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1. Could you please introduce yourself? What do you look like?

What kind of
person are you?

My name is………….. I was born in ……………….. My birthday is on 10 Novem-

ber. I live in…………with my parents and brother. I am tall/ short / of middle heigh
with long, straight hair and brown eyes. I am slim and I look sporty. Most of the time
I am optimistic, friendly, helpful and happy. I can make friends easily. Sometimes I
am lazy and impatient.

What do you usually do in your free time?

I like spending my time with my family and friends. We go hiking in the mountains,
do sports, go out/go to parties. When I stay at home I relax, chat with my friends, surf
the net or watch good films/series.

What is your favourite family celebration?

I like Christmas because of the feeling and spirit of it. I can decorate the house with
Christmas decorations. I meet my family members who lives far. We eat delicious

About your family

1. Could you please introduce yourself and say a few sentences about your fam-
ily? Do you live in a small or a big family? How do you get on with your fam-
ily members? What do you do together?
My name is………….. I was born in ……………….. My birthday is on 10 Novem-
ber. I live in…………with my parents and brother. I come from an average family. I
get on well with my family members. We can discuss our problems and we help each
other. We spend a lot of time together. At he weekend we often go hiking or simply
invite or visit our friends. In summer we often have a barbecue together in our gar-

2. Tell us about your extended family, relatives. Do you have many cousins,
aunts, uncles? How often do you meet them?
My mother comes from a big family so I have a lot of uncles, aunts and cousins/rela-
tives. My grandparents live close to us so we can meet every week.

3. How do you keep in touch with your relatives? What are the family occasions
when the whole family come together?
We often meet. When we are not together we write messages send photos or phone
each other. On birthdays and at Christmas we come together and have great time to-
These pictures show online film watching and a multiplex cinema. Compare and con-
trast them. Include the following points:

❖ watching films online, downloading films

❖ watching films at the cinema
❖ film types you like and dislike
❖ multiplex cinemas

I often watch films online. I sometimes download films from the net. It is cheap and I
can see the latest film whenever I want. I also like Netflix. I usually see series on it.
I prefer watching TV at home on my sofa. It is more comfortable for me than going
to the cinema. It is also cheaper.
I like science fiction films. I hate romantic stories.
It depends on my mood what films I watch.
I sometimes go to the cinema city with my friends. I like it very much.
Multiplex cinemas are very popular because the sound is good. It is enjoyable to
watch films in a cinema.

2. témakör- Ünnepek- Holidays

3.1 What are the red-letter days in your family? Which family celebration do you
like most? How do you celebrate your birthday?
The most important family occasions in our family are birthdays, name days, Christ-
mas and Easter. My favourite family celebration is my birthday, because everybody
tries to surprise me and my mother makes me a delicious cake. I get a lot of birthday
wishes on Facebook. I usually have a birthday party. I invite my friends and have fun

3.2 How do you celebrate your name day? Do you celebrate it in the same way as
your birthdays? What presents do you usually give and get?
My mother cooks my favourite meal. We invite my grandparents and have a good
time together. I usually get some money and buy the things I need on my own.

3.3 How do you celebrate Christmas in your family? How do you celebrate Easter
in your family? What are the traditional dishes you have these days?
Christmas is the biggest event in our family. The whole family gets together. My
grandparents, uncle, aunt and cousins. They come to our house on Christmas Eve
and we sing songs around the Christmas tree, open up our presents and have deli-
cious lunch. We usually eat fish soup, stuffed cabbage and poppy-seed cake. At
Easter Sunday we go to the church and have lunch together with my grandparents.
On Easter Monday the boys to the girls’ houses and sprinkle them. Girls usually give
chocolate eggs to the boys. Typical Easter dish is ham and hard boiled eggs.

These pictures show different family celebrations. Talk about family celebrations in your family.
Include the following points:
· red letter days in your family
· how you celebrate
· your favourite family celebration
· Christmas in your family
· Easter in your family
3. témakör- időjárás

1. What is the climate like in Hungary? What is the weather like in Hungary in different sea-
sons? What is the weather like today?

Hungary has a continental climate where the winters are cold and summers are dry and hot.
In spring the weather is changeable, sometimes very warm and sunny, sometimes cool and
windy with a lot of rain. The nature awakens from its winter sleep. The flowers are blooming.

Summers are dry and hot, with a lot of sunshine. The average temperature is about 25 de-

Autumns are usually cool, foggy and rainy, but here are some weeks when the weather is
pleasant with a lot of sunshine. People call it Indian summer. The leaves turns into yellow and
red and then fall from the trees.

In winter it is cold, sometimes freezing cold, cloudy and snowy.

Today it is sunny and hot.

1.2. Which is your favourite season and why? Which season don’t you like and why? What kind
of climate do you prefer when choosing where to go on vacation?

My favourite season is summer because we have long summer holiday. We don’t have to go to
school. I don’t like winter because it is usually very cold. We can’t go hiking or walking for a long
time. The roads are slippery after snowing.

Summer is the best season to go on vacation because I like swimming and sunbathing.
3. Where can you get information about the weather? Have you ever checked the weather
forecast for your city on the Internet? How much do you depend on the weather reports?

I check the weather forecast almost every day on Internet. I like “Időkép” because I can check
the weather in my town. I try to get dressed according to the weather forecast.

These pictures show two of the four seasons. Compare and contrast them. Include the following
· Which is your favourite season?
· What happens to nature in spring/autumn?
· What is the weather like in the different seasons?
· What do you typically do in these seasons?
· What do you wear in summer/winter?
· What is the climate in Hungary/England like?

3. témakör- Környezetünk (our environment)

1.1. What is it like to live in a town? What is life like in a village? Would you prefer to live
in a town or in a village? Why?

Life in town is busier than life in a village. There are more people, more buildings. Sec-
ondly, there are a lot of shopping and entertaining facilities. Moreover, there are more
workplaces and more schools.

Life in a village is calm and peaceful. There are more trees and animals. Therefore, living in
a village is healthier because the air is clean, and fresh. It is quiet because there is no
traffic noise.

In my opinion living in a town is better because life is never boring and there are a lot of
things to do. There are cinemas, museums, theatres and cafés where I can meet my

1.2. Where do you live? Where is it situated? What can you find in the village/town?

I live in ………………………. It is not far from …………………………. In my town there are two
churches, a cinema, a lot of shops and a library. There are some entertainment facilities
like discos. My town is famous for ……………

1.3. What kind of services does your village/town offer? What kinds of tourist attractions
are there? What are the main cultural/sports events in your town or village?

In my town there are some restaurant and cafes. I sometimes go there with my family/
friends. The food and coffee is delicious there. There aren’t many tourist attractions in my
town, only a Roman Catholic Church and a museum. Every summer we have festivals ……..
There are some sports events. Football and basketball matches and running races.


These two pictures show the countryside and the city. Compare and contrast them. Include
the following points:

· Which place is more similar to where you live?

· How are people’s lives different in each place?
· What’s your town like?
· Where would you prefer to live in the future?
4. témakör- School

1. How many lessons do you have a week? What time do you usually start and finish school? Are
you satisfied with your timetable?

We have a lot of lessons. About 35 lessons a week. Our lessons start at half past seven and
usually finish at about 2 pm. On Friday we finish earlier. I don’t like my timetable because we
have a lot of lessons and it is very tiring. I am very tired when I get home.

2.1. What is your favourite subject? Which is the most difficult and why? How much homework
do you do every day?

My favourite subject is Geography because we learn about the world and nature. I also like Litera-
ture because I like reading. I don’t like Maths because it is a very difficult and boring subject. Un-
fortunately we get a lot of homework so in the afternoon I usually learn for hours.

Can you describe the building of your school? What special classrooms, labs do you have? What
does your classroom look like?

Our school is a very big 3 storey building. It is new because it was renovated some years ago. The
windows and the heating system are new. We have a lot of special classrooms like computer class-
room, Biology and Physics lab and some workshops for the vocational subjects. Our classroom is
big, the windows are new. The wall needs painting but we have some decorations on the wall and
some plants on shelves.

What events and school celebrations are there?

We celebrate the beginning and the end of the school year. The celebrations are held in the
church. We also celebrate national holidays (15 March, 23 October)and the day of our school in
March on St Joseph’s day. There is also the school- leavers’ ball where the students can dance. As
we are a religious school we celebrate Christmas and Easter during a church service. There are
some sports events and other programs for students to have fun.

These pictures show different school facilities and events. Talk about school life in our school.
Include the following points:
· facilities (rooms and equipment)
· subjects you have to study and can choose
· your favourite subject(s) and the reason(s) why you like them
· the events and school celebrations
· your personal opinion and experiences

6. témakör -Életmód

1. What time do you usually get up? What are the first things you usually do in
the morning? What time do you leave for school?

On weekdays I usually get up at 6 o’clock, at the weekend I get up later. I

go to the bathroom, wash my face, get dressed and have breakfast. I eat a
sandwich and drink tea. I leave for school at 7 o’clock. I walk to school. /
My bus starts at 7:10.

2. What time do you leave for home after school? How do you spend your af-
ternoons? What do you do before going to bed?

My lessons usually finish at 2 pm. I go home right after the lessons and
have lunch at home. In the afternoon I have a rest, do my homework and
chat with my friends and watch TV. I usually go to bed at 10 pm.

3. What do you do at weekends? Do you visit relatives/meet friends? What do

you do together? How much time do you spend studying?

At weekends I get up late. I help my mother with the housework. I clean my

room every Saturday. We often visit my grandparents and relatives. We talk
and have a good time together. I learn on Sunday. I usually learn for 2 or 3

2. We are going to talk about healthy way of life.

2.1 Are you a healthy eater? How many meals do you usually have a day and
what do you eat? Do you eat junk food? If yes: What kind of junk food do you
eat? If no: Why do you avoid it?
I think I am a healthy eater, because I eat a lot of fruit and vegetable. I some-
times eat junk food like pizza, hamburger and
other fast food because I like them. I try to avoid
junk food but when I go out with my friends it is
easier and cheaper to buy fast food.

2.2 What do you do to keep fit? Do you do any sport regularly? Why? Why is
physical exercise important to your health?

These two pictures show two dishes for lunch. Compare and contrast them. Include the following
· the differences between these two dishes
· varieties of fast food
· fast food restaurants
· your own preferences
· a typical Sunday lunch in your family

We have 5 PE lessons a week so we do exercises every day. At the weekend I

go jogging with my friend. Sport is very important to keep fit and stay

In the first picture I can see junk food. On the plate there is a ham-
burger with French fries. It is unhealthy because it contains too
much fats and carbohydrate. On the second plate we can see salad
that is very healthy as it contains a lot of vitamins. There are vari-
eties of fast food like hamburger, hotdog, pizza. Nowadays fast-
food restaurants are meeting places for young people who want ot
socialize and have something to eat and drink. They offer simple
food, for example, various hamburgers and salads. The service is
quick, the prices are good. I like fast food, especially pizza. I also
like home-made food. On Sunday we usually eat soup with breaded
meat with potatoes and salads.
7. témakör: Szabadidő, művelődés, szórakozás

1. We are going to talk about free time.

1.1 How much free time do you have during the week? How much free time do
you have at the weekend? How do you spend it?

I don’t have much free time during the week because I go to school and I have to
study a lot. In the evenings I can relax and watch TV. I like weekends very much, be-
cause I have a lot of free time. On Saturday mornings I usually do my homework,
help my mum with some housework, then I do a lot of different things I like. I often
have a chat with my friends, go shopping, and listen to music.

2. Who do you spend your free time with? What do you do with your family and
friends? Where do you go out with your friends?

I spend my free time with my family and friends. When the weather is nice I go for a
walk in the city centre or go hiking in the hills with my family. I sometimes go out
with my friends. We hang out together. We go to the cinema or go window shop-

1.3 What do people usually do in their free time? Have you got a hobby? What is
it? If you could choose what hobbies would you take up?

People can do different things in their free time. They can do active things like hik-
ing, walking, running or doing any other sports. At home people can relax, watch TV,
listen to music, playing board games or surf the net. I haven’t got a hobby, but I love
taking photographs. I like taking photos about nature and people.

Why do people take up hobbies?

There are several reasons people take up hobbies. They want to relax, have fun,
keep fit, meet their friends or enjoy the nature.
These pictures show some people’s hobbies. Compare and contrast them. Speak about your hob-
bies including the following points:
· Your hobbies
· Why take up gardening? Is it hard work or relaxing?
· Keeping pets
· Any other hobbies? (fishing, collecting stamps, taking photos, etc.)
· Why do people take up hobbies?
1. Where do you usually go on holiday? How do you
prepare for a journey? What things do you pack be-
fore leaving?
I usually go on holiday to a lake or river where I can swim. I like Lake Balaton. I
pack my suitcase and look at the website of the hotel. I pack my clothes, shoes,
my ID card and some money. My mother packs the food.

2. How was your last vacation? Who did you go with? How was your trip?
Last summer I went to Lake Balaton with my family. We had a very good time to-
gether. We went there by car and spent 1 week in Siófok. We swam and sunbathe
every day as the weather was sunny. Every evening we went for a walk and eat an

3. Do you prefer active or relaxing holidays?

I prefer passive holidays. I like lying in the sun on a beach doing nothing or just stay-
ing at home reading, watching films and relaxing a lot. I also like active holidays
mainly in spring when the weather is not so hot. I usually go hiking in the Mátra hills
with my family. I enjoy taking a walk along the path and breathe fresh air. I think we
all spend too much time indoors, so it’s very healthy to go hiking. In the mountains
there are small villages where there aren’t crowds of tourists, so you can enjoy
some calm and peaceful days far from the dirty and smoggy town.
What are some of the tourist attractions in Hungary?
A lot of foreigners come to see the capital and many also spend some time at Lake Balaton. In
Budapest I would take my guests to Castle Hill and would see the Matthias church and the Fish-
ermen’s Bastion. We would see the parliament and have a cruise on the River Danube. People
like spending some time on the Margaret Island where they can walk or relax.

These pictures show different types of holidays. Compare and

contrast them. Include the following points:
· How are the holidays in the pictures different?
· Why do people go on these types of holidays?
· Which holiday would you prefer? Why?
· What are some of the tourist attractions in Hun-

What are the most popular means of communication nowadays?

Besides face-to-face communication, people call or text each other. There are free messaging and chatting
programs that are getting more and more popular too, and they make communication really fast.

Why are smartphones becoming more and more popular? What do you use you mobile phone for?
They are popular because they have a lot of functions. It is like a computer, you can browse the Internet.
With smartphones, users are able to access social networking websites and post comments anytime or any-
where. I can use my mobile phone for many things. I call people, send text messages or pictures, play games,
listen to music, set the alarm clock, take pictures, and use the calculator.

When is a mobile phone extremely useful?

Mobiles are useful when you are in trouble, for example, when you become ill, get lost, late for a meeting.
You can call for help when you see an accident.

When is it not really polite to use a mobile phone?

It is not polite to use it during the lessons, in the theatre or cinema. I can’t stand people talking loudly on the
phone in the street, on public transport or in restaurants.

These pictures show the use of means of modern communication. Compare and
contrast them. Include the following points:
· different ways of communication
· when mobile phones are useful
· where and how are computers used
· possible disadvantages of using them
· your life without a mobile phone or a computer

We are going to talk about shopping.

1.1 How often do you go shopping? What kind of things do you often shop for? How do you
decide what to buy?
I go shopping with my mother once a week. We buy everything we need. We buy bread, meat,
cheese and other food. I love shopping for clothes. I try to find fashionable clothes and shoes.

Where do you usually buy your clothes? Who do you often go shopping with?
I buy my clothes from shopping malls. There are wide range of goods there. My favourite one
is Arena plaza. I can also watch a good film in the cinema city. I also like buying clothes from
second hand shops because the clothes are cheaper. I usually go shopping with my mum or

What is something that you have bought recently? What is something that you want to buy,
but can’t afford to buy? What was the last thing you bought for someone else?
I bought a new pair of leather shoes last week. I would like to buy a new mobile but it is very
expensive. I bought a book and a T-shirt for my brother’s birthday.

Have you ever bought something online? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of online shopping?
Yes, I often shop online. I like webshops, because they are convenient and easy way of shop-
ping. You choose the item you want to buy, you can read the comments of buyers about the
product that you are interested in.
Some people don’t like shopping online because the can’t touch, smell, try on the goods. They
say that the pictures are not always reliable because the products look nice in a photo than in
reality. Some people say that shopping online is not safe. You have to give credit card details. I
think if you choose a reliable and well-known webshop, it is safe.


These two pictures show different places where people do their shopping. Compare
and contrast them. Include the following points:
· the main differences between these places (shopping mall, small shops)
· the advantages of going to these places
· the disadvantages of these places
· doing online shopping
· your preferences
Shopping malls: There is a wider choice of products and they always have
some special offers too. Negative sides: There are always too many people. It is
difficult to find a shop assistant to help you. Small shops: The shop assistants
help you. They are friendly. Small shops aren’t as crowded as big shops. It takes
less time to find the products that you want. Negative sides: You cannot find ev-
erything you need. Most of the products are more

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