Japanese Culture Research Anime Instructions

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Japanese Culture Research Anime

Now that you have researched aspects of Japanese culture in pairs, you will need to transform ONE
aspect of your research individually into Anime form where you tell the story of ONE aspect of
Japanese culture using images and words. For example, Festivals, food, etc. This activity also tests
your organisation skills in a creative way. Use the following instructions as a guide:

 Include 6 frames or panels in your storyboard. These frames should include a general
account of your main areas of research (including historical aspects where relevant) from the
perspective of an Anime character. Your text is the research through the eyes of your
character. (If you are not able to draw traditional Japanese Anime characters, any other
characters are fine). The character is telling the story of your research.
 Black and white or colour options are fine.
 Drawings by hand or with some computer assistance are also fine. You will not be judged on
your artistic ability.
 You may include a setting or specific background for festival if required.
 Use your notes from your pair research.
 Include a list of your sources or links in a Bibliography.
 You will have ONE lesson to complete this in class. Upload in Canvas at the end of the lesson.

Watch the following clip to help you:

Explain What is a StoryBoard?! (youtube.com)

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