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Chapter One-Revelation
I glared at the revision notes in front of me as if it would help me for the exam I would be facing tomorrow. It was a crisp late autumn evening outside and the sun had just set behind the hills surrounding the valley of which I had lived all of my 14 years. The harvest moon was slowly creeping up the navy sky as the hour drew on. I stared at the moon wishing for a change in my boring, simplistic and uneventful life. Nothing too drastic I thought to myself as I glanced around my small bedroom taking in the familiar surroundings of which I had came to call my sanctuary. The shrill ring from the house phone down stairs and my fathers gruff voice answering whoever it was calling brought me out of my hopeful thoughts. The liveliest thing thats ever happened to me was Ellas reaction when she first discovered the joys of Glee and that was enough excitement for two lifetimes. No I like my life and I dont want it to change, I am perfectly content with my family and friends I said aloud to no one in particular trying to convince myself that this life I had settled into was me. Whether it worked or not, I wasnt sure. Okay. So the group no. is the no. of electrons in the outer shell. Atomic structure one of the most complicated things in the world. At least that's what I always thought and a lot of 14 year olds probably think the same thing? Yeah try living my life. So all of this started, by just dropping a cup of hot chocolate on the floor, making the cup smash and the brown yumminess go all over the place. Normal thing to do, yup, six months ago I would have thought that too. Not anymore though.

Officially giving up on my revision I packed my bag according to what I had the next the day. I pealed off my clothes throwing them in my wash basket and pulled on my pajamas sluggishly; stifling a yawn I shuffled my way to the bathroom making a beeline for my toothbrush and toothpaste. Mid-way through brushing I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and cringed, the dark circles under my eyes revealed just how tired I was, making a vivid contrast to my pale, Irish skin and freckles. The growing pains in my left elbow had made sure of the late night causing a zombie-like me to trudge down stairs the next morning. I prayed/begged to granddad Mc Cartin to minimize the chances of that reoccurring tonight again. Spitting the toothpaste in the sink Lizzie padded back to her bedroom and crawled into her bed. Allowing my self to be smothered in the comfort the blanket provided my and fell into a peaceful slumber. Im Lizzie Mc Cartin, Im 14 years old and this is my story. I woke the next morning to sunlight streaming in from my bedroom window giving the room a peaceful atmosphere, rolling over onto my side I glanced at the clock on her bedside table. 7:30, sighing I hauled myself out of the comfy warm snugness that my bed provided and got dressed for the day ahead. Picking out a dark blue longsleeved top and a pair of jeans, I struggled to put them on quickly whilst my eyes were still barely open . It was the 11th of December 2010, 6 months since my 14th birthday, my mum and dad had given me 20. But Grandma Mc Cartin had gotten me this really pretty necklace- which was strange because it was usually the other way round. The reason why I didnt get much presents was that I told my parents that I didnt want much this year as I thought, no I knew that, they spent way too much money on me. I know stereotypically that as a kid that didnt have any brothers or sisters was supposed to be spoilt. But ever since I figured this out I told my parents that they where only allowed to get me 1

present at my birthday and Christmas, the same went for Grandma but she wasnt much of a problem she only gave 20 each time during the year youre meant to get present, which Im not complaining about, but Im trying to save up for a really good mobile phone (one that can cope with me as its owner e.g. being able to withstand being dropped all over the place). The chain was really nice though, the minute I saw it I loved it. It suited me perfectly, plain yet nice. It was silver with ancient symbols engraved into the front with little fake emeralds well at least I thought they where fake. Even thought I was more of a sapphire person. I like dark blue, almost a midnight blue. The day started off pretty normal, well aside from the fact I had a growing pain. Doesn't sound strange do it? Yeah this is a growing pain I've had for 6 months. Think about it not exactly normal is it? But apart from that it was a pretty okay morning. Ella was waiting at the bus stop when I got there- Ella was one my best friends- With earphones plugged in. I felt a grin slowly crept its way across my face as I tiptoed behind her. I like taking the piss out my friends either by scaring them or making a sarcastic comment. I walked up behind her and gently the shoved her. Effectively this makes her leap a foot high in the air "Jesus Liz you scared the shit out of me" She exclaimed breathless from the shock. "No kidding, wow you should really try out for the high jump" I grinned sarcastically. Making her scowl "Sorry you were asking for it though" I clarified, my mouth still twitching from me trying not to laugh. Guess who I was taking to last night?" she chirped excitedly her face glowing. Eh, Liam" I replied. Liam according to her and Natalie was the best was the best looking lad in the school. Not that there was many mind you. Yeah, how'd you know" she asked, eyes forming slits in

suspicion. 1. Youre grinning like an ejit and 2. You told me last night. At 1 in the morning might I add? Some of us need are beauty sleep" Ella was one of the best looking girl in school- bitch knew it too- blonde short hair, piercing jade green eyes, thin and tall to put off. Oh. But still can you believe it. Like I mean, Liam, one of the best looking boys in this school, I still cant believe you didnt go out with him when he asked you, are you wise in the head? Like why would you turn someone like him down? Give me one good reason why you wont go out with him? she gives me a hard stare, well, try to give me a hard stare. She really could not look mean even if she had a dagger in hand threatening me; we both knew I was the one who could give looks that would make you think if looks could kill! Just looking at her with that face on her made me bite my cheek to keep me from snickering. Ah, let me think maybe because hes a stuck up jerk I supposed. Ugh, Liz he is not a jerk, sure he can be a bit loud I raised my eyebrow up at her alright quite loud and hes not stuck up he just has confidence she said defensively Ella, theres a bit of a bit of a difference between confidence and pig headedness I said sarcastically Liz why are you so "Hey" a familiar called cutting her off- Sophie another one of my best friends. Sometimes she just had her moments timed to perfection Hiya" Whats up" she nonchalantly Ellas defending Liam. Again I replied shaking head. Oh my God there he is" Ella gushed I swear she was swooning and on the verge of collapsing right in front of us.

Hello ladies" said a particularly unwelcome voice. I threw Sophie a you've got to be kidding me look to which she just shook her head in reply. Lets go I muttered under my breath to Sophie grabbing her by the arm. Leaving so soon Lizzie, my charms too much for you honey, where you going? Liam mocked by the sounds of it he probably had a smug look on his face. Deep breaths Liz come on girl; dont let him get to ya. To get some peace and quiet I mumbled emotionlessly without turning around to face him. An awkward silence filled the space where Ella was supposed to start defending him, so I trudged down the wet cold footpath, bracing the spine chilling winter winds that whisked by me, and slowly got on the bus. You okay? I heard Sophies gentle voice smooth down the ringing in my ears; I just nodded, not feeling up to giving an answer. Okay well, just so you know, Im proud of you, you actually shut-up that creep, I dont know how you did it, but not only did you keep him quiet, but you also left Ella Speechless and that is an achievement in its self. I felt my lips twitch a little; Ella could go on a bit. Thankfully Sophie knew to drop the subject because to be honest I didnt really care, whether or not I shut up Liam ONeill just didnt matter to me at that moment, never knew why though. Sometimes he did my head in, well most of the time, and most of the time I usually ate his head off, but today I just lacked the energy physically, spiritually and mentally. "Ella looks pissed" Robin observed in a once we sat down "You can say that again, what did you do?" Natalie agreed, so we- mostly Sophie quickly filled her in on what had taken place. But when we looked back she was the end of the line chatting away- or flirting away to whichever way you want to put it- to Liam and ended up sitting beside him. "Uh-oh here comes trouble" Soph announced we all turned

to the front of the bus to see Carla and her "girls" otherwise known as Miss Slut 2010 and her army of Skanks. "Ella better get here quick" Natalie stated nervously. "Liz, do something" Soph pleaded "What you want me to do?" I trailed off looking around. Think Lizzie think. Just then Sophie's brother, Darren, got on. Bingo! I started clicking my fingers to get his attention until finally he looked up. I tried to tell him to get Carla's bag and slide it underneath the seats. Somehow he understood and complied with a shrug. Then he slid the bag down to me. I leaned over Sophie "Once I set the bag down, you tell Ella to get her flirtatious ass down here" I whispered in her ear. She looked very confused- Along with the rest of them (including Darren. Who was still watching to see what I was about to do) - but agreed anyway. I slid Carla's bag down the isle till it was right in front of her feet. I could hear Ella scurry into the seat behind Natalie and Robin. All of a sudden the bus was filled with a pitched scream. Just as I'd hoped Carla tripped over the bag and almost landed flat on her face- unfortunately that was definite almost. - There was few seconds of silence before the bus erupted with laughter. Wiping the dust off her so called "designer" clothes she questioned "Who's bag is this" A few snickers were her only reply "Who's bag is this she repeated her voice going up a few octaves. I heard Ella intake a breath as if she was about to speak. Which I knew wasn't a good for her since she was in enough trouble already with Carla - so I kicked Robin who sensed it was meant for Ella passed it on to her. I whipped my head back and gave Ella a "shut the fuck up look". I turned round and told Darren to do it with my eyes. "Ah, Carla isn't that your bag" Darren asked pointing out what everybody already knew. Turing the bag around, she could clearly see her name in bright pink highlighter block capitals on the front. Screeching one more time she

stormed down to the back seat. After a good staring session the rest of the bus turned round and then broke in chatter mostly about what just happened. I turned back to talk to the girls but instead found 4 gaping fish. "What" I demanded getting self conscious. "How the hell" Natalie said stunned "That was cool" Robin smirked "Good thinking" Sophie praised "Who are you and what on earth have you done with Lizzie?" "Nice move" a deep tone came from behind me At that last one I froze and looked over my shoulder to where the voice came from. Darren. He was one of the best looking boys in school. He could give Liam a run for his money. Darren was tall, dark and handsome, with piercing emerald eyes, like his sisters. He never really talked to anyone but his friends, never mind me. So why was he starting a conversation with me? Not that I minded. "Thanks" looking at him but it was meant for all of them. "Pity she landed with hands in front of her face. Would've been nice to see what she would've done with a broken nose" He snickered. That's what I like about Darren. He could tell that Carla was a fake and liked her as much as we did. "Yeah tell me about it" "Why'd you do it though? Not that I object but it did seem a bit spontaneous." "To save her sorry ass" jerking my head towards Ella. "Liam" he guessed. We nodded. "Why doesn't that surprise me? See ya's" he said walking off shaking his head now there was 5 gaping fish

Although Mr. Craig was a nice teacher, I just really, really did not like math. It wasnt that I was bad at it or anything it was mostly because that I found it really boring. I sat smack bang in the middle of the classroom, which was good for me as I was quite tiny so I couldnt be seen that easily. Mr. Craig had just started began writing on the board. When he saw me and some of the people who the bus I got, he just nodded. Most of the teachers in our school knew that our bus came in sort of late. If they didnt and asked in the usual condescending tone Why are you late? we would just reply our bus was late you cant really blame a kid for that now can you. The rest of the day, past in the same kind of slow, annoying blur. Geography was good though not only did I sit next to Sophie but I was also good at geography and I dont brag, so thats saying something. Lunch time, and the canteen was crowded, me and the girls were queuing up to get some dinner, in our little family as Natalie would like to say. Our little family was made up of me, Sophie, Natalie, Robin and Ella.

We were all just sitting down to our meals; when Liam and his flock came over. Ugh please just make them go AWAY! Well hello there he said grinning smugly, messing every one of our brains up apart from Robin, Sophie and I, we really hated the guy Hi Liam, guys Ella chirped, Sophie and I both looked at each other and rolled our eyes at her she really did go over the top with the flirting, it was just obvious so then again her nickname was captain obvious. Thank you Dean Winchester! Ugh what does he want? I whispered to Sophie disapproval dripping my voice. I dont know and I dont care, but I just really want him to leave she replied Do you think we can make a run for it I said hopefully Maybe lets finish our food and ignore him, he might be gone by then she winked. By the time I had just nearly finished my dinner, Liam had decided to head on he said bye to every one of individually hoping to get a flirtatious reply from all of us by the time he came round to me, I winked at her and whispered Just go all along with me okay and then said out loud see ya in a right your done now so just go cause I really dont care what you do way and pretended to be in deep conversation, and turned just in time to see him frown which made me and Sophie burst into hysterics. The rest of the girls scowled at us which only made us laugh even louder. Hey do you want to come over my house next Friday? I was sort of planning a girls night in, Dad and Tom (Her brother) are going camping so it would just be the 5 of us, I was planning on getting a Chinese, Coke, sweets and a DVD she said hopefully Ill go if she goes, I need some sanity there or else Ill be going mad by 8:00pm. I stated smiling at Sophie Deffo, if your going Im definitely going Sophie replied

Yay! Ella squealed right beside us making me and Sophie cringe from the pitch. Ella, turn it down a notch would ya Robin said annoyed. Oops, sorry guys, I didnt mean to hurt you she muttered. Talk about understatement of the century I said making us all laugh, when we had to go to our classes.

Ella pulled me over and cried What on earth was that for, you damaged that boy's ego big time Liz I just smirked and said proudly Good it needed a bit of trimming down Ugh, why are you so darn stubborn, Liam was just trying to be nice to you and shun him out she scolded Have seen the way strides into the class room he goes into it like was walking onto a private jet. I stated matterof-factly If you looked behind the supposed good looks you would see that he is a vain, pig-headed jack-ass very clearly I told her, along with my well known glare, which basically said shut the hell up before I do something I regret. Once on the bus I put on my I-pod and found a song that suited Liam very well, called youre so vain sung by Carly Simon where the lyrics go: You walked into the party like you where walking onto a yacht. I got home around 4:30 that evening I saw Ben my dog outside and said in my sing-song accent hello sunshine making him run over to greet me in his dog way, I called him sunshine all time. Actually I called everybody sunshine its sort of like my catchphrase. Thats what he is to me. Although hes a bit on scruffy and small side but hes still a wee (little) angel so I didnt care to be honest. I came in and saw mum and dad going over some forms and stuff must be that time of the month, I never really paid attention to any of those things they just confused me as soon as I got past the name, age and address bit.

Ouch I cried, dropping the cup of hot chocolate at the same time which thankfully split away from me. Lizzie my dad said in exasperation what made you drop the hot chocolate, did it go over your hand or what? He looked at me not really concerned at all. No it was just a growing pain I murmured nonchalantly, blowing it off. Yeah right, a growing pain that sometimes feels as if you touched an electric fence. Mum threw dad a questioning look, to which he just nodded. Sit down sweetie she said in a suspiciously calm voiced, you see mum was always very. Cautious and always worried about things that she didnt need to fret over. So when she had spoken calmly I had to think somethings up, what else was I supposed to think? Seriously this was a woman who got upset over me just because I was having the hiccups when I was little. Whats up Mum I said whilst sitting down in the chair opposite hers. Youve been having these.. Growing pains for a while now she said kindly Yeah almost 6 months now, ever since my Birthday, Ive been having them, non-stop, there usually are just like an old growing pain Ive actually getting used to them but every now and again theyd get really sore but it doesnt last long though, about half an hour as I said this, I swear I felt lighter and the pain actually started to numb but as it did, it began to start in my thighs. But its also in my legs.. I muttered anxiously, knowing whatever was going to come now would change me and my life. But whatever it was I seriously did not want to know, I liked my life I didnt it to change, like I had friends and stuff, like I knew my life would change eventually but I knew this was going to my life, big time. Alright Lizzie said Dad pulling me out of reverie theres something we need to tell you We knew this day would come but we dreaded it. claimed dad in his teacher voice

obviously trying to calm me but only made more nervous, making me restless. Mum took over from him because she could clearly see me getting nervous at the way he was saying what ever he was trying to say. Lizzie, no matter what we will always love you okay. Mum said. She looked over at dad

Lizzie.. Youre adopted.




Ella Sophie




Lizzies Necklace

Chapter 2- Myth
Okay I was prepared for stuff like grandma was dead or something like that but youre adopted did not cross my mind, and of course me, being me, I fainted. Between when I had fainted and the time I started to wake up dad must had moved me to the sofa.

When I started to come round I heard my mum soothing my dad, wait did I have that right mum soothing dad, yup I did. Shes fine she just fainted, shes had a lot to take in, on top of her soreness she smiled gently at him. At that point my eyes had started to open and I could hear my mum humming softly. See shes coming round mum stated proudly. You okay love dad murmured concern leaking from his voice; I could tell he was worried by the creases on his forehead. Lizzie just because youre adopted doesnt we love you any less or dont care about you mum said sweetly. Me too mum I muttered quietly, as soon as I said this I heard and saw dad let out a sigh of relief. Come here, love mum said kindly patting the space on the other sofa beside her. You see, Lizzie Ive never been able to have babies, so on the morning we were going to orphan agency there was a knock on the door. Youre dad and I opened it to find a couple on the porch, youre mother and father, the woman, Anna was still carrying you at the time, she was skinny even carrying you but she was strong though, your father, Will, well he was taller than your dad and more muscular but Ill say this for them they where both very beautiful, Anna had long brown wavy hair down to her waist with almost blazing emerald eyes, your father was similar but different, he had short brown hair with grey eyes, but they both had pale shin and again very good looking. They asked could they come in and of course we let them knowing that they needed to talk to us but we didnt know why at time. She said knowingly Alright but what has this to do with my growing pains I asked confused. Not sure what this leading up to. Lizzie have you heard that myth about the girl who was human? asked mum concerned. I didnt have a clue to where this was leading but I answered anyways. Um, yeah the girl was human, vampire, werewolf and .. Witch, yeah, that was it witch, I said thinking about what this had to do with my real parents, and my growing pains.

Lizzie that story isnt a myth, youre that girl Mum blurted out. WHAT? I screamed, making black spots blur my vision, I was pretty sure at that point my eyes had bulged out of their sockets, now it all made sense, the heightened senses, the sixth sense, and the defined features but where did the growing pains come into it? Youre the next Nina Belairos sweetie mum answered softly with a tender smile, calming me. I get that part, but where does the growing pains come into it? I asked still unsettled by the fact that I wasnt purely human; jeez talk about a low blow. Youve never heard the full story have you Liz? Dad presumed, not sure whether my voice would be calm, I just nodded. I guess you want to know who you really are then, eh? he asked knowing that I would. I nodded; he smiled as he already knew what my answer would be. I try tell you this as best I can bearing in mind that it was over 14 years ago that I heard this story, the true one from your parents so it might be a tad sketchy, the day your parents came they told us as soon as you the pains started in your legs. It would be time to tell you and also as soon as you where 14 they would send you youre chain that symbolises who are but also starts the process of becoming a human. When I looked down I saw the chain on me but this was the one that grandma gave to me it couldnt have been that one? Could it? But the only chain is the one that Gran oh she knew too, didnt she? I said answering my own question. Dad just nodded and carried on with the story in his teacher voice which for once calmed me. You already know the human part of your story but what you dont know is that you arent going to be fully developed till youre 18 but youll be gaining youre powers during that time and with ever two years you will reach a new stage in you development, think of levelling up in a computer game, so when your growing pains have stopped youll start to gradually become a dog, cat and bat but dont worry youll still look human on the outside,

Just think of the way Aro calls the werewolves in Breaking Dawn sweetie, shape-shifters mum said interrupting dad, making what he had just said more understandable. Like I was saying dad continued but when youre 16 youll be able turn into um what was it again .. Ah, a wolf, vampire bat and big cats, you know like cheetah, lion, leopard etc. Im guessing youll be happy about that I was grinning like a weirdo at that part, yeah I sort of really like cheetahs, I know like I said Im weird but hey there cool being able to run at, at least 80 km per hour thats pretty darn cool in my book. And then when youre 18 well you can figure out the rest he said concluding but I knew there was more, another weird Nina thing I guessed, maybe really good intuition or something. But you still havent answered my question, what do the growing pains have to do with this? I asked getting impatient with them avoiding my question. Well love we werent sure with how ugh I guess you can handle with anything now eh? You see it isnt bone and muscle thats developing inside your arms its liquid metal so that your blades can be fired, I thought that part was in the short version of the so-called myth Dad thought out loud Oh yeah it was, I just didnt know whether that part was true or not I muttered, frowning. Dad I said unsure whether I wanted to know the answer to this question or not. Yeah he replied, obviously curious to what my question was Um, you know the way Im going to be part vampire, well does that mean I have to drink blood? I said worried and turned off by idea of drinking some random strangers blood. Not sure, dont think so but sure you could always ask them Dad stated matter-of-factly. Them, whos them I asked already knowing the answer, but wanting to hear it out loud all the same. Your birth parents of course dad stated simply. And for the second time that evening I fainted.

When I started to come round I heard mum and dad talking quietly at the other side of the room. Just let her sleep it off shes had a lot to deal with, Yes just let me sleep Im too tired for my brain to work properly She continued Should we really tell Anna and Victor so soon? I mean I dont know if Im able to let her go mum said with concern leaking from her voice. I feel the same way too love, but shes their daughter, it sounded as if they needed her, the last time I was talking to them so its only fair that we give her back, lets just hope they let us see her when she starts living with them. Dad answered, by the sound of his voice I could tell he was frowning, not the prettiest sight in the world. I suppose so, come on she needs her beauty sleep, Will? Mom started to ask. Yeah he prompted. Is it true that shell be getting more and more beautiful as she gets older? she asked, her voice going higher in excitement. Yeah I think so Dad laughed at her, and if I wasnt pretending to sleep I would have laughed as well but knowing that I was to be more than just alright put me on a giddy high for most of the night. You see I was always okay looking but never drop dead gorgeous so the thought of maybe reaching into the god damn hot group as they boys in my class would call it never crossed my mind; to me I was always the deformed ginger Dalmatian. After a quiet moment I felt mum and dad kiss my forehead. It took me ages to come down from high, which was good yet bad. It meant that I could actually sort out what I just heard from mum and dad. As while they where telling me who I was, I was pretty much still in shock. Okay. 1. I was adopted. 2. I wasnt human which sort of made sense, well human but still not completely human, I never really felt. Complete until now. Now that know who I am. 3. Im Nina Belairos the myth which is actually real.

4. I am totally and utterly confused or confudled as Ella would say in strange language that Sophie and I like to call Ella-ish. And thought that Mr. Im-so-far-up-my-own-ass, Liam ONeill was the most of my problems apart from the maths test that I have on Monday, I know that mum and dad said that I would get prettier but I hoped that I would get better at maths or else I would fail miserably. The next morning I woke up trying to figure out whether I had just a very, very surreal dream or last night actually did happen. It did, there were still bits of mug still on floor since my last big jolt of a growing pain Speaking of which had moved down to my legs and was starting to go down into my wrists, leaving the rest of my arms cooler which sort of made sense in a sad weird way knowing that cool liquid metal had fused with my blood, but something about knowing who I really was made the pain more bearable. Something inside of me told me that was the case. I tiptoed into the kitchen to make myself something to eat knowing that if I didnt eat soon there would be a loud rumble come from inside of me, as if it timed its self to perfection my tummy gargled, telling me to get a move on. I had just down to sugar on toast- sounds disgusting I know but it actually was really nice and yet quick- when I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, they where loud and heavy which told me that it was dad. Morning Dad I said cheerfully, but actually feeling like crap seeing as I stayed up half the night bombarding myself with questions like will I have fangs or If Im getting prettier does this mean that guys like Liam will actually like me-not that I cared of course. Hey sweetie, how you feeling, hows them growing pains of yours dad said seeming politely interested like as if I was some science experiment which didnt exactly make me feel much better. Um there okay I guess theyve actually become less painful but think that has more to do with knowing who I am than the pain killers that Ive been taking are actually starting to work, and plus theyve moved onto my legs

now and further down my arms to my wrists so yeah theyre not too bad I explained, with a timid smile. Yes well I suppose that is good, Lizzie you know not to tell anybody right, you can tell them that your adopted but not about anything else, well except for Sophie of course unless you believe you can trust her with that sort of secret, seeing as her ancestors where supposedly witches who where good friends of the Belairos family and far out relations of Annas, people who they could trust. Dad said with a wink. Wait a minute did this mean that Sophie, my best friend Sophie was my cousin and was a was a A witch.. What the You mean Sophie knows about me! I exclaimed Yeah, she and her family have known for the past year and half Liz weve all been waiting for you to start changing at this point Mum had walked into the room. Think of it this way love, this means you can talk about it to someone who isnt us or your grandma Mum said cautiously not knowing what my reaction would be. After a couple of deep breaths I said I guess your right when you put it like that. Mum smiled at me would you like to see them love? She asked. See who? Anna and Victor, we have some pictures of them Um, sure I said my voice wavering I wasnt really certain if I wanted to see them or not seeing them would make it even more real, and I wasnt sure if I wanted it to be real. Kay, Ill go get them she said excitedly before going, leaving to my thoughts whilst dad read the newspaper. Nina Belairos, although as mad as all of this to me I had to admit I did like the sound of that. But Sophie a witch, no wonder why I always felt calm around her if she was a a what do you call it? Family ally there we go and far out related, yeah Im not the best at English then again I wasnt exactly the best at anything. By this time mum had come back into the room it was only when she sat down on the sofa beside me that I realised that she had came back from her picture hunt which wasnt exactly as long as the rest of them.

Here you go I was going to show you them last night but you feel asleep so I didnt want to wake you. But anyways here they are she handing me them. Oh my dear sweet lord where they actually my parents I was pretty sure when I saw them that my eyes bulged out of my head like they did in comic books and that my jaw dropped open, they where unbelievably good looking if this was what I was going to turn out like by the time I was 18 then I wasnt going to complain, Anna was still pregnant with me and yet still stunning but to be honest that was an understatement, and yet she looked.. Strong but there was an essence about her but I didnt know what it was, Will was pretty much the same but more muscular and taller. There were a lot of questions on my mind, one blurted out with me even wanting to ask it. What kind are they? I asked them wondering how exactly I came about. What do you mean love? Mum asked obviously confused about my question. What I meant was, you know the way Im human, 1/4 vampire, werewolf and witch, well I was wondering what are they? As in, vampire, werewolf Looking at them I knew they were inhuman. Well as far as I know, your mum is a witch, your dads a werewolf and your uncle is a vampire, and your granddad on Annas side was human though. Dad said very pleased with him self for remembering all that because there was a smug grin on his face. I have an uncle? Yeah, Andrew I think his name was, they didnt say much about him just he was your fathers brother and that he was a vampire but they said for us not to worry as his bloodlust is well under control so we should be safe Has he got any family? wondering if I had any cousins, I know Sophie was my cousin but she was far out. Dont know, probably When will I met them I asked suddenly anxious to meet them in person but also nervous cause I didnt want them to disapprove of me which is very likely, that was part of the reason but also they looked very powerful and intimidating compared to me, the only reason I have any

muscle at all was because I helped dad on the farm during my spare time from school and studying, yeah I know Im a weirdo cause I live and work on farm, so sue me, Im tiny compared to them well not in thinness tiny but still tiny anyways. Um, sometime next month Im guessing few at least thats enough time for me to get used to things Ill have to ring and arrange a date today and it would take them a good while getting over from Transylvania- Wait a minute, Transylvania? I asked cutting dad off. As in; Draculas castle and Van Helsing, Transylvania? Yes thats where they live in the Alps in the Belairos castle otherwise known as Belairos Academy Oh, okay I said slightly overwhelmed, OMG, talk about dream come true (yes, I like all that stuff, Im weird I know). I could just see it now, big huge gothic castle built into the snow covered Transylvanian Alps, talk about cool (like I said Im a freak show). Ive always liked all that vampire/werewolf stuff, like Van Helsing with Hugh Jackman( lethal movie) and Vampire Diaries, HON (House of night), the Keri Arthur books and Vampire Academy, oh and Twilight but last certainly not least Supernatural, you just cant not love Dean and Sam Winchester and Castiel, oh dont forget Bobby, yup Im a supernatural nerd, sort of figures that I become one, dont it. Lizzie, do you even know what I just said? dad asked annoyed that I obviously paying attention. Huh. Sorry. What? I said that Im going to ring Anna and Victor next week in the meantime youre still going to school Dad stated. WHAT! I screeched, like why the hell am I going to school, how was I meant to carry on normally knowing that, not only was I adopted but I was also the Nina Belairos the human, I know I was inhuman but I wasnt superwoman plus I was still pretty much in shock. Lizzie youre going to school, I know it might seem unfair I raised my eyebrows at sceptically, which he just ignored after what weve told you but you need to carry on a normal life, that was one of the requests by your parents plus youve got Sophie to help you through this at

school and if you dont to talk to us about it. Dad said in a final tone telling me I wasnt getting out of it. Alright is it okay if I go talk to Sophie now? I asked glancing at the clock seeing that it was only 3:16; she would be at her house at this time she wouldnt be at aunts just yet she usually went at 6:00. Sure Okay, Ill just go ask if she wants to go for a walk down to the river I said walking to my room going to get my mobile. Once I got into my room I found Ben curled up in his basket dozing. Arent you a sight for sore eyes? I cooed gently to him, once hearing my voice he poked his head up and ambled over to me, I petted him before sighing and went to get my phone from my desk. I painted it white to make it bigger and got some blue and white bed covers and curtains to bring some blue into my room seeing as you hardly got it in Ireland. My room wasnt that great just a single bed, a desk with laptop and desk lamp on it, a wardrobe, chest of drawers and Bens basket, my phone wasnt that exotic either, just an ordinary black Sony Ericsson. Wanna go 4 a walk dwn 2 tha river-L A few minutes later she texted back Sur wher do u wanna meet-S Completely oblivious to my ambush she is so dead At the paddys bench -L Kayz c u in a few-S C ya-L While on my way to paddys bench, I tried to figure out how I would bring me knowing who I was about, Oh hey

Soph did you know Im not really human Nah that didnt sound right Oh Hey Soph guess what were cousins Ugh this is hopeless, Ill probably just make it up as I go along, yeah right since was I good at improvising things, and since when did I have internal monologues. Hey Liz, whats up? cried Sophie Oh nothing much just that Im adopted, inhuman and oh youre a witch I said casually, now that sounded cool. Sophie looked down at her feet ashamed and blushed. Liz, dont be mad, I didnt want to keep it away from you but your parents said not to she apologized. Dont worry, its fine just hard getting used to it, ya know I said before she could her normal thing, where she would say sorry like a million times even though shes already forgiven. I know but youll get the hang of it soon enough gesturing for us to start heading toward the river with her hand before continuing but you have it admit its lethal, being able to change into a cat is pretty cool she agreed. How much do you know about the Nina stuff I asked suspicious. Only the human jazz and that we are cousins and that, that pendant triggered it she replied calmly nodding her head towards. So, Im guessing you dont the part where I have to live in the Transl- Hey Liz I heard a voice cutting me off, I voice I recognised yet oh-so hated, Liams. What do you want? Sophie and I asked at the same time, both of our voices oozing annoyance. Well, I was just wandering whether you want to go with me to the cinema? he asked nervously, hah Liam ONeill nervous, now theres something you dont get to see very often and something Id gladly see every day. Ha, Id rather watch soccer making Soph snicker, I had to admit it was a pretty funny comeback but I do no someone who would. As soon as I said that his whole face light up, aw God this was going to be funny Who is it? he said his eyes flickering towards Sophie, hah good luck with that.

I leaned into his ear and whispered loud enough for Sophie to hear Nobody and then turning to walk back down the road with Sophie laughing in hysterics. Good comeback said Sophie proudly I know I replied with huge smug grin slapped on my face. So what where you saying before he interrupted and your deadly comeback? she said curiously, wait to go Sophie for ruining the moment. That I guess you dont know about me living in Transylvania part I muttered. What! Yeah, thats what I said when I first heard, apparently my real parents live in a huge fortress in the Transylvanian Alps, cool huh I ecstatic. Obviously, but when do you have to go she said glum. Dont know, not soon though, probably in the summer seeing I have to go to school to keep up the pretence Rage, but the summer isnt that far away though Not that far away I scoffed Sophie its like 7 months away Trust me that time will fly by Dad says Anna and Victor will be visiting me shortly Really, I might drop by and say hello, you know introduce my self she said thoughtfully In other words you just want to be nosy I joked poking her in the ribs. Hey she cried swatting my hand away, at least thats what I fought she was doing. Lizzie she exclaimed shocked. Eyes widened the size of saucers; I actually turned round to see what she was on about. What? You didnt budge What do you mean? I asked, not having a notion what she was babbling on about. I just shoved you playfully but still pretty hard and you didnt move And I prompted She ran full-pelt at me again and banged into me. See you only moved a few centimetres

I just shrugged it off. Listen I got to go see you tomorrow, Kay. I said stopping her from saying anything else about me not moving.

Walking into the living room I found mum on the sofa watching dad talking to someone on the phone. Whos on the phone I mouthed at her. Anna she mouthed back. Im nearly certain that my eyes went huge at that tiny bit of info. Yes shes off then Dad confirmed some question Anna had asked. I could hear a womans voice after that with a Romanian/Irish accent. Yes well see you then, good-bye Anna. Dad said ending the conversation and then put the phone back. Well? mum asked. Theyll be here for Christmas week.

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Chapter 3- Attention
That morning after I dragged my self out of bed I hopped in the shower and used the hot water to release tension from the days before. After blow drying my hair I pulled it into a messy bun, put on blue long sleeved top, skinny jeans and Uggs and went into the kitchen, grabbed a special K bar, snatched my coat of the hanger in the porch and headed to the bus stop. Blue again? Liz Sophie Mocked. Hey dont dis the Blue, kay, and hello to you too I said trying to be serious but ended laughing with her. Hey, whats up Ella asked once she joined us. Oh just Liz and her blue Aw right, how long has that been you favourite colour now? What 4 years, is it she joked. Blue is a very calming colour I snapped staring them down. Okay, Okay dont take a hissy fit- flip me its cold whined Sophie. Well done Sherlock! I said brightening the mood from the Irish winter weather.

Yeah wish that bloody bus driver would- oh never mind hes here. Ella claimed getting ready to on the bus, leaving Sophie and I to think of the Irony of her using bloody with me around. Once we were on the bus, Ella was already in her normal seat, I got in first in ours, and Sophie went in after me but smacked her head on the luggage rack above the seat sending me and Ella into fits of laughter till our eyes started to water. Alright it wasnt that funny Sophie said clearly put out by us laughing at her misery. Maybe not for you but for us it was pretty darn funny Ella snickered at the thought of it. Sophie looked at the front of the bus in a huff. I looked back at Ella with a look that basically said help me here which she just shrugged off; I narrowed my eyes at her, looks like its up to me then, ugh I hate this kind of thing, where everybodys mad at each other. Sophie dont be a grumpy boots I whined, she looked at me with a sceptical look for a couple of minutes and then turned to the front again. If it makes you feel any better, Ill get back at Ella for ya I asked- hoping she wasnt mad at me- which she just nodded to in return- obviously she wasnt as mad at me as she was with Ella. Even if Sophie was the oldest out of all of us she really could act like a five year old. Oh my God, its R. Patz I said in really high pitched girly voice Where? she gasped, looking all the over the bus like a meerkat. Sending us into hysterics "Jeez Ella you're so gullible" I said through my laughing fit. Shut-up she snapped her mouth going into a pout making us laugh even harder. Were here she said standing up in a flash trying to get away from the place where she made a complete fool out of herself. See you at break, meet you at the canteen I murmured as I left them to go to science.

Kay I heard them call back, heading off to their own classes. My schedule for a Monday was: 1. Science 2. History Break 3. R.E 4. Maths Lunch 5. Geography 6. English Ugh the remotely good classes today where, history and geography, and a maths test to day didnt exactly make it any better. I went into class and took my seat beside Robin. Hey she said as I sat down. Hi What did you do at the weekend? Sophie and I went for a walk to the river, where bumped onto Liam unfortunately and he asked me to out the cinema, but I turned him down after I said this we turned round to look at him and found him flirting with Carla Green, shamelessly I might add. Robin turned back to me. Wise move She said with approval have you told Ella or Natalie? You kidding me, theyd eat my head off! I exclaimed visualising how theyd both screeching with annoyance at how good looking he is and how hes everything a girl could want and I shouldnt complain, aye jack! Fair point she agreed Good morning class said Miss McKenna and 1, 2, 3 start the drooling, I looked behind me and snickered, Robin looked at me, her brow furrowed in confusion, looked behind her turned round and rolled her eyes. All boys had that puppy dog look on their faces even Liam and as youve probably learned by now thats saying something. Alright today we are going looking at.. Atoms and literally the whole moaned out of annoyance at how boring atoms are, it was actually pretty funny

Her voice went up and down in pitch to make it more interesting, it was a darn good try but atoms always has always will be boring. Thankfully history was a little bit more interesting yet sad, we where looking at WWII and the woman who worked back here while the men went to fight and how most of the men didnt make it back. Which every single girl in the class rooms heart swell with pride, take that you stupid stuck up testosterone fuelled dickheads! I met up with Robin outside history. So what did you this weekend? I asked curious Nothing much just worked on identity she answered nonchalantly. Oh aye hows that going? I asked Identity is a book shes writing; see what I mean English genius. Even though the title of it is a bit ironic seeing how I was, hah if only she knew. Im on the 5th chapter now Can you send me on MSN it Im sort of getting addicted I laughed trying to lighten the mood. Sure she said after that we walked to the canteen in a companionable silence Hey Ella chirped once we reached our table howd your classes go? History was okay, science was awful! I claimed Why? Sophie asked as I went down to sit beside her. Atoms Robin and I said at the same time. Ugh Sophie shuddered. Nasty Natalie said wrinkling her little nose and Ella nodded in agreement. You can say that again Robin sighed. What about you? I asked. English was alright we got to watch Romeo and Juliet Sophie said happily, there had to be a catch teachers never did anything like that without you having to do work on it. But we have to do an essay on it for the Friday of next term Natalie finished; see there always was a catch to something like that. Yikes, not nice

We know they all said at the same time R.E was good cause he wasnt there but he left work with our cover, so that wasnt exactly the best class Ive ever had Ella laughed and the rest of us joined her. I looked up to see Liam and crew where making there way over to our table but where caught up by Carla and her girls. Um, do you want to go for a walk I said randomly breaking the silence, Sophie and Robin looked up to see Liam and crew trying to make there way over her but where held up Carla and her girls. Okay Sophie said and Robin nodded in agreement, Natalie and Ella turned behind them to see why we where leaving and smirked at each other. I think Ill just stay here Ella said still watching Liam and Carla, it was actually pretty funny when she was looking at Liam she had the deer in the headlights expression on her face but at Carla she throwing daggers. Yeah me too Natalie agreed all too eagerly. Okay see ya I said and left just as Liam started to leave Carla with Robin and Sophie on my heel. God that was close Robin said flopping down on the leather seats outside the assembly hall. Yeah I never thought Id say this for as long live but thank god for Carla Green I exclaimed making us all laugh. The rest of the day carried on in carefree blur, well except for maths which actually wasnt that bad seeing as I crammed hard during our 10mins revision before the test. Hey thanks for saving me a seat I said to Sophie once I got on the bus. No prob she returned. We didnt talk for a good while both of us caught up in our own thoughts. Ah I hissed, rubbing my thigh just above my mid thigh Another sharp one Sophie asked quietly. Yup I said popping the p wheres Ella? I asked glancing round looking for her. Oh she got a lift with her mum, where abouts? What? Where abouts the pain at? Um, there I said pointing my finger to my thigh.

Thats good its nearly over then. She said so low that Im not sure whether I was meant to hear or not. Really I cried anyways making her jump- obviously I wasnt meant to hear. Howd you hear that? Dunno, guess its a Nina thing- sharpened senses I said shrugged, But still, really? I said just a tad over-excited at the thought of the pain that Ive having for almost 6 months now was nearly over. Yeah she laughed at my reaction before continuing think about its only got the rest of your leg to go which would probably take about a month or so. Oh I guess that does make sense, um Anna and Victor are coming over next week I whispered What! she cried. Shush I hushed looked around at the few people including Mariah Williams-from Carlas gang- who was flirting disgracefully with Logan Craig- from Liams crew -where still on our bus that where giving us weird looks. Oh sorry it was just the shock thats all. She whispered I know trust me I know if you think youre shocked how do think I felt, they were supposed to be coming over next month but apparently there coming over next week instead so yeah just a tad surprised But I dont want you to go! she whined, which I felt flattered by. I think theyre only coming over to visit, you know get to know me and stuff, so you arent gonna get rid of me that easily. I joked trying to get away from all the emotional good-bye crap, Im really not that type of person, well person but still person and to be pretty honest I didnt have a clue what was gonna happen. So what day are they coming over? she asked excitedly. Um, Im not sure, mum and dad havent really told me much, about whats happening but as soon as I find out Ill text you kays, bye I said heading down to the front of the bus to get off at my lane. The rest of the week dragged on or thats what I thought because in the midst of acting normal my Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday completely disappeared.

On Friday morning I woke up thinking it was just a normal end of term day, but then it all came each with its own mental slap in the face. Oh my dear sweet lord, how the hell did it all go so fast, I mean I remember each day perfectly its just how did Ugh, youd think me being Nina Belairos that Id be smart but I can be really dense! That morning on the bus I didnt even acknowledge what Ella was saying to me, I had just blocked out both them, I was still in shock knowing that I would be meeting Anna and Victor, my real parents, supernatural beings in a matter of days, oh God, whatever you do Lizzie do not faint, dont faint, dont faint. The rest of the day I went to my classes in a zombie mode only talking if somebody asked me a question and even then I only said a couple of words, I got the feeling that all my friends gave up on me except Soph. Lizzie whats up with you, and dont tell me nothing, cause I know rightly that its not she said cutting me off. Its just the week has gone so fast and Im sure if Im ready Oh, youll be fine she said emphasising the fine part. I know, Im just nervous, I mean what if they dont like me Are we talking about the person here? Come on the person who doesnt like you is Carla, its not like you really need to care whether she likes you or not, plus if they dont like you well then there gonna have some serious explaining to do to me she said trying to be all hard making me laugh, seriously she couldnt be hard even if she locked in a cupboard for 5 days that was -80o C. Ah well see you soon alright and dont forget were to go Ellas later on, Ill text ya later on though Youd better, bye Once I got inside the house I found mum and dad in the position that they where in on Sunday evening, dad on the phone with a frown on his mug and mum eaves dropping in on the conversation from the couch. I went and sat beside her and did likewise and Ben followed in pursuit.

Yes today was her last day until. 8 of January answering whatever his/her question was Um, yes there should be enough room for him too Mum and I looked at each other with the same look on our faces saying whos him? Okay, see you then, oh is he able to eat, like dinner thats when I put two and two together, him was my uncle. Ah, great the vampire, Im still mostly human and mum and dad are still pretty much human since the last time I checked, like I know dad said that they said his bloodlust or whatever you call it was under control, but come on hell still be thirsty Oh, okay, Slan go foil -thats good bye for now in Irishdad said making me smile. Well? mum asked worried by the dads appearance. Theyll be here Sunday and Andrew can eat human food but he doesnt want to he just wants to meet his niece. Oh mum said I just sat there staring at the cracks in fireplace- wait a sec when was ever able to see the cracks in fireplace from this far back-Sunday why did it have to be so soon, like come on I only found out that I wasnt human and adopted last week and oh yeah and that blades could come out of my finger tips like wolverine, okay I have to admit that sounded pretty darn cool but still cut me some slack. Liz I can see face and your going into overdrive, stop, calm down, its fine youll be fine, now tonight you and I are gonna clean up the two spare rooms same for Saturday morning and actually call over Sophie were gonna need all the help we can get and Saturday evening Im going to take you to the hair dressers then we can buy the ingredients for grandmas roast dinner and then you and Sophie can chill for the rest of the evening okay, okay. Mum said and she talked about me going into over drive talk about hypocrite. Okay not wanting to argue with mum while she was in sergeant-Aine mode, talk about death sentence. Right, Im to take a shower, and you go ring Soph she said giving herself a complementary smile and walked out of the room, seriously that woman should have become a wedding planner or something; mind you she would probably worry too much and give her self a stroke.

After that I ran straight up to my room at full pelt, not stopping till I reached my desk and grabbed my phone and back down stairs. I pressed Sophies phone number into the house phoneseeing as I was down to my last couple of credits on my mobile. After the first couple of rings, Sophies mum picked up. Hello Hey, Mrs Mac Donald, its Lizzie is Sophie there? I asked Oh, hello Lizzie, yeah shes here-Sophie, Lizzies on the phone after that I heard a muffled thud and laughter. Should I really be able to hear that- this Nina thing is starting to get a bit weird but I had a feeling it was just getting started. Shes coming Oh, I know I can hear her You can? Oh yeah the Nina thing hows that working out for ya wait a sec was she meant to know? Um, how do you know? Lizzie, dont worry, where do think Soph her talent out of, it wasnt going to be from John now was it she snickered. Yeah I guess not feeling slightly awkward Here she is Hey said Soph breathless What happened? I said condescendingly. What do you mean what happened? she asked defensively. Soph, I heard a thud then laughter, now what happened before I reach through that phone and make you tell me I said getting annoyed now. Howd you- ugh never mind, whenever mum called me I turned too quickly and knocked the books of my bedside table and feel on top of them, unfortunately though Darren just had to be coming into my room at this time so he saw lying in a pile of books and started laughing not even bothering his lazy ass to lift me up, so yeah thats what happened she blurted out hoping I missed out what she said but I didnt so I ended up rolling on the floor in hysterics, as soon as my laughing fit was over I went back to the phone.

Aw God, I really wish I had seen that, anyways Anna and Victor are coming over on Sunday so mum told me to ring you to ask if you could help OMG, so soon she cried. I could hear her mum ask her what was wrong and Soph telling her. Yup I told her Ask her if her mum can help as well mum interjected Oh and to ask if your mum could help us as well" Um, sure when do you want us to come over? she asked Tonight if thats okay mums gone into sergeant-Aine mode on me I chuckled Mum says thats okay, see ya Kay bye I said putting the phone down. There coming over now to help Good, now you, go get changed into something old seeing as we are going to be cleaning this place up, by that time they should be here she said shooing me towards the stairs. I ran up the stair taking two at a time, once I got into my I room I closed my door and quickly changed into a pair of old trackies and blue tank-top and put on my black pumps. I pulled my hair into messy bun and went back downstairs. Knock, Knock, Knock. Mum opened the door to let Sophie and her mum and apparently Darren (her brother) had tagged along as well. Thanks for coming, we only just found out that they where coming on Sunday Mum said to Ashlene (Sophies mum) leading her into the living, leaving Sophie, Darren and I in the hallway. Dont even think about it, Sophie Alison MacDonald I snapped at Sophie when she raised an eyebrow at my colour choice of clothing. Darren just looked between us like as if he was at a tennis match looked at me for a while, finally his mouth made an O shape as he figured why I had snapped at Soph when she had said nothing. Yeah at least she doesnt land face first in pile in of books he said sticking up for me, making Sophie and I both look at him confusion, once he realised why he looked down at his feet seeming very interested in his chucks, his face turning bright red. Um, wheres Ben? He asked changing the subject.

Out back I replied still confused at why he had stuck up for me? I mean he was always teasing me, why all of a sudden did he do that for then? He all but ran in Bens direction. What the. I trailed off. You havent noticed have you, Liz asked Soph smirking arms crossed. Noticed what? still confused at what had just happened. The attention youve been getting from all the boys at school Ive been getting attention? I asked unsure. Yup, a lot of it, from all the lads around are age including Darren and Liam. No, I havent. Have I? Yeah you have, over the past couple of months youve gotten really good-looking, I mean not Carla good-looking, which we both know is pretty fake considering all the make-up she wears, I mean Anna good-looking she said spinning me around so I could look at my self in the mirror that was on the wall in the hallway Actually, if you think about it youre sort of like Victoria she mused. What! I mean looks wise you know red hair, thin, some freckles, I didnt mean mentally, she was psychotic, although your mood swings are pretty unpredictable she joked. Thanks I said sarcastically and shoved her lightly well at least I thought I did, but she ended up going flying to the floor but some how I managed to grab before she smacked her head on the floor. Oops sorry didnt mean to shove you so hard I apologised. Wow that was cool! she cried, loud enough making my mum, Ashline, Darren and Ben all come into the hall way. The way you shoved me and grabbed while I was in midair fall, its like as if you where Alice Cullen from twilight or something she explained Oh come on you have to believe me, Darren, Liz sit down at the table, you are going to have an arm wrestle. She clarified Soph, hes huge compared to me, what I did there now was probably a fluke I whined, I really didnt want to do this; I already have broken both my wrists I didnt want to

do it again plus the fact that Darren was 16 didnt exactly make my chances of winning any better. Yeah but a Nina fluke, now stop moping and show us what a Belairos is made of she said proud of her logic, once she said that something inside me clicked, its like someone turned the light on. Alright, lets do it I said and went into the kitchen and sat down at the table with Darren following in pursuit, put elbow on the table with my hand in the air and waited for Darren to join. When he put wrapped his hand around me, I felt a sudden wave if confidence and smirked. 1, 2, 3, go! Sophie cried. I could strength in my arm forming, like as if the liquid was starting to go hard, speaking of Darren was trying really hard, literally I could see beads of sweat rolling down his forehead and my arm still didnt budge. A couple minutes into it dad came into the kitchen after getting the paint. What the he trailed off taking us in Shush, were trying to see how strong Lizzie is Mum whispered. No were trying to see how strong Nina is Sophie corrected making me smile. I was starting to get bored and I could see Darren getting flustered so I started to push his hand in the other direction, making him loose an inch and a rather excited Soph squeal in delight. That little sound made another wave of confidence hit me, so I made him lose another inch and then slammed his hand against the table in victory. Yes I said triumphantly Hold on now, hold on, we all know that Darren is the strongest lad in Ireland Dad contradicted ending my victory high. Hey Darren cried annoyed. Dad ignored him and carried on. So lets see how you do against me Dad said cocky. I looked back at Soph, mum and Ashlene unsure. Go for it, remind him what youre made of Mum winked making us all laugh, knowing what my arms where made of.

Good point I said through my laughter. I turned back round to dad with a smug grin on my face. All right, Daddy-o bring it I said confidently, knowing although I didnt have as much muscle as Dad, my arms where made of both liquid metal, muscle and bone not just bone, the chances are I was likely going to win. Dad put his hand in mine and gripped it lightly, which let me know he was going to go easy on me, biased old man. 1, 2, 3 Mum cried. Go! Soph finished. Oh dad wasnt really trying and I knew it probably because he didnt want to hurt me, hurt me, aye jack, I guess confident Lizzies coming back or maybe just Nina. That all you got old man, cmon Im not that weak I said arrogantly. After that I felt him put a little bit more force into it. Seeing that I still wasnt moving he went full force on my arm- the creases in his forehead and clenched jaw where prove of that- but my arm was still holding strong. Soon he started to grunt with the amount of effort just to get my arm to move a fraction towards the table, keep dreaming sunshine I thought to myself and made him loose an inch of his territory, making his eyes go wide in disbelief, and then I made him loose another. Come on Will you cant let a girl bet you Darren said. And this is coming from you I challenged and then made Dad loose another inch but gave it to him again to make him feel good but then took another two. Dad pushed even harder then to save his pride but I wasnt going to let him have that and pushed his arm 2 inches closer to the table and then smashed it to the table. OMG, Nina! Sophie screamed and ran over to hug me. We all stopped and stared at her, shocked. What? she asked annoyed at us staring at her she really wasnt the one for being the centre of attention then again neither am I. Eh, what did you just call me? Oh, whoops, I didnt mean to, it just seemed right at the time she muttered looking down at her feet shamefaced. She does have a point mum agreed.

Yeah so suck it up Sophie finished, I rolled my eyes at her Alright we need started before you two have to go to Ellas Mum ordered. Yes maam Sophie and I said both giving her a solider salute. After that we all cleaned different rooms each. Mum cleaned my room; Soph cleaned the living room, Ashlene cleaned the kitchen, Dad and Darren cleared outside whilst I cleaned the bathroom, which didnt take that long so I went to help Soph in the living room meaning to help her but ended up having a lethal pillow fight. We better get going claimed Sophie looking at the clock. Yeah, Ill go tell mum I said leaving the room. Mum were going now I said to her wondering what I would call Anna when I met her, like calling her mum didnt seem right I know she was real mum but I hardly knew her plus I didnt think mum suited her to be honest or what she would call me, if she was going to call me Nina she might not get a response but something tell me she would. Alright love, tell Josephine I said hello will ya for me she said giving me a kiss on the cheek. Okay, bye I replied and then went back to Sophie Cmon lets go I said to her going out the front door. We both got on our bikes and headed to Ellas. As soon as we turned into Ellas estate we could here high pitched flirtatious giggles from Ellas house, which only meant one thing. Liam.

Chapter 4- Attention
Ugh Liams here Soph said her voice soaked in annoyance as we rounded the first corner of Ellas estate. I know think we can make a brake for it I hoped. Hey Soph, Liz, look whos here she squealed waving at us then gesturing towards Liam and his crew. Nope, but maybe we can get out of it later she suggested. Sounds like a plan. You bet ya. Hey. I said to them all, the heads of Liam and his crew snapping up to look at Soph and I cycling our way over to the driveway. As soon as we propped our bikes against the wall out side Ellas house, Liam was already at my side, ugh cmon just make him go away please I silently prayed looking up at the sky.

Hello Lizzie Uh, hey I said dismissing him and walked around him and straight over to Ella, Nat and Soph. Wheres Robin? I asked wanting to get as far from Liam as was humanly possible. Shes inside watching a film I silently begged her with my eyes to help me get away from Liam Um Liam, can help me lift something round the back its really heavy she said batting her eyelashes. Eh, sure okay he said not really caring. Thank you I mouthed at her. No prob she mouthed back. After that I went inside and headed for Ellas kitchen which was at the end of her hallway and found Soph and Robin chatting away, but as soon as they seen me they stopped and then continued. Alright what is it? I asked- knowing full well that they where talking about me. I dont have a clue what youre on about Liz Robin lied. Dont give me that, you both stopped talking as soon as I walked in which was a dead give away that you where talking about me. Plus Robin you couldnt fool anybody even if you were Ms Doubtfire. I said making us all laugh. I was just telling Robin about how much attention you where getting she reminded me with a wink, not this again! Yeah youve definitely been getting a lot of it Liz she agreed. Not that theres anything wholly wrong with that Ella giggled. Okay first of all, I dont give crap, second there is something wrong with that it means somebody is gonna be annoying even more than usual I argued getting quite worked up. She does have a point Sophie agreed. Alright lets just enjoy the party okay Nat said trying to lighten the mood. Yeah, shes right Liz put on some good kick ass music Robin nodded smirking; I walked over to the I-pod speakers in Ellas living room shaking my head, I was the music type in group and always knew what kind of music would suit the mood in this case it was Survivor by

Destinys Child (I know its old but come on it is pretty kick ass, like I said Im weird big time). Aw, I love this song squealed Ella instrumental bit of the song started. Nice choice agreed Nat Turn it up said Robin Youve done it again Liz Sophie snickered. Whos up for some Karaoke? Ella asked yelled. All of us went quiet not wanting to sing but they all looked at me knowing rightly that I was the best singer out of the lot them even though I wasnt really that good besides the fact that they always told me otherwise. Alright fine but you owe for this. Big time I got up and went to the I-pod looking for song that I was in the for to sing, while I was I heard the distinct sound of Liams voice and Carlas but who invited her I do not know, cause if I did Im pretty sure Id throttle them well after Ella got her hands on them first. She looked as if she was about to kill someone. I could see Soph, Robin and Nat all scoot away from her subtly not that I could blame them. She should have steam coming out of her ears by the looks of her. All of a sudden I got an idea making me burst out laughing and chose my song. The girls all looked at me confused, but I just shook my head and got ready to sing silently praying that I didnt laugh through the middle of it. I took a couple of deep breaths and then started to sing. I'm in the business of misery Let's take it from the top She's got a body like an hourglass That's ticking like a clock It's a matter of time Before we all run out When I thought he was mine She caught him by the mouth I waited eight long months She finally set him free I told him I can't lie He was the only one for me

Two weeks and we caught on fire She's got it out for me But I wear the biggest smile Whoa, I never meant to brag But I got him where I want him now Whoa, it was never my intention to brag To steal it all away from you now But God, does it feel so good 'Cause I got him where I want him now And if you could then you know you would 'Cause God, it just feels so It just feels so good Second chances they don't ever matter People never change Once a whore, you're nothing more I'm sorry, that'll never change And about forgiveness We're both supposed to have exchanged I'm sorry honey but I passed out Now look this way Well there's a million other girls Who do it just like you Looking as innocent as possible To get to who They want and what they like It's easy if you do it right Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse Whoa, I never meant to brag But I got him where I want him now Whoa, it was never my intention to brag To steal it all away from you now But God, does it feel so good 'Cause I got him where I want him now And if you could then you know you would 'Cause God, it just feels so It just feels so good I watched his wildest dreams come true

And not one of them involving you Just watch my wildest dreams come true Not one of them involving Whoa, I never meant to brag But I got him where I want him now Whoa, I never meant to brag But I got him where I want him now Whoa, it was never my intention to brag To steal it all away from you now But God, does it feel so good 'Cause I got him where I want him now And if you could then you know you would 'Cause God, it just feels soooooooo It just feels so good As soon I finished as my little family burst out into fits of laughter realising what I meant by choosing that song. Carla stormed out of the room and the house by the sounds of things. Making us laugh even harder. I could hear Carlas screech from down the road as she thundered down the road and had to bite my cheek to keep me from doubling over again in fits of laughter. Well played Liz Nat said Yeah did you see the look on her face? Priceless! Ella snickered. Yup, Im guessing shes screeching the whole way down the road I agreed. Soph raised her eyebrow sceptically at me- to which I just winked making her snicker. As soon as Liam and all them ones left half an hour later, I turned to Ella. Hey is there any- I started. Theres some in the fridge Ella cut me off with a smirk knowing what I wanted. Kay I said and wandered of towards the fridge. Typical I heard her mutter to the rest of them and grinned. I came back in with a class of coke and plopped down on the couch beside Soph. What are we watching? I asked taking a sip of the coke.

Van Helsing Ella stated, at which me and Soph gave each other a look at that said Youve got to be kidding me. What! Hugh Jackman is hot in that movie okay Ella said defensively seeing the look we gave and misinterpreting it. Okay whatever you say but I didnt think Van Helsing was your kind of movie Robin contradicted. Yeah well I can deal with just so long as I can get to see Hugh Jackman topless Im okay Ella huffed. Hell yeah Nat agreed. Getting an eye-role from Robin, Sophie and I Alright, just put on the movie. Sophie and I have to go soon I said. Sophie and I got to watch the rest of the movie before we headed back to my house. We rode back on our bike slowly because of the frost and talking about everything and nothing. We got off our bikes and headed towards the front door but unfortunately for Soph thats easier than done because she ends up slipping and landing flat on her ass in the process- Making me burst out in hysterics. Soph youve got as much balance as an elephant on a unicycle you know that? I stated through my giggles. She just got up stormed into the house in annoyance. But ended up, tripping over the carpet- making me laugh harder. After that I just got changed and got into bed, before I went I drifted off to sleep. One thought struck me. Im going to meet my real parents in two days time. When I opened my eyes I was alert and excited about the day ahead. I wasnt really the one who likes getting dolled up but today I could make an exception. I was going to meet my real parents and uncle tomorrow- the BelairosesI still havent got my head my head wrapped round the fact that Im Nina Belairos or that Sophie was a witchmind you I always thought she was too clumsy to be normal- speaking of I could hear her snoring away in the

guest room- time to giveher a little wake up call. I glanced at the clock and it read 8:00, ha beat the alarm. Get in. Then I did something I never do. I fist pumped the air- I never beat the alarm clock. I was just proud of myself. Give me a break. I crept into the guest room and found Soph curled up in a little ball sleeping. I crept round to her side of the double bed on my tip toes without making a noise- huh usually a floorboard would creak or something but there was only the sound of Sophs quiet snores- must be a Nina thing. Sophie I whispered trying to wake her up- nothing Sophie I said louder, shaking her shoulder- she just grumbles in return and rolls away from me. Alright you asked for it. I tip toed round to the foot of the bed and climbed on carefully trying not wake her up; I started to bounce gently. Sophie I said again loudly hoping I would get a reaction out of her. What? she grumbled still in the same position. Bungee Jump I squealed lunging at her. Liz what the hell? she asked annoyed. Oh and Jesus rose from the dead and spoke to many I answered sarcastically. Shut-up and what was that for? To get you to wake up, it was either that or 1, 2, 3 as soon as I said three there was a horn noise that you would find at matches. Time to get up ladies mum said shortly afterward from the hall. That I said smugly to Soph Mum where up so wake up call was about as useful Dad on master-chef I said making us all laugh. Sorry girls I thought you where still asleep mum apologised. Yeah well I was until someone came into my room and bungee jumped on top of me Soph said pointedly at me. Hey it was either that or a glass of ice cold water thrown over ya I said raising my hands up in defence Its okay mum what are planning to do today? I asked wary even though she told me the day before that we were going to

the hairdressers later on- but trust me shes made a day to get food turn into getting my room painted. Okay first were going to get some breakfast, then were going to put masking tape on the skirting board- we all know how good your painting skills are she said pointedly making me blush while the paints drying well go food shopping and get your and my hair done and then you two can relax while I get the dinner for tomorrow. Mum explained. Kay, Im going to get a shower first though I said. Liz it might be best to get your hair washed at the hairdressers, because your hair will get dirty anyway doing the painting Mum suggested. Yeah youre right, right well Im gonna go get some breakfast- coming Sophie Yup she said popping the p. Okay well Im gonna head down to the store and get some masking tape, Ill see you later, love she said to me before leaving us. Cmon lets go eat I said to Soph running down the stairs into the kitchen. Okay what do ya want, weve got toast, cereal and golden syrup porridge I claimed combing through the cupboards. Or in other words thats all you can make she mocked. You keep that up youll be lucky if you get anything at all I snapped. Okay, um golden syrup porridge please Why doesnt that surprise me I muttered. Look anything with golden syrup in the name Ill eat, ok she snapped. Uh-huh even golden syrup mushrooms I suggested. Yuk thats just wrong she protested. Thats what I thought When mum came back we had just finished eating and I was putting the plates in the dishwasher. Okay, your dad and I will do upstairs while you can do down okay, okay mum staid on the verge of a meltdown. Kays we both said giving her an army salute. She rolled her eyes and then went upstairs arms full with masking tape rolls.

How many did she buy? Sophie asked while I looked in the bag that mum had brought in. Enough to mummify two Hulks and still have enough to our skirting boards I said sarcastically That doesnt surprise me, theres no stopping her once she morphs in Sergeant-Aine mode she snickered. Yup I agreed alright we better get to work, you take the living room Ill do in here and then when were both done we start the hall I said grabbing couple of rolls of masking tape oh my God I sounded like mum. But in here is like two rooms it wouldnt be fair you she complained. Yeah but Ill be so quick Ill have done in the same amount of time it takes you to do the living room-you know Nina Belairos and all that jazz I explained. Huh never thought about it that way, your probably right she said and grabbed some masking tape and went into the living room. Half an hour later we where both in the hall-having both finished the living room and kitchen-dining room- and where nearly with finished with it when mum came down to check on us. How you doing, good youre nearly finished you still have the other rooms to do? she said though it came out as question. Done I murmured What? There finished Oh, that was quick. She trailed off looking at me Never mind, Will she hollered from the hall to dad upstairs Yeah he called back. Get the paint ready and you can start downstairs What the thats gonna take a while to get use to I heard dad mutter to himself- join the club- from upstairs being able to hear thing that I normally wouldnt have been able to hear e.g. Carla screeching down the road- I had to bit my cheek to stop my self from snickering, cracks me up every time- come on if you just cut off the biggest royal pain in the ass youd fine it pretty hard not to laugh at it- is hard to get used to but still pretty lethal Okay he bellowed back so that they could hear.

For the next couple of hours we painted and somewhere in between had lunch- well I say lunch what I really mean is it started off as lunch but turned into a food fight on me and Sophies part until mum made us stop in case we messed up the kitchen- she did have a point it took me ages to do that skirting board well not ages but still Id be pretty peeved off if Id have to do it again- and then got back to painting. Im going to meet my real parents and uncle in a matter of hours I squealed to my self- okay hold on a minute, 1rst when have I ever squealed and 2nd its more like a day okay that is soon my responsible side said trying to improve the situation and failing might I add, For frig sake why did it have be so soon couldnt they have waited a little, well they did wait for 14 and almost a half years Liz go and get changed- you too Soph were gonna need your opinion, well be going soon mum commanded bringing me out of my reverie. Kay we called back to her on our way up the stairs I headed to my room while Soph went to the guest room, once in the room I headed to my wardrobe, Okay I need something casual yet nice, cant where blue or else Soph will give me stick for it ha bingo. I pulled out a black and white checker shirt and white tank top and skinny jeans and put on a pair of black pumps and went back downstairs. As soon as I reached bottom of the stairs I was greeted by Soph sulking. Blatantly because I wasnt wearing blue- so she didnt the chance to slag me off for wearing blue- so I stuck my tongue out at her smugly. We all headed into the car and drove off into town; the drive to the shops wasnt that long however shopping with mum was a different story altogether she would always fuss over the small things, although you couldnt really blame her for fussing this time round. Finding an outfit didnt really take that long. I found a really nice blue (as usual- take it easy on me a girl needs some comfort alright) and white floral dress that went down to my knees and some nice white flats to go with it. After that we headed to the hairdressers.

Once we got there I sat down in one of the leather sofasthat are there for people who waiting to be styled- with mum and Soph at either side of me. About 10 minutes later I was taken over to one of the hair stations, when a neatly groomed young woman came over, clearly the hairdresser- thank god it wasnt one the other fake tramps, not one thing about them was real well apart from their eyes. Wait not even them where real contacts hello you can clearly see the rim, well maybe not your average human per se but I could. But this hair dresser was genuinely pretty- and by genuinely pretty I mean naturally. Hello Im Marie your stylist for today anything in particular you had in mind? she asked warmly Um. Maybe a trim and some layers and.. A side fringe Sophie replied as her eyes glazed over- what the Why the hell did her eyes glaze over? Yeah I agreed suspiciously- Sophie never was good at making decisions up when it came to hair cuts, she always had to ring Ella or Nat to help, so why. But not over the top she continued as her eyes came back into the focus. Somethings up. Okay said Marie and got to work. 45 minutes and multiple hair products and several inches of hair later my usual haystack that is my hair was tamed. Mum paid Marie and we headed back into the car and went back to the house. Dad and Darren where working on the bathroom when we got back, I was planning on going to help them but mum warned me not to cause I had just got my hear done and Sophie threatened me by saying shed burn all my vampire/supernatural books and blue clothes, Which effectively kept me out of the bathroom and the paint. Liz, Soph can you come and help me in the kitchen? Mum asked at this point Sophie and I where curled up on the Sofa watching friends, the one where Emma doesnt stop crying- I know there all repeats but come on its friends you just dont get tired of it- Dad was doing the finishing touches of the painting and Darren had gone home and Mum was in making grandmas roast dinner,

Kay we cried back and trudged into the kitchen where mum was currently working on the roasties she liked to do everything from scratch- she was pretty good cook but I think it was mostly because grandmas recipes were pretty unreal. Right Sophie can you wash the vegetables and Liz can you sprinkle some herbs on the roasties and Ill start making the mash. Mum ordered or sergeant-Aine should I say. The rest of the evening passed like this mum giving us all instructions and us doing what she said, you didnt mess with mum when she was in her element. It was 8:00, Soph and me where in the living room watching total wipe-out and a somebody had just been punched in the stomach with the sucker punch- making both me and Soph go Aw thats gotta hurt- when the phone rang. I walked over to it slowly not really wanting to miss what was going to happen next. Hello Hello is Will there? a friendly woman asked on the other side- probably a bank person. Yeah- hold on a sec I told her and then cried Dad! the woman on the other end of the line gasped; what the Yeah he called back although he really didnt need to I could hear him even if he whispered. Um someones on the phone I replied when he came into the room. Who is it? he asked Dunno I replied Kay he said taking the phone Hello Hello Will the woman said. Oh hello Anna dad replied making me gasp. I just talked to my real mother without even knowing it. Damn it I probably sounded like a retard to her- no I did sound like retard, I always do- aw god now they definitely wont like me. Way to go Liz. Liz stop I think heard Soph mumble but it was in the back-round I was still in shock. It wasnt till Sophie threw her shoe at me that I came out of it. Thank god she doesnt wear high heals, cause I get hit with her shoes a lot. Ah, what was that for? I complained rubbing my arm.

For acting like an egit and I know that look. Youre worried and chances are its over you speaking with your real mum for the first time in your life. Its fine okay you didnt sound like a retard, you sounded normal okay she said trying to calm me down cause this point in time I had the deer-in-the-headlights look on my face- wait a sec how the hell did she know that I was thinking that I sounded like a retard? Okay I said sounding more normal. Cmon, up to your room she commanded. What? Why? I complained- not wanting to leave Cause I know you Liz youll probably ease-drop and you know what they say about ease droppers she clarified. Yeah I muttered. Right so get up them stairs she continued. She has got a point Liz Mum agreed. See and if makes you feel any better Ill let have choice of music, okay she said making me feel much better I think I needed some of the Bubl-mister (Michael Bubl). Okay I said happier making her cringe knowing she probably thought I was going to go Paramore and Muse all the way but I wasnt. Although some of their songs did suit my mood but I think Hold on by Michael Bubl suited my mood more. We both ran upstairs to my room and I put it on my Michael Bubl playlist, and chose Hold on. While Soph put it up full blast- her not so subtle way of making sure I didnt ease-drop. We just lay on my bed and listened. When everything came on Soph ran and got a hair brush and deodorant, shoved the hairbrush into my hand and then started singing into her makeshift microphone making me roll my eyes and join in- you couldnt blame her it was a catchy song. Although I was trying really hard not to ease-drop, I couldnt help but hear a grasp coming from Anna but I wasnt sure why. Sometime during me and Sophs sing off we both collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep. I wasnt sure how my dream turned into a nightmare but it did. I was standing with my parents (Anna and Victor), and a couple of other in a meadow, when somebody from across the field shoot and kills someone I know, well in the dream I know them but in reality I didnt and then the

person killed Anna. At that I screamed and sat upright in the bed. Just a dream, only a dream I muttered trying to convince myself I glanced at the clock and groaned it was 11am why the hell didnt they wake me. I walked downstairs in a tired daze and found mum and dad in the kitchen. Yeah thanks for the wake up call I said sarcastically. Your welcome he said matching my tone but then got serious Liz did you hear what was said last night? Um no all I heard was a gasp and that was it Okay then, they are coming at 4:00, they have a house here in Ireland that they are going to go to first and then come here. He explained Okay I said turning to mum expecting some orders to keep me busy. At about twelve-ish you need to get washed and changed were going shopping for clothes and call Sophie were going to need a second opinion and then when we will make up the guest rooms and then we can continue with the dinner. Oh and Will please wear something half decent she commanded, dad looked down at his clothes and then at me as if to say whats wrong with them at which I just shrugged. Oh and one more thing make sure Bens presentable at the sound of his name, Ben poked his head up from under the table and I swear he to god he sighed like as if he was annoyed at the fact that he had to be washed and groomed- I loved that dog After Sergeant-Aines orders were given out I went upstairs with Ben following until I told him to stay outside while I got changed I pulled on what I was wearing yesterday- seeing as it was already dirty-and took Ben outside to get cleaned up. That he seemed very reluctant to do. Ben I dont want to do this any more than you but lets just get it over and done with okay giving him my evil stare. This made him sit down. I went back inside the house to get the doggy shampoo for him. A couple of hours later and Ben was decent- well in my point of view he was, not sure about what mum would think, but I didnt want to torture him anymore.

Liz go get washed, changed and call Sophie as well Mum called from the house. Kay I hollered back see ya later sunshine scratching Ben on his muzzle and went inside. I ran upstairs, took a shower and was about to head off to my room. With the towel wrapped round me. I changed into a purple long sleeved top and a pair of jeans. Then I went to ring Soph. Hello Sophie answered. Hey Sophie Oh hey Liz whats up? Um, can come with me and mum to go shopping for clothes. I need a second opinion. Sure. Is it alright if mum comes she needs to get some food in? she asked. Um hold till I ask mum I told her MUM! I called. Yeah she said coming in. Sophie wants to know if her mum can come along too. She needs to get some groceries. I explained. Yes thats fine the more the merrier Okay I said bringing the phone back to my ear again Yeah thats fine. Well pick you up soon, see ya Kay, bye Liz what about this one this ones pretty Mum said- even though it was down right ugly. Like I know that family members always say its pretty even though its not-but Im pretty sure Anna Belairos has some standards, ya know. By this time we were in next although personally I never really liked it. Naw just naw mum Whats wrong with it she challenged. I looked over to Sophie for some back up but she was apparently too busy looking at shoes- aye Jack. Its just not me mum of course thats when Sophie poked her head up and pulled us out of the shop and into republic- what the wed only been there 10 minutes at least- shes not telling me something. As soon as we where in there I saw it and that was the dress. Hold the phone; it seems just a tad strange that I would find the right dress as soon as I walked in. The one

that Soph practically dragged me into- a little bit weird dont ya think That one I said making sure to steal a glance at Sophie, who was currently, trying to hide the fact that she was grin like a Cheshire cat- Yeah. Nice try Soph. These eyes see everything sunshine. Mum went and bought the dress then (which of course was blue- and dont even think about dissin the blue alright). While Sophie and I went got shoes to match- we didnt need jewellery. Cause me, being myself, had plenty of blue jewellery in all different shades. Although the great thing about this dress was that it matched the necklace that mum and dad gave me, which was a good thing since I wore it all the time. It was 3:00pm now, and I was currently drying off my hairwell my hand was shaking that much that Im pretty sure that air got dried off more than my hair. Anna, Victor and Andrew where coming in an hour and I had only started my hair- I am so screwed! Hair blow dried straight- yeah the fact that my hair was straight, was the only good thing about it. Ah jeez 45 minutes, okay change, then make up and hair-God I really sound like mum when I do that. I decide to put on some good calming music to help me get ready. I put on Cannon Ball by Damien Rice seeing as it was almost a lullaby it so peaceful. A couple of minutes Id already started to sing along to the lines that I knewwhich was very few. By the time it had ran through twice I had started to put my hair in to a bun- dont ask why I had put my hair into a bun even though I had just blow dried it straight. Trust me if Ella or Nat were here theyd eating my head off too. I glanced at clock which read 4:45. Shit! Theyll be here any bloody minute. Okay, calm, relax, breath. Just listen to the music. Id decided to go with a more natural look. Dont want to plaster myself and end up looking like Carla. I put on a little foundation, a little mascara and silver eyeshadow. Somehow Id managed to make myself calm down a little by focusing on make-up (dont ask how but it worked), and began to sing again.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Those three little sounds made my singing choke off, my heart beat take flight, and my knee start tap dancing and my brain go into over drive. Alright you can do this just open the door-Ah no I cant cause if I open that door then everything will changeeverything already has changed, it changed six months ago-okay. I went downstairs and wrenched open the door- it was a little rusty damn it why didnt I get dad to oil it. Hello Nina

Chapter 5-History Lesson

"Hello Nina" They said simultaneously. Two men and a woman all looking as if they stepped out of a photo shoot stood before me. I could tell from the picture mum showed me last week that, the woman was Anna. Even though she was pregnant with me (who's a witch by the way) Yeah this is going to get very complicated.- One of the men is Victor, my biological father-werewolf- I'm guessing the other man is Andrew. My uncle or vampire whichever way you want to put it. See what I mean? Andrew had brown and grey eyes and was a lot more bulky than Victor but they both had the same bone structure. It was clearly obvious that these two were related. Granddad must have been similar I mused to myself Andrew rolled his eyes at them. But once he caught me starring he smiled and winked at me. "Hello Victor, Andrew, Anna" I responded eventually after picking my jaw from off the floor. Shaking their hands each but when I got round to Anna, she pulled me into an embrace catching me by surprise.

"I've missed you" she whispered in my ear and then stepped back "You've grown" she observed. "Well she was hardly going to stay the size for 14 years Anna" Andrew added in sarcastically- no wonder where I got it from- Victor just laughed. "Sorry about these two. There always taking the hand out of each other but you'll get used to it" Victor apologized. "Hey" they both exclaimed "Oh don't worry I've seen far worse freak of natures around here" I replied sarcasm coloring my tone. "4 of them to be precise their names are Natalie, Sophie, Ella and Robin" I thought to myself "Shall we" I gestured towards the house. "She gets that from you, you know" Anna muttered to Andrew clearly slagging him off. "I know but it suits her" "Yeah s'pose" she allowed. "See what I mean?" Victor murmured. "Yup" I agreed walking into the living room. "Anna, Victor nice to see you again" Dad began shaking their hands and you must be Andrew" he finished. "That's me seems like you've done a good job" he grinned nodding his head towards me. I could feel the heat building in my cheeks. "Yeah, can't get the sarcasm out of her though" Dad informed him. Hah he could say that again. He's been trying to find away to get rid of my sarcasm since I could talk. "You got him to thank for that" Anna chuckled.

"Thanks" Andrew remarked "You're welcome" she responded sickeningly sweet. "You've got both to thank for that" Victor decidedlaughing off the looks they gave him. "Mum's in the kitchen" I said randomly. "Oh" "Dinner's ready!" Mum called. "Sargent-Aine a waits" muttered under my breath, causing a few muffled snickers. Stupid supernatural hearing!

"Anna, Victor long time no see" Mum smiled, shaking their hands You two can sit here um.........I'm guessing you're Andrew then. You can sit here so that youre furthest away from the food" to which Andrew smartly obeyed although mum wasn't a supernatural her wrath could take on a vampire any day. Let's just say she's an Irish form of Peggy Mitchell and leave it at that. "Nice to meet the woman who's been looking after Nina all these years" Andrew said once he sat down looking directly at me, making feel just a little bit uncomfortable. "Yes. Well it wasn't difficult." Mum laughed taking her seat. "So, Nina what year are you at school" Anna asked suddenly "Um...4th year" I replied unsure at the random question. "And what subjects you good at?" She continued. Why does this feel like an interview? "Um, Geography, Biology and History I guess" I answered still feeling like I was being interrogated for a murder.

"Uh huh any good at outdoor sports" Andrew asked this time. Okay what is it with the 20 questions? Like as if he read my mind. Victor shook his head at them a little too quickly for mum and dad. "Aine this is lovely" Victor commented changing the subject. Not too subtlety might I add. "Thank you Victor, it's my mother's recipe" "Yeah, Grandma Bradleys food is always the best" I added shoveling another forkful of food into my mouth. Probably looking like a friggn' hobo, simultaneously. "Hmm, you got that right" Dad laughed. "I hear youre good at singing Nina" Anna stated all headsincluding mine- whipped round to look at her. "I was just wondering if you where on the choir?" she said looking at Andrew who was frowning. What the hell was that all about she was definitely going to say something else- I know I might not have the eyesight of a vampire but I'm not that slow. " No. I don't really want to either our school choir sounds like a bunch of dogs" I snickered "No offense Victor" I added in realizing my mistake. "None taken" he smiled politely. Thank God I was bit worried there in case I'd offended him. "Would anybody like a dessert?" Mum I could kiss you but it might make certain people uneasy. "No thank you" they all replied "Thats all right. Sophie will probably want the leftovers anyway" Mum giggled. "She's my friend and shes a witch, literally" I clarified seeing understanding wash over their confused faces. Oh, whats her surname? Anna asked seeming pleased.

Mac Donald at this Annas brow creased in confusion but her mothers maiden name is OConnor Anna nodded at this then turned back to her back to her meal. "So where about's do you live in cork?" Dad asked turning the attention away from Sophie. It's amazing how she can make a scene without even being there. "Just outside the city" Victor answered in an accent that I hadnt heard on him before until now. "Your American" I realized looking up. "Yeah, How'd you know" Victor smiled. "Your voice went American" I shrugged sheepishly. "Perceptive" Victor muttered appraisingly "She probably gets that from me" Andrew claimed with a smug grin. "Andrew" Anna called "Yeah" he said turning towards her "Shut-up" she quipped making him growl. I repeat growl. "Sorry about these two" Victor apologized to my parents and me again. "Oh don't worry it's like Kate and Dinozo out of NCIS" I laughed. "You watch NCIS?" Andrew grinned whipping his head round to face mine. "Yup, NCIS, CSI Miami, and New York not the normal one though. New Tricks............." "See she doesnt just have my sarcasm, Anna" he said proudly looking pointedly at her "S'pose but at least she has good taste in music and by

that I mean not just foreign techno music" she retorted sarcastically. "Yeah well-" "Oh. My. God, I thought Ella and Natalie deciding which Liam liked better was bad" I interrupted their argument before I lost my mind. "Sorry" they both mumbled shame faced making Victor burst out laughing. "That's better, now do you think you can last for 5 minutes with slagging each other off please" I suggested quite desperately. "Oh, sweet lord. It's like a teenage version of mum" Andrew gasped making the blood pool in my cheeks. "Yeah it's a bit weird seeing your mother in-law in a younger persons body" Anna agreed. Okay I think I preferred the squabbling. "Shall we go through to the living room Mum recommended "Sure" "What's America like?" I started. We wherein the living room. Mum and Anna where in deep conversation about something. Dad and Andrew from what I could pick up where talking about cars or something. Staying clear from that topic. I may be a bit of a tom-boy but I'm not that bad. The only car I cared about was the impala from Supernatural "It's amazing-" he sighed and then told me what it was like while he grew up, From the sunshine and high climate to the bustling streets of New York City. "You ever been? he asked after he finished. "No. Wish I had though. Never been out of Ireland once"

"Well that will change soon enough" He smiled. "S'pose. I better go feed Ben and Kelly" I said getting up. "Who are they?" "Oh they're our dog and horse" I replied with a content smile. We got Kelly two years ago and she fitted right in with our family. Even Ben liked her. He could be protective of me. "You do horse-riding?" "Yeah, not very well, though." I called going out the door. Coming back into the living room, I found them all around the sofa looking at something in mum's lap. Leaning over I got a glance at a baby with wisp of red hair. Oh dear lord! "Mum!" I cried making both Mum's and Anna's heads popup. I'll pretend that Anna didn't react to that..... "Why the hell are you showing them that?" I was trying so hard not to shout. Emphasis on the trying but I couldn't control the glare at that moment in time. Hey it has a mind of its own okay. "Well I asked her" Anna defended her. "Oh! But still mum you shouldn't have shown her them. You know how much I hate them. I looked like a deformed ginger Dalmatian puppy. Just please promise me that keep for your eyes only" I whined making Andrew snicker, earning him a glare. That shut him up. "Okay, okay. If it means that much to you, I promise" she muttered. "Thank you" I sighed with relief. "Holy crap she got Anna's glare" Andrew whispered.

"Only worse" Victor admitted and Anna nodded her head in agreement. "Is that a bad thing?" "For those who are being glared at yeah Anna laughed lets just say these say these two have experienced it a lot" she continued. Andrew and Victor simultaneously shuddered proving her point, making her smirk proudly. "So what do you plan to do while your here" Mum asked taking a sip of wine. "Well I was planning to visit my relatives over here" Anna suggested. "I wanted to see what Nina can do so far" Andrew announced. That statement made me a tad wary. "Don't know yet. I'll probably just catch up on what I've missed" Victor shrugged "Alright Mum exclaimed, heaving off the sofa I'll show Anna and Victor to their room. Liz you pull out the sofa bed for Andrew" Mum commanded. "Yes maam" I answered in a fake southern American accent giving her a mock salute. They went out of the room leaving me and Andrew on our own. "Do you even sleep?" I questioned. Apparently once a brain filter gets lost it's never found. "You really don't know anything at all about us do you?" he guessed. "Nope" I said popping the p. pulling the cushions off the sofa. "Yes I do sleep. Yes, I do drink blood. No I dont throw rainbows in the sunlight and I don't burn up in either." He rambled on.

"Typical questions" I assumed "You bet ya" He sighed "Oh. All I really wanted to know was. Will I want to drink blood?" I questioned nervous. "Huh, no you'll just eat normal food" thank the Lord. I really did not want to give up McDonalds. By that time the bed was made. That usually takes for ever but it just took a couple of minutes. Guess the Nina thing makes me do things quicker. "Kay. Night" I murmured, walking out the door towards the stairs. "Night" he called out after me. At my bedroom door I echoed goodnight to mum and dad and got 4 good-byes back. This was going to be a rough week. Once my head hit the pillow I was out.

~1/4 H~

It was 3:00 pm Andrew and me where in the living-room, Anna and Victor had went to see her family. Mum and Dad where both at work. They must have thought I was safe with a Vampire protecting me. Don't say that too often! "So how much do you know?" Andrew started out of the blue. Thanks for easing me into it there. "Just the basics, you know, what you are? Where you live?" "So you don't know how all this came about" he guessed gesturing to himself and me. "No" I said shaking my head for emphasis.

"Well it was around the time of famine when our ancestor Nina I was born. Well she was actually called Caitlyn. She was still human. Even though when you where born you were still mostly human. You still had the other parts in you. But she was 100% human from human parents, but they where killed in the famine but some of the O'Connor Sisters took her with them to America, changed her name and tried to turn her-" "Turn her" I repeated. Most of it I understood but "turn her" sounded something like a vampire would do. "Turn her into one of their own, a witch. Unfortunately it didn't go as well as they'd hoped. They ended up turning her into a werewolf as well as a witch. But they still accepted her. She did have control over the elements though because of this the moon didn't affect her. She could change whenever she wanted to though, into a witch, werewolf or human all because of that locket." he gestured to the locket around my neck. "This doesn't look that old." I pointed out. "Oh I know, thats because of all the elements where used to bind it so it can be protected over time. Anyways back to the story. By this time, they where in Russia but while Nina was in her human form which meant she couldn't fight off the vampire that bit her. Although the vampires venom did go through her bloodstream all the elements in her bloodstream already mixed with it and fused so she wasn't turned or killed, instead she killed him" he stated smugly "The vampire who bit her had the power to make blades come out of his fingers so she in turn got thats ability but hers were coated in werewolf blood or venom and killed him." "Oh. So what? If I take this off I wont be 3/4 supernatural" I prompted holding the necklace. "No, of course not, you have those things because they're

in your bloodstream the locket just protects you. It has all the past Nina's blood in through the silver. The emeralds and the Celtic symbol reminds you of where it all began right here in Ireland." he concluded. "So why are you only a vampire then?" "Well you know the way humans get their genetics from their parents" "Yeah" "I got the vampire part of mum Victor got the werewolf" he clarified. "So how come you're fully vampire?" "Dad was a vampire" "I get ya. Hold on a sec, why any of you arent a wizard?" "There has to be a natural whole witch gene from the mum for a witch or wizard to be created, plus it usually only happens with girls anyways." "The mum's always is going to be a witch, so my daughter-in-law is going to be witch." I assumed "Yes" he confirmed. Here's a question you didn't think of. Do you age or do you stay forever young." "Well do I look old?" he laughed "No............" "That's because I do. Just very slowly" he agreed with a smile with a smile "Right we better get to work" he said eyeing me, waiting for my reaction. "What work?" I asked "I have to see how developed you are" getting up holding

his strong hand out for mine. I'd never noticed until now that every now and again you'd see a scar on Andrew's body. For the human eye they'd be hard to see but for me they weren't. "Sibling rivalry" Andrew informed me, following my gaze. "You're saying victor did that!" I blinked Victor in a full on scrap was something you had to adjust to. He was just so laid back. "Yup, he was still changing so he was still a bit reckless. I just had to throw in one of my comments" Andrew answered honestly "I'm guessing your eyesight's okay if you can see that then" he said more to himself more than me. Hearing it is then. Right I'm going to outside and ask you can you hear me and you tell me yes or no and then I'll keep moving further from the house" he told me. As soon as I blinked he was out the door. "Excited much" I mumbled to myself but I heard him snicker "Stupid vampire hearing" making him laugh harder this time " Yeah I can hear ya" I called out "Unfortunately" I added in a whisper his response was to laugh even harder. "Now" he started. "Yup" "What about now" "Yeah" ""And now" "Yup, God, this feels like I'm getting my eyes tested" I murmured sarcastically. "Now" "Yes" I sighed

"You do know I'm at the end of your road at this stage" he pointed out. "Really" I exclaimed surprised. It sounded as if he was out in the hallway. "What does that mean?" "It means youre more developed than I thought" He responded suddenly standing behind me, his hair windswept from the run. "Oh" I frowned "Where is the pain at now?" I pointed to my knee "Good that's where it should be" he approved. "I'm still getting them in my arms every now and again though" I added "Hmm, that will carry on for a while before the pain is completely gone" he mused. "How long is a while?" I asked. "Dont know 3-6 months probably" he guessed. I have to stick with these god damned things until summer you've got to be shittin' me! Just then the phone rang. "Liz, Liz oh my God Liam like totally asked me out last night, eep!" a shrill voice rang down the phone. "Hello to you too, Ella. Hold on a sec till I resuscitate me ear drums. God you can hit notes only dogs can hear"and my birth family. I added on internally. "Oops sorry, but still can you believe it" she gushed. I think I could hear her fanning herself. "Ah let me think about that? No. Did he actually ask you or are you reading body language novels again" "No but.... "Ella did Liam actually say the words "do you want to go

out or hang out" I questioned rubbing my temples. She was worse than a three year old at times. "Not exactly but-" she murmured "But what? Did he or did he not ask you out" I snapped "He did not" she answered quietly "There we go! Ella for the love of god stop reading into things would you!" I exclaimed. "Okay" she sighed sounding upset. "Sorry for being mean. How about this? You ask him out, you make the first move" I prompted. "Yeah, I can do that" She agreed perking up. "Of course you can. You're a confident, witty, intelligent and sophisticated goddess" well maybe not the sophisticated part I thought "I can do this, I can do this" She chanted "Good and remember, Do not. I repeat. Do not look for things that aren't there, kay" "Kay thanks Liz" "No prob, bye" I dismissed "Bye" but she'd already hung up. "Who was that?" Andrew asked from where he sat on the sofa. "Just a friend" I replied, if she was my relative I'd shoot my self. Thank god it was Sophie that turned out to be my cousin. I'd have no hair left by the time I got to Transylvania. Speaking of......... "When do I go to Transylvania" I asked hearing the blatant excitement in voice

"When your ready?" he smiled wryly. Realizing I still had the phone in my hand I went to put it back. "Well that's informative" my tone made him chuckle as I put the phone back on the charger. "Sorry but you'll know when you're ready that could be as early as Easter or as late as Halloween" he explained. "So basically anytime at all then" "Yeah" he said finally. Then the phone rang again. "You seem very popular" "You'd think that wouldn't ya" I murmured "Hello" "Whoa" was all I heard and a thud then a groan at the other end. "Sophie is that you" I guessed "Yup" she called her voice strained. "What did you do this time?" I mocked "The cushion kind of fell off the chair, with me still on it" she grumbled. Sending me into a fit of hysterics which made Andrew chuckle. "You really should come with a warning sign" I laughed. "Yeah I know" she agreed giggling. "What are you ringing for?" "Are they there yet" she whispered "Yup" "Are you on your own with them?" "Just one"

"Oh who" she chirped. God she was worse than Ella sometimes and as I'm sure you've probably guessed by now. That's bad. "The vampire" "Ha. Good luck with that" "Hey that's my uncle you're slagging off there" I defended. "Sorry" she apologized "Guess what!" she continued going high pitched again. "What?" I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose. "Darren's a wizard."



The First Nina Andrew

The OConnor Sisters



Chapter Six

I felt my eyes bulge out. "Liz, are you still there?" Sophie asked gently. I hadn't spoken for a while now. My vision was getting fuzzy and there was a ringing sound coming threw my ears. What the? "Yeah I'm here "I said weakly catching a glimpse of Andrewss concerned face and waving it off "What did you say?" "I lost you for a while there" she asked her voice filled with the same emotion that was embedded in Andrews face. "Yeah just the shock is all." "I know that's why he was always on his own well apart his two best mates but still." she explained. She had a point there. "How'd you find out?" I said rubbing my temples feeling the beginnings of a migraine coming on. In the corner of my eye I could see Andrew on his mobile talking too quickly for me to make out with brow still burrowed in worry. "Oh. He was moping around all the time and I was getting sick of it and threatened to wreck his CD collection if he didnt tell me. So he told me, lets just say I took it as well as you when you found out about being 1/4 human" Not so good then in other words. I still wasn't used to that yet. To think it was only a couple of weeks ago, it felt like yesterday. "Here I've got to go. We're going to my aunts house so I'll see ya okay." She ended, hanging up I didn't know how bad I was until; I swayed when I got up. "Whoa. You okay?" Andrew asked steadying me suddenly stand right beside me with his hands on my shoulders, eyeing me carefully to see if I would sway again. "Yeah just dizzy I think I'll go for a lie down. You'll be

alright for a while?" "Sure. I think I might go for a hunt" I nodded not really paying attention. "Okay, just make sure it's over in England" I joked weakly. Then the room went black.

Shit! Was the first thought that came into Andrews mind when Nina had collapsed? Andrew carefully lifted his niece into his arms trying not to crush her with his inhumane strength, and carried her over to the brown fabric sofa in the corner and gently laid her down on it. Damn it girl whyd you have to faint on me for? Your mums gonna be pissed. Well theyre gonna be pissed. Anna though, shes gonna rip my head off for this. Theyre very protective off you, you know. Probably a parent thing, but Im not even that protective of Chris. Mind you he doesnt need that much protecting, kid can fight his on battles Andrew glanced over to pale skinned teenage who had now curled up into a fetal position. Andrew took this opportunity to examine her features more closely. She definitely had his mothers hair. And eyes as far as he could tell, the pale skin was a given since, she lived in Ireland and her mother was Irish through and through. Looking at her, if he didnt know her he would have thought she was just a normal human having a nap during the Christmas break. Her slim body gave nothing definite off. He couldnt even tell what she was good at. Andrew could always tell just by looking at someone what they were made for. Whether that be fighting or playing the guitar. But he just couldnt get a strong reading off

Nina, maybe its too early to tell yet he mused to himself. Sighing he went to the phone to tell Victor and Anna.


"This is third time now. I'm getting worried. Before it was when she found out she was adopted and that you where coming over. What was it this time" Mum asked. "Something about Darren being a wizard." Andrew answered "Yup that would've done it" mum confirmed. "Sorry" I slurred rubbing my eyes. "Its okay darlin " Mum hushed stroking my head soothingly. "Coke?" I suggested groggily. "Of course sweetheart" I lifted my eyes a bit to see dad coming back in a cup of coke. Some people needed coffee I needed coca cola. Dad handed me the cup and I drunk it in one gulp. "She definitely gets that from you" I looked up after having the caffeine work its magic to see Victor and Anna look pointedly at Andrew. "Yeah but those where just shots she drunk a whole cup of coke." he defended causing them to turn their heads towards me. "So sue me I'm Irish" I shrugged causing dad to chuckle. I glanced over at the clock 8:15. "Is that am or pm? "Am, you where asleep for 14 hours" Victor claimed. Fuck!

~1/4 H~

The next, morning I lay flat on my back staring at the plain white ceiling gathering my thoughts. It was really no surprise, that Darren was a wizard. I turned my head towards the window, slowly rising I padded over to it. I looked over the endless jade fields around our house that belonged to our farm. The silage is doing well this year. I glanced over towards Kelly, who was currently drinking the water in her troth while dad groomed, the sight filled me with contentment, almost as if none of this Nina stuff had ever happened. Not that I didnt want it to happen, sometimes I wished I could go back to the simpler times were I was, well when I thought I was ordinary human being, I gazed up at low lying grey rain filled clouds that almost engulfed the land. Shaking my head, to clear it, I mulled over again the Darren being a wizard situation. If I combined what Andrew told me it kind of made sense. Ashlene was a full witch so they, Sophie and Darren, could both become a witch or wizard.

~1/4 H~
"What are you getting for Christmas?" Anna asked "Dont know. I havent thought about it. Um something small I guess. I never really liked the stereotype of being an only child." I admitted, fiddling with my necklace. "Anything you want in particular? Just so Victor and I know what to get you?" "Not really, you don't have to get me anything at all" I pressed. "Don't be silly. What kind of mother doesn't get their daughter a present for Christmas" Ah one I didn't know about until last week. "Yeah s'pose" I murmured tucking my hair behind my ear. Its a bad habit of mine, when I get nervous. I'm guessing she didn't realized what she just let slip. Victor did and

was currently watching my reaction with his brow furrowed. "Okay" she sighed getting up "We better get going. If we're going to get you something nice" she smiled with a mischievous glint in her eye. "See ya!" They called "Bye" I echoed and went to get some lunch.

~1/4 H~
What we doing today? I asked collapsing on the sofa beside Andrew who was scanning through the newspaper. Knock, Knock, Knock. I glanced at Andrew who looked back at me. I shrugged and went to the door. I pulled open the front door to find Sophie standing there with Darren behind her. Couldnt stay away could ya Sophie? I sighed. Cmon in I said letting them by. Nice to meet you, Ive heard a lot about you Sophie Andrew said smiling warmly. Um, hi she muttered her face blushing walking forward she tripped on the door jam. You know that walk that people on when their nearly about the fall she did that and kept going till she got to the banister to the stairs, grabbed and kind of swiveled around until she was facing the wall were Ben was currently standing watching all the commotion and trotted forward and licked her face. That was the last straw for Darren and I as we both burst laughing whilst Andrew helped Sophie to her feet. Thank you she mumbled and then turned to glared Im fine thank you for your concern, cmon Ben But Ben just walked outside. Damn it

Aw, Im sorry Sophie it was more your face when Ben licked than anything I apologized but snickered again at her face. Im guessing she does that a lot? Andrew assumed. Yup but that was the best one yet, Ben just made even more perfect. I confirmed with a shit eating grin on my face. Although that time when she fell face first into a pile books was pretty good too Darren mused Would you two stop amusing yourselves at my expense please Sophie commanded. Making the conversation that Darren and I had started die down. Youre definitely an OConnor Andrew said shaking his head. Whats that supposed to mean? Sophie fumed her emerald eyes blazing furiously. I looked at Darren; simultaneously we both started backing up slowly towards the door. Dont you think youre getting out of this that easy Lizzie Susan Mc Cartin I looked down at my feet shamefaced, sneaking a side glance at Darren, he currently smirking at me Wipe that smirk of your fugly face Darren before I smack it off Sophie snapped turned her eyes on him, causing him to rub the back of his neck. That cut him off. Way to go Sophie. Taking a deep calming breath she turned back to Andrew Again whats that supposed to mean? She asked in a dead calm voice. This was even scarier, than the shouting. Just that Anna was, well is demanding and she had as much equilibrium as you at your age Andrew explained and also took hissy fits, well she still does Sophies green orbs narrowed into slits but nodded in satisfaction.

~ H~

We were sitting in the living room at this stage. So do you have any family? I asked trying to fill the awkward silence that embraced us. Yeah, a wife and a son He replied digging in his back pocket he pulled out a wallet, and then pulled out a photo and passed it to Sophie and I. In the photo were a woman and a boy of no more than 8 years old, sitting in a field having a picnic; The woman had jet black hair- with dark purple and really dark navy under tones that the sun showed off beautifully- that followed down her back like a river off midnight and black eyes contrasting with her very pale, flawless complexion, she reminded me of Nyx goddess of night in Greek mythology. The boy was the spitting image of Andrew but had the look of his mother about him. They both looked very happy in the photo, both looking at each other and laughing. Whoever took the photo had taken it at exactly the right moment. What are theyre names? I asked my voice, my eyes still glued to the woman she just had unearthly beauty. Shes very beautiful is she not? He sighed contentedly and lovingly. I smiled at the far away look he had on his face and nodded. Her eyes were the first thing that pulled me in, my wifes called Midnight. Her parents never did have much imagination about them; dont tell her I said that. Shed eat me alive if she found, but if the name fits and my sons name is Christopher, but we just call him Chris The boy looks a bit like you. Sophie stated in my mind You think? Just a bit, shes very pretty. Almost as if she was born from the night sky.

Are you two, mind sharing Andrew asked incredulously, looking between the two of us. Are we? How should I know, spose we are.. kind of. Um I guess so if thats what you call it, why is that bad? I admitted sheepishly. No its not bad, just rare. very rare, how long have you been able to do it He asked fascinated, staring intensely at me with his storm cloud orbs, causing me to back up towards Darren. Not long just since last week, I think? I replied glancing over at Sophie. Well actually Ive been able to read her mind since we were ten; Ive only talked to her in it last week. Shock caused both mine and Andrews eyes to widen into saucers. And you didnt think to tell me this because.. Well as I said last week, you still thought that all mythical creatures were exactly that, myths. Even if I told you, you would think Im a freak show, even more than I normally am, plus even if I did tell that you I was a witch and that I could read minds would you believe me? No probably not. But why didnt you say anything last week though? You had enough on your plate. I didnt want to add to your stress, Im that used to it now that I sometimes forget. Youre doing it again arent you? Andrew assumed interrupting our mind link. He seemed to be in awe of what we discovered last week why though I wasnt sure.

5 years thats a long time to be mind reading? Andrew prompted seeking out more information. Well thats when mum told me I was a witch, but some how I think Ive always been able to. Sophie answered then turned to look out the window again she seemed distant, I dont know whether or not it had to with the Belairos family being here or not but I was going to find out soon that much I knew for definite. Right Andrew clapped his hands and then rubbed them together lets get to work What work? I asked cautiously, taking a side glance at Darren Well weve already tested your hearing and eyesight, but now I just need to check if you have a sixth sense or not Andrew stated matter-of-factly with a confirming nod for good measure. Sixth sense, you mean like psychic abilities predictions all that jazz I said jokingly earning a glare from Sophie. Not exactly, more would you be able to pin-point where we were at in the room if you couldnt see or hear and that is what we are going to do now. Sophie, go and get her I-pod and get us something to cover her eyes with and meet us outside.

~ H~
Remind me again why were out in the freezing cold snow? Sophie whined. I was freezing as well, but I was too keyed up too notice it that much. We are gonna test to see whether or not this fiery red head has got a sixth sense. Right put these on Andrew handed me a blind fold and my I-pod put the music on full blast, whenever Darren pokes you want you to point to were ever you think I am, got it? I nodded even though I

wasnt so sure, Andrew grinned and gestured for me to them on. Here goes nothing I slipped the blindfold over my head and put the earphones in, I scrolled down the list of songs till I found Back in Black by AC DC- the legends that are and will always be- and let the drums and guitar fill my ears. Darrens POV Once Darren saw Andrews nod of approval he poked Lizzie gently. After a couple of minutes of dead silence, Lizzie turned and faced Andrew and took a couple of cautious steps towards him, Darrens emerald orbs looked between her and her uncle, to see a wheel barrow in her path, Darren took a step forward to move it but Sophie put her hand on his arm to stop him, Darren gazed at her for a while and shrugged his sisters cold hand off him and was about to go and move the wheelbarrow until he seen Lizzies slim pale frame walk around it. How in under god did that just happen, Darren cast a glance at Andrew to see his expression morph from shock into pride. If Darren didnt know any better he would have assumed that she had that she was walking normally towards her uncle without a blindfold over her eyes. But if he thought about Lizzie was always kind of freaky like that. She would never jump instead she would give you a raised eyebrow and turn back around right before you tried to scare her whereas Sophie would jump a foot high in the air and screech till the sound died out killing his eardrums and foot in the process. Coming back out of his inner musings, Darren looked up just in time to see his cousin place a frail hand on Andrews muscled and toned forearm, and to hear his sisters high pitched squeal of approval. Whats going on here? A woman voice materialized out thin air right beside him, Andrew skidded a foot back out of shock Dont be frightened and judging by the brown

hair and piercing emerald eyes an OConnor, nice to meet you cousin, Im Anna Belairos, Ninas mother He looked up at the face that belonged to the voice. True enough she have OConnor features, it was clear that she was Ninas mother, she had the same body frame as Nina even though she hadnt full developed yet in either sense of the word. Shaking his head he berated himself for not haven spoken yet. Darren Mac Donald He held his out in greeting in which she took obligingly And Im an OConnor, you didnt scare me you just startled me thats all and I suppose your Victor Belairos, Lizzies dad? Why he spoke it as question hed never know, as it was clear that this 6 foot 2 inches man was Ninas father, the deep pools of blue that gazed at him were definitely hereditary. That would be me, again whats going on? Victor repeated his eyes cast his daughter, still wearing the blindfold and earphone, in confusion. We are figuring out whether on not your daughter here has a sixth sense or not Andrew answered for him suddenly appearing to the left of him. And you didnt think to call us becauseand plus I thought we were going to wait Anna questioned, her emerald eyes narrowed into slits. I didnt want to interrupt anything replied her brother-inlaw wriggling her eyebrows, the mental image that just flashed through his mind was one he did not want. The glare coming off Anna, was frighteningly similar to Lizzies, made Andrew continue with his explanation hastily and there was no we about this, you and Victor made this decision, and I say Victor lightly because you took control, once again might I add, I had no input whatsoever and also it would take to long as well as the fact that I need an approximated date for shell be joining us. Andrew was

practically fuming by the time he had finished his rant and Anna had calmed down midway through, once she understood his point off view. Darren glanced at Lizzie to see her reaction to Andrews reasoning almost expecting her to start bombarding him questions, but she unusually quiet.. For once he thought to himself.

Lizzies Pov
Date. That one single word was doing relays in my head, repeating itself over and over again. I know I had been expected to visit them or live with them of sorts but that word just made it seem all so real, gazing around the snow covered fields and yard, till my eyes finally laid rest on the house I grew up in. It was hard to tell if I even wanted to leave, the sentimental side of me wanted desperately to stay to the place that brought me comfort and safety. On the other hand I felt a strange tug in my sole in the very deepest part of my heart almost like a gravitational force to Transylvania. Ireland still held a firm grip over me whether that was due to my mother was Irish or the fact that everything had started, all of it, right here in Ireland. I looked down at Ben who had just appeared at my side, I crouched down beside him in the snow, God he was a sight for sore eyes. It sounds strange but it felt as if he understood as rested his head on my jean clad thigh, maybe it was a Nina thing. I turned my gaze towards Sophie and Darren to find him staring at me with a frown on his face. Whats his problem? He looks as if he constipated. Sophie was spaced out again; maybe I should just start calling her spacer. Its gonna be hard to part with you darlin thats one thing I know for certain I whispered to him, as I said he huddled closer, as if he was understood again. Im sorry, your right Andrew I should of thought about that, well carry on Anna admitted shamefaced. Andrew nodded at me, which I returned and then put the blindfold

on, and put the raconteurs: consoler of the lonely up full blast and started walking where I felt was right.

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