g¨dYZ n[afX Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go à{ejU Ed§ OmJê$H$Vm
Am{X H$m`©H«$‘ {ZaÝVa Am`mo{OV {H$`o Om`|Jo &

13. Ob n`©Q>Z-
13.1 Z‘©Xm KmQ>r {dH$mg àm{YH$aU, Ob g¨gmYZ {d^mJ Ed§ ‘Ü`àXoe amÁ` Ho$ A§VJ©V AmZo dmbo
Ob joÌm| ‘o n`©Q>Z gå^mì`Vm Ho$ g‘y{MV Cn`moJ H$s Ñ{ï> go n`©Q>Z J{V{d{Y`m| Ho$ g¨MmbZ
hoVw n`©Q>Z {d^mJ A{YH¥$V hmoJm &
13.2 BZ Ob joÌm| ‘| pñWV VQ>r` Ed§ Q>mnyAm| H$s CnbãY ^y{‘ n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ûmam g¨~§{YV {d^mJ
go hñVm§V[aV H$am`r OmH$a {ZOr {ZdoeH$m| H$mo {d^mJr` Zr{V AZwgma Amd§{Q>V H$s Om`oJr &
13.3 BZ Ob joÌm| ‘| dhZ j‘Vm (Carrying Capacity) H$mo Ü`mZ ‘| aIVo hþE {ZOr {ZdoeH$m|
H$mo hmCg ~moQ> H«y$O, ‘moQ>a ~moQ> Ed§ Ob H«$s‹S>m J{V{d{Y`m| Ho$ {bE bm`g|g {XE Om gH|$Jo&
bm`g|g XoZo hoVw ‘.à. amÁ` n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘ A{YH¥$V hmoJm& Ob joÌ H$s dhZ j‘Vm,
bm`g|g H$s à{H«$`m eV} Ed§ ’$sg Am{X {ZYm©[aV H$aZo hoVw Bg Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V ‘w»` g{Md
H$s AÜ`jVm ‘| J{R>V gm{YH$ma g{‘{V A{YH¥$V hmoJr &
13.4 Ob joÌm| Ho$ g‘J« n`©Q>Z {Z`moOZ Ed§ AYmog¨aMZm {dH$mg hoVw n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Amdí`H$
H$m`©dmhr H$aoJm &
13.5 n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ûmam {Z{‘©V OoQ>r/~moQ> Šb~/OoQ>r Ed§ ~moQ> Šb~ go bJr hþB© ^y{‘`m| H$mo Ob
n`©Q>Z J{V{d{Y`m| Ho$ g¨MmbZ hoVw Ob n`©Q>Z Zr{V A§VJ©V bm`g|g àmßV {ZdoeH$m| H$mo
CnbãK H$am`m Om`oJm Vm{H$ do AnZr J{V{d{Y`m| H$m ñdV§Ì ê$n go g¨MmbZ H$a gH|$ &
13.6 CnamoŠV H§${S>H$m H«$. 13.5 ‘| d{U©V H$m`© gånmXZ hoVw ‘Ü`àXoe Qy>[aÁ‘ ~moS>© ZmoS>b EO|gr
hmoJm Ed§ Amdí`H$ {Z`‘ Ed§ eV} VWm ewëH$ Am{X H$m {ZYm©aU H$aoJm &
13.7 n`©Q>Z hoVw J{R>V n§OrH¥$V ghH$mar g{‘{V`m| H$mo Ob n`©Q>Z Ho$ {bE A{Ygy{MV joÌm| ‘| Ob
n`©Q>Z J{V{d{Y`m| H$s ñWmnZm hoVw bmBg|g XoZo ‘| àmW{‘H$Vm Xr OmEJr &
14. gånmofUr` n`©Q>Z (Sustainable Tourism) -
n`©Q>Z ñWbm| H$m {dH$mg Ed§ à~§YZ Eogm hmoZm Mm{h`o {H$ dhm§ n`m©daU, àmH¥${VH$ g¨gmYZ, ñWmZr`
naånamE§, g¨ñH¥${V Ed§ CËnmXm| H$m à^mdr g¨ajU hmo& BgHo$ {b`o n`©Q>Z {d^mJ {d{^Þ joÌm| ‘| H$s Om
ahr {d{^Þ J{V{d{Y`m| H$m JhZ {dûcofU H$a Eogr J{V{d{Y`m| H$mo {MpÝhV H$aoJm, {OZH$m g‘o{H$V
n`©Q>Z na {dnarV à^md n‹S> ahm hmo VWm CÝh| ao½`wboQ> H$aZo AWdm amoH$Zo Ho$ Cnm` ^r H$aoJm&
{OZ J{V{d{Y`m| H$m gH$mamË‘H$ à^md hmo CÝh| àmoËgm{hV H$aZo Ho$ Cnm` ^r {H$`o Om`|Jo& Bg hoVw
g‘wXm` H$s gh^m{JVm VWm ñWmZr` ñVa na gyMZm, g¨Mma Ed§ {ejm (Information, Education &
Communication) Ho$ {d{^Þ H$maH$m| H$m à^mdr Cn`moJ {H$`m Om`oJm& Bg‘| amÁ` emgZ Ho$ {d{^Þ
{d^mJm| H$s g¨`wº$ ^mJrXmar H$s Amdí`H$Vm hmoJr, Omo amÁ` ñVar` n`©Q>Z g¨dY©Z n[afX Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘
go H$s Om gHo$Jr&
15. `wdmAm| Ho$ {b`o amoOJmamoÝ‘wIr/ H$m¡eb {dH$mg {ejU Ed§ à{ejU -
15.1 `wdmAm| Ho$ {b`o amoOJmamoÝ‘wIr/ H$m¡eb {dH$mg {ejU Ed§ à{ejU hoVw n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ûmam
ñWm{nV ñQ>oQ> B§ñQ>rQ>çyQ> Am°’$ hm°pñnQ>o{bQ>r ‘¡ZoO‘oÝQ> (SIHM), ‘Ü`àXoe B§ñQ>rQ²>`yQ> Am°’$
hm°pñnQ>o{bQ>r Q´oqZJ (MPIHT)> Ed§ ’y$S> H«$mâQ> B§ñQ>rQ>çyQ> (FCI) Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go `wdmAm| H$mo
n`©Q>Z CÚmoJ hoVw Amdí`H$ Q´oS>/ joÌm| ‘| {e{jV/à{e{jV {H$`m Om`oJm &
15.2 ^maV emgZ H$s H$m¡eb {dH$mg `moOZmAm| Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go H$m¡eb {dH$mg H$m`©H«$‘ gVV²

g¨Mm{bV H$a `wdmAmo H$mo à{e{jV {H$`m Om`oJm &
15.3 amÁ` Ho$ n`©Q>Z CÚmoJ H$s à{ejU Amdí`H$Vm H$m Am§H$bZ H$a hm°pñnQ>o{bQ>r, ES>doÝMa
Qy>[aÁ‘, Ho$Q>[a¨J E§S> ’y$S> H«$mâQ>, à~§YZ Ed§ H$m¡eb {dH$mg Am{X joÌmo§ ‘§o nmR>çH«$‘ V¡`ma H$a
{dËV à{VnmofU {H$`m Om`oJm &
15.4 ‘Ü`àXoe B§ñQ>rQ²>`yQ> Am°’$ hm°pñnQ>o{bQ>r Q´oqZJ (MPIHT) Ûmam g{Q©>{’$Ho$Q> VWm {S>ßbmo‘m
H$mog© amï´>r` ñVa Ho$ {dœ{dÚmb`m| H$s gh^m{JVm go H$am`o Om`|Jo& ‘Ü`àXoe B§ñQ>rQ²>`yQ> Am°’$
hm°pñnQ>o{bQ>r Q´oqZJ (MPIHT) H$mo hm°pñnQ>o{bQ>r à{ejU Ho$ joÌ ‘§o CËH¥$îQ> {ejU g¨ñWmZ Ho$
ê$n ‘o§ {dH${gV {H$`m Om`oJm VWm Bg g¨ñWmZ Ûmam H$m¡eb {dH$mg A§VJ©V à{e{jVm| H$m
à‘mUrH$aU {H$`m Om`oJm &
15.5 Qy>[añQ> JmBS> H$m M`Z, à{ejU Ed§ à‘mUrH$aU ^r MPIHT Ûmam {H$`m Om`oJm &
16. {ZdoeH$ ghm`Vm (Investor facilitation)-
16.1 Bg Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V g‘ñV H$m`©dm{h`m| hoVw ‘Ü`àXoe amÁ` n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘ ZmoS>b
EO|gr Ho$ ê$n ‘| H$m`© H$aoJm &
16.2 {Zdoe g¨dY©Z Ho$ joÌ ‘| ‘Ü`àXoe Q´oS> EÊS> BÝdoñQ>‘|Q> ’o$gr{bQ>oeZ H$mnm}aoeZ (MPTRIFAC)
/ ‘Ü`àXoe B§S>pñQ´`b S>odbn‘|Q> H$mnm}aoeZ (MPIDC) Ho$ gh`moJ go H$m`© {H$`m Om`oJm &
16.3 {Obm ñVa na {Zdoe g¨dY©Z J{V{d{Y`m| Ho$ {H«$`mÝd`Z, g‘Ýd`, {ZdoeH$m| H$mo n`©Q>Z
n[a`moOZmAm| H$s ñWmnZm hoVw {Obm ñVa na àXm` H$s OmZo dmbr AZw‘{V`m|/ n§Or`Z/
AZmn{Îm/bm`goÝg Am{X Ho$ ’o${g{bQ>oeZ hoVw ‘hmà~§YH$ {Obm ì`mnma Ed§ CÚmoJ Ho$ÝÐ Omo
“E‘nr BÝdoñQ>‘|Q> ’o${g{bQ>oeZ EŠQ> 2008” Ho$ A§VJ©V J{R>V {Obm ñVar` gm{YH$ma g{‘{V
Ho$ g{Md h¢, H$mo ZmoS>b EO|gr Zm‘m§{H$V {H$`m Om`oJm &
16.4 ‘hmà~§YH$ Ûmam n`©Q>Z g¨~§Yr {Zdoe àñVmd H$boŠQ>a H$s AÜ`jVm ‘| J{R>V CnamoŠV g{‘{V
Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go {ZamH¥$V H$amZo H$s ì`dñWm H$s Om`oJr & {Obm ì`mnma Ed§ CÚmoJ Ho$ÝÐ H$mo
Bg hoVw Amdí`H$ gh`moJ n`©Q>Z {d^mJ/‘Ü`àXoe amÁ` n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘ Ûmam CnbãY
H$am`m Om`oJm &
17. ‘mJ© gw{dYm Ho$ÝÐm| H$m {dH$mg -
àXoe ‘| pñWV amîQ´r` amO‘mJm], amÁ` ‘mJm] Ed§ AÝ` à‘wI ‘mJm] na `moOZm ~ZmH$a bJ^J à{V 40
go 50 {H$.‘r. H$s Xyar na CÀM ñVar` n`©Q>H$ gw{dYmAm| H$m {dH$mg, n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ûmam Omar “‘mJ©
gw{dYm Ho$ÝÐm| (Way Side Amenities) H$s ñWmnZm Ed§ g¨MmbZ H$s Zr{V-2016” Ho$ AZwgma {H$`m
n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ûmam {Z{‘©V ~«mCZ ’$sëS> ‘mJ© gw{dYm Ho$ÝÐm| VWm J«rZ ’$sëS> ‘mJ© gw{dYm Ho$ÝÐm| H$s
ñWmnZm hoVw ^y{‘ Ho$ Amd§Q>Z Ho$ {bE n`©Q>Z hoVw J{R>V n§OrH¥$V ghH$mar g{‘{V`m| H$mo {Z{dXm ‘| ^mJ
boZo H$s nmÌVm hmoJr &
18. n`©Q>Z H$mo CÚmoJ Ho$ g‘mZ gw{dYmE§ -
Zr{V H$s H§${S>H$m 5 ‘o§ d{U©V n[a`moOZmAmo§ H$mo CÚmoJm| Ho$ g‘mZ {ZåZmZwgma gw{dYm`| àXmZ H$s
18.1 n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$mo Am¡Úmo{JH$ Xam| na {dÚwV àXm` H$aZo H$m à`mg {H$`m Om`oJm &

18.2 àXoe ‘| dm{UÁ` Ed§ CÚmoJ {d^mJ, gyú‘, bKw Ed§ ‘Ü`‘ CÚmoJ {d^mJ VWm gyMZm
àm¡Úmo{JH$s {d^mJ Ûmam {dH${gV/ {dH${gV {H$`o OmZo dmbo Am¡Úmo{JH$ joÌm|/ Am¡Úmo{JH$
nmH$m]/ B§S>ñQ´r`b {gQ>r/ AmB©.Q>r. nmH©$g² ‘| E‘o{ZQ>rO hoVw Ama{jV ^y{‘ n`©Q>Z BH$mB©`m| H$s
ñWmnZm hoVw {d^mJr` Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V Am¡Úmo{JH$ Xam| na godm joÌ H$s BH$mB©`m| Ho$ ê$n ‘§o
Amd§{Q>V H$s Om`oJr &
18.3 n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| hoVw ^y{‘`m| Ho$ ì`ndV©Z na Am¡Úmo{JH$ Xam| na S>m`dg©Z ewëH$ {b`m
Om`oJm &
18.4 n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$mo Ob g¨gmYZ {d^mJ Ûmam àmH¥${VH$ Ob òmoVm| go Am¡Úmo{JH$ Xam| na
Ob Cn`moJ H$s AZw‘{V àXmZ H$s Om`oJr &
18.5 n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| hoVw {Z{‘©V ^dZm| Ed§ ^y{‘`m| na ñWmZr` {ZH$m`m| Ûmam Am¡Úmo{JH$ Xam|
na g¨n{Îm H$a/ {dH$mg ewëH$ Amamo{nV {H$`m Om`oJm &
19. g‘J« n`©Q>Z {dH$mg hoVw {deof à`mg -
19.1 ‘Ü`àXoe Ho$ n`©Q>Z CËnmXm| Ho$ {dnUZ Ed§ {dkmnZ VWm ~«m§qS>J Ho$ {b`o amîQ´r` Ed§ A§V©amîQ´r`
n`©Q>H$ ~mOmam| VH$ nhþ§M ~Zm`r Om`oJr &
19.2 Z`o n`©Q>Z CËnmX {dH${gV H$aZo ‘o J¡a-gaH$mar g¨ñWmAm|, ì`mdgm{`H$ g¨ñWmZm| Ed§
{deofkm| H$m gh`moJ àmßV {H$`m Om`oJm Ed§ CÝh| àmoËgm{hV {H$`m Om`oJm &
19.3 {S>OrQ>b Ed§ gmoeb ‘r{S>`m ßboQ>’$m‘© g{hV g¨Mma Ho$ g^r ‘mÜ`‘m| H$m {dnUZ, àMma Ed§
~«m§qS>J ‘| `moOZm ~ZmH$a Cn`moJ {H$`m Om`oJm&
19.4 {ZOr joÌ Ho$ g’$b n`©Q>Z CÚ{‘`m| H$s {deofkVm Ed§ loîR>Vm H$m bm^ CR>m`m Om`oJm Ed§
Eogo CÚ{‘`m| H$mo àmoËgm{hV {H$`m Om`oJm&
19.5 {ZOr Q´m§gnmoQ>© Am°naoQ>g© H$mo n`©Q>Z joÌm| go gå~Õ H$aVo hþ`o JwUdËVm nyU© n[adhZ godmE§
CnbãY H$amZo hoVw àmoËgm{hV {H$`m Om`oJm&
19.6 ñWmZr` {ZH$m`m| {deofH$a ZJa nm{bH$mAmo§ Ed§ ZJa {ZJ‘m| H$mo ho[aQ>oO n[ag¨n{Îm`m| Ed§ AÝ`
n`©Q>Z ‘hËVm Ho$ ñWbm| Ho$ g¨ajU Ed§ JwUdËVm nyU© OZ gw{dYmAm| H$s ñWmnZm Ed§ g¨MmbZ
hoVw àmoËgm{hV {H$`m Om`oJm VWm Amdí`H$ gh`moJ àXmZ {H$`m Om`oJm&
19.7 Xoer Ed§ {dXoer n`©Q>H$m| Ho$ {b`o nyd© {Z`V àdmg n¡Ho$O (Fixed Tours) {dH${gV {H$`o
Om`|Jo Ed§ {dnUZ {H$`m Om`oJm&
19.8 {dH${gV/{dH$mg g¨^m{dV n`©Q>Z joÌm| H$m g‘w{MV Ed§ g¨Vw{bV {dH$mg ‘mñQ>a ßbm°Z ~ZmH$a
{H$`m Om`oJm&
19.9 ZB© nr‹T>r ‘| n`©Q>Z Ho$ à{V OmJê$H$Vm ~‹T>mZo Ho$ {b`o embmAm| Ed§ ‘hm{dÚmb`m| ‘| {d{dY
J{V{d{Y`m§ g¨Mm{bV H$s Om`oJr VWm CËH¥$îQ> {dÚm{W©`m| H$mo àmoËgm{hV {H$`m Om`oJm&
19.10 n`©Q>Z joÌ ‘| {Zdoe BÀNw>H$ CÚ{‘`m| H$mo n[a`moOZm ñWmnZm Ho$ {b`o nyU© ‘XX hoVw Amdí`H$
AYmog¨aMZm {dH${gV H$s Om`oJr&
19.11 n`©Q>Z Ho$ joÌ ‘o§ CËH¥$îQ>Vm Ho$ gå‘mZ Ed§ àmoËgmhZ hoVw {d{^ÝZ lo{U`m| ‘§o “‘Ü`àXoe n`©Q>Z
nwañH$ma” àXmZ {H$`o Om`|Jo&

19.12 {ZOr {ZdoeH$m| Ûmam ñWm{nV n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$mo {d^mJ H$s do~gmB©Q> na àX{e©V {H$`m
Om`oJm &
19.13 {d^mJ Ho$ ‘mH}$qQ>J B§’«$mñQ´ŠMa Ed§ ‘mH}${Q>§J H$m`m©b`m| Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go {d^mJr` hmoQ>b/[agmoQ>©g
Am{X H$s ‘mH}$qQ>J Ho$ gmW-gmW {ZOr hmoQ>b/[agmoQ>©g Am{X n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZmAm| H$s
‘mH}$qQ>J H$s Om`oJr &
19.14 àXoe ‘| pñWV {díd à{gÕ ho[aQ>oO n`©Q>H$ ñWbm| ‘| n`©Q>H$ gw{dYmE| {dH${gV H$a n`©Q>Z
AZwHy$b ~Zm`m OmEJm Ed§ Eogo ñWbm| H$m ì`mnH$ àMma àgma {H$`m OmEJm &
19.15 Ym{‘©H$ n`©Q>Z Ho$ AÝVJ©V àXoe Ho$ à‘wI Ym{‘©H$ ñWmZm| ‘| n`©Q>H$ gw{dYmE| {Z{‘©V H$a n`©Q>Z
AZwHy$b ~Zm`m OmEJm &
20. n`©Q>Z Zr{V H$m {H«$`mÝd`Z-
n`©Q>Z Zr{V-2016 Ho$ A§VJ©V dm§{N>V gw{dYmE§/ [a`m`V|/AZwk{á`m§ Am{X XoZo Ho$ {b`o g¨~§{YV
{d^mJ Amdí`H$ {Xem-{ZX}e/A{YgyMZmE§/ {Z`‘ Omar H$a|Jo& Bg g¨~§Y ‘| ‘V-{^ÝZVm AWdm
H${R>ZmB© hmoZo na AWdm Zr{V Ho$ ñnîQ>rH$aU/ì`m»`m/ {ddmX-{ZamH$aU Ho$ àH$aUm| H$mo ‘w»` g{Md
H$s AÜ`jVm ‘| {ZåZmZwgma J{R>V gm{YH$ma g{‘{V Ho$ g‘j àñVwV {H$`m Om`oJm -
· à‘wI g{Md, {dÎm
· à‘wI g{Md, n`©Q>Z
· à‘wI g{Md, dZ
· à‘wI g{Md, g¨ñH¥${V
· àH$aU go g¨~§{YV {d^mJm| Ho$ à^mar g{Md
· à~§Y g¨MmbH$, ‘Ü`àXoe amÁ` n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘ BgHo$ gXñ` g{Md hm|Jo &
`h g{‘{V àM{bV Zr{V Ho$ AZwê$n {ZU©` bo gHo$Jr & `h {ZU©` A§{V‘ hmoJm VWm g¨~§{YV {d^mJ
Ûmam BgH$m {H«$`mÝd`Z A{Zdm`©V… {H$`m Om`oJm & `h g{‘{V Bg Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V `Wm CëbopIV
Xm{`Ëdm| H$m {Zd©hZ H$aoJr &
`h g{‘{V n`©Q>Z Zr{V Ho$ {H«$`mÝd`Z go g¨~§{YV {df`m| na {ZdoeH$m|/{d{^ÝZ ñQ>oH$ hmoëS>g© go àmßV
gwPmdm|/{eH$m`Vm| Ho$ g¨~§Y ‘| {dMma H$a {ZU©` bo gHo$Jr & g{‘{V Ûmam {b`o J`o {ZU©`m| na g¨~§{YV
{d^mJm| Ûmam H$m`©dmhr Amdí`H$ hmoJr &
21. {ZagZ-
21.1 ZdrZ Zr{V Ho$ bmJy hmoZo Ho$ {XZm§H$ go “n`©Q>Z Zr{V-2010 (`Wm g¨emo{YV-2014)’’
{Za{gV ‘mÝ` H$s Om`oJr VWm{n nyd© Zr{V Ho$ bmJy ahZo H$s Ad{Y ‘| {d{^ÝZ AZwXmZm| Ed§
gw{dYmAm| hoVw nmÌ BH$mB©`m§ nyd© Zr{V Ho$ àmdYmZm| Ho$ A§VJ©V `Wm {ZYm©[aV à{H«$`m Ho$ AZwgma
bm^ àmßV H$a gH|$Jr &
21.2 ZdrZ Zr{V Ho$ bmJy hmoZo Ho$ {XZm§H$ go “‘Ü`àXoe ‘o§ n`©Q>Z {dH$mg hoVw, n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$mo
Amd§{Q>V emgH$s` ^y{‘`m| H$m Zrbm‘r Ûmam {ZdV©Z H$s Zr{V-2008 (`Wm g¨emo{YV-2014)’’
{Za{gV ‘mÝ` H$s Om`oJr &


n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$mo Amd§{Q>V emgH$s` ^y{‘`m| H$m Zrbm‘r Ûmam

{ZdV©Z H$s à{H«$`m
n`©Q>Z Zr{V ‘| C„opIV CÔoí`m| H$s ny{V© d n`©Q>Z {dH$mg Ho$ {bE, n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$mo Amd§{Q>V ZOyb, ~mh²`
ZOyb AWdm J«m‘rU joÌ H$s ^y{‘`m|/h¡[aQ>oO n[ag¨n{Îm`m| H$m Zrbm‘r Ûmam {ZdV©Z {ZåZmZwgma à{H«$`m Ûmam
{H$`m Om`oJm :-
1. gj‘ àm{YH$mar Ûmam àXoe ‘| àM{bV n`©Q>Z Zr{V ‘| C„opIV CÔoí`m| H$s ny{V© d n`©Q>Z {dH$mg Ho$
{bE n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$mo emgH$s` ^y{‘/ h¡[aQ>oO n[ag¨n{Îm {Z…ewëH$ Amd§{Q>V H$a AÝV[aV H$s OmEJr&
1.1 VX²Zwgma A§V[aV Ed§ Amd§{Q>V ^y{‘/ h¡[aQ>oO n[ag¨n{Îm Ho$ {ZdV©Z hoVw, n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$m
CnH«$‘ ‘Ü`àXoe amÁ` n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘ {b0 ({Ogo AmJo {ZJ‘ H$hm OmdoJm), àmogog
‘¡ZoOa hmoJm& àmogog ‘¡ZoOa Ho$ ê$n ‘| {ZJ‘ Ûmam ‘w»`V… ì`mdgm{`H$ gbmhH$mam| H$m M`Z,
{dñV¥V n[a`moOZm à{VdoXZ (D.P.R.) V¡`ma H$aZm, A{^ê${M`m° Am‘§{ÌV H$aZm (E.O.I) nmaXeu
ê$n go Zrbm‘r à{H«$`m g¨Mm{bV H$aZm Am{X em{‘b hmoJm& àmogog ‘¡ZoOa ({ZJ‘) Ûmam
{ZdV©Z hoVw Amdí`H$VmZwgma {Z{dXm XñVmdoO (RFP) Ed§ eV] AWdm A{^ê${M A{^ì`{º$
(E.O.I) Ho$ XñVmdoO ^r V¡`ma H$admE Omd|Jo& {ZJ‘ Ûmam Cº$ Xm{`Ëdm| H$m {Zd©hZ {ZåZmZwgma
{H$`m OmEJm…-
1.1.1 {ZJ‘ H$mo n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$mo A§V[aV ^y{‘/ h¡[aQ>oO n[ag¨n{Îm H$s nhMmZ, {MÝhmH$Z
Ed§ CgHo$ g¨~§Y ‘| {ZYm©[aV XñVmdoOm| H$mo V¡`ma H$aZo Ho$ {b`o A{YH¥$V {H$`m OmVm
h¡& {ZJ‘ BZ XñVmdoOm| H$mo V¡`ma H$aZo Ho$ {b`o Amdí`H$VmZwgma OmZH$mar g¨~§{YV
{Obo Ho$ H$boŠQ>a go àmßV H$aoJm&
1.1.2 {ZJ‘ Ûmam AÝV[aV ^y{‘ H$m ñdm{‘Ëd n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ho$ nj ‘| amOñd {d^mJ Ho$
A{^boIm| ‘| XO© hmoZo H$s nw{ï> CnamÝV, Bg ^y{‘ Ho$ {MÝhm§H$Z, ^y-Cn`moJ, aH$~m,
H$ãOm nÌH$ Am{X ~m~V² OmZH$mar V¡`ma H$a dm§{N>V à{VdoXZ (n[a{eîQ>-H$) n`©Q>Z
{d^mJ H$mo ^y{‘ Ho$ {ZdV©Z hoVw àemgH$s` AZw‘moXZ àmßV H$aZo Ho$ {b`o ào{fV {H$`m
1.1.3 Amdí`H$Vm hmoZo na ì`mdgm{`H$ gbmhH$ma H$m M`Z {ZJ‘ Ûmam {H$`m OmdoJm VWm
BgHo$ CnamÝV ì`mdgm{`H$ gbmhH$ma Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go àíZmYrZ AÝV[aV ^y{‘ na
n`©Q>Z {dH$mg g¨~§Yr J{V{d{Y hoVw Amdí`H$Vm AZwgma {dñV¥V n[a`moOZm à{VdoXZ
(D.P.R.)>, {Z{dXm XñVmdoO Ed§ eV] AWdm A{^ê${M A{^ì`{º$ Am‘§ÌU (E.O.I.)
g¨~§Yr XñVmdoO V¡`ma H$adm`m Om`oJm&
1.1.4 {ZJ‘ Cnamoº$mZwgma V¡`ma {H$E XñVmdoOm| ‘| Ohm§ Amdí`H$ hmo, `h ^r AZwe§{gV
H$a gHo$Jm, {H$ g’$b {Z{dXmH$Vm© H$mo Am{YnË` àmá H$aZo H$s {V{W go EH$ df© Ho$
^rVa H$m¡Z-H$m¡Z go H$m`© ^m¡{VH$ Vm¡a na g¨nm{XV H$aZm A{Zdm`© ahoJm& n[a`moOZm
{H«$`mÝd`Z hoVw Amdí`H$ AZw‘{V`m§, AZmn{Îm Am{X {ZdoeH$ H$mo àmßV H$aZm hmoJm&

1.2 Ama{jV ‘yë`, àr{‘`‘ Ed§ ^y-^mQ>H$ :-
1.2.1 ZJar` {ZH$m`m| (ZJa {ZJ‘ Ed§ ZJa nm{bH$m H$s gr‘m Ho$ A§VJ©V joÌm| ‘| Ed§ ßbmZ
E[a¶m ‘| ê$n`o 10.00 bmI à{V hoŠQ>o`a H$s Xa go Ama{jV ‘yë` H$s JUZm H$s
1.2.2 h¡arQ>oO ‘hËd Ho$ ^dZm| Ho$ {ZdV©Z Ho$ {bE ^dZ Ed§ AmZwfm§{JH$ ^y{‘ H$m Hw$b
Ama{jV ‘yë` ê$n`o EH$ bmI aIm OmdoJm& {ZdV©Z Ho$ {bE h¡[aQ>oO ^dZm| Ed§
AmZwfm§{JH$ ^y{‘ H$m {MÝhm§H$Z Ed§ M`Z n`©Q>Z Zr{V A§VJ©V ‘w»` g{Md H$s
AÜ`jVm ‘| J{R>V gm{YH$ma g{‘{V Ûmam {H$`m OmdoJm&
1.2.3 CnamoŠV H§${S>H$m 1.2.1 ‘| CëbopIV ^y{‘`m| H$mo N>mo‹S>H$a eof AÝ` ñWbm| na ^y{‘
Ho$ Ama{jV ‘yë` H$s JUZm ê$n`o 5.00 bmI à{V hoŠQ>o`a Ho$ Xa go H$s Om`oJr&
1.2.4 ‘mJ© gw{dYm H|$Ðm| H$s ^y{‘ Ed§ ^dZ H$m {ZdV©Z “‘mJ© gw{dYm H|$Ðm| (Way Side
Amenities) H$s ñWmnZm Ed§ g¨MmbZ H$s Zr{V- 2016” AZwgma {H$`m OmdoJm&
1.2.5 Cº$ ^y{‘ H$m ^y-^mQ>H$ (Lease Rent) ^y{‘ Amd§Q>Z hoVw ñdrH$ma {H$`o JE àr{‘`‘
H$m EH$ à{VeV dm{f©H$ hmoJm&
1.2.6 ^y{‘ na ^y-^mQ>H$, nQ²>Q>m {dboI Ho$ {ZînmXZ H$s VmarI Ho$ ~mX AmZo dmbo ‘mM©
‘hrZo H$s 31 VmarI VH$ àW‘ dm{f©H$ brO a|Q> Ho$ ê$n ‘| {b`m Om`oJm, CgHo$
níMmV² AmJm‘r {dËVr` df© Ho$ àW‘ ‘mh Aà¡b H$s 1 VmarI go nyU© {dËVr` df©
Ho$ {b`o Xo` hmoJm&
2. n`©Q>Z {d^mJ go Cº$ ^y{‘/ h¡[aQ>oO n[ag¨n{Îm Ho$ {ZdV©Z H$s AZw‘{V àmá H$a, {ZJ‘ Ho$ à~§Y
g¨MmbH$, A{^ê${M A{^ì`{º$ Am‘§ÌU (Expression of Interest)/{Z{dXm Am‘§ÌU H$m {dkmnZ
àgm[aV H$a|Jo& A{^ê${M A{^ì`{º$ Am‘§ÌU /{Z{dXm Am‘§ÌU gyMZm ‘| àñVmd O‘m H$aZo Ho$ {bE
Ý`yZV‘ 30 {XZ H$m g‘` {X`m OmdoJm& `h H$m`©dmhr {ZåZmZwgma H$s OmdoJr…-
2.1 {Z{dXm Am‘§ÌU/A{^ê${M A{^ì`{º$ Am‘§ÌU-^y{‘/ h¡[aQ>oO n[ag¨n{Îm Zrbm‘r Ûmam {ZdV©Z
H$s gyMZm H$m àH$meZ {ZJ‘ Ûmam Amdí`H$VmZwgma Xoe/àXoe Ho$ ‘w»` g‘mMma -nÌm| ‘|
{H$`m OmEJm& ì`mnH$ àMma-àgma Ho$ {bE gyMZm H$m àH$meZ Xmoham`m ^r Om gHo$Jm& AÝ`
{dídgZr` VarHo$ go Bg VÏ` H$m ì`mnH$ àMma-àgma {ZJ‘ Ûmam H$am`m OmEJm {H$ ^y{‘ H$s
{~H«$s Zrbm‘r Ûmam H$s OmZr h¡& gyMZm H$m àH$meZ {ZJ‘/{d^mJ H$s ~odgmB©Q> na ^r {H$`m
{Z{dXm H$s gyMZm H$m àmê$n “n[a{eï>-I’’ ‘| g¨b¾ h¡& Bg àmê$n ‘| n[a`moOZm Ho$ AZwgma Amdí`H$
g¨emoYZ, à~§Y g¨MmbH$, ‘Ü`àXoe amÁ` n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘ Ûmam {H$`m Om gHo$Jm&
2.2 àmßV {Z{dXmAm| H$m narjU -
2.2.1 A{^ê${M A{^ì`{º$ Am‘§ÌU (E.O.I.) AWdm {Z{dXm Am‘§ÌU Ho$ AmYma na àmá
àñVmdm| na VH$ZrH$s Ah©VmAm| H$m narjU {ZåZmZwgma J{R>V narjU g{‘{V Ho$ Ûmam
{H$`m Om`oJm:-
(i) g¨MmbH$ n`©Q>Z g¨dY©Z BH$mB©
(ii) ‘hmà~§YH$ ({dËV)

(iii) {ZJ‘ Ho$ MmQ>©S>© AH$m§CQ>|Q>
(iv) ì`mdgm{`H$ gbmhH$ma (`{X H$moB© hmo, Vmo)
2.2.2 VH$ZrH$s Ah©VmAm| Ho$ narjU Cnam§V nmÌ nm`o J`o {Z{dXmH$mam| H$s {dËVr` {Z{dXm Ho$
‘yë`m§H$Z hoVw {ZåZmZwgma g{‘{V J{R>V H$s OmVr h¡:-
(i) à~§Y g¨MmbH$ (AWdm à~§Y g¨MmbH$ Ûmam Zm‘m§{H$V Ana à~§Y g¨MmbH$ / H$m`©nm{bH$
{ZXoeH$) n`©Q>Z {ZJ‘ - AÜ`j
(ii) boIm A{YH$mar Am`wŠV n`©Q>Z H$m`m©b` - gXñ`
(iii){ZJ‘ Ho$ MmQ>©S>© AH$m§CQ>|Q> - gXñ`
(iv)ì`mdgm{`H$ gbmhH$ma(`{X H$moB© hmo, Vmo) - gXñ`
(v) g¨MmbH$ n`©Q>Z g¨dY©Z BH$mB© - gXñ` g{Md
2.3 A{^ê${M A{^ì`{º$ Am‘§ÌU (E.O.I.)> Ho$ AmYma na àmá àñVmdm| Ho$ narjU hoVw Cº$
g{‘{V Ûmam Bg n[a`moOZm {deof hoVw {Z`wº$ ì`mdgm{`H$ gbmhH$ma H$m A{^‘V àmá H$a
Pre-condition/Eligibility Criterion Ho$ ‘mnXÊS> {ZYm©[aV H$aoJr& BZ ‘mnXÊS>m| Ho$
AmYma na ‘yë`m§H$Z g{‘{V (E.O.I.) Ho$ VhV àmá àñVmdm| Ho$ narjU CnamÝV nmÌ BÀNw>H$
AmdoXH$m| Ho$ ‘Ü` {ZYm©[aV {Z{dXm eVm] Ed§ àmdYmZm| Ho$ VhV {dÎmr` àñVmd ~wbmE OmZo
H$s H$m`©dmhr H$aoJr& Bg narjU Ho$ VhV nmÌ nmE JE BÀNw>H$ AmdoXH$m| H$mo Request For
proposal XñVmdoO ào{fV {H$`m OmH$a, BZ nmÌ AmdoXH$m| Ho$ ‘Ü` gr{‘V à{VñnYm© Ho$
VhV {ZYm©[aV {Z{dXm eVm] Ed§ àmdYmZm| Ho$ AZwgma àñVmd àmá {H$E Om gH|$Jo&
2.4 (E.O.I.) AWdm grYo {Z{dXm Am‘§ÌU go àmá {dÎmr` àñVmdm| H$m Amdí`H$ narjU Cº$
“‘yë`m§H$Z g{‘{V’’ H$aoJr VWm CnamoŠV {dËVr` àñVmd AnZr AZwe§gm g{hV àemgH$s`
{d^mJ H$mo n[a{eï>-J ‘| AnZm à{VdoXZ {ZU©` hoVw àñVwV H$aoJr&
2.5 “‘yë`m§H$Z g{‘{V’’ Ho$ {dÎmr` àñVmd àm{á Ho$ 45 {XZ Ho$ ^rVa àemgH$s` {d^mJ àñVmd
ñdrH¥$V AWdm AñdrH¥$V H$aZo Ho$ g¨~§Y ‘| A§{V‘ {ZU©` boH$a n`©Q>Z {ZJ‘ H$mo gy{MV H$aoJr
AÝ`Wm CƒV‘ àñVmdXmVm H$mo `h A{YH$ma hmoJm {H$ CgHo$ Ûmam O‘m H$amB© JB© Yamoha am{e
dmng boVo hþE {Z{dXm go ~mha hmo OmE &
2.6 àW‘ CƒV‘ Ho$ Abmdm eof àñVmdXmVmAm| H$s Yamoha am{e {ZJ‘ Ûmam ^oOo J`o {dÎmr`
àñVmd na amÁ` gaH$ma go àemgH$s` AZw‘moXZ àmßV hmoZo Ho$ VËH$mb ~mX dmng H$a Xr
Om`oJr &
2.7 amÁ` emgZ go {Z{dXm ñdrH¥${V H$s gyMZm àmá hmoZo na {ZJ‘ g’$b {Z{dXmH$ma H$mo Bg
ñdrH¥${V H$s gyMZm XoJm & Cº$ gyMZm àmá hmoZo Ho$ 60 {XZ Ho$ ^rVa (Yamoha am{e g‘m`moOZ
nümV²) eof am{e CƒV‘² àñVmdXmVm H$mo O‘m H$aZm Amdí`H$ hmoJm & 60 {XZ Ho$ ^rVa
am{e Z O‘m H$amZo na 12 à{VeV dm{f©H$ ã`mO Xa go A{YH$V‘ 4 ‘mh H$m g‘` Am¡a
{X`m OmdoJm & Am¡{MË`nyU© H$maUm| go {ZdoeH$ Ûmam 4 ‘mh H$s Ad{Y br OmZo na ^r am{e
O‘m {H$`m OmZm g¨^d Zht hmo nm ahm h¡ Vmo JwU Xmof Ho$ AmYma na à~§Y g¨MmbH$ ‘Ü`àXoe
Qy>[aÁ‘ ~moS>© Bg Ad{Y H$mo {~S> S>çy S>oQ> go EH$ df© VH$ Ho$ {b`o 12 à{VeV ã`mO g{hV
~‹T>m gH|$Jo &

2.8 `{X {ZYm©[aV g‘`md{Y ‘| CÀMV‘ àñVmdXmVm Ûmam eof am{e O‘m Zht H$s OmVr h¡ Vmo
`w{º$-`wº$ H$maU Ho$ gmW am{e O‘m H$aZo hoVw EH$ Adga {deof AZw‘{V ñdê$n EH$ ‘mh
H$m A§{V‘ g‘` {X`m Om`oJm& `{X Cº$ g‘` ‘| ^r eof am{e O‘m Zht H$s OmVr Vmo Yamoha
am{e amOgmV H$aVo hþE Amd§Q>Z H$m`©dmhr {ZañV H$a Xr OmEJr Am¡a ^y{‘ H$s nwZ… Zrbm‘r
H$s OmEJr& Eogr pñW{V ‘| Eogm {Z{dXmH$ma nwZ: Zrbm‘r ‘| ì`{º$JV, ^mJrXmar `m H§$gm}{e`‘
Ho$ gXñ` Ho$ ê$n ‘| ^mJ Zht bo gHo$Jm&
2.9 {MpÝhV emgH$s` ^y{‘`m|/^y{‘ {Og na n[ag¨n{Îm`m§ {Z{‘©V h¡ Ed§ Omo n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$mo
hñVm§V[aV h¡ AWdm H$s Om`oJr, H$mo 90 AWdm 30 df© H$s brO na XoZo, 5 go 30 df© Ho$
{bE bmBg|g na XoZo AWdm {dH$mg/à~§YH$s` AZw~§Y Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go {dH${gV H$aZo Ho$ g¨~§Y
‘| A§{V‘ {ZU©` n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ûmam {b`m Om`oJm &
2.10 brO na Xr JB© ^y{‘`m| go àmßV hmoZo dmbr {Z{dXm am{e Ed§ dm{f©H$ (àr{‘`‘) brO a|Q> H$s
am{e, ^y{‘`m| Ho$ {ZdV©Z Ed§ AYmog¨aMZm {dH$mg hoVw {ZJ‘ Ûmam n¥WH$ ‘X “emgH$s` ^y{‘`m|
H$m {ZdV©Z Ed§ AYmog¨aMZm {dH$mg” ‘| aIr Om`oJr& `h am{e, ^y{‘`m| Ho$ gd}, hñVm§VaU,
{dÚwV/g‹S>H$/Ob àXm`, Eo[a`m ßbmqZJ, Eo[a`m S>odbn‘|Q>, n[ag¨n{Îm`m| H$s gwajm d AÝ`
Amdí`H$ AYmog¨aMZm {dH$mg ‘| {ZJ‘ Ûmam ì`` H$s Om gHo$Jr&
2.11 g’$b {Z{dXmH$Vm©Am| go n[a`moOZm bmJV H$s 10 à{VeV AWdm A{YH$V‘ am{e ê$n`o
2.00 H$amo‹S> VH$ H$s na’$m‘]Ýg {gŠ`y[aQ>r, ~¢H$ Jma§Q>r/gmd{Y O‘m agrX Ho$ ê$n ‘| àmá
H$s Om`oJr, Omo {H$ n[a`moOZm Ho$ g’$b g¨MmbZ Ho$ 3 df© nümV bm¡Q>mB© Om`oJr &
2.12 g‘ñV am{e`m§ àm{á Cnam§V n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ûmam CÀMV‘ àñVmdXmVm Ho$ nj ‘| nQ²>Q>m {dboI
{Zînm{XV {H$`m OmEJm, {Ogo àñVmdXmVm ñd`§ Ho$ ì`` na ^maVr` ‘wÐm§H$ A{Y{Z`‘ Ho$
àmdYmZmZwgma 90 {XZ Ho$ ^rVa n§OrH¥$V H$admEJm& n§OrH¥$V nQ²>Q>m {dboI H$s à‘m{UV gË`
à{V{b{n n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$mo àñVwV {H$E OmZo na ^y{‘ H$m H$ãOm {ZJ‘ Ûmam g’$b {Z{dXmH$Vm©
H$mo gm¢nm OmEJm&
2.13 amÁ` gaH$ma H$mo {H$gr ^r àñVmd H$mo {~Zm H$moB© H$maU ~VmE ñdrH¥$V H$aZo AWdm AñdrH¥$V
H$aZo H$m A{YH$ma hmoJm& Bg g¨~§Y ‘| amÁ` gaH$ma H$m A§{V‘ {ZU©` àñVmdXmVmAm| H$mo ‘mÝ`
2.14 {ZJ‘ Ûmam {Z{dXm XñVmdoO/E.O.I. Am{X ‘| Bg ~mV H$m C„oI {H$`m OmEJm {H$ n[a`moOZm
nyU© H$aZo H$s Ad{Y Š`m hmoJr& Am{YnË` àm{á H$s {V{W go EH$ df© Ho$ ^rVa ñWb na
g’$b àñVmdH$Vm© Ûmam Amdí`H$ AZw‘{V`m§/ AZmn{Îm`m§ Am{X àmßV H$a H$m`© àma§^ {H$`m
Om`oJm& n[a`moOZm g‘`md{Y ‘| nyU© Z hmoZo H$s Xem ‘| `wpŠV-`wŠV H$maU Ed§ à^mdr H$X‘m|
Ho$ AmYma na àñVmdH$Vm© Ûmam AmdoXZ XoZo na Xmo ~ma EH$ -EH$ df© H$s Ad{Y Ho$ {b`o
g‘`-gr‘m ~T>m`r Om gHo$Jr& Cº$ Ad{Y g‘má hmoZo Ho$ CnamÝV ^r H$m`© nyU© Z hmoZo H$s
Xem ‘| na’$m‘]g ~¢H$ Jma§Q>r amOgmV H$s Om gHo$Jr VWm nQ²>Q>m {ZañV {H$`m Om gHo$Jm Am¡a
g‘ñV O‘m am{e`m° amOgmV hmo OmdoJr&
2.15 nQ²>Q>m {dboI {Zînm{XV H$aZo Ho$ {bE n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ho$ à{V{Z{Y Ho$ ê$n ‘| à~§Y g¨MmbH$,
‘Ü`àXoe amÁ` n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {ZJ‘ A{YH¥$V hm|Jo&

2.16 {Z{dXm Yamoha am{e ({~S> {gŠ`mo[aQ>r) gm‘mÝ`V: Ama{jV ‘yë` Ho$ 10 à{VeV Ho$ g‘H$j
{H$ÝVw A{YH$V‘ ê$n`o 20.00 bmI VH$ hmoJr& {deof ‘m‘bm| ‘| `h Yamoha am{e V` H$aZo
hoVw à~§Y g¨MmbH$ A{YH¥$V hm|Jo&
2.17 nQ²>Q>m {dboI ‘| g¨emoYZ hoVw àM{bV n`©Q>Z Zr{V Ho$ AÝVJ©V ‘w»` g{Md H$s AÜ`jVm ‘|
J{R>V gm{YH$ma g{‘{V A{YH¥$V hmoJr &

‘Ü`àXoe emgZ
n`©Q>Z {d^mJ
‘§Ìmb`, dëb^ ^dZ, ^monmb
h¡[aQ>oO n[ag¨n{Îm à‘mUrH$aU JmBS>bmBZ Ed§ à{H«$`m 2019
àXoe H$s n`©Q>Z à`moOZ hoVw h¡[aQ>oO n[ag¨n{Îm`m| Ho$ à‘mUrH$aU Ho$ {bE {ZåZmZwgma JmBS>bmBZ Ed§ à{H«$`m
{Z{üV H$s OmVr h¡ :-

1. h¡[aQ>oO g¨n{Îm H$s n[a^mfm :-

h¡[aQ>oO g¨n{Îm H$m VmËn`© {XZm§H$ 01/01/1950 go nhbo {Z{‘©V {H$bo, ‘hb, {eH$ma bm°O `m
{Zdmg go h¡ &
EH$ h¡[aQ>oO g¨n{Îm ‘|, joÌ, dmñVw{eën gw{dYmAm| Am¡a gm‘mÝ` {Z‘m©U ‘| joÌ Ho$ OrdZ Ho$ nma§n[aH$
VarHo$ H$mo Ü`mZ ‘| aIVo hþE {d{eï> JwU Am¡a dmVmdaU hmoZm Mm{hE & Bg loUr Ho$ {bE {dMma H$s OmZo
dmbr g¨n{Îm H$s dmñVwH$bm H$mo Am‘Vm¡a na `Wmê$n aIm OmZm Mm{hE & ‘m¡OyXm g¨aMZmAm| ‘| H$moB©
{dñVma, gwYma, ZdrH$aU, n[adV©Z nma§n[aH$ dmñVw{eën e¡{b`m| Am¡a nwamZo Ho$ gmW ZE H$mo gm‘§Oñ`
~ZmZo dmbr aMZmË‘H$ VH$ZrH$m| H$mo Ü`mZ ‘| aIVo hþE {H$`m OmZm Mm{hE Wm & Omo‹S>m J`m Z`m {Z{‘©V
joÌ nwamZr Am¡a ZB© g¨aMZmAm| g{hV Hw$b {Z{‘©V (pßb¨W) joÌ H$m 50% go A{YH$ Zht hmoZm Mm{hE
& Bg à`moOZ Ho$ {bE, pñdq‘J nyb, bm°Z Am{X O¡gr gw{dYmAm| H$mo ~mha aIm OmEJm &
2. nmÌVm :-
EH$ ì`{º$ / ’$‘© / nmQ>©Za{en ’$‘© / npãbH$ {b{‘Q>oS> H§$nZr / àmBdoQ> {b{‘Q>oS> H§$nZr / {b{‘Q>oS>
bm`{~{bQ>r nmQ>©Za{en (LLP) / HUF / Q´ñQ> / a{OñQ>S>© nmda Am°’$ AQ>m°Zu hmoëS>a g{Q©>{’$Ho$Q>
Am°’$ h¡[aQ>oO Ho$ {bE AmdoXZ H$aZo Ho$ {bE nmÌ hm|Jo &
3. g¨b¾ {H$E OmZo dmbo AmdoXZ Am¡a XñVmdoO :-
{ZåZ{bpIV XñVmdoOm| Ho$ gmW n[a{eîQ> - 2.1 ‘| g¨b¾ {ZYm©[aV AmdoXZ nÌ à~§Y g¨MmbH$,
‘Ü`àXoe Qy>[aÁ‘ ~moS>© H$mo àñVwV {H$`m OmEJm &
3.1 VhgrbXma `m ñWmZr` {ZH$m` `m nwamVËd Ed§ g¨J«hmb` {d^mJ Ûmam Omar H$s JB© g¨n{Îm H$s
Am`w H$m à‘mU &
3.2 g¨n{Îm H$m ZŠem Omo {d{YdV ê$n go n§OrH¥$V Am{H©$Q>oŠQ> / {g{db B§Or{Z`a Ûmam V¡`ma
{H$`m J`m hmo & (Am{H©$Q>oŠQ> H$s n§OrH$aU H«$‘m§H$ H$m CëboI à‘mU nÌ ‘| hmo) &
3.3 Am{H©$Q>oŠQ> / {g{db B§Or{Z`a H$s [anmoQ>© g¨b¾ hmo {Og‘| {ZåZmZwgma {ddaU hmo:-
3.4 joÌ’$b
(i) Hw$b joÌ’$b: (dJ©‘rQ>a ‘|)...................(eãXm| ‘|) .................(dJ©‘rQ>a)

(ii) Iwbm joÌ (dJ©‘rQ>a ‘|).....................(eãXm| ‘|) .................. (dJ©‘rQ>a)
3.5 {Z{‘©V joÌ: -
(i) (01/01/1950 go nhbo {Z{‘©V joÌ) (dJ©‘rQ>a ‘|) .......... (eãXm| ‘|) .... (dJ©‘rQ>a)
(ii) (01/01/1950 Ho$ ~mX H$m joÌ) (dJ©‘rQ>a ‘|)..........(eãXm| ‘|)..........(dJ©‘rQ>a)
(iii) Hw$b {Z{‘©V joÌ (dJ©‘rQ>a ‘|) ............... (eãXm| ‘|) .......... (dJ©‘rQ>a)

3.6 AmdoXH$ n[a{eîQ>-2.2 Ho$ AZwgma gmXo H$mJO na EH$ ñd-KmofUm àñVwV H$aoJm&
3.7 AmdoXZ ewëH$ Ho$ ê$n ‘| Rs.20,000 / - àg¨ñH$aU ewëH$ Xo` hmoJm &
3.8 {d{^Þ H$moUm| go gånyU© g¨n{Îm {XImVo hþE g¨n{Îm Ho$ AJ«^mJ / gm‘Zo H$s D$±MmB© H$s Vñdra|
Omo BgHo$ h¡[aQ>oO {deofVm H$mo COmJa H$aVr hm| &
4. AnyU© AmdoXZ Ho$ ‘m‘bo ‘| AñdrH¥${V :-
4.1 `{X H$moB© ^r XñVmdoO AmdoXH$ Ûmam àXmZ Zht {H$`m OmVm h¡, Vmo Ìw{Q>ny{V© hoVw AmdoXH$ H$mo
gy{MV {H$`m OmEJm Omo Cgo nÌ àmá hmoZo H$s VmarI go 15 {XZm| Ho$ ^rVa O‘m H$aZm hmoJm
& `{X OmZH$mar {ZYm©[aV g‘` Ho$ ^rVa àñVwV Zht H$s OmVr h¡, Vmo AmdoXZ AñdrH$ma H$a
{X`m OmEJm &
4.2 à~§Y g¨MmbH$, ‘Ü`àXoe Qy>[aÁ‘ ~moS>© Ûmam AmdoXZ H$s AñdrH¥${V go g¨~§{YV {H$gr ^r
{eH$m`V Ho$ ‘m‘bo ‘|, n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ho$ à‘wI g{Md / g{Md H$m {ZU©` A§{V‘ Ed§ ~§YZH$mar
hmoJm &
5. h¡[aQ>oO H$m à‘mU nÌ :-
5.1 h¡[aQ>oO g¨n{Îm Ho$ à‘mU nÌ (n[a{eîQ>- 2.3 ‘| g¨b¾) na à~§Y g¨MmbH$, ‘Ü`àXoe Qy>[aÁ‘
~moS>© Ûmam hñVmja {H$E OmE§Jo&
5.2 nyar g¨n{Îm Am¡a CgH$s h¡[aQ>oO {deofVm {XImZo dmbr g¨n{Îm H$m ’«§$Q> ’$moQ>moJ«m’$ à‘mU nÌ Ho$
nrN>o qàQ> {H$`m Om`oJm &
6. {d{dY :-
6.1 Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V Omar à‘mU nÌ H$m Cn`moJ {d{dY à`moOZm| / n[ag¨n{Îm na ñdm{‘Ëd Ho$
à‘mU Am{X hoVw Zht {H$`m Om gHo$Jm &
6.2 Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V Omar à‘mU nÌ Ho$ AmYma na {d^mJr` Zr{V`m| Ho$ A§VJ©V àmßV hmoZo dmbr
Ny>Q>/gw{dYm`|/AZwXmZ Am{X H$s nmÌVm A{O©V H$s Om gHo$Jr &
6.3 h¡[aQ>oO n[ag¨n{Îm H$m ñdê$n ~XbH$a n[ag¨n{Îm H$s h¡[aQ>oO {deofVm g‘mßV {H$`m OmZm nm`o
OmZo na Zr{V A§VJ©V Omar à‘mU nÌ VËH$mb à^md go {ZañVr `mo½` hmoJm & {ZañVrH$aU
H$s H$m`©dmhr à‘mU nÌ OmarH$Vm© A{YH$mar Ûmam à‘mU nÌ YmaH$ H$mo gwZo OmZo H$m Adga
àXmZ H$aZo Ho$ Cnam§V H$s Om gHo$Jr &

n[a{eîQ>/Annexure - 2.1
Application form for granting Certificate of Heritage to Operation Heritage Hotel/
Heritage Property proposed to be used as Tourism Unit by
the Department of Tourism, Madhya Pradesh

Managing Director,
MP Tourism Board,
Lily Trade Wing, 6th Floor,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.

Sub: Application for grant of Certificate of Heritage for operating Heritage

Hotel/Heritage Property proposed to be used as a Tourism Unit.

I/We hereby apply for grant of Certificate of Heritage for operating Heritage
Hotel/Heritage Property, details of which are as under :-

1. Name & Complete Postal

Address of the applicant
with photo and photo ID
(Self-attested Photo Copy of ID
to be enclosed)
2. Complete Address and details Address of the Heritage Property:
of Operating Heritage Hotel/
Heritage Property proposed to
be used as Tourism Unit :
3. Photograph of the Building Latest Photo of the Heritage property
including facade and (Front View)
architectural features, from
different angles.

4. I/We hereby enclose the following documents with the application

which are required under guidelines : -
a. Proof of age of the property issued by Tehsildar or Local Body or
Archaeology & Museum Department.
b. Map of the existing building/property duly prepared/attested by
the registered Architect/Civil Engineer (with membership No./
registration No.)

c. The report of Architect/Civil Engineer containing the following
details is to be enclosed:-
(1) Total area: (in figure)...............(in words) ........................(Sq. Mtr.)
(2) Open area (in figure).............(in words)..................................... (Sq. Mtr.).
(3) Constructed area :-
(i) (Area constricted before 1.1.1950) (in figure)..........(in words).......(Sq. Mtr.).
(ii) (Area constricted after 1.1.1950 (in figure)............(in words)............(Sq. Mtr.).
(iii) Total constructed area (in figure) ............(in words).........................(Sq. Mtr.)
d. The applicant shall submit a self-declaration on plain paper as per
e. The application shall be accompanied by a Proof of Payment of Rs.
20000 (Rs.Twenty thousand only) as a processing fee paid to
Managing Director, MP Tourism Board. (This fee is non-refundable.)
f. The Photographs of the facade/front elevation of the property
showing the complete property from various angles highlighting
its heritage characters.
I/WE hereby undertake to abide by the provisions and the prescribed
conditions of the Guidelines for granting Certificate for Heritage to operating Heritage
Hotel/Heritage Property proposed to be used as a Tourism Unit and as amended
from time to time. If any deviation from the permissible norms of new constriction is
found at any stage, the certificate of Heritage may be withdrawn by this Department.
I/we or any other person cannot claim ownership rights on the basis of this certificate
and the certificate is not valid for any legal purpose.

Name and Signature

of the Applicant

n[a{eîQ>/Annexure -2.2
Passport size
Declaration Photograph of
(on plain paper) Applicant

1. I have applied for operating heritage hotel/heritage property proposed to be

used as a heritage hotel or other tourism unit situated at ..............................................
.....................(complete Address, House No., Mohalla etc.) for grant of Certificate
of Heritage by Department of Tourism. I am fully authorized to apply for the
2. I have obtained and attached the certificate of age of the property issued by -
1. Tehsildar....................................or 2. Local Body ......................................... or 3. Archaeology &
Museum Department ................................issued on ....................................manifesting that
the property was constricted before 1950 and I have also put self-attestation
on the same.
3. Extension, improvement, renovation, change etc. in the existing structures
have been done retaining the old constriction pattern and harmonizing new
with the old. After expansion/renovation, the newly built up area has not
exceeded 50% of the total built up (plinth) area including the old and new
4. I/we further undertake not to make any new construction which deviates from
the permissible norms of new constriction.
5. I/we understand that, if any deviation from the permissible norms of old and
new structures is found at any stage, the Department will be free to withdraw
its approval.
6. I have enclosed the Architect / Civil Engineer report which has been signed
by the Architect/Civil Engineer Sh./Smt./M/s....................................(Membership No./
Registration No.............) and by me us. Area details of the property are as below
(1) Total area: (in figure )..................................(in words)..............................................Sq. Mtr.
(2) Open area (in figure )..................................(in words)..............................................Sq. Mtr.
(3) Constructed area :-
(i) Area constructed on 1.1.1950) (in figure) ....................(in words)...................Sq. Mtr.
(ii) Area constructed after 1.1.1950) (in figure).................(in words).................Sq. Mtr.
(iii) Total constructed area (in figure).............................(in words)............................Sq. Mtr.
7. Any dispute legal or otherwise which had existed before applying for
Certificate of Heritage or arises after issue of the same shall be my/our sole

8. I/we or any other person/company etc cannot claim ownership rights for the
above Heritage Property based on the Certificate of Heritage and the same is
also not valid for any legal purpose.
9. I/we are duty bound to provide information and statistics about tourist arrivals
every month in the prescribed formats to the local representative/officer of the
Department of Tourism.

I/We.......................................................................Son/Daughter of Shri.................................................... Age .....................

Year.................................... resident of .............................................................................District.......................................................
of Madhya Pradesh, hereby declare that the information given above and in the
enclosed documents is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has
been concealed therein. I am well aware of the fact that if the information given by
me is proved false/not true, I will have to face the punishment as per the law, and all
the benefits availed by me shall be summarily withdrawn.

Name of the Applicant (s) Signature of the Applicant (s)

1.......................................... 1....................................
2....................................... 2.......................................
Place :- Date :-

n[a{eîQ>/Annexure -2.3

Government of Madhya Pradesh

MP Tourism Board
Lily Trade Wing 6th Floor
Jehangirabad, Bhopal
No.:.................................. Dated: ......................................
Certificate of Heritage
(Operating Heritage Hotel/Heritage Properties proposed to be used as a
Tourism Unit)
To Whom So Ever It May Concern

This is to certify that the property situated at (Complete Address) ..............................

........................................................................................................... is a heritage property constructed before
01.01.1950 as per the definition of a Heritage Hotel in Madhya Pradesh Heritage
Property Certification Policy 2019. This certificate is issued on the basis of the
• Tehsildar/ Patwari ............................................................................................................................................
• Local Body ..............................................................................................................................................................
• Department of Archaeology and Museum................................................................................
(Any one of the above)
• As per the architect’s report the whole area of the property is ......................
(Sq. Mtr.)
I. Total constructed area (in figure).....................................(in words)..........................(Sq. Mtr.).
II. Total Open area (in figure ).........................................(in words)....................................(Sq. Mtr.).

Managing Director
MP Tourism Board

Latest Photo of the Heritage property

(Front View)

• If any deviation from the permissible norms of new construction is

found at any stage, the certificate of Heritage shall be withdrawn.
• This Certificate cannot be used to establish ownership rights and is
also not valid for any legal purpose.

INDEX Page No.

1. Vision Statement 41
2. Guiding Principles 41
3. Strategy 41-43
4. Madhya Pradesh State Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. 43-44
5. Tourism Projects 44-45
6. Subsidy for Tourism Projects 45-54
7. To Promote Week-end Tourism 54
8. Exemption from Registration and Stamp Duty Fees 54
9. Allotment of land/heritage assets for establishing 55-56
Tourism Projects through private investment
10. Eco and Adventure Tourism 56-57
11. Film Tourism 57-58
12. Constitution of State/ District Tourism Promotion Council 58
13. Water Tourism 58-59
14. Sustainable Tourism 59
15. Employment oriented Skill Development, Education and 59-60
Training for Youth
16. Investor Facilitation 60
17. Development of Way Side Amenities 60
18. Facilities to Tourism Sector similar to Industries 60-61
19. Special Efforts for Comprehensive Tourism Development 61-62
20. Implementation of Tourism Policy 62
21. Repeal 62-63
22. Annexure - 1 – Procedure for disposal of Government lan allotted 64-68
to Tourism Department through auction
Note: For any clarification/interpretation notified Hindi version of this policy shall be
Tourism Policy (2016) Amended 2019

1. Vision Statement
To promote such balanced & sustainable tourism which enables socio-
economic development, generate employment opportunities and establishes
Madhya Pradesh as a destination that provides a complete tourism experience.
2. Guiding Principles
The tourism policy is based on the following guiding principles:
2.1 Set up such institutional mechanism which will promote private
investment as directed by the State Government.
2.2 Set up an effective regulatory mechanism for sustainable tourism.
2.3 Undertake measures to provide reception, assistance, information,
amenities and ensure hygiene, security and infrastructure for the
2.4 Conservation of heritage and making them places of tourist attraction.
2.5 Eco-tourism to be the tool to sensitize masses about environmental
2.6 Establish active and coordinated participation of Government
departments, voluntary organizations, the local community and other
stakeholders of tourism sector.
2.7 Appropriate development of tourism based projects through Public
Private Partnership (PPP).
2.8 Validity period of Policy- After amendment the policy shall remain in
force for five years from the date of its issuance and projects started/
established/expanded, commenced during such period shall qualify
for benefits/exemption/concessions under the provision of this Policy.
State Government may extend the period of this policy as and when
3. Strategy
The strategy to translate the vision statement and guiding principles in reality
will be as under:
3.1 Clear, transparent guidelines and standard procedures will be laid
down to attract private investment.
3.2 Relevant research and preparation of necessary database will be
undertaken for destination marketing.

3.3 An appropriate system will be developed for preparation of authentic
statistical database and for obtaining tourist feedback for systemic
3.4 Continuous improvement and maintenance of basic infrastructure
such as roads,drinking water, power, hygiene, transport and solid
waste management will been sured.
3.5 Active participation of local bodies will be ensured by sensitizing them
towards tourism.
3.6 To promote and market fairs, local cuisine, culture,folk music, dance,
costumes, products, art, handicraft and heritage, rural tourism will be
encouraged. To execute these activities registered Self Help Groups
will be promoted.
3.7 Highest priority will be accorded to conservation and preservation of
natural resources and beauty at eco-tourism destinations.
3.8 A comprehensive plan will be prepared for development of identified
destinations of spiritual tourism.
3.9 Planned development of tourism facilities near major water bodies will
been sured.
3.10 To promote tourism, effective measures will be taken up for road (bus
service) and air connectivity between cities with the active participation
of the private sector.
3.11 By simplification of procedures and with the help of local administration
necessary steps will be undertaken to promote adventure tourism.
3.12 To promote tourist friendly image of the state, all personnel directly and
indirectly engaged in the tourism sector will be trained. Trainings will
also ensure generation of employment opportunities for the youth.
3.13 To encourage establishment of tourism projects through private
investment, landbank will be strengthened continuously, identifying
suitable locations.
3.14 To provide quality accommodation to tourist in the state, establishment
of standardand deluxe class hotels with private investment will be
3.15 Efforts to include Tourism within the action plan of other relevant
departments of the State will be made.
3.16 To encourage establishment of heritage hotels with private investment,
subsidies/concessions will be offered.
3.17 To encourage MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions)
Tourism in the State, establishment of convention centers with private
investment will be promoted.

3.18 Subsidies/Concessions will be made available to augment the
establishment of various tourism projects including hotels and resorts
in the State.
3.19 New tourist destinations and destination of significant importance will
be developed. Special packages of incentives will be given to setup
the projects in ulterior & inaccessible places.
3.20 Medical Tourism, Destination Wedding tourism and Rural/Agro/Eco
Tourism will be encouraged.
3.21 Basic infrastructure will be developed at the infrastructure less land,
water bodies and heritage properties located in remote areas.
3.22 To assist the investors in getting the permissions/NOCs, renewal etc.
Tourism Board shall act as Nodal Agency. Tourism Board shall adopt
handholding process in getting permissions/NOCs/renewal etc.
3.23 To establish Tourism Projects, in coordination with other departments,
efforts will be made to apply the concept of Ease of Doing Business.
3.24 For certification of Heritage Properties, rules & procedure will be
frame by the department. On the basis of certification issued by the
department heritage units shall be provided incentives & facilities as
per provisions of the Policy.
3.25 To create and generate employment opportunities and for overall
development of tourism Gram Stay, Farm Stay and Bread & Breakfast
Policy will be formulated to promote & establish such units. Registered
Tourism Cooperative Societies & registered Self-Help Groups shall be
encouraged to establish such units.
3.26 Tourist centers will be developed as facile destinations for disabled
3.27 A specific Policy will be formulated in consultation with stake holders
to encourage big brands to establish Hotels/Resorts/Mega Tourism
4. Madhya Pradesh State Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.
The role of MP State Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. for implementation
of tourism policy at the ground level is important. The role of the Corporation
will be as under:
4.1 While providing tourism services, the Corporation shall play a crucial
role in establishment, expansion and marketing of tourism services
with private investment.
4.2 As per the need, the corporation will be allowed to hand over its units
to private sector for operation under management agreement or on a
long-term lease.

4.3 To resolve issues related to tourism promotion, management and
operations, effective steps shall be taken up in co-ordination with
stakeholders of tourism industry.
4.4 Tourism projects shall be established and appropriate support to
investors to invest in new undeveloped areas with tourism potential
shall be streamlined.
4.5 As and when required Corporation can expand its units and develop
new are as of tourism through profits realized.
4.6 Institutions such as Madhya Pradesh Institute of Hospitality and
Training, Food Craft Institute, State Institute of Hospitality and Catering
Technology which provide higher education and skill development
trainings in hospitality, foodcraft and tourism management, shall be
expanded and strengthened.
4.7 Corporation shall play pivotal role in obtaining loan and grants from
State Government, Central Government and Financial Institutions for
tourism projects.
4.8 For attracting investments through Private Sector, investor facilitation,
providing subsidies and facilities to investors under the policy and
for planning implementing and monitoring tourism projects, the
department shall constitutea separate division “Investment Promotion
and Planning division” within the Corporation. A proper set-up for
this division shall be devised by the department. Appropriate human
resources shall be placed by the Corporation adhering to this set-up.
For the effective operation of this division, government shall provide
requisite financial resources to the corporation separately.
5. Tourism Projects
Under this Policy following activities shall be treated as Tourism Projects
to avail various facilities/subsidies. Definition of Tourism Projects shall be
determined as per the notification of Government of India from time to time
or shall be determined by the Tourism Department, Government of Madhya
5.1 Hotel (Star, Deluxe and Standard Class)
5.2 Health Farm/Resort/Health and Wellness Resort
5.3 Resort, Camping Site and Fixed tenting units
5.4 Motel and Way Side Amenities
5.5 Heritage Hotel
5.6 Convention Centre (MICE)
5.7 Museum / Aquarium / Theme Parks

5.8 Bed and Breakfast / Home Stay Units
5.9 Golf Course
5.10 Rope way
5.11 Water Park and Water Sports
5.12 Amusement Park
5.13 Caravan Tourism
5.14 Cruise Tourism
5.15 House Boat
5.16 Film studio and development of infrastructure and installation of
equipment for film making.
5.17 Adventure Sports
5.18 Sound and Light Show / Laser Show
5.19 Sea Plane
5.20 Amphibian Tourist Vehicle
5.21 Aero sports & Aero Sports Training Centre/ Academy
5.22 Heritage Cafeteria / Motel
5.23 Wildlife resorts
5.24 Gram Stay/Farm Stay
5.25 Other activities related to tourism as notified by Tourism Department of
Central/ State Government, from time to time.

6. Subsidy for Tourism Projects

Tourism Projects established and operationalised during the operative tenure

of this policy shall be entitled to capital investment subsidy. Considering to
the type of activity and the capital investment, capital subsidy shall be granted
as mentioned below:

S. Subsidy Scheme Mini- Per- Maxi- Other conditions
No. mum cent- mum
Project age ceiling
Expen- of Sub- of
diture sidy Subsi-
(Rs. against dy
in Lac) Fixed (Rs. in
Capital lac)

6.1 Capital subsidy for 300 15% 200 After establishment

Heritage Hotel under & commencement
Proprietorship of the heritage
hotel subsidy
shall be released
after certification
from HRACC or
Tourism Board.
For certification of
heritage hotels by
M.P. Tourism Board,
the guidelines and
process is annexed
at Annexure-2.
6.2 Capital Investment 1000 15% 500 As per Clause 6.1
subsidy for
establishment of
Heritage Hotel where
the Heritage Assets are
obtained fromTourism
Department on Lease
6.3 Capital Investment 1000 15% 500 Minimum 50 lettable
subsidy to establish a air-conditioned
new Deluxe/Three Star rooms should be
or Higher category new available.
Hotel and Resort

6.4 Capital Investment 200 15% 50 Minimum air-
subsidy for conditioned 25,
establishment of new lettable rooms for
Hotel/Mini Resort of hotel and 10 rooms
Standard category for resorts should
be available.
6.5 Capital Investment 500 15% 200 Unit should be es-
subsidy for tablished as per the
establishment of new definition, criterion
Resort and Wellness and standards de-
Centre (Including fined by the Govern-
Resort equipped with ment of India/State
Ayurvedic, Yoga and Government.
Naturopathic treatment)
6.6 Capital Investment 100 15% 500 Expansion in terms
Subsidy for expansion of minimum 50%
of established Star/ increased in staying
Deluxe/Standard Hotel/ capacity will only be
Resort/Heritage Hotel eligible for subsidy

6.7 Capital Investmentc 2000 15% 1000 Project must be

Subsidy for established in such
establishment of a way as to conform
500 or more seater to the criteria/
convention centre standards laid down
as above cum Hotel by Government of
under MICE (Meetings, India for convention
Incentives, Conferences, centre. Seating
Exhibitions) capacity of main
convention hall
taken alone should
be 500 or more.

6.8 Capital Investment 100 15% 500
Subsidy for creation
of infrastructure along
with installation of
equipment to establish
Film Studio, Film
making, Museum,
Aquarium, Theme Park
6.9 Capital Investment 25 15% 300 Installation of
subsidy for creation permanent facility/
of infrastructure infrastructure shall
and installation of mean creating/
permanent facility/ installing platform/
acquisition of Jetty/equipments/
equipment / Tents and parking sites/
facilities to establish electricity facility/
Adventure Tourism, water supply
Water Tourism, Water etc. and public
Sports, Cruise/House amenities.
Boat, Navigation
Amusement Park,
Sound and Light Show,
Laser Show, Camping
(Including tents)
6.10 Capital Investment 25 15% 50 Units established
subsidy for and operated as
establishment of Way per Departments
Side Amenities under Way Side Amenities
GreenField/ Franchise Policy 2016 at an
Model with minimum identified site or at a
investment of Rs. 25.00 site approved by the
lakh Managing Director,
M.P. Tourism Board.

6.11 Capital Investment 50 25% 300
subsidy for creation of
infrastructure such as
power supply, water
supply, approach road,
sewage and drainage
system on land
and heritage assets
obtained from Tourism
Department on lease
6.12 Installation of Ropeway 100 40% 500
infrastructure for
transport in inaccessible
tourist places/forest
6.13 Capital subsidy for 100 25% 1000 Subsidy shall be
establishment of Sea given after one
Plane, Amphibian year from the date
Tourist Vehicle and of operation of
Aero Sports and Aero Aero Sports & Aero
Sports Training Centre/ Sports Academy/
Academy Training Centre.
For Sea Plane &
Amphibian Tourist
Vehicles subsidy
shall be released as
follows :-
• Start of operation
- 40%
•In subsequent 2nd,
3rd & 4th year@
20% per year

6.14 To be eligible for capital subsidy for new Deluxe and Standard hotels being
established shall have to give 70% jobs mandatorily to the residents of
Madhya Pradesh.
6.15 Resorts being established within 20 kilometers radius of the notified National
Parks/Tiger Reserves and Sanctuaries shall be eligible for capital subsidy as
under according to the category of the forest area:

Special Incentives for Wildlife Resorts

Category Name of forest Minimum Minimum Capital Maximum

of Forest area investment number subsidy ceiling of
area (Rs in of rooms capital
crore) subsidy
(Rs in
A Kanha, 5.00 10 20% 1.00
Pench Tiger
Reserve &
National Parks &

B Panna &Satpuda 3.00 07 20% 2.00

Tiger Reserve
and adjacent
National Parks &

C Sanjay Dubri 1.00 05 20% 3.00

Tiger Reserve and
National Parks
and adjacent
National Parks
& Sanctuaries
and all other
national parks/
sanctuaries except
as mentioned in A
& B above.

6.16 Additional subsidy to establish Tourism Projects in distant & new ulterior
areas -
Additional 5% Capital Investment Subsidy shall be given to the tourism
projects established in distant and ulterior areas. In such areas the minimum
investment limit shall be 50% of the prescribed limit as mentioned in the
Tourism Policy. Similarly, number of rooms ceiling shall be reduced to 50%.
There shall be no upper limit on maximum amount of capital subsidy.
1. To be eligible for capital investment subsidy, the projects shall have to
be established outside the Nagar Nigam, planning area boundaries of
Indore, Bhopal, Ujjain, Dewas, Sagar, Gwalior, Jabalpur, Katni, Rewa &
Satna cities.
2. There should not be any similar unit within the 10 Kms. radius of
proposed unit.
3. If any such unit established by M.P. Government or its undertaking in
the area of the proposed project shall not be taken in to account, for
the purpose of point 2 above.
4. If a wildlife resorts is eligible to get benefits under this category may
have an option to choose any one category under the tourism policy.
6.17 Capital subsidy to existing hotels for renovation/modernization &
upgradation -
A. On upgradation/renovation/modernization of existing standard hotels
and mini resorts into Deluxe Hotels (minimum 50 rooms) resorts
(minimum 20 rooms),capital subsidy will be provided as per the tourism
policy under such category.
To be eligible for subsidy minimum 10.00 crore investment shall be
B. On upgradation/renovation/modernization of existing deluxe hotels
and resorts into 4 star or higher category Hotels (minimum 75 rooms)
resorts (minimum 25 rooms),capital subsidy will be provided as per the
tourism policy under such category.
To be eligible for subsidy minimum 25.00 crore investment shall be
C. All such units shall be entitled for subsidy on capital investment made
after the enforcement of this Policy.
6.18 It will be mandatory for all units, who have availed subsidy to run the units at
least for three years from the date of availing the subsidy. Such units will submit
a self-declaration on or before 15th of April every year regarding continuous
operation of the unit.

On non-compliance of above conditions the investor shall have to return the
subsidy amount as follows :-
A. Closure of unit within 1 year from the date of receipt of subsidy 80%
amount of subsidy has to be refunded.
B. Closure of unit within 2 years from the date of receipt of subsidy 60%
amount of subsidy to be refunded.
C. Closure of unit within 3 years from the date of receipt of subsidy 50%
amount of subsidy to be refunded.
(ii) For claiming the capital subsidy, application in prescribed format shall
have to be submitted by the eligible unit within 1 year from the date of
commencement of operation.
(iii) Investment made prior to 3 years from the date of commencement
of operation of the unit shall be accepted for calculating the capital
6.19 Investment Promotion assistance to setup Large/Mega/Ultra-mega
tourism projects-
Large/Mega/Ultra-mega tourism projects shall be entitled for Investment
promotion assistance according to their category as follows :-
Catego- Minimum Minimum Percent- Maximum Year wise Percentage of
ry of the invest- number age of In- ceiling of Disbursement of Invest-
project ment of em- vestment Invest- ment Promotion Assis-
in the ployment Promo- ment tance Amount
project (for resi- tion As- Promo-
dents of sistance tion As-
M.P.) on capital sistance First Sec- Third Fourth
invest- (Rs in year ond year year
ment crore)
made by
the unit
Large Rs. 10.00 50 30% 15 10% 10% 5% 5%
crore or
Mega Rs.50.00 100 30% 30 10% 10% 5% 5%
crore or
Ultra- Rs.100 200 30% 90 10% 10% 5% 5%
mega crore or

For setting up Heritage Hotels there quirement of minimum investment and
employment condition shall be 50% of the above-mentioned categories.
Any unit claiming Investment Promotion Assistance shall not be entitled for capital
subsidy in any other category under the policy.
6.20 Subsidy for Responsible tourism -
(i) Any unit certified by Eco Tourism Society of India shall be entitled for
reimbursement of 100% investment made to obtain such certificate
subject to a maximum ceiling of Rs. 1.00 lakh.
(ii) Any new or existing tourism unit which setup Pollution Control
mechanism according to the guidelines of Pollution Control Board,
shall be entitled for 25% subsidy on such investment subject to
maximum Rs. 50.00 lakh provided, the minimum investment is made
more than 10.00 lakh to setup such mechanism.
6.21 Special incentives to SC/ST entrepreneurs -
SC, ST category entrepreneurs who establishes tourism project under 100%
ownership, shall be entitled for an additional 5% capital investment subsidy.
6.22 Phase wise incentives and subsidy to Heritage/Large/Mega & Ultra-
Mega projects-
Heritage/Large/Mega/Ultra-mega projects shall be entitled to get phase
wise incentives/grant during the implementation of project as per approved
implementation timeline. To get phase wise incentives/grant it is mandatory
to complete the first phase of the project in 2 years, 2nd phase in 3 years and
last phase in 5 years. The unit will get benefits only up to the eligibility limits
as per policy.
6.23 For any of the grant/subsidy the capital investment shall be considered which
is acceptable for capital subsidy.
6.24 If any unit is entitled for grant/subsidy in more than one category, shall have
an option to choose the category in which they are willing to get the benefit.
Out of two similar facility only one category could be chosen. For example, if
a unit has the entitlement for both general category of incentive and specific
unit category shall be entitled for only one category.
6.25 Assistance for Tourism Marketing -
(i) In National events for getting space/stall, the tourism unit will get
50% financial assistance subject to a maximum ceiling of Rs. 50.00
(ii) For international events the tourism units shall be entitled for financial
assistance @ 50% of the total expenditure subject a maximum Rs. 1.00
lakh for hiring space/stall and Air fare of 1 person in Economy Class.

(iii) One unit will be entitled only for two events in a year.
(iv) Registered/certified Self-Help Groups/ boards and registered tourism
cooperative societies working in the field of Culture/Food/Traditional
clothes/Handicraft shall be entitled to get, 100% grant (expenditure
made on hiring stall/space, AC-II train fare for 2 persons/Air fare for
1 person in Economy class)subject to a maximum Rs. 1.00 lakh for
participation in national/international events.
6.26 Special grant for operation of Hot Air Balloon -
To promote Adventure Tourism on operation of Hot Air Balloon activity the
operator shall be entitled for capital subsidy @ 50% on capital investment
excluding the cost of land. The minimum investment in such project should
be Rs. 50.00 lakh. The grant shall be given in five years as follows :
• On establishing the activity in First year 15%
• On operation of the activity - Second year 10%
• On operation of the activity - Third year 10%
• On operation of the activity - Fourth year 10%
• On operation of the activity - Fifth year 5%

7. To Promote Week-end Tourism

To attract domestic tourists from other states and to encourage weekend
tourism, resources will be given to District Tourism Promotion Councils for
enhancing andupgrading the tourist facilities as per the expectations of
8. Exemption from Registration and Stamp Duty Fees
8.1 All new heritage hotel projects shall be exempted from paying
Registration Fee and Stamp Duty for the built-up area and one hectare
of appurtenant land. If the adjacent land is more than 1 hectare, then
in such a case the registration and stamp duty shall be payable as
per rules on the land over and above 1 hectare the registration &
stamp duty exemption shall be in the form of reimbursement by the
Department of Tourism after the commencement of the project.
8.2 Registration and stamp duty shall not be payable on Government land
(land parcel, land ancillary to heritage property, land of way side amenity)
and properties of Tourism Department given on lease/development
agreement/ management agreement/license for Tourism Project.
8.3 In case of any change in the Commercial Tax Department’s Policy
regarding exemption in registration fee & stamp duty, the Department

of Tourism will reimburse the amount to investor paid as registration
fee and stamp duty as mentioned in clause 8.2 above.
9. Allotment of land/heritage assets for establishing Tourism Projects
through private investment
9.1 To fulfil the objectives of tourism promotion and establishment of
Tourism Projects through private investment, government land /
heritage properties shall transferred free of cost to Tourism Department.
9.2 For disposal of such land / heritage properties transferred to the
Tourism Department, Madhya Pradesh State Tourism Development
Corporation shall be authorized on behalf of the Tourism Department.
9.3 The decision on whether the identified Government land / land on
which assets are erected and are transferred or would be transferred
to Tourism Department would be leased out for 90 / 30 years or will be
developed through development agreement or giving on license for 5
to 30 years, shall be finally taken by the Tourism Department.
9.4 Reserve price for disposing such land situated within area limit of
municipalbodies or plan area shall be Rs.10 lac per hectare and Rs.5
lac per hectare for any other area as mentioned above.
9.5 The reserve price for bidding of buildings and appurtenant land shall
be Rs.1 lac.Identification and selection of such heritage building and
appurtenant land for disposal shall be made by the Empowered
Committee under the Chairmanshipof the Chief Secretary constituted
under this Policy.
9.6 Disposal of land and heritage assets shall be made through an open
bidding process under the policy. Highest bid proposal over the reserve
price shall be selected for allotment.
9.7 Accepted highest bid value amount as above shall be payable in
lump sum as premium. In addition to this an amount equal to 1% of
this premium amount shall be payable annually as a lease rent.
9.8 Bid amount received against leased land and annual lease rent shall
be kept with MP State Tourism Development Corporation as an amount
received from the Government under a separate head “Disposal of
Government Land and Infrastructure Development”. Corporation can
spend this money on survey of land, transfer, tendering process, power-
road-water supply, area planning, area development, security of assets
and other essential infrastructure developmentas per the guidelines
issued by the Tourism Department.
9.9 Disposal of Government land/lands with heritage assets transferred
to Tourism Department, to private investor for establishment of

tourism projects, shall be made by Madhya Pradesh State Tourism
Development Corporation in accordance with the procedure laid down
in Annexure-1 of the Policy.
9.10 Qualification criteria for bidding of land parcels measuring up to 1
hectare & Way Side Amenities shall be laid down in such a manner
that it enables to entrepreneurs and startups to participate in the
bidding process.
9.11 Heritage properties allotted to private investor by the Department of
Tourism, the time line for establishment of the project shall be given for
5 years which may be extended further 2 years on justified reasons.
9.12 If a proposal received for setting up an Ultra-Mega Project, the land
identified by the proposer can be allotted on prevailing Collector
guideline rates on 90 years lease from the land banks of revenue/
tourism department. Lease rent shall be 1% per year. After completion
of 30 years the lease rent shall be levied 6 times of the prevailing lease
rent. If the proposer has chosen a land parcel from the land bank of
revenue department, the land in question shall be initially transferred to
tourism department. The allotment shall be on the basis of First come
First serve. Such proposals shall be approved by the Empowered
Committee constituted under Tourism Policy.
10. Eco and Adventure Tourism
10.1 Tourism activities shall be carried out in the notified areas under
“Madhya Pradesh Forest (Entertainment and Wildlife experience) Rule
2015”, excluding forest area notified as Sanctuary or National Park
under Wildlife (Conservation) Act, 1972. To promote participation of
private sector in this area, Madhya Pradesh State Tourism Development
Corporation and the concerned undertakings of the Forest Department
shall launch appropriate efforts jointly by devising a transparent
10.2 Barring the notified area referred to in clause 10.1, Department of
Tourism shall be competent to evolve and formulate activities related
to Eco Adventure Tourism in other potential areas for the purpose.
Activities to be operationalised on any location shall be determined
according to local need and potential. In this regard activities such as
Camping, Trekking, Angling, Water Sport, Elephant Safari, Cycle Safari,
Riding trail, Photo Safari, Canoeing Safari, White Waterrafting, Rock
climbing/Mountaineering, Para-Sailing/Para gliding, Hot air ballooning
etc. may be included.
10.3 To attract private investment in Eco-Adventure Tourism, Tourism
Department can offer land on lease or license.

10.4 Procedure to offer the land on lease shall be followed in accordance
with clause 9 of this policy.
10.5 Land can be given on License also, if construction of permanent nature
and massive scale is not required on the land.
10.6 In general land shall be transferred to Tourism Department prior to
giving it on License. However, when it is not possible to do so, license
can still be given after obtaining the consent of the department in
which ownership of such land vests with such conditions that may be
imposed by the department.
10.7 In order to give land on license, period of license, conditions, fee shall
be determined by the Empowered Committee under the Chairmanship
of Chief Secretary constituted under this Policy. In general, period of
License granted will not be less than 5 years and more than 15 years.
10.8 License can be given to more than one applicants on the same
location for more than one activities.
10.9 For procedure to be adopted while granting license related to Eco-
AdventureTourism, detailed guidelines shall be issued by the Tourism
10.10 Rural &Agro tourism shall be given boost and made more objective by
creating better infrastructure facilities.
10.11 Registered Tourism Cooperative Societies shall be eligible for
establishing & operation of adventure tourism and camping sites on
license on the land available with department of tourism.
11. Film Tourism
11.1 Film producers face various difficulties in co-ordinating with different
departments while asking permission for local level shooting. Tourism
Department shall co-ordinate with these departments to obtain the
legal mandatory permissions needed for film producers. This service
can be extended to the concerned producer company on best effort
basis. In this regard General Administration Department shall issue the
order to authorise the Tourism department for taking necessary steps.
11.2 Capital Investment subsidy shall be available for capital expenditure
on creating infrastructure of permanent nature and installation of
equipment for film studio and film production.
11.3 To project and establish, Madhya Pradesh as an ideal shooting
destination, an exhaustive publicity campaign shall be taken up.
11.4 To explore the potential of Film tourism in the State, a separate
comprehensive Film Tourism Policy shall be formulated to establish

state as a preferred destination. To provide trouble free environment,
permission and assistance up to district level proper provisions shall
be made in the Policy. Provisions for incentives on expenditure incurred
in film shooting in the state shall also be considered.
12. Constitution of State/ District Tourism Promotion Council
12.1 The State Tourism Promotion Council shall be established at the State
Level. This Council under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Chief Minister,
shall be constituted with nominated stakeholders in tourism sector.
The constitution of council,functioning, determination of membership
etc. shall be notified separately.
12.2 Play a crucial role of public representatives and officers in attracting
private investors and managing destinations at local level. In various
parts of state,cultural and tourism centric, events are organized at
local levels. Therefore, at each district level, District Tourism Promotion
Council (DTPC) shall be constituted. The Tourism Department shall
issue detailed guidelines to elaborate the activities of this council, its
powers and structure etc.
12.3 Regular training and awareness programmes shall be organized
in coordination with DTPC to create awareness among people of
Government Department/Local residents/ Service Providers/Business
community working at Tourism centers and nearby areas.
13. Water Tourism
13.1 Tourism Department shall have the authority to undertake tourism
activities in the water bodies under the jurisdiction of Narmada Valley
Development Authority, Water Resources Department and the State
13.2 Tourism Department shall get land available in these water areas as
river bank or as island transferred from concerned departments, to
allot in favour of private investors as per provisions of the policy.
13.3 Keeping in mind, the carrying capacity of these water bodies, license
to private investors for house boats, cruise, motor boat and water
sports activities, may be given. Madhya Pradesh State Tourism
Development Corporation shall be authorized to grant such licenses.
For determination of carrying capacity,licensing procedure, conditions
and fee, Empowered Committee under chairmanship of Chief Secretary
constituted under the policy shall be competent.
13.4 Tourism Department shall take necessary steps for comprehensive
tourism planning and infrastructural development of such area suitable
for water tourism.

13.5 Jetty/Boat club setup by tourism department and appurtenant land
shall be made available to the licensees whom license had been
given under Water Tourism Policy to enable them to operate their
activities independently.
13.6 For implementation of the aforesaid clause 13.5, MPTB shall be the
Nodal Agency and shall determine the required rules, conditions & fee
13.7 Preference shall be given to registered Tourism Cooperative Societies
in issuing license for operating water tourism activities in notified areas.
14. Sustainable Tourism
The development and management of tourism destinations should be done in
such a manner that effective conservation of environment, natural resources,
local traditions, culture and products is taken care of. Department of Tourism
shall undertake necessary studies to identify such tourism activities which
adversely impact sustainability and wherever necessary, will take required
steps to regulate/stop them. Further steps will be taken to encourage those
activities having a positive impact. To ensure community participation,
effective strategy of IEC (Information, Education and Communication) shall be
used at local level. State Tourism Promotion Council shall play a crucial role
in ensuring joint participation of all the departments and stakeholders in this
15 Employment oriented skill development, education and training for
15.1 Youth shall be educated and trained in trades relevant to the tourism
industry, through State Institute of Hospitality Management (SIHM),
Madhya Pradesh Institute of Hospitality Training (MPIHT) and Food
Craft Institute (FCI) to ensure employment oriented skill development
education in the tourism sector.
15.2 Youth shall be trained through continuous programme of skill
development under skill development schemes of Government of
15.3 After assessing the training needs of tourism Industry of the State,
suitable courses in the area of hospitality, adventure tourism, catering
and food craft shall be designed and supported financially.
15.4 Madhya Pradesh Institute of Hospitality Training shall collaborate
with national level Universities for organizing certificate and diploma
courses. Madhya Pradesh Institute of Hospitality Training shall be
developed as an institute of excellence in the field of hospitality training
and certification.

15.5 Selection of tourist guides, training and certification shall also be
performed by MPIHT.
16. Investor Facilitation
16.1 Madhya Pradesh State Tourism Development Corporation shall
function as the nodal agency for all actions under this policy.
16.2 For Investment Promotion in Tourism, Corporation shall work in
coordination with MPTRIFAC (Madhya Pradesh Trade & Investment
Facilitation Corporation)/MPIDC (Madhya Pradesh Industrial
Development Corporation).
16.3 At district level, for implementation of Investment promotion activities,
for granting of permissions / registration / no objections / licenses at
local level to Investor for establishment of Tourism Projects, General
Manager, District Trade and Industries Centre (GM DTIC) shall be
nominated as the point of contact. GMDTIC is the Secretary of District
Level Empowered Committee constituted under” M.P. Investment
Facilitation Act, 2008”.
16.4 The General Manager shall get resolved all such Investment related
proposals in tourism sector through the committee constituted under
chairmanship of District Collector as above. District Trade and Industries
Centre shall get adequate support from Tourism Department/Madhya
Pradesh State Tourism Development Corporation in this endevour.
17. Development of Way Side Amenities
Through proper planning, high quality tourist facilities shall be developed on
National/State highway and other major roads at approximately every 40-50
km distance under ”Way Side Amenities Establishment and Operation Policy,
2016” issued by TourismDepartment.
Registered Tourism Cooperative Societies shall be eligible to participate in
tendering process for Brown field and Green field way side amenities of
Tourism Department.
18. Facilities to Tourism Sector similar to Industries
Projects detailed in clause 5 of the policy, shall be given facilities similar to
Industries as below:
18.1 Efforts will be made to make power available to Tourism Projects at
industrial tariff.
18.2 Tourism Projects for their establishment will be allotted the land
reserved for the purpose of amenities in the Industrial areas/Industrial
Parks/Industrial city/IT Parks developed by Commerce & Industries
Department, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Department, Science
& Technology Department of State, as a service sector unit at the rate

under departmental policy.
18.3 On diversion of land under M.P. Land Revenue code for Tourism
projects, diversion fee shall be charged as per industrial rate.
18.4 For Tourism Projects, Water Resource department shall allow the
consumption of water from its sources on industrial rate.
18.5 Local bodies shall charge property tax/development charge on
building constructed for Tourism Project as per industrial rate.
19. Special Efforts for Comprehensive Tourism Development
19.1 All efforts will be made to access national as well international tourist
markets for marketing, branding, advertising of Tourism Products of
Madhya Pradesh.
19.2 In order to develop and encourage new tourism products, support of
voluntary/commercial organizations and experts will be solicited.
19.3 All modes of communication including digital and social media
platforms shall be used for marketing, advertising, branding of tourism
19.4 Successful entrepreneurs in tourism sector shall be encouraged and
their expertise used to benefit the state.
19.5 Private transport operators shall be linked to tourism areas and
encouraged to provide quality transport services.
19.6 Local bodies specially Municipal Corporations and Municipalities will
be encouraged to support conservation of heritage assets and other
places of tourist importance alongwith establishment of quality public
amenities.Required support to them will be extended.
19.7 For domestic and foreign tourists, pre-planned tourist packages (fixed
tours) shall be developed and marketed.
19.8 For complete and balanced development of existing tourism area/
new areas with tourism potential, masterplans shall be developed.
19.9 To induce awareness and attraction in the new generation various
activities will be carried out in schools/colleges and outstanding
students will be suitably encouraged.
19.10 An entrepreneur with intent to invest in tourism shall be given full support
in establishment of his/her Tourism Project by way of development of
infrastructure required there upon.
19.11 To honour and encourage excellence in tourism, “Madhya Pradesh
State Tourism Awards” shall be given in various categories.

19.12 Tourism projects established by private investors shall be displayed on
Departments’ Website.
19.13 Along with MPSTDC’s Hotels/resorts private hotel/resorts/tourism
projects shall be marketed through marketing infrastructure and
marketing offices of MPSTDC.
19.14 Tourist facilities shall be developed at the heritage tourist destinations
of Global attractions to make them tourists most favoured destination
and intensive marketing and publicity shall be done.
19.15 Under Religious Tourism predominant religious destinations of the
State shall be developed according to the need of tourists to make
them tourist friendly.
20. Implementation of Tourism Policy
In order to make available required facilities/rebate/license etc. to tourism
projects concerned departments shall issue necessary guidelines, notifications
or amend the rules. In this context, if difference of opinion arises or difficulties
emerge, then matters including clarifications/explanations/disputes shall be
placed before the Empowered Committee comprising of following members
under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary for resolution:-
• Principal Secretary, Finance
• Principal Secretary, Tourism
• Principal Secretary, Forest
• Principal Secretary, Culture
• In-charge Secretary of department related with the case
• Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh State Tourism Development
Corporation shall be the Member Secretary.
Committee may take decision in accordance with the prevailing policy and
the decision thus taken shall be final and binding on all concerned and its
compliance shall bemandatory for the concerned department. Committee
shall discharge all the responsibilities mandated under this policy.
The Committee shall be empowered to take decisions on the basis of
suggestions/ complaints made by investors/stakeholders. The decision of the
Committee shall be binding on all concerned departments to take suitable
21. Repeal
21.1 From the date of enforcement of this new policy, “Tourism Policy 2010
(as amended 2014)” shall stand repealed. However, during the currency
of previous policy, units eligible for various subsidies and facilities in

that period under the provisions of then prevailing policy, will be eligible
to the claims in the samemanner as they would normally do.
21.2 From the date of enforcement of new policy, disposal of Government
land allotted to Tourism Department for Tourism Development in
Madhya Pradesh through auction Policy - 2008 (As amended 2014)
shall stand repealed.
Note: For any clarification/interpretation notified Hindi version of this policy shall be

Annexure - 1
Procedure for disposal of Government land allotted to
Tourism Department through auction

Disposal of land/heritage assets situated in Nazul/Non Nazul / Rural area allotted

to TourismDepartment for fulfillment of objectives mentioned in Tourism policy and
for tourism development, shall be made through auction under following procedure:

1. For fulfillment of objectives mentioned in the prevailing Tourism policy in State,

and for tourism development, competent authority shall allot and transfer free
of cost government land/heritage assets to Tourism Department.
1.1 For disposal of such allotted and transferred land and heritage assets,
Madhya Pradesh State Tourism Development Corporation (that shall
be called Corporation hereon) an undertaking of Tourism department,
shall be the Process Manager. Corporation as a Process Manager
shall perform activities such asselection of commercial consultants,
preparation of detailed project report, inviting Expression of Interest,
conduct of auction in transparent manner etc. Process Manager shall
prepare documents such as Request for Proposal (RFP), Expression
of Interest also as per need. Corporation shall discharge the above
responsibilities in the following manner:
1.1.1 Corporation is authorised for identification, demarcation of transferred
land/heritage properties to Tourism Department and to prepare
requisite documents in this regard. The corporation shall obtain desired
information from the District Collector to prepare such documents.
1.1.2 After confirmation of ownership entry in revenue record for transferred
land in favour of tourism department, Corporation shall prepare
information regarding demarcation, land use, possession etc. and
shall submit requisite report to tourism department for administrative
approval for disposal of the land.
1.1.3 Corporation shall select commercial consultant as per the need and
with the help of the Consultant Corporation shall prepare detailed
Project Report, Tender document and conditions, Invitation for
Expression of Interest etc. for development of tourism related activities/
projects on the said land.
1.1.4 In documents prepared as above, if required Corporation can also
recommend the activities which must be carried out by the successful
bidder within a year from the date of getting possession of land.
Required permissions, no objections etc. have to be obtained by the
Investor for implementation of the Project.

1.2 Reserve price, premium and Lease Rent:
1.2.1 Reserve price shall be calculated as Rs.10 lac per hectare for areas
within the municipal limits and plan areas.
1.2.2 For disposal of buildings of Heritage importance and appurtenant land,
reserve price shall be Rs.1 lac. Identification and selection of heritage
building and appurtenant land for disposal shall be decided by the
Empowered Committee under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary
constituted under this Policy.
1.2.3 Excluding land referred to in clause 1.2.1, calculation of reserve price
for land in remaining other places shall be Rs.5 lac per hectare.
1.2.4 Disposal of building and land associated with Way Side Amenities
shall be dealt with as per the provisions of “Way Side Amenities
establishment and management Policy 2016”.
1.2.5 Lease rent for said land shall be 1% annually of accepted premium for
1.2.6 Lease rent on land, between the date of execution of lease deed and
first 31st March there on shall be payable as first annual lease rent.
Subsequently, for coming financial year, from 1st April Lease rent shall
be payable for full financial year.
2. On obtaining permission from Tourism Department for the disposal of said
land/heritage assets, Managing Director of the Corporation shall advertise
notice inviting Expression of Interest/Tender. Time period for submission of
proposal towards Expression of Interest/Tender shall be minimum 30 days.
This process shall be carried out as given below:
2.1 Notice Inviting tender/Expression of Interest/auction of heritage
properties shall be published as per need in State/National level
newspaper by the Corporation. For the sake of wide publicity publication
of notice may be repeated. With other reliable methods it shall be
extensively publicized that land is to be offered through auction only.
Notice should go in public domain through website of the Corporation
too. Tender notice will be issued in prescribed format. Managing
Director, Madhya Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation may
make necessary changes as per need and suitability of project.
2.2 Scrutiny of Tenders/Proposals received:
2.2.1 Scrutiny of technical eligibility of proposals received under Expression
of Interest or Inviting tender shall be carried out by the Scrutiny
Committee constituted as below:
1. Director Tourism Promotion unit
2. General Manager (Finance)

3. Chartered Accountant of the Corporation
4. Commercial Consultant (if any)
2.2.2 After evaluating the technical bid, financial evaluation of eligible
tenderers financial bid shall be carried out by the Committee as
constituted below:
1. Managing Director, (Addl. M.D./E.D. nominated by M.D.) - Chairman
2. Accounts Officer, Office of Tourism Commissioner - Member
3. Chartered Accountant of Corporation - Member
4. Commercial Consultant (if any) - Member
5. Director Tourism Promotion unit - Member Secretary
2.3 To scrutinize the proposals obtained on the basis of Expression of
Interest (EOI), Committee mentioned above shall determine the
yardstick for pre-condition/ eligibility criterion, after having sought
opinion of commercial consultant (if needed) specially appointed for
this project. On the basis of such yardstick, proposal obtained against
Expression of Interest shall be scrutinized and calling of financial bid
from among the eligible participants, shall be initiated. To eligible
applicants after the scrutiny, request for proposal document shall be
sent. Proposals shall be obtained from these eligible applicants under
limited competition among them.
2.4 Financial proposals obtained through EOI or Invitation of open tender
shall be analysed by the “Evaluation Committee” said above, and
shall submit the financial proposal under consideration with their
recommendation to administrative department for decision.
2.5 Tourism Department shall within 45 days from the receipt of the
financial proposal of “Evaluation Committee”, take the decision to
approve or disapprove the financial proposal, and communicate to
Corporation the decision. If the decision is not made within 45 days,
highest bidder shall have the right to quit the tender and take back his
earnest money.
2.6 After receiving the administrative approval for the financial proposal,
earnest money of other bidders except the highest bidder shall be
refunded immediately.
2.7 After getting the administrative approval regarding sanction of the
proposal by the State Government, Corporation shall inform the
successful bidder. The successful bidder shall have to deposit the
payable amount after adjusting the earnest money within 60 days
from the date of receipt of intimation. In case of non-payment within
60 days, an extension of 4 months may be given with a simple interest

@ 12% per annum. If the bidder fails of deposit the premium amount
even after 4 months extended time limit, on reasonable & justified
grounds Managing Director, M.P. Tourism Board may extend such
duration for one year from the bid due date with a simple interest @
12% per annum.
2.8 If remaining amount is not deposited within stipulated time, a special
permission for 1 month on justified reasons as a last chance may
be given to deposit the amount. If the amount is not deposited in
this extended time limit, allotment shall be cancelled with forfeiture
of earnest money and land shall bere-auctioned. In such event, such
bidder shall not be allowed to bid in re-auction as an individual, in
partnership or in consortium.
2.9 On identified Government land/land on which assets are already
created and transferred or would be transferred to Tourism Department,
final decision, to lease out for 90/30 year or to develop through
development/ management agreement or on license for 5-30 years
shall be taken by the Tourism Department.
2.10 Tender amount and annual lease rent receivable against the leased
land shall be retained separately by the Corporation in the head
“Disposal of Governmentl and and Infrastructure Development”.
Corporation may spend this money for survey of land, transfer, power
/ water supply, Road/ area planning, area development, security of
assets and other infrastructural development as per guidelines issued
by the Tourism Department.
2.11 From successful bidders, performance security in the form of bank
guarantee fixed deposit receipt equivalent to 10% of project cost
subject to a maximum of Rs. 2.00 crore shall be obtained which shall
be refunded, after successful operation of project for 3 years.
2.12 After the deposit of all receivables, lease deed in favour of highest
bidder shall be executed which shall be registered under Indian
Stamp Act at bidder’s cost within 90 days. On submission of certified
true copy of the deed, Corporation shall handover the possession of
land to successful bidder.
2.13 State Government holds right to approve or disapprove any proposal
without assigning any reason. In this regard decision of State
Government shall be final and binding on all bidders.
2.14 Corporation shall specifically mention in Expression of Interest/tender
document the period for completion of the project. Within a year from
the date of possession, successful bidder has to start the work after
obtaining mandatory required permissions / no objections. In case of
non completion of project in stipulated time, considering the effective

steps taken and justified reason, an extension of one year may be
granted for two times on submission of theapplication by the bidder.
On non completion of work even after expiry of such extended time
period, lease deed may cancelled along with forfeiture of all deposited
amount and bank guarantee may be revoked.
2.15 To execute lease deed, Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh State
Tourism Development Corporation shall be authorized as representative
of Tourism Department.
2.16 In general, tender earnest money shall be equivalent to 10% of the
reserve price subject to maximum of Rs. 20 lac. Managing Director is
authorized to determine the earnest money in special cases.
2.17 For amendment in lease deed under prevailing policy, Empowered
Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary is

Note: For any clarification/interpretation notified Hindi version of this policy shall be

~«mÊSoo>S> hmoQ>b àmoËgmhZ Zr{V 2019
1. `h Zr{V ~«mÊSoo>S> hmoQ>b àmoËgmhZ Zr{V 2019 H$hbmEJr & Bg Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V Zr{V bmJy hmoZo Ho$
{XZm§H$ go 05 df© H$s Ad{Y ‘| ñWmm{nV hmoH$a ~«mÊS>oS> hmoQ>ëg Ho$ {b`o ì`mdgm{`H$ ê$n go àma§^ hmoZo
dmbr BH$mB©`m| VWm ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>ëg H$mo 7 df© Ho$ Ad{Y ‘| ñWm{nV hmoH$a bm^ àmá H$aZo H$s nmÌVm
ahoJr &
2. Zr{V Ho$ à`moOZ hoVw ~«mÊS>g H$mo àXoe ‘| ñWm{nV hmoZo dmbr n[a`moOZmAm| H$s g§^mdZmAm| H$mo XoIVo
hþE 03 lo{U`m| ‘| dJuH¥$V {H$`m OmVm h¡ -
A. ~«mÊS> hmoQ>ëg
~. ~«mÊS> [agm°Q²g©
g. ~«mÊS> ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>ëg
3. Cnamoº$ loUr ‘| ~«mÊS>g H$m M`Z {ZåZ{bpIV ‘mnXÊS>m| na {H$`m OmEJm -
~«mÊS> ho[aQ>oO
H«$. AmYma ~«mÊS> hmoQ>b ~«mÊS> [agmoQ>©
1 J«wn H$s ZoQ>dW© ê$. 100 H$amo‹S> ê$. 50 H$amo‹S> ê$. 50 H$amo‹S>
2 Q>Z© Amoda (dm{f©H$ {dJV {dÎmr` df©) ê$. 150 H$amo‹S> ê$. 100 H$amo‹S> ê$. 100 H$amo‹S>
3 g§Mm{bV H$jm| H$s Ý`yZV‘ g§»`m 750 70 100
4 g§Mm{bV BH$mB©`m| H$s Ý`yZV‘ g§»`m 10 5 5
5 ~«mÊS> /{ZdoeH$ Ûmam Ý`yZV‘ àñVm{dV ê$. 100 H$amo‹S> ê$. 30 H$amo‹S> ê$. 30 H$amo‹S>
Cnamoº$ nmÌVm ‘mnXÊS>m§o H$m à‘mUrH$aU MmQ>©S>© EH$mCÊQ>|Q> Ûmam àñVwV à‘mU nÌ Ed§ ~oboÝg erQ> Ho$
AmYma na {H$`m OmEJm &
4. {ZåZ{b{IV {~OZog ‘m°S>b na H$m‘ H$aZo dmbo ~«mÊS>g H$mo Bg Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V gVV² ghm`Vm H$s
nmÌVm hmoJr -
‘mS>çyb {d{e{ï>`m§
1. H$m§Q´oŠQ> na AmnaoeZ Ý`yZV‘ 10 df© Ho$ {b`o {ZdoeH$ H$s àmnQ>u H$mo AmnaoeZ hoVw
{~OZog EJ«r‘|Q> Ho$ O[a`o ~«mÊS> Ûmam {b`m J`m hmo & ì`dgm{`H$
J{V{d{Y`m| H$m g§MmbZ AnZr {deofkVm Ho$ AmYma na ~«mÊS>
ñd`§ H$aVm hmo & ‘mH}$qQ>J ~«mÊS> Ho$ Ûmam H$s OmVr hmo & ì`dgm`
g§MmbZ H$m gånyU© ì`` gån{ÎmYmaH$/{ZdoeH$ Ûmam dhZ {H$`m
Om ahm hmo &
2. brO Ed§ bm`g|g na AmnaoeZ {ZdoeH$ go ~«mÊS> Ûmam gån{Îm EH$ {Z{üV g‘`md{Y Omo 10
df© AWdm Cggo A{YH$ hmo gH$Vr h¡, Ho$ {b`o br J`r hmo VWm
CgH$m g§MmbZ ~«mÊS> Ûmam {H$`m Om ahm hmo & g§MmbZ ì`` H$m
dhZ ~«mÊS> Ûmam {H$`m OmVm hmo &

3. ’«|$MmBOr na AmnaoeZ ~«mÊS> Ûmam {ZYm©[aV eVm§} Ed§ AmnaoeZ ‘¡Ý`wAb Ho$ AZwgma
{ZdoeH$ H$mo hmoQ>b Ho$ ì`dgm{`H$ g§MmbZ hoVw ~«mÊS-Zo‘ Cn`moJ
H$aZo Ho$ {b`o {X`m J`m hmo & g§MmbZ hoVw Amdí`H$ VH$ZrH$s
nam‘e© Ed§ Amdí`H$VmZwgma ‘mH}$qQ>J gh`moJ ~«mÊS Ûmam {X`m
OmVm hmo & gånyU© AmnaoeZ ì`` ’«o$ÝMmBOr Ûmam {H$`m OmVm hmo&

5. Zr{V A§VJ©V bm^ àmá H$aZo H$s BÀNw>H$ BH$mB©`m| H$m nmÌVm {ZYm©aU g§~§{YV njm| Ho$ ‘Ü` BH$mB©
ñWmnZm Ed§ g§MmbZ Ho$ g§~§Y ‘| ~«mÊS> Ho$ Ûmam {H$`o J`o EJ«r‘|Q> Ho$ AmYma na {H$`m OmEJm &
6. Eogo hmoQ>ëg Omo nyd© go Cnamoº ‘mnXÊS> AZwgma ~«mÊS>oS> ñQ>oQ>g Z aIVo hm| VWm {OZHo$ Ûmam Zr{V bmJy
hmoZo Ho$ Cnam§V Cnamoº ‘mnXÊS> AZwgma ~«mÊS>oS> ñQ>oQ>g àmá {H$`m J`m hmo H$mo ^r Bg Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V
ghm`Vm H$s nmÌVm hmoJr &
7. ~«mÊS>g Ûmam ñWm{nV H$a g§Mm{bV/g§Mm{bV hmoQ>b/[agm°Q>©/ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>b H$mo CZHo$ ì`mdgm{`H$ ê$n
go àma§^ hmoZo Ho$ {XZm§H$ (Date of Commencement of Commercial Operations) go 03 dfm]
Ho$ {bE à{V df© {ZåZmZwgma gVV² g§MmbZ AZwXmZ H$s nmÌVm hmoJr -
A. ~«mÊS>oS> hmoQ>b -
{Z{‘©V {H$am`o na à{V df© hmoQ>b H$jm| AZwXmZ H$s A{YH$V‘ AZwXmZ H$s A{YH$V‘
CnbãY hmoQ>b H$jm| Ho$ {H$am`o go dm{f©H$ dm{f©H$ gr‘m ZdrZ dm{f©H$ gr‘m nyd©
H$s g§»`m àm{á`m| (Q>¡Šg hmoQ>b hoVw ñWm{nV hmoQ>b Ho$ ~«mÊS
N>mo‹S>H$a) Ho$ à{VeV hmoQ>b ‘| n[adV©Z na
Ho$ Vwë` gVV² g§MmbZ
50 H$‘ao 20 à{VeV 1 H$amo‹S> ê$n`o 50 bmI ê$n`o
51-100 H$‘ao 25 à{VeV 2 H$amo‹S> ê$n`o 1 H$amo‹S> ê$n`o
101 `m A{YH$ H$‘ao 30 à{VeV 3 H$amo‹S> ê$n`o 1.5 H$amo‹S> ê$n`o

~. ~«mÊSoµ>S> [agm°Q>© -
{Z{‘©V {H$am`o na à{V df© [agm°Q>© H$jm| AZwXmZ H$s A{YH$V‘ AZwXmZ H$s A{YH$V‘
CnbãY [agm°Q>© H$jm| Ho$ {H$am`o go dm{f©H$ dm{f©H$ gr‘m ZdrZ dm{f©H$ gr‘m nyd©
H$s g§»`m àm{á`m| (Q>¡Šg [agm°Q>© hoVw ñWm{nV [agm°Q>©
N>mo‹S>H$a) Ho$ à{VeV Ho$ ~«mÊS> [agm°Q>© ‘|
Ho$ Vwë` gVV² g§MmbZ n[adV©Z na
10 H$‘ao 20 à{VeV 50 bmI ê$n`o 25 bmI ê$n`o
11-20 H$‘ao 25 à{VeV 1 H$amo‹S> ê$n`o 50 bmI ê$n`o
20 go A{YH$ H$‘ao 30 à{VeV 2 H$amo‹S> ê$n`o 1 H$amo‹S> ê$n`o

g. ~«mÊS>oS> ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>b -
{Z{‘©V {H$am`o na à{V df© ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>b AZwXmZ H$s A{YH$V‘ AZwXmZ H$s A{YH$V‘
CnbãY ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>b H$jm| Ho$ {H$am`o go dm{f©H$ gr‘m ZdrZ dm{f©H$ gr‘m nyd©
H$jm| H$s g§»`m dm{f©H$ àm{á`m| (Q>¡Šgµ ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>b hoVw ñWm{nV ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>b
N>mo‹S>H$a) Ho$ à{VeV Ho$ ~«mÊS> ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>b
Ho$ Vwë` gVV² g§MmbZ ‘| n[adV©Z na
10 H$‘ao 20 à{VeV 75 bmI ê$n`o 40 bmI ê$n`o
11-30 H$‘ao 25 à{VeV 1.5 H$amo‹S> ê$n`o 80 bmI ê$n`o
30 go A{YH$ H$‘ao 30 à{VeV 2 H$amo‹S> ê$n`o 1.20 H$amo‹S> ê$n`o

8. BH$mB©`m| Ûmam AZwXmZ CZHo$ à{V df© g§MmbZ Ho$ Cnam§V hmoQ>b/[agm°Q>©/ho[aQ>oO hmoQ>b H$jm| Ho$ {H$am`o
go dm{f©H$ àm{á`m| Ho$ AmYma na à{V df© Šbo‘ H$aZm hmoJm& H$jm| Ho$ {H$am`o go hmoZo dmbr dm{f©H$ àm{á`m|
H$m à‘mUrH$aU/{ZYm©aU AmdoXH$ Ûmam XmpIb {H$`o J`o dm{f©H$ OrEgQ>r [aQ>Z© H$s ñd-gË`m{nV à{V
Ho$ AmYma na {H$`m OmEJm &
9. AZwXmZ àmá BH$mB©`m| H$m ~«mÊS>g Ho$ Ûmam AZwXmZ H$m 03 df© VH$ bm^ àmá H$aZo Ho$ {XZm§H$ go AJbo
03 df© VH$ g§MmbZ A{Zdm`© h¡ & AZwXmZ àm{á Cnam§V ~§X hmo OmZo dmbr BH$mB©`m| H$mo nyd© df© àmá
AZwXmZ am{e 10 à{VeV dm{f©H$ gmYmaU ã`mO g{hV O‘m H$aZm hmoJr & `h am{e emgZ H$mo Xo`
amOñd H$s ^m§{V dgybr `mo½` hmoJr & BH$mB©`m| Ûmam {Za§Va g§MmbZ Ho$ à‘mU ñdê$n dm{f©H$ Or.Eg.
Q>r. [aQ>Z© H$s ñd-à‘m{UV à{V Ed§ {Za§Va g§MmbZ ~mdV KmofUm nÌ Cnamoº$mZwgma g§MmbZ Ad{Y
‘| à{Vdf© àñVwV H$aZm A{Zdm`© hmoJm &
10. BH$mB©`m| H$mo AZwXmZ ñdrH¥${V Ho$ A{YH$ma à~§Y g§MmbH$, ‘Ü`àXoe Qy>[aÁ‘ ~moS>© H$mo hm|Jo&
11. ‘Ü`àXoe Qy>[aÁ‘ ~moS>© Zr{V Ho$ {H«$`mÝd`Z hoVw ZmoS>b EOoÝgro hmoJm &
12. Zr{V Ho$ {H«$`mÝd`Z hoVw {Z`‘, à{H«$`m {ZYm©aU, AmdoXZ nÌ VWm nmÌVm ‘yë`m§H$Z nÌ Am{X ànÌm|
Ho$ {ZYm©aU hoVw à~§Y g§MmbH$, ‘Ü`àXoe Qy>[aÁ‘ ~moS>© A{YH¥$V hm|Jo &
13. AZwXmZ H$s am{e {d^mJ H$mo àmá ~OQ> ‘X “1271-n`©Q>Z Zr{V H$m {H«$`mÝd`Z” go {dH$bZr` hmoJr&
14. Bg Zr{V Ho$ A§VJ©V àmá hmoZo dmbr ghm`Vm BH$mB© H$mo g‘` g‘` na àM{bV n`©Q>Z Zr{V`m| (`Wm
n`©Q>Z Zr{V 2010, 2014, 2016) Ho$ àmdYmZm| Ho$ AZwgma àmá bmJV ny§Or AZwXmZ AWdm H$a
Ny>Q>/à{Vny{V© Ho$ A{V[aº$ hmoJr &
15. Zr{V {H«$`mÝd`Z g§~§Yr ‘mJ©Xe©Z/{ZX}eZ/{ddmX {ZamH$aU hoVw ‘Ü`àXoe emgZ, n`©Q>Z {d^mJ
A{YH¥$V hmoJm &

Promotion of Branded Hotels Policy 2019

1. The Policy will be called “Promotion of Branded Hotels Policy 2019”. Under this
policy any brand hotel established and commenced commercial operation
with in five years and in case of Heritage Hotels 7 years from the date of
enforcement of this policy shall be eligible for getting benefit of this policy.
2. Keeping in view the possibilities of establishment of projects in the State, the
Brands have been classified in following 3 categories :-
a. Brand Hotels
b. Brand Resorts
c. Brand Heritage Hotels
3. Brands in the above category will be selected on the following criteria –
Brand Brand
S.No. Parameters Heritage
Hotel Resort
1 Group Net worth Rs 100 Rs 50 crore Rs 50 crore
2 Turnover (Past Annual Financial Rs 150 Rs 100 Rs 100
Year) crore crore crore
3 Minimum number of rooms 750 70 100
4 Minimum number of units 10 5 5
5 Minimum proposed investment Rs 100 Rs 30 crore Rs 30 crore
by the brand / investor crore
Above eligibility criteria shall be considered on producing the balance sheet
and a certificate from chartered accountant.
4. Brands working on the following model shall be eligible for perpetual
assistance -
Module Specialties
1. Operation on contract The Brand has taken the property for minimum
10 years for operation on Business agreement.
Commercial operation and marketing is being
performed by the Brand as per his expertise.
All commercial expenses are being born by the
owner/investor of the property.

2. Operation on Lease/License The Brand has taken the property from investor
on Lease/License for a period of not less than 10
years or more and operation is being done by the
Brand. All operational expenses are being born
by the Brand.
3. Operation on franchise The Brand has given franchise to the investor
for operation on certain terms & condition and
operation manual for operation. All required
technical assistance and marketing support in
being given by the Brand. All operational expenses
are being born by the franchise

5. Eligibility of the unit, desirous to avail benefits/incentives under the policy,

shall be determine on the basis of the provisions of the agreement made
between the Brand and the other party.
6. Any hotel who does not possess Brand hotel status prior to enforcement of
this policy and have upgraded the hotel as branded hotel according to the
prescribed norms of Brand Hotel, after enforcement of the policy shall also be
eligible for all benefits under the policy.
7. The hotels / resort / heritage hotels established / operated by the brands will
be eligible for continuous operating grant as below per year for 03 years from
the date of their commercial start.
a. Branded Hotel -
Number of Continuous Maximum Maximum annual
hotel rooms operating grant annual limit limit of grant
built and are equivalent to the of grant for on change
available rent percentage of new hotel of previously
annual receipts established hotel
(excluding to brand hotel
taxes) from
hotel room
rentals per year
50 rooms 20% Rs 1.00 crore Rs 50 Lakh
51-100 rooms 25% Rs 2.00 crore Rs 1.00 crore
101 or more 30% Rs 3.00 crore Rs 1.5 crore

b. Branded Resort -
Number of Continuous Maximum Maximum annual
resort rooms operating grant annual limit limit of grant on
available on equivalent to the of grant for change of
rent percentage of new resort pre-established
annual receipts resort to brand
(excluding resort
taxes) from the
rental of resort
rooms per year
10 rooms 20% Rs 50 Lakh Rs 25 Lakh
11-20 rooms 25% Rs 1.00 crore Rs 50 Lakh
20 or more 30% Rs 2.00 crore Rs 1.00 crore

c. Branded Heritage Hotel -

Number of Continuous Maximum Maximum annual
heritage hotel operating grant annual limit limit of grant
rooms built and equivalent to the of grant on change of
are available percentage of for new pre-established
on rent annual receipts heritage heritage hotel to
(excluding hotel brand heritage
taxes) from hotel
the rental of
heritage hotel
rooms per year
10 rooms 20% Rs 75 Lakh Rs 40 Lakh
11-30 rooms 25% Rs 1.50 crore Rs 80 Lakh
30 or more 30% Rs 2.00 crore Rs 1.20 crore
8. Units shall have to submit their claim every year on the basis of total receipts of
room rent (excluding taxes) of the Hotel / Resort/ Heritage Hotel. Certification/
assessment of the actual annual Receipts of the room rent shall be based on
self-certified copy of the annual GST return submitted by the applicant.
9. The brand shall have to keep continuous operation of Hotel for further 3 years
after getting the 3rd year’s incentive. Incase if the unit shut down its operation
after availing of subsidy amount shall have to pay back the released subsidy
amount of previous year along with an interest @10% per year. This amount
shall be recoverable as revenue recovery. The unit shall have to submit a self-
certified declaration in lieu of continued operation of the unit.

10. Managing Director, M.P. Tourism Board shall be authorized to sanction the
grant to the units.
11. Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board shall be the Nodal Agency for implementation
of the policy.
12. The Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board shall be authorized
to determine the rules/process/application format/criteria for evaluation of
eligibility etc.
13. Subsidy amount will be debited from the amount received by the department
under budget head “1271-implemantation of Tourism Policy.”
14. The benefits/incentive being provided under this policy shall be in addition to
the incentives being given in the tourism policies enforced time to time in the
year 2010, 2014 and 2016.
15. The Department of Tourism, Government of Madhya Pradesh shall be the final
authority to resolve any dispute / issuance of directives/guiding principles for
implementation of this policy.


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