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pH Complete Lab - please include this document in your

notebook and fill it out completely!

Purpose: What is the purpose of this lab? Write one or two lines describing what you
think the goals of doing this lab are.

Background “A”. Write a one page background about pH, acids and bases. You can also
write about the pH of foods or household chemicals if that is something you’re
interested in (you also need bases to make soap).
Please cite your sources at the end of your background. Note: this does not need to be
perfect (don’t worry about spelling or grammar), and please don’t ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ in
your own mind or with your computer. Put it in your own words.
Background B (prelab questions): Please answer the following (note: reading the lab
should help a lot here).

1) Why is understanding pH helpful in environmental science?

2) What is the range of the pH scale? Which is most acidic, pH 1 or 14?

3) What is a buffer?

4) What is the difference between pH 4 and 5? How about 6 to 8?

5) What can acid precipitation do to the soil?

Procedure: Make any notes to any changes done to the procedure below:
Observations/ Results: Please make note of any observations. Be sure to complete
Table 1 below, as well do a graph (more information below on the graph).

Table 1: pH Results
pH after 20 pH after 20
Does this sample have
Sample Initial pH drops of drops of
any buffering capacity?
Water 1 NA

Water 2 NA

Buffer 1 NA

Buffer 2

Soil 1 NA

Soil 2 NA

You will need to do a bar graph of the information above in table 1. On the x-axis, have
your sample type (e.g., Buffer 1, Buffer 1 with 20 drops of HCl). On the y-axis is your pH.
I would recommend that you draw the graph by hand, and take a photo of it and then
insert it below, or do it in Excel / Google Sheets (which you can copy and paste below. If
both of those are tough for you, you can also do the graph by hand and load the graph
separately in the assignment folder.
Discussion: Write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on the lab… what went well, what
didn’t? Then, please answer questions below.

1. Why did or why didn’t the water pH change after you added an acid or a base?

2. Can you make a statement how the buffer responds to acids and bases?

3. What was the pH change in the soil samples (if any) after you added the hydrochloric

4. How many drops do you think it would take to lower the pH (by a full pH unit) of
Buffer 1 versus Water 1? Which one will require more HCL to lower the pH?

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