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One day, in one of the kingdoms, there was a war between the king and the wizard. However, with the
power of a king's sword called Excalibur, the king won the war.

But one silent night, there was a problem in the kingdom so the king and his wife and his child...

Scene 1
Queen: "What should we do? I'm scared..."
King: "We have to run... come!"

(Runs while carrying Arthur) (The King suddenly stops)

Queen: "What are you doing? Run quickly!"

King: "Let's drift Arthur away"
Queen: "Are you crazy?"
King: "So he will be safe, believe me"
(the queen looked confused, but she still drift Arthur away)
Queen: "I hope you live happily, son..."

The king and queen died, but the sword that belonged to him, would not perish. The sword was stuck in
a stone, only his son could remove it.

(Arthur drifts to a village)

Scene 2
Woman: (Sees something, then approaches)
Woman: "Oh my god!" (Take Arthur)
Woman: "Whose child is this, are you lost?.... I will try to be a good mother"

Scene 3
Arthur lives in a tough environment, he is delinquent and good at stealing
Arthur: (Sees coin falling, picks it up silently)

Scene 4
(There is a commotion outside)
King 2: "What happened?"
Soldier: "Your majesty, there's a sword stuck in a stone, they are all trying to pick it"
King 2: "Hmm...Do you think thats the Excallibur sword?"
Soldier: "Maybe? It looks similar"
King 2: "Let's see..."

Scene 5
Arthur: (Wanting to leave)
Mother: "Where're you going?"
Arthur: "Just going for a walk mom"
Mother: "Don't come home too late"
Arthur: "Yeah... see you later mom"

Scene 6
Arthur: (Looking at the sword)
Arthur: "The sword..."
Arthur: (Tried to take it but failed)
Shadow of the queen: "Use your both hands..."
Arthur: (Looking for sound source)
Shadow of the queen: "Come on, you can do it"
Arthur: (Lifts it with both hands with difficulty, then succeeds)

Scene 7
Soldier: "Your Majesty, someone managed to pull out-"
King 2: "What?? Bring him to me, now!"

Scene 8
(Arthur faces the king)
King 2: "So, you are the missing one, right?"
Arthur: "Yes, and you are the lecherous one"

Everyone knows that Arthur will win. So, he was appointed king, because he was a descendant of a true

Scene 9
People: "A new king come"
(Arthur is crowned)
People: (clapping)

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