Su 2013

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Investigation of the CIGS Thin Film Solar Cells with Post-

Selenized Absorbers Deposited by Sputtering From a Single

Quaternary Target Using Electrical Characterization Methods
Yue-Shun Su, Chia-Hao Hsu, Chuan Chang, and Chih-Huang Lai*
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan

Abstract --- The goal of this study is to understand the role of

selenium on the quaternary-sputtered CIGS films. Based on the To understand the selenization effects in our system, we
CIGS thin films deposited by sputtering from a single quaternary
target, we performed a post-selenization treatments in order to deposited 2-µm CIGS thin films on Mo-coated soda lime glass
improve electrical properties of the CIGS devices. After the (SLG) by pulse-dc sputtering from a copper-poor quaternary
devices were completed, we first conducted current-voltage CIGS target, with the base pressure lower than 4×10-6 Torr and
measurements to collect basic device output parameters, followed the temperatures held at 500℃. Two samples were prepared
by capacitance-voltage measurement, and admittance with conditions summarized in Table1.
measurements to gather defect-related information. With the
help of the above methods, we suggest that selenium TABLE I CONDITIONS OF THE DEVICES.
incorporation can possibly play the role of neutralizing selenium
vacancies and selenium-related defects near the junction Sample Process Temperature Post-Selenization
Index Terms --- admittance measurement, charge carrier A CIGS deposited at 500℃ Unselenized
density, photovoltaic cells, sputtering, defect
B CIGS deposited at 500℃ Selenized at 300℃,
I. Introduction 30min

The advantage of low material consumption makes

Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin film solar cells a promising type of Devices were completed by chemical bath deposited (CBD)
photovoltaic devices. Its efficiency over 20% has been n-type CdS at 60℃, followed by rf-sputtered intrinsic ZnO,
reported on the laboratory-scale cell by a 3-stage co- aluminum-doped ZnO (AZO) window layer, and evaporated
evaporation process [1][2]. In view of industry scale, Al electrodes.
sputtering processes for CIGS absorbers are of great interests After the device fabrication, current-voltage measurements
for large-scale production. In our previous work, we presented (IV), capacitance-voltage measurements (CV), and admittance
a promising one-step sputtering process, which can make the spectroscopy (AS) were carried out using Keithley 4200SCS
fabrication much more straightforward [3]. However, CIGS system. The conversion efficiency was obtained with an
devices prepared by sputtering techniques cannot yet reach as AM1.5 solar simulator.
high efficiency as evaporated ones. There should be some
dominating factors limiting the efficiencies, with high III. Results and Discussion
possibility related to defects. Therefore, in order to improve
device properties of one-step sputtering CIGS solar cells, we Photovoltaic characteristic of the samples was investigated
have to better understand the behaviors of defects in the CIGS by I-V measurement, as shown in Figure 1. The unselenized
absorbers. sample shows a distinct roll-over I-V characteristic, which
disappears when additional selenium was diffused into CIGS.
Voc, Rsh, Rs, and FF are considerably improved, leading to
In this work, we made efforts to understand the role of 2.34% efficiency enhancement, as summarized in Table 2. In
selenium on one-step quaternary-sputtered CIGS films. The respect of eliminating roll-over phenomenon, the post-
post-selenization was conducted on as-deposited CIGS films. selenization treatment seems to play the same role as Na
Effects of selenium on electrical properties of the sputtered incorporation, as reported in the previous literature [4].
films were investigated.

II. Experimental Detail To further understand the electronic effects of selenium,

capacitance techniques were applied. Figure 2 shows the

978-1-4799-3299-3/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 2039

capacitance-voltage results of the two samples. After extra Se ranged from 1 kHz to 1 MHz. We held the samples at the
was diffused into CIGS, the charge density is slightly reduced. lowest temperature for 1 hour (around 90K) to ensure
The unselenized sample exhibits an extra charge distribution complete cool down.
near the interface region, which is regarded as the main cause
of the roll-over phenomenon. As explained in reference [5] , when the temperature
40 decreases, the emission rate of a defect would be lower than a
A (Unselenized)
B (Selenized) certain applied ac-frequency, so the defect fails to response,
resulting in an obvious step-like characteristic feature.
Current (mA)

Fig. 3 shows the admittance measurement results of the two

10 samples. The free carrier densities of the two samples stay
0 nearly at the same value. The unselenized sample contains two
obvious step features, resulting in the defect activation
-10 energies of 122meV and 474meV respectively. The latter one
locates deep in the band gap, harmfully influencing Voc and
-0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 FF. Considering the Se-poor CIGS film composition (Se loss
Voltage (Volt) always happens during our sputtering deposition process), we
Fig. 1. The I-V characteristics of the two samples. The unselenized may refer such deep donors to selenium vacancies (VSe) or
sample (black) shows a roll-over phenomenon while the selenized VSe-related complex. The shallow one may provide free
one presents a normal curve.
carriers at room temperature. After the post- selenization,
although the C-f sweep from 200K to 300K still reflects a
TABLE II PARAMETERS OBTAINED FROM I-V broad defect states energetic distribution, the deep defect is
MEASUREMENT, THE DEVICE PERFORMANCES ARE annihilated. It suggests that in the unselenized sample, large
IMPROVED COMPREHENSIVELY. amount of selenium vacancies may exist, and these defects are
Voc Jsc Rs Rsh Efficiency compensated by additional Se doping, resulting in better Voc,
Sample FF
(Volt) (mA/cm2) (Ω-cm2) (Ω -cm2) (%) FF, and efficiency. Furthermore, the capacitance is obviously
compressed, meaning the overall defect densities are lowered,
A 0.39 27.68 8.56 57.84 0.41 4.39
which may also improve device properties.
B 0.48 25.43 4.39 124.51 0.55 6.73 40
A (Unselenized) Ea1=122meV 100
35 Ea2=474meV 120
A (Unselenized) 140
10 30 150
B (Selenized) 160
Capacitance (nF)
Charge Density (10 cm )


25 180

20 210
1 15 240
10 270
5 300

10 100 1000
Frequency (kHz)
0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
40 B(Selenized) 100
Averaged Distance from Junction <x> (um) Ea= 80 meV 110
35 130
30 160
Capacitance (nF)

Fig. 2. Charge density derived from CV measurement results. 25 180
There is an unique extra charge distribution near the PN interface for 200
the unselenized sample. 220
15 240
Admittance measurements were performed as a function of 10
frequency at a series of temperatures and carried out in our 280
5 300
home-made probe-station with the temperature ranging from
95K to 300K using Keithley 4200SCS electrical measurement 10 100 1000

system and Lakeshore temperature controller with temperature Frequency (kHz)

fluctuation within 0.05K at steady state. All data were Fig. 3. The admittance spectroscopy (C-f sweeps at various
temperatures) for the unselenized sample and the selenized sample.
obtained in dark with zero bias. The amplitude of the AC
signal was fixed at 100 mV and the sweeping frequency

978-1-4799-3299-3/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 2040

IV. Conclusion 5. J.T. Heath, J.D. Cohen, W.N. Shafarman Thin Solid
We have investigated the selenization effect on the electronic Films 2003 431 –432 p. 426–430.
properties of CIGS films from a single quaternary target. We
found significant difference between the two samples from IV,
CV, and admittance measurement. The change in IV
characteristics lies in with and without roll-over phenomenon.
CV measurement reveals a slight decrease in charge density
and increase in depletion region. Particularly, we observe an
unique extra charge distribution near the interface region,
which with high possibility can be correlated to a large amount
of defect accumulation. Furthermore, we conducted
admittance measurements to derive activation energies of the
main defects in both samples. We then attribute the deep
defect in the unselenized sample to selenium vacancies (VSe)
or VSe-related defects because the CIGS film is selenium
deficient. What is more, we may locate the above possible
defects near the interface, leading to the unique charge
distribution in the CV profile. Regarding the selenized sample,
the above defects are neutralized by the incorporation of Se
atoms, giving rise to the disappearance of roll-over
phenomenon, and therefore better Voc and FF. After the post
selenization, the capacitance difference in Admittance
spectrum is obviously compressed, meaning the overall defect
densities are lowered, contributing to the improved device


This work is supported by NSC 98-3114-E-007-002-CC2 and

NSC 100-3113-E-007-009-CC2.

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978-1-4799-3299-3/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 2041

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