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Regulation of Transporters and Channels

by Membrane-Trafficking Complexes
in Epithelial Cells

Curtis T. Okamoto
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, California 90089-9121

The vectorial secretion and absorption of fluid and solutes by epithelial cells is dependent on
the polarized expression of membrane solute transporters and channels at the apical and
basolateral membranes. The establishment and maintenance of this polarized expression of
transporters and channels are affected by divers protein-trafficking complexes. Moreover,
regulation of the magnitude of transport is often under control of physiological stimuli, again
through the interaction of transporters and channels with protein-trafficking complexes. This
review highlights the value in utilizing transporters and channels as cargo to characterize
core trafficking machinery by which epithelial cells establish and maintain their polarized
expression, and how this machinery regulates fluid and solute transport in response to
physiological stimuli.

hallmark physiological function of epithe- acutely regulated by changing the number of

A lial cells is to effect secretion and absorption
by many organs through vectorial transport of
transporters or channels at the apical or baso-
lateral membrane by endocytotic and recycling
fluid and solutes. Vectorial transport is estab- pathways, in a physiologically responsive fash-
lished by the polarized delivery of distinct co- ion to hormones or neurotransmitters.
horts of membrane solute transporters and Characterization of the trafficking machin-
channels from the post-Golgi biosynthetic se- ery that regulates these transporters and chan-
cretory pathway to either the apical or basolat- nels, particularly those localized to the apical
eral membrane of epithelial cells. The trans- membrane, has progressed significantly in past
porters and channels then work in series to years owing to multiple factors. First, epithelial
mediate vectorial transport of solutes across cells in organs tend to behave stereotypically.
the apical and basolateral membranes. In addi- Thus, in these systems, the activities of the
tion, once transporters or channels are delivered transporters, channels, and their associated
to their respective plasma membrane domains, membrane-trafficking protein complexes tend
the Vmax of secretion or absorption can be to be circumscribed to fulfill a specific function,

Editor: Keith E. Mostov

Additional Perspectives on Cell Polarity available at
Copyright # 2017 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved
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C.T. Okamoto

which in turn facilitates the characterization of Hþ-Kþ-TRANSPORTING ATPase (H,K-

the interactions between transporters or chan- ATPase) IN THE GASTRIC PARIETAL CELL
nels and membrane-trafficking machinery and
the functional consequences thereof. In addi- One of the first systems in which regulated re-
tion, many of these cells endogenously elabo- cycling was first proposed nearly 40 years ago
rate specific subsets of often relatively common as a mechanism for regulating the Vmax of a
trafficking machinery to fulfill their function membrane transporter was that of the gastric
within their physiological niche. Thus, the ex- H,K-ATPase in the regulation of gastric HCl
pectation is that these proteins will be coex- secretion by parietal cells (Forte et al. 1977).
pressed and colocalized in the same relevant The H,K-ATPase is a heterodimeric P-type
epithelial cells, and that their interactions will ATPase, a close relative of the ubiquitous
be functionally relevant. Second, the greater Na,K-ATPase, and is comprised of a 100-kDa
availability of tools, such as instrumentation polytopic 10-transmembrane (TM)-spanning
and reagents, has facilitated the characteriza- domain catalytic a-subunit and a type II single
tion of these sets of proteins and their func- transmembrane-spanning glycosylated b-sub-
tions. A related advantage is that transporters unit; it is distinct from, and unrelated to, the
and channels often offer a straightforward V-type Hþ-ATPase of endosomes, lysosomes,
functional readout of their activity. Third, the and Hþ-transporting cells of the kidney.
independent findings from a cell biological In nonsecreting parietal cells, the H,K-
approach can inform inquiry into these physi- ATPase is stored in an extensive array of tubular,
ologically based systems, and findings from a vesicular, and cisternal intracellular membrane
physiologically based system could as well in- compartments, collectively known as “tubulo-
form the cell biology of these trafficking protein vesicles” (Forte et al. 1977; Aoyama and Sawa-
complexes. Indeed, an important criterion to guchi 2011). When the parietal cell is stimulated
fulfill is whether any findings in heterologous by gastrointestinal neurotransmitters and hor-
expression systems are recapitulated in vivo mones (“secretagogues”) to secrete HCl, intra-
or in primary cultures of relevant epithelial cellular cAMP and/or Ca2þ increase, and
cells to help mitigate concerns over artifactual tubulovesicles fuse with the apical membrane,
interactions observed because of heterologous thereby delivering the H,K-ATPase to the apical
overexpression. Finally, dysregulation of the membrane (N.B., a parietal cell’s apical mem-
trafficking of transporters and channels are brane is highly invaginated and anastomosing
clearly linked to disease. A greater mechanistic and is also known as the canalicular mem-
understanding at the molecular level of these brane). At the apical membrane, the H,K-
systems will potentially provide more precision ATPase couples the hydrolysis of ATP to the
to translational opportunities in therapeutic efflux of Hþ in exchange for extracellular Kþ,
approaches. thus driving HCl secretion. When the stimulus
The progress made in the characterization is withdrawn, there is a massive re-uptake of
of trafficking machinery that regulates the apical membrane and H,K-ATPase, and typical-
recycling or localization of select apical mem- ly within an hour, the tubulovesicular compart-
brane transporters or channels, with a couple ment is reestablished. There, the H,K-ATPase
of exceptions, will be reviewed, focusing on resides until the parietal cell is again stimulated
protein – protein interactions and functional to secrete HCl. Thus, functionally, the tubulo-
consequences thereof, as well as their intersec- vesicular compartment behaves as a recycling
tion with key intracellular signaling pathways pathway regulated by secretagogues. Early ultra-
in their regulation. This review complements structural studies of parietal cells showed a re-
recent general reviews on apical membrane re- ciprocal relationship between the abundance of
cycling pathways (Swiatecka-Urban et al. 2007; tubulovesicles and apical membrane surface
Golachowska et al. 2010; Stoops and Caplan area during the secretory cycle (Forte et al.
2014; Goldenring 2015; Vergés 2016). 1981). Later, subcellular fractionation and bio-

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Trafficking of Membrane Transporters in Epithelial Cells

chemical studies showed that the membrane rab27b (Suda et al. 2011b); cytoskeletal pro-
environment of the H,K-ATPase changed on teins, such as ezrin (Hanzel et al. 1991; Yao
stimulation of the parietal cell (Wolosin and et al. 1996; Zhou et al. 2003a, 2005; Tamura
Forte 1981, 1984). Although such morphologi- et al. 2005; Yoshida et al. 2016), LIM- and
cal and biochemical studies supported the reg- SH3-domain-containing protein-1 (lasp-1)
ulated recycling hypothesis, the discovery that (Chew et al. 1998, 2000, 2002, 2008), cdc42
Rab11a was highly expressed in parietal cells and (Zhou et al. 2003b), IQGAP1 and/or IQGAP2
was localized predominantly to tubulovesicles (Zhou et al. 2003b; Chew et al. 2005), and my-
began to solidify its identity as a regulated apical osin IIB (Natarajan et al. 2014); and proteins
recycling compartment (Calhoun and Golden- that bridge membrane-trafficking pathways
ring 1997; Calhoun et al. 1998). Conversely, the with the cytoskeleton, such as myosin Vb
presence of Rab11a on tubulovesicles helped de- (Myo5b) (Hales et al. 2001; Lapierre et al.
fine Rab11’s role as a major regulator of recy- 2001) and Hip1R (Jain et al. 2008). Evidence
cling pathways in other cells (Casanova et al. for the functional significance of many of these
1999; Hsu and Prekeris 2010; Goldenring 2015). proteins in the regulated recycling of the H,K-
The functional role of Rab11a in the regu- ATPase has been shown to varying degrees.
lated recycling of the H,K-ATPase was shown There is indirect evidence that the b-subunit
when Rab11a was shown to translocate together possesses a functional cytoplasmic YXXf inter-
with the H,K-ATPase to the apical membrane nalization motif (Courtois-Coutry et al. 1997;
on stimulation (Calhoun et al. 1998), and Nguyen et al. 2004); however, direct interaction
the expression of dominant-negative Rab11a of the H,K-ATPase with clathrin adaptors has
blocked the secretagogue-stimulated delivery not been shown, nor is there convincing evi-
of H,K-ATPase from tubulovesicles to the apical dence that the internalization phase of regulated
membrane in primary cultures of parietal cells recycling is clathrin mediated. Thus, the role of
(Duman et al. 1999). In addition, through co- clathrin in H,K-ATPase trafficking remains to be
localization and/or functional inhibition stud- characterized.
ies with SNARE-cleaving toxins, the membrane Apical targeting motifs have been character-
fusion SNARE proteins syntaxin-1 (Stx1), -3 ized in both subunits (Gottardi and Caplan
(Stx3), SNAP-25, and VAMP2 have been shown 1993; Dunbar et al. 2000). In addition, the ex-
to regulate tubulovesicle and H,K-ATPase deliv- pression of either H,K-ATPase subunit (Scarff
ery to the apical membrane (Calhoun and et al. 1999; Spicer et al. 2000; Miller et al. 2002),
Goldenring 1997; Peng et al. 1997; Ammar putative tubulovesicular Cl2 channels (Xu et al.
et al. 2002; Karvar et al. 2002a,b; Lapierre 2008; Nighot et al. 2015), or Hip1R (Jain et al.
et al. 2007), analogous to their regulation of 2008) appears to be critical for the biogenesis of
the delivery of membrane proteins to the apical the tubulovesicular compartment, as parietal
membrane in other epithelial cells. cells from knockout mice for these proteins are
The other potential regulators of regulated devoid of tubulovesicles, suggesting that the ex-
recycling identified on tubulovesicles or the api- pression of cargo or specific trafficking proteins
cal membrane by either imaging or biochemical are critical for the biogenesis of tubulovesicles.
studies is a potentially exciting list of trafficking- Significant progress has been made with re-
related proteins, including membrane-traffick- spect to the role of the actin- and membrane-
ing proteins, such as clathrin and the AP family binding protein ezrin in H,K-ATPase recycling.
of clathrin adaptors (Okamoto et al. 1998, Ezrin, a founding member of the ezrin – radix-
2000), the tetraspanin CD63 (Duffield et al. in –moesin (ERM) family of scaffolding pro-
2003), epsin 3 (Ko et al. 2010), rab11 family of teins, was first characterized in parietal cells as
interacting proteins (Hales et al. 2001; Lapierre a substrate of protein kinase A (PKA) (Hanzel
et al. 2007), arf6 (Matsukawa et al. 2003), rab25 et al. 1991) and expressed at the apical mem-
(Calhoun and Goldenring 1997; Calhoun et al. brane (Yao et al. 1996; Sawaguchi et al. 2004).
1998; Hales et al. 2001; Lapierre et al. 2007), and Two major PKA phosphorylation sites on ezrin

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C.T. Okamoto

in parietal cells have been characterized, S66 and sosomal storage disease mucolipidosis type IV
T567 (Zhou et al. 2003a, 2005; Zhu et al. 2008). (MLIV), present with achlorydria, which is
Overexpression in primary cultures of parietal unique among lysosomal storage diseases
cells of a nonphosphorylatable S66A ezrin in- (Schiffmann et al. 1998; Lubensky et al. 1999;
hibits H,K-ATPase recruitment (recycling/exo- Bargal et al. 2000; Sun et al. 2000b; Venugopal
cytosis) to the apical membrane, whereas the et al. 2007; Chandra et al. 2011). MCOLN1 is a
overexpression of the phosphomimetic S66D member of the transient receptor potential
ezrin results in a stimulated morphology owing (TRP) channel family and is localized to late
to recruitment of tubulovesicular membranes to endosomes and lysosomes (Puertollano and Ki-
and fusion with canalicular membranes (Zhou selyov 2009). Its function in the endolysosomal
et al. 2003a). On the other hand, overexpression pathway has not been clearly defined, but it has
of the T567A ezrin localized to the canalicular been shown to play multiple roles in regulating
membrane and did not inhibit H,K-ATPase re- endolysosomal function, such as lysosomal pH
cruitment, whereas T567D ezrin was predomi- (Soyombo et al. 2006), autophagy (Vergarajau-
nantly localized to the basolateral membrane regui and Puertollano 2008), lysosomal exocy-
and effected the relocalization of the H,K- tosis (Park et al. 2015), transport of lipids to
ATPase to or near the basolateral membrane lysosomes (Pryor et al. 2006), or clearance of
(Zhu et al. 2010). Knockdown of ezrin in mice apoptotic cells (Venkatachalam et al. 2008).
resulted in achlohydria, an inability to secrete MLIV is a rare inherited disorder and, in
gastric acid, and in ultrastructural changes in addition to achlorhydria, patients also show
tubulovesicles and canalicular membranes (Ta- the more severe symptoms of delayed psycho-
mura et al. 2005; Yoshida et al. 2016). Ezrin has motor development and progressively impaired
been shown to bind to the adaptor protein vision (Schiffmann et al. 1998; Lubensky et al.
PALS1, which mediates ezrin localization, and 1999; Bargal et al. 2000; Sun et al. 2000b; Venu-
knockdown of PALS1 blocks membrane recruit- gopal et al. 2007; Chandra et al. 2011; Waka-
ment in stimulated cells (Cao et al. 2005). My- bayashi et al. 2011). It is not clear how the
osin IIB also appears to be critical for ezrin lo- loss-of-function mutations in MCOLN1 result
calization (Natarajan et al. 2014). Ezrin binds to in any of the symptoms of MLIV. However, ul-
and recruits ACAP4, the GTPase-activating pro- trastructural analysis of parietal cells from these
tein (GAP) for ARF6, to canalicular membranes patients, as well as from knockout mice for
in a stimulation- and ezrin-S66-phosphoryla- MCOLN1, reveals an accumulation of lysosom-
tion-dependent manner (Ding et al. 2010). al inclusion bodies (Lubensky et al. 1999; Chan-
Overexpression of a GAP-deficient ACAP4 in- dra et al. 2011). It suggests that normal turnover
hibits membrane recruitment and HCl secre- by the endolysosomal system of membrane pro-
tion, but not ezrin localization. Finally, ezrin tein, and perhaps of the H,K-ATPase in partic-
interacts with Stx3 as well as the cell polarity ular, may be important for maintaining HCl
kinase MST4 (Yu et al. 2014; Jiang et al. 2015). secretion by the parietal cell. Because the pari-
Thus, ezrin appears to reside within a key nexus etal cell is rather selectively sensitive to mutation
for protein – protein interactions in the recruit- of MCOLN1, analysis of its role in parietal cell
ment of the H,K-ATPase to the canalicular function could lead to insights into its role in
membrane on stimulation of the parietal cell, normal endolysosomal function and how mu-
although ezrin itself has not been reported to tations in it lead to the multiple symptoms of
interact directly with the H,K-ATPase. Other MLIV.
ERM proteins and their regulation of apical ex-
pression of transporters and channels are re-
viewed below.
One of the more interesting recent findings
is that patients with loss-of-function mutations Another well-characterized regulated apical re-
in mucolipin-1 (MCOLN1), resulting in the ly- cycling system is that of the vasopressin (also

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Trafficking of Membrane Transporters in Epithelial Cells

known as antidiuretic hormone)-sensitive wa- Moeller et al. 2010; Rice et al. 2012) and possibly
ter channel AQP2 in renal epithelial cells a clathrin-independent, lipid-raft-dependent
(Brown 2003; Moeller and Fenton 2012; Fenton pathway (Yu et al. 2008; Fenton et al. 2013),
et al. 2013; Wilson et al. 2013; Verkman et al. and ubiquitylation enhances AQP2 endocytosis
2014). AQP2 is a polytopic 6-TM domain (Fenton et al. 2013; Moeller et al. 2014), whereas
membrane protein that assembles homotypi- association of AQP2 with the apical membrane
cally to form water channels. AQP2 resides in detergent-resistant protein (MAL, also known
an intracellular membrane storage compart- as vesicle integral protein of 17 kDa [VIP17])
ment when water does not need to be reab- attenuates internalization (Kamsteeg et al.
sorbed back into the body from nascent urine. 2007). Recent data suggest that AQP2 interacts
When dehydrated, the body needs to reabsorb with members of the 14-3-3 scaffolding protein
water from nascent urine, and the posterior pi- family in a phosphorylation-dependent fash-
tuitary gland secretes vasopressin. Vasopressin ion, which in turn regulates AQP2 ubiquityla-
stimulates renal epithelial cells, and these AQP2- tion, trafficking, and degradation (Moeller et al.
containing intracellular membranes fuse with 2016). It is not currently clear what fraction of
the apical membrane to mediate water reabsorp- AQP2 internalized from the apical membrane is
tion. When vasopressin is no longer present, sorted to the recycling pathway versus the deg-
AQP2 is internalized from the apical membrane, radative pathway.
and the recycling storage compartment is rees- Of note is that loss-of-function inherited
tablished. AQP2 undergoes regulated recycling mutations in AQP2 result in its misfolding
through a Rabll-positive storage compartment and retention in the endoplasmic reticulum
(Nedvetsky et al. 2007; Rice et al. 2012), analo- and thus its inability to be delivered from the
gous to the regulated recycling of the H,K- biosynthetic pathway to the recycling compart-
ATPase. Recent novel data indicate, however, ment or apical membrane (Tamarappoo et al.
that the delivery of a significant fraction of newly 1999; Frick et al. 2014; Dollerup et al. 2015).
synthesized AQP2 may be targeted first to the These mutations are a subset of the causes of
basolateral membrane and then transcytosed to nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, presenting as a
the apical membrane in vitro and in vivo (Yui chronic production of a dilute urine and con-
et al. 2013). The remainder may traffic directly sequent imbalance in body water content, and is
to the apical membrane from the trans-Golgi one example of diseases caused by inherited de-
network (TGN) in a pathway that is dependent fects in the proper folding of a membrane trans-
on the phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate-bind- porter or channel.
ing adaptor protein FAPP2 (Yui et al. 2009).
Phosphorylation of AQP2 regulates the
rates of exocytosis at, and endocytosis from,
the apical membrane (Moeller et al. 2010; Rice Although expressed in the apical membrane of a
et al. 2012). Exocytosis is mediated by the v- number of epithelial cells, in renal epithelial
SNAREs VAMP2, VAMP3, and VAMP8 (endo- cells ENaC plays a critical role in sodium bal-
brevin) on AQP2 vesicles, and t-SNARES Stx3, ance and is the target of the diuretic amiloride
Stx4, and SNAP23 at the apical membrane (Pro- (Rossier 2014; Hadchouel et al. 2016). There are
cino et al. 2008; Mistry et al. 2009; Wang et al. three similar but distinct subunits, a, b, and g,
2010). The Sec1/Munc18-like (SM) protein all with two membrane-spanning domains and
Munc18-2, which helps prime SNAREs for two short cytoplasmic tails. To form a function-
membrane fusion, is also localized at the apical al channel, these subunits may be assembled in
membrane (Procino et al. 2008). Thus, the homomeric fashion, but maximal channel ac-
membrane fusion machinery for AQP2 exocy- tivity requires assembly with one of each sub-
tosis is also relatively commonplace. unit isoform.
Endocytosis occurs through a clathrin- and ENaC was one of the first demonstrations of
dynamin-dependent pathway (Sun et al. 2002; a gain-of-function mutation in an epithelial ion

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C.T. Okamoto

channel linked to disease. In Liddle’s syndrome, cling compartment for ENaC is likely to be a
a mutation results in the loss of the PY motif in Rab11-positive compartment (Karpushev et al.
one of the cytoplasmic tails of ENaC, the conse- 2008; Butterworth et al. 2012; Frindt et al. 2016).
quence of which is constitutively active Naþ re- Recent data have shown that inhibition of
absorption by the kidney and chronic hyperten- ubiquitylation occurs by acetylation of key ly-
sion, caused by the inability to internalize ENaC sines targeted for ubiquitylation (Butler et al.
efficiently from the apical membrane (Schild 2015). Acetylation was also shown to increase
et al. 1996). ENaC activation is also controlled cell-surface abundance of ENaC, and acetylated
by proteolysis of a segment of its extracellular ENaC was shown to be a substrate of histone
domain (Svenningsen et al. 2011); however, deacetylase 7, which is expressed abundantly
this mode of activation will not be reviewed here. in the kidney, particularly in the cells enriched
The molecular mechanism for the defect in in ENaC. Acetylation of ENaC may represent a
Liddle’s syndrome is an inability to ubiquitylate novel pathway for regulation of ubiquitylation
ENaC, and that ubiquitylation is required for of ENaC and therefore its function.
the rapid internalization of ENaC (Staub et al. In characterizing the exocytosis of ENaC, a
1997). The molecular machinery for ubiquity- fusion-independent role for the SNARE Stx1
lation was identified as the ubiquitin ligase was observed. When coexpressed with ENaC,
Nedd4-2 that binds to the PY motif. Ubiquity- Stx1 (but not Stx3) was shown to inhibit di-
lated ENaC then binds to the alternate clathrin rectly the activity of ENaC by reducing both
adaptor epsin and is endocytosed via clathrin- the abundance and activation of gating of
coated vesicles (Shimkets et al. 1997; Staru- ENaC at the cell surface, and were mediated by
schenko et al. 2005; Wang et al. 2006; Weixel the cytoplasmic domain of Stx1 interacting with
et al. 2007). In addition, the YXXw motif down- the carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic tail of ENaC
stream from the PY motif ([S/T]PPPXYX[S/ (Qi et al. 1999; Peters et al. 2001; Condliffe et al.
T]w) can bind independently to the m-2 sub- 2003; Berdiev et al. 2004; Condliffe et al. 2004),
unit of the AP-2 clathrin adaptor and may also suggesting a system of coordinate regulation of
mediate its endocytosis (Staruschenko et al. delivery or ENaC and its activity.
2005). Aldosterone is a steroid hormone that is
Postendocytotic trafficking of ubiquitylated thought to regulate Naþ balance by transcrip-
ENaC may transit through either a recycling or a tional up-regulation of transporters and chan-
degradative pathway. Transport to a lysosome- nels, and their protein activators, for Naþ reab-
dependent degradative pathway appears to be sorption (Rossier 2014). However, recent data
mediated by hepatocyte growth-factor-regulat- suggest that the relatively short time course of
ed tyrosine kinase substrate Hrs, a component the onset of some of aldosterone’s effects is
of the endosomal sorting complexes required too rapid to be mediated by changes in gene
for transport (ESCRT)-0 complex (Zhou et al. expression. These rapid aldosterone-dependent
2010). Hrs can bind to ENaC also through the changes in ENaC activity involve the activation
PY motif. Thus, mutation of this motif in Lid- of protein kinase D1 resulting in the stimulation
dle’s syndrome affects both Nedd4-2 and Hrs of the delivery of a pool of ENaC from the TGN
binding. Diversion to a recycling pathway may to the apical membrane (Dooley et al. 2013;
be mediated by the ubiquitin-specific peptidase Quinn et al. 2014).
8 (USP8), which can also bind to ENaC and de- In addition, a number of kinases affect
ubiquitinate it (Zhou et al. 2013). When coex- Nedd4-2 activity, such as serum glucocorti-
pressed with ENaC in various cell systems, USP8 coid-regulated kinase (SGK), PKA, and 50
increased ENaC current and abundance at the AMP-activated kinase (AMPK). Those kinases
cell surface. Interestingly, another USP, USP2- that activate Nedd4-2 (e.g., AMPK) ultimately
45, increased surface expression of ENaC by inhibit ENaC activity (Carattino et al. 2005;
reducing its endocytosis rather than reducing Bhalla et al. 2006), and those that inhibit
its degradation (Oberfeld et al. 2011). The recy- Nedd4-2 (e.g., SGK, PKA) stimulate ENaC

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Trafficking of Membrane Transporters in Epithelial Cells

activity via interaction of phospho-Nedd4-2 in a clathrin-associated myosin VI – dependent

with 14-3-3 proteins instead of ENaC (Snyder fashion (Hegan et al. 2012; Chen et al. 2014), to
et al. 2004; Bhalla et al. 2006; Nagaki et al. the intermicrovillar cleft (region) where it may
2006). Recent data have also suggested that be endocytosed into endosomal compartments
With-No-Lysine kinase 4 (WNK4), a kinase mu- (Donowitz and Li 2007). Thus, its surface ex-
tated in pseudohypoaldosteronism type II, in- pression is reduced, lowering its Vmax at the cell
hibits ENaC activity by enhancing internaliza- surface. EBP50/NHERF1 also regulates cAMP
tion and also reducing the recycling pool of the sensitivity of NHE3 (i.e., the cAMP-dependent
channel (Ring et al. 2007; Yu et al. 2013; Had- inhibition of activity), whereas NHERF2 regu-
chouel et al. 2016). These WNK4 effects are in- lates cAMP, cGMP, and Ca2þ sensitivity (Yun
dependent of Nedd4-2. et al. 1997; Lamprecht et al. 1998; Murtazina
et al. 2011; Sarker et al. 2011). Endocytosis,
however, has been reported to be both clath-
rin-dependent (Hu et al. 2001; Musch et al.
NHE3 is a member of a family of polytopic 11- 2007) and clathrin-independent, but lipid-
TM domain antiporters that catalyze the elec- raft-dependent (Zachos et al. 2014).
troneutral efflux of Hþ to the influx of Naþ The exocytosis of NHE3 from an endosomal
(Donowitz et al. 2009). NHE3 plays an impor- compartment, and therefore an increase in Vmax
tant role in Naþ and pH homeostasis. NHE3 in of NHE3 transport, can also occur (Donowitz
its basal state resides predominantly in the mi- and Li 2007). A number of other signaling path-
crovilli of the brush border membranes of in- ways (epidermal growth factor, glucocorticoid
testinal and renal epithelial cells. NHE3 tether- signaling through SGK, phosphatidylinositol-3
ing to microvilli is predominantly attributable kinase, apically applied lysophosphatidic acid
to its direct binding to ezrin (Cha et al. 2006) or UTP) have been shown to regulate the stim-
and other scaffolding proteins, namely, the ulation of NHE3 in an NHERF-dependent fash-
NHE regulatory factor (NHERF) family of pro- ion (Li et al. 2001; He et al. 2011; Murtazina
teins, identified in seminal work beginning in et al. 2011; Sarker et al. 2011). Angiotensin II,
1997 with ERM-binding phosphoprotein of a peptide hormone that stimulates Naþ reab-
50 kDa (EBP50, also known as NHERF1), sorption by renal epithelial cells, also stimulates
NHERF2, and NHE3 kinase A regulatory pro- the trafficking of NHE3 up the microvilli of
tein (E3KARP) (Yun et al. 1997, 1998; Lam- renal epithelial cells to stimulate the Vmax of
precht et al. 1998). The NHERF proteins possess NHE3 transport and, therefore, Naþ reabsorp-
two PSD-95/discs large/zonula occludens-1 tion in the kidney, and NHE3 is trafficked along
(PDZ) domains, one of which binds to a with myosin VI, EBP50/NHERF1, ezrin, and
PDZ-binding motif in the carboxy-terminal cy- clathrin (Riquier-Brison et al. 2009). Thus, the
toplasmic tail of NHE3. The NHERF proteins NHERF proteins play key roles in integrating
also possess a domain to bind ERM proteins. signaling, trafficking, and localization of NHE3,
Thus, the NHERF proteins also recruit ezrin to as well as of other transporters, channels, and
NHE3, where ezrin may serve as an actin cyto- membrane receptors.
skeletal linker and/or PKA anchor (Lamprecht
et al. 1998; Yun et al. 1998; Kurashima et al.
1999). The NHERF family of proteins has since
been shown to regulate the intracellular traffick-
ing of other membrane proteins, such as G-pro- The CFTR is an ATP-binding cassette (ABC)
tein-coupled receptors (Cao et al. 1999; Whee- transporter encoded by the cystic fibrosis (CF)
ler et al. 2007). gene. It is a 12-TM domain polytopic mem-
Signaling pathways that raise intracellular brane protein that is localized at the apical
Ca2þ, intracellular cAMP, or intracellular cGMP membrane of epithelial cells where it functions
activate the trafficking of NHE3 down microvilli, as a cAMP-activated Cl2 channel. Through a

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variety of interactions with adaptor proteins, CFTR Vmax at the apical membrane; the cAMP
CFTR serves as a putative hub of macromolec- sensitivity and increase in Vmax is dependent on
ular complexes of transporters and channels, EBP50/NHERF1. In addition, ezrin-EBP50/
such as ENaC and NHE3, and actin cytoskeletal NHERF1 interaction enables misfolded CFTR
elements in reciprocal regulation of their activ- to evade peripheral protein quality control
ities (Farinha and Matos 2016). (Loureiro et al. 2015), which for mutated, mis-
CF is the most common genetic disorder folded CFTR likely involves evasion of rapid
among Caucasians (Elborn 2016). It is well internalization from the cell surface and subse-
known that mutations in CFTR cause defects quent trafficking to a ubiquitin-dependent deg-
in Cl2 secretion, leading to the most overt radative pathway (Okiyoneda et al. 2010).
symptoms of CF. The most prevalent mutation, A class of small molecules, known as “cor-
DF504, results in improper trafficking of the rectors” or “rescuers,” are thought to act as
CFTR, owing to its misfolding, leading to a small molecule chaperones to facilitate the fold-
defect in Cl2 secretion. As might be expected, ing of mutated CFTR, allowing it to be exported
CFTR interacts with many members of the traf- from the endoplasmic reticulum and ultimately
ficking protein complexes mentioned above, be delivered to the apical membrane (Hanrahan
such as PDZ domain – containing proteins et al. 2013; Holleran et al. 2013; Loo et al. 2013;
(Short et al. 1998; Moyer et al. 1999, 2000; Arora et al. 2014; Abbattiscianni et al. 2016;
Sun et al. 2000a; Karthikeyan et al. 2001; Naren Farinha and Matos 2016). However, their effi-
et al. 2003; Cheng et al. 2004; Li et al. 2005; cacy is countered by the peripheral protein
Bossard et al. 2007; Gee et al. 2011; Arora quality-control pathway mentioned above. Re-
et al. 2014; Loureiro et al. 2015; Lobo et al. cent exciting work has shown that the activity of
2016), ezrin (Sun et al. 2000a; Naren et al. some of these correctors can be potentiated by
2003; Li et al. 2005; Loureiro et al. 2015; Abbat- enhancing the interactions among the proteins
tiscianni et al. 2016), clathrin adaptors (Brad- in the macromolecular complex at the apical
bury et al. 1994; Weixel and Bradbury 2000, membrane (Loureiro et al. 2015; Abbattiscianni
2001a,b; Peter et al. 2002; Collaco et al. 2010; et al. 2016), such as by stimulating a conforma-
Cihil et al. 2012), v- and t-SNARES (Peters et al. tional change in EBP50/NHERF1 via activation
2001; Bilan et al. 2013), Rab11 (Swiatecka- of the F-actin-regulating small GTPase Rac1
Urban et al. 2007; Silvis et al. 2009; Bilan et al. (Loureiro et al. 2015). Exchange protein directly
2013; Holleran et al. 2013), and Myo5B (Swia- activated by cAMP 1 (EPAC1), a cAMP-depen-
tecka-Urban et al. 2007) and –VI (Ameen and dent guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the
Apodaca 2007; Collaco et al. 2010); some of small GTPases Rap1 and Rap2, also enhances
these interactions may be cell-type-specific, the activity of correctors (Lobo et al. 2016).
but these will not be reviewed here. Rather the EPAC interacts directly with EBP50/NHERF1
focus will be on amelioration of CF by drugs that to stabilize CFTR at the cell surface.
may work at novel trafficking loci for CFTR Interestingly, other routes of delivery to the
(Zhang et al. 2011; Hanrahan et al. 2013; Hol- cell surface may be exploited in the treatment of
leran et al. 2013; Loo et al. 2013; Abbattiscianni CF. DF504 CFTR trafficking to the cell surface
et al. 2016; Farinha and Matos 2016). can be rescued in vitro and in vivo by directing
Via its carboxy-terminal PDZ-binding mo- DF504 to a Golgi-independent pathway that re-
tif, wild-type CFTR interacts with EBP50/ lies on the PDZ-binding domain of CFTR and
NHERF1 and resides in a functional macromo- the PDZ domain of Golgi reassembly stacking
lecular complex with the b2 adrenergic receptor protein 55 (GRASP55) (Gee et al. 2011). Block-
(b2AR) at the apical membrane of airway cells ing the conventional Golgi-dependent secretory
(Naren et al. 2003). Ezrin, through binding to pathway by pharmacological agents or molecu-
EBP50/NHERF1, is also part of this complex. lar constructs can redirect DF504 to this uncon-
An increase in cAMP from stimulation of b2AR ventional Golgi-independent pathway. Further
blocks internalization of CFTR, thus increasing characterization of these CFTR protein –pro-

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Trafficking of Membrane Transporters in Epithelial Cells

tein interactions that regulate its trafficking may tioning-defective 4 [PAR4]) (Baas et al. 2004) is
provide novel opportunities to treat CF. a multidimensional kinase (Korsse et al. 2013).
It regulates cellular metabolism, cell prolifera-
tion, cell polarity, and tumorigenesis. LKB1 is
known to regulate many of these various activ-
ities mainly through regulation of AMP-depen-
dent protein kinase (AMPK) and mammalian
The apical membrane ROMK channel (or target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling. In ad-
KCNJ1 or Kir1.1) regulates Kþ excretion (efflux dition, germ-line inactivating mutations in
from cells) into urine by the kidney. Endocyto- LKB1 in humans cause Peutz – Jeghers syn-
sis of ROMK from the apical membrane is a key drome, in which patients have a predisposition
mechanism to reduce Kþ excretion under con- to cancers of the digestive tract, breast, and re-
ditions of Kþ deficiency. ROMK has been productive organs.
shown to interact with the alternate clathrin Transport of bile salts and bile pigments
adaptor autosomal recessive hypercholesterol- into and out of hepatocytes for their ultimate
emia protein (ARH) (Zeng et al. 2002; Fang excretion into bile relies on the proper expres-
et al. 2009). ARH binds to the NPXY motif in sion of transporters for these solutes at the ba-
the cytoplasmic domains of transmembrane solateral (sinusoidal) and apical (canalicular)
proteins (Bonifacino 2014), although in membranes, respectively (Chang et al. 2013).
ROMK, the motif appears to be YxNPxFV. Liver-specific knockouts of LKB1 in mice result
ARH regulates the constitutive endocytosis of in mice with abnormal bile canaliculi, abnormal
ROMK by clathrin-coated pits, and ARH is ex- bile duct (a structure dependent on the forma-
pressed predominantly in regions of the kidney tion of patent bile canaliculi), and a loss of
that also express ROMK (Fang et al. 2009). localization of a bile salt transporter ABCB11
The endocytosis of ROMK via ARH is also (also known as bile salt export pump [BSEP])
stimulated by the kinase WNK1 (Fang et al. from the canalicular membrane (Woods et al.
2009) and WNK4 (Kahle et al. 2003). Familial 2011; Homolya et al. 2014). These mice are also
gain-of-expression mutations in WNK1 have underweight, hyperbilirubinemic, and jaun-
been characterized in which the observed hy- diced, and they do not survive beyond 4 weeks.
perkalemia may be caused by an increase in However, the loss of ABCB11 expression from
ARH abundance (Hadchouel et al. 2016). How- the canalicular membrane does not account for
ever, other studies have shown that the kinase the inability to excrete bilirubin because knock-
activity of WNK1 is not required for its stimu- out mice for ABCB11 do not develop jaundice
latory effect on endocytosis, and that the effect (Wang et al. 2013a). On the other hand, all of
of WNK1 may be mediated through its interac- these defects could be attributed to a general
tion with intersectin, a scaffolding protein of the loss of polarity in the hepatocytes, although,
clathrin-dependent endocytotic pathway (He interestingly, histological examination of livers
et al. 2007). It is possible that two independent from these LKB1-deleted mice does not show
pathways exist for the regulation of ROMK via any frank aberrant polarized phenotype, other
endocytosis, which would not be surprising giv- than the irregular bile canaliculi.
en that redundant pathways often exist for the MRP2 (also known as ATP-binding cassette
regulation of important physiological processes. transporter C2 [ABCC2] or canalicular multi-
specific organic anion transporter [cMOAT])
plays a key role in the efflux across the apical
membrane of a number of epithelial cells of the
conjugates of phase II biotransformation,
namely, conjugates of glutathione, glucuronate,
LKB1 (also known as serine/threonine kinase and sulfate (Erlinger et al. 2014). MRP2 is
11 [STK 11] or in Caenorhabditis elegans parti- expressed at the apical membrane of hepato-

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cytes, renal epithelial cells, enterocytes, and pla- OTHER CORE TRAFFICKING MACHINERY
cental syncytiotrophoblasts. MRP2 is mutated REGULATING POLARIZED DELIVERY OF
in patients with Dubin– Johnson syndrome, re- OTHER MEMBRANE TRANSPORTERS
sulting in an inability of hepatocytes to efflux
conjugated bilirubin, leading to hyperbilirubi- Endogenous membrane transporters and chan-
nemia. Therefore, MRP2 is thought to play a key nels have been increasingly used as markers
role in the excretion of conjugated bilirubin, for cargo destined for apical and basolateral
and its localization and activity may be regulat- membranes, resulting in further characteriza-
ed by LKB1. LKB1 may thus be a general regu- tion of the machinery that regulates polarized
lator of the localization and activity of ABC sorting in epithelial cells. Mutations in the mo-
transporters in hepatocytes or may regulate tor protein Myo5B and Stx3 are causes of the
these transporters indirectly by its regulation rare autosomal-recessive microvillus inclusion
of cell polarity (Jansen et al. 2009; Fu et al. disease (MVID), whose patients suffer from
2010, 2011; Treyer and Müsch 2013; Müsch chronic diarrhea and life-threating dehydra-
2014). tion, as well as metabolic acidosis (Davidson
The interaction of MRP2 with scaffolding et al. 1978; Golachowska et al. 2010; Knowles
proteins and the regulation of these interac- et al. 2014; Vogel et al. 2015). The intestinal villi
tions by kinases affect MRP2 function. Radixin of these patients are severely atrophic (Davidson
is the predominant ERM protein expressed in et al. 1978). Expression in cultured intestinal
hepatocytes and is localized to the apical can- epithelial cells of an Myo5B with a mutation
alicular membrane (Suda et al. 2011a). Radixin found in patients with MVID resulted in an
binds to the carboxy-terminal tail of MRP2 inability of these cells to deliver a subset of api-
(Kikuchi et al. 2002). Deletion of radixin in cally targeted membrane transporter cargo,
mice results in a loss of canalicular expression namely, NHE3, CFTR, and the facilitative glu-
selectively of MRP2 and in hyperbilirubinemia cose transporter isoform 5 (GLUT5) (Vogel
(Kikuchi et al. 2002). The localization of radi- et al. 2015). Myo5B and Stx3 were found to be
xin to the canalicular membrane, and therefore part of a core complex that includes Rab11a, the
MRP2 function, is affected by its phosphoryla- v-SNARE Slp4A, Munc18-2, which mediates
tion (Suda et al. 2011a, 2016), the intracellular the interaction between Stx3 and Slp4A, and
redox or metabolic state of hepatocytes (Sekine the v-SNARE Vamp7 (Knowles et al. 2014; Vo-
et al. 2011; Suda et al. 2015), and cholestasis gel et al. 2015). Other rabs that were found to
(Kojima et al. 2008). An inability to excrete interact with Myo5B and Stx3 include Rab8a
conjugated bilirubin or other metabolites and Rab3b (Vogel et al. 2015). The interaction
caused by loss of MRP2 function may exacer- of Myo5B with Rab8a supports a model in
bate hepatocyte damage initiated by the accu- which this core trafficking complex may regu-
mulation of metabolites. In enterocytes, how- late other apical membrane delivery pathways,
ever, ezrin may regulate the apical membrane as Rab8a (and Rab11a) has been shown to
expression of MRP2 (Yang et al. 2007; Nakano regulate primary ciliogenesis (Das and Guo
et al. 2013). 2011; Deretic 2013). On the other hand, Rab8
Via its PDZ-binding motif, MRP2 also regulates the trans-Golgi network-associated
binds to EBP50/NHERF1, and the interaction clathrin adaptor AP1b to regulate the delivery
of EBP50/NHERF1 with either MRP2 or radix- of basolateral membrane proteins (Ang et al.
in is important for the efflux function of MRP2 2003). It is not clear how the hierarchy of
(Karvar et al. 2014). Thus, ERM proteins, either Rab8 utilization in apical versus basolateral pro-
through a direct interaction with the membrane tein delivery is established, and it may be cell-
transporter and/or indirectly through interac- type specific. In addition, interestingly, the
tion with EBP50/NHERF1, appear to play a key mutated Myo5B did not inhibit the apical
role in the expression and function of select delivery of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol
transporters at the apical membrane. (GPI)-linked apical membrane proteins, dipep-

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Trafficking of Membrane Transporters in Epithelial Cells

tidylpeptidase IV (DPPIV) or the dissachari- lins 2012). SNXs all contain a phox homology
dase sucrase-isomaltase (SI) (Vogel et al. 2015). (PX) domain, which binds to phosphoinositide
On the other hand, knockout or mutation 3-phosphate lipids; these lipids are enriched
of Rab8A in enterocytes of mice resulted in the in endosomal membrane compartments, thus
inhibition of delivery of not only brush-border mediating the recruitment of SNXs to endo-
GPI-linked membrane proteins DPPIV, SI, and somes. SNXs work in recycling cargoes in con-
alkaline phosphatase, but also the polytopic ab- junction with the protein complex known as the
sorptive transporters, such as the Hþ-depen- retromer (Bonifacino and Hurley 2008; Cullen
dent dipeptide transporter PepT1, responsible and Korswagen 2011; Vergés 2016). Retromer is
for the absorption of di- and tripeptides from a highly conserved membrane coat complex
the diet, and the Naþ-dependent glucose trans- that sorts cargo to be recycled from late endo-
porter 1 (SGLT1) (Sato et al. 2007). Thus, the somes to the TGN, and from recycling endo-
apical delivery routes are not segregated and somes to the plasma membrane, via tubular
regulated simply on the basis of GPI-linked ver- membrane carriers.
sus integral membrane or polytopic membrane SNX27 is a multidomain-containing pro-
proteins. tein, with a PDZ domain that interacts with a
Morphologically, enterocytes in these Rab8a heterogeneous cohort of membrane receptors,
mutant mice resemble those observed in pa- transporters, or channels (Temkin et al. 2011;
tients with MVID, with villus atrophy, microvil- Ghai et al. 2013; McGough et al. 2014), and may
lar shortening, and microvillar inculsions. In also interact with the retromer subunit, VPS26
addition, a patient with MVID symptoms has (Gallon et al. 2014). Moreover, SNX27 has an
been shown to have reduced levels of Rab8A ERM domain that binds to another SNX, SNX1
(Sato et al. 2007). Functionally, the symptoms (Steinberg et al. 2013), which contains a mem-
of the mutant mice recapitulate those of MVID brane-bending Bin-amphiphysin-rvs (BAR)
patients, particularly diarrhea. The inability to domain. Thus, SNX27 is proposed to coordi-
complete the digestion of proteins and complex nate receptor recycling by binding directly to
carbohydrates to single amino acids and mono- cargo via its PDZ domain and coupling it
saccharides, respectively, would be attributable to membrane tubulation and recruitment of
to the inability to deliver dipeptidases and di- dynamic actin structures. SNX27 has recently
saccharidases to the apical membrane. Coupled been shown to regulate recycling of epithelial
with the inability to absorb di- and tripeptides, membrane transporters (Hayashi et al. 2012;
as well as Naþ and glucose, because of the de- Steinberg et al. 2013; Singh et al. 2015), neuro-
crease in apical membrane PepT1 and SGLT1, nal membrane receptors (Cai et al. 2011; von
respectively, the diarrhea of MVID mice is con- Zastrow and Williams 2012; Wang et al.
sistent with that of an osmotic diarrhea in 2013b; Hussain et al. 2014; Loo et al. 2014),
MVID patients. In addition, these mice die and G-protein-coupled receptors (Lauffer et
soon after birth, and on necropsy, their intes- al. 2010; Temkin et al. 2011; Chan et al. 2016;
tines were observed to contain undigested milk. McGarvey et al. 2016). Interestingly, deletion of
Although Rab8a clearly is involved in regulating SNX27 in mice results in defective synaptic
apical membrane protein delivery, there may be transmission and learning and memory deficits,
subsets of protein-sorting complexes for differ- presumably owing to the inhibition of neuro-
ent membrane cargoes, based on a yet-to-be- transmitter receptor recycling at postsynaptic
determined selection process. neuronal membranes (Wang et al. 2013b).
Another hub for polarized membrane sort- SNX27, therefore, may play a general role in
ing may involve the sorting nexin protein recycling of membrane proteins, particularly
27 (SNX27). SNXs are a family of proteins in polarized cells.
that function as adaptor proteins for recycling In a global analysis of cells deleted in SNX27
of cargo between membrane compartments or the VPS35 subunit of the retromer (Steinberg
(Cullen and Korswagen 2011; Teasdale and Col- et al. 2013), there is a loss of cell-surface expres-

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sion of a number of transporters that are CONCLUSION

expressed in epithelial cells, such as the Cu-
These examples of the regulation of membrane
transporting P-type ATPase, ATP7A. Mutations
transporters and channels by membrane-traf-
in ATP7A cause Menkes disease, a disease of
ficking pathways in epithelial cells hopefully
copper deficiency (Polishchuk and Lutsenko
have illustrated the value in focusing on and
2013). The ATP7A also interacts with copper
characterization of these proteins as cargoes,
metabolism MURR1 domain-containing 1
and there are numerous other examples that
(COMMD1) protein (Phillips-Krawczak et al.
are unfortunately not included here. From these
2015), which, when mutated, also results in
studies, it can be concluded that complexes that
copper metabolic disorders. COMMD1 is the
incorporate ERM proteins, NHERF family
founding member of a family of proteins that
members, Rab8/11/Myo5B, and/or retromer
are involved in proinflammatory signaling, hy-
are critical for the regulation of apical mem-
poxia adaptation, and electrolyte transport
brane localization and recycling. By applying
(Maine and Burstein 2007). It is localized to
cell biological approaches to transporter and
endosomes and also interacts with FAM21, a
channel function, a deeper mechanistic under-
component of the F-actin nucleating, endo-
standing of the physiology and pathophysiology
some-associated, Wiskott – Aldrich syndrome
of solute transport has been obtained, and it is
protein and SCAR homolog (WASH) complex.
clear that relatively commonplace trafficking
The WASH complex also interacts with retro-
machinery has been co-opted to effect a partic-
mer. Thus, recycling of ATP7A is dependent on
ular functional niche. In addition, the utiliza-
a SNX27-retromer-COMMD1-WASH axis. In-
tion of membrane transporters and channels as
terestingly, COMMD1 also interacts with CFTR
cargoes for membrane-trafficking pathways has
(Drévillon et al. 2011) and ENaC (Ke et al. 2010)
resulted in novel findings regarding the func-
in cells that endogenously coexpress COMMD1
tion of select intracellular trafficking machinery
and either CFTR or ENaC. COMMD1 protects
complexes and the regulation thereof by intra-
CFTR from ubiquitylation and sustains CFTR
cellular signaling pathways in epithelial cell
expression at the cell membrane; however,
COMMD1 enhances ubiquitylation of ENaC,
enhancing its internalization.
In cells deleted in SNX27 or VPS35, there ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
is a loss of several other metal transporters,
amino acid transporters, as well as the glucose Apologies are extended in advance to those
transporter GLUT1, from the cell surface whose work has not been included here because
(Steinberg et al. 2013); however, not all of these of space constraints.
transporters are localized to the apical mem-
brane in epithelial cells. In fact, the multidrug
resistance transporter MRP4 has been shown
to interact with SNX27 (Hayashi et al. 2012), Abbattiscianni AC, Favia M, Mancini MT, Cardone RA,
and this transporter is localized to the apical Guerra L, Monterisi S, Castellani S, Laselva O, Di Sole
F, Conese M, et al. 2016. Correctors of mutant CFTR
membrane in kidney epithelial cells, but baso- enhance subcortical cAMP/PKA signaling via ezrin
laterally in hepatocytes. On the other hand, phosphorylation and cytoskeleton organization. J Cell
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Regulation of Transporters and Channels by Membrane-Trafficking

Complexes in Epithelial Cells
Curtis T. Okamoto

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol published online February 28, 2017

Subject Collection Cell Polarity

Regulation of Cell Polarity by Exocyst-Mediated The Crumbs3 Polarity Protein

Trafficking Ben Margolis
Noemi Polgar and Ben Fogelgren
Phosphoinositides and Membrane Targeting in Microtubule Motors in Establishment of Epithelial
Cell Polarity Cell Polarity
Gerald R. Hammond and Yang Hong Geri Kreitzer and Monn Monn Myat
Trafficking Ion Transporters to the Apical Role of Polarity Proteins in the Generation and
Membrane of Polarized Intestinal Enterocytes Organization of Apical Surface Protrusions
Amy Christine Engevik and James R. Goldenring Gerard Apodaca
Signaling Networks in Epithelial Tube Formation Polarized Exocytosis
Ilenia Bernascone, Mariam Hachimi and Fernando Jingwen Zeng, Shanshan Feng, Bin Wu, et al.
Making Heads or Tails of It: Cell−Cell Adhesion in Regulation of Transporters and Channels by
Cellular and Supracellular Polarity in Collective Membrane-Trafficking Complexes in Epithelial
Migration Cells
Jan-Hendrik Venhuizen and Mirjam M. Zegers Curtis T. Okamoto
Laminins in Epithelial Cell Polarization: Old Membrane Transport across Polarized Epithelia
Questions in Search of New Answers Maria Daniela Garcia-Castillo, Daniel J.-F.
Karl S. Matlin, Satu-Marja Myllymäki and Aki Chinnapen and Wayne I. Lencer
Epithelial Morphogenesis during Liver Mechanisms of Cell Polarity−Controlled Epithelial
Development Homeostasis and Immunity in the Intestine
Naoki Tanimizu and Toshihiro Mitaka Leon J. Klunder, Klaas Nico Faber, Gerard Dijkstra,
et al.
Targeting the Mucosal Barrier: How Pathogens The Biology of Ciliary Dynamics
Modulate the Cellular Polarity Network Kuo-Shun Hsu, Jen-Zen Chuang and Ching-Hwa
Travis R. Ruch and Joanne N. Engel Sung

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