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SI. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, Cor D best fit.s each space: (15X2=30 marks)
Dear Trevor,
I know it's been ...C...(0 ) since I wrote to you but I've been very busy ... (1) we decided to move into the counuy. The house
in the village is not quite ready ... (2) but as you can imagine ... (3) the last few weeks we've had to chase up builders and
plumbers and we've ... (4) got a long way to go.
It's been such a long time since we ... (5) work on it. I've almost forgotten how long it's been exactly. We must have started it
about seven years ... (6) and we've ... (7) spent a small fortune on it. We are ... (8) living in our rather cramped flat where
you ... (9) us a few years ago but it... (10) to get unbearable and we ... (11) to moving out. We are still... (12) around from
morning ... (13) night and it's been particularly hectic ... (14) the last week. Anyway ... (15) all this was going on, Karen
fell and sprained her ankle which was the last thing we needed!

0 A long B sometimes C ages D lately

1 A every time B ever since C while D before
2 A still B already Cyet D soon
3 A for B as C while D since
4 A yet B already C nearly D still
5 A have started B start C did start D started
6 A before B ago C previous D since
7 A still Bnot . C already Dyet
8 A already B still Cyet D longer
9 A were visiting B have visited C had been visiting D visited
10 A begun B is beginning C begins D begin
11 A have looked B looked forward C will look forward D are looking forward
12 A rush Brushed Crushing D be rushed
13 A and B into C till D through
14 A during B from C in D while
15 A in B during C while Dfor

S2. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form: : (15X1=15 marks)
1. Joseph's English (improve, really) (I)............ , isn't it?
2. When I (arrive) (2)............ home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) (3)......... a beautiful candle-lit dinner.
3.1 (spend) (4) ............ my holiday in Crete and I hope it (be) (5) ............ the best holiday ever.
4. When Carol (call) (6)............ last night, I (watch) (7)............ my favorite show on television.
5.1 (work) (8) ............ for this company for more than thirty years now.
6. Thomas is an author. He (write) (9)............ mystery novels and travel memoirs. He (write) (10)............ since he
was twenty-eight. Altogether, he (write) (11)......... seven novels, three collections of short stories and a book of poetry.
7. If I (not know) (12)............ her so well, I (not believe) (13)............ her.
8. Wish me luck! If I (get) (14)............ the job, I (let) (15)............ you know.

S3. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same: (10X2=20 marks)
1. No other European city is as polluted as Athens.
Athens is .............................................
2. When did you start to learn English?
How long.............................................
3. My sister is not old enough to ride a bicycle.
My sister is .............................................
4. Why don't we go to the cinema tonight?
5. Dogs are more loyal than cats.
Cats are not.............................................
6. The price of the room includes breakfast.
7. I am sure thai Jane is at home.
Jane .............................................
8. They are still working on their project. They
9. 1 don't go abroad because I don't have enough money.
I f l .............................................
10. There was a time when people didn't watch TV.
Years ago, people ............................................

54. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word
which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (V). If a line has a word which should not be there, write
theword. (15X1=15 marks)

Leave it at home
_j{_ 0 Cars became popular as a quick and comfortable way of getting
will 00 around. This is still true when you will drive along a quiet country
___ 1 road or a modern motorway. As far as you getting from one place
___ 2 to another in the city is concerned, it is a different story. Whenever
___ 3 I want to get up anywhere in a hurry, I leave the car at home
___ 4 and, go on foot. It often turns out to be much more quicker. I still make
_____ 5 the mistake now and again of thinking the car is an efficient means
6 of a transport. The oilier day my wife was feeling a bit under the
___ 7 weather. She had been having terrible headaches for some long
___ 8 time and she decided she couldn't take it anymore and asked fro
_____ 9 me to give her a lift to the doctor, whose surgery is in the centre
___10 part of town. We live in a suburb in the old quarter of the city and
___ 11 it is about twenty minutes away on foot. On the way back, however,
___ 12 it is all uphill and I must to admit it can be exhausting, especially on a
_____13 hot day. Reluctantly I got the car out of the garage and we set it off,
___14 me muttering about the wonders of taxis. My heart was sank as we
___15 hit the first traffic jam -1 knew we were beginning a long journey.

55. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the
same line: (10x1=10 marks)

Unsolved mysteries
I have a (0) briefcase full of papers which describe cases BRIEF,
Sherlock Holmes has investigated. Some are (1) ________, FAIL
since there were no final (2) ____ for the mysteries in EXPLAIN
question. A problem without a (3) ________ may interest the SOLVE
(4) _____, but will offer little to the general reader. SPECIAL
Among these (5) ______ stories is that of the yacht Alicia, FINISH
which one morning sailed into the mist and (6) __________ forever; APPEAR
the vessel and the crew were never seen again. Then there was
the case of the well-known (7) ________ Ltiigi Persano, who JOURNAL
wasfound(8)________mad with ajar in front of him. The jar COMPLETE
contained a remarkable worm, unknown to science up to that point.
Apart from these mysterious cases for which Holmes did not find
solutions, there are those which various (9) ________ people , INFLUENCE
would rather not see in print and those which might affect the
(10) _________ of Holmes himself, for whom I have more respect REPUTE
than for any man alive.



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