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1. Mandatory: Review and run the lab_06_01.

sh script (located in the

/home/oracle/labs directory) to create the INVENTORY schema user, which you
will use in the next practice.

2. Create a profile named HRPROFILE, allowing 15 minutes idle time (Navigation aid:
Administration > Profiles). Optionally, review the underlying SQL statement.
3. Set the RESOURCE_LIMIT initialization parameter to TRUE, so that your profile limits
will be enforced time (Navigation aid: Administration > All Initialization Parameters).

4. Use EM to create the role named HRCLERK that has permission to select from and update
the HR.EMPLOYEES table (Navigation aid: Administration > Roles). Review your
underlying SQL statement:
5. Use EM to create the role named HRMANAGER that has permissions to insert into and
from the HR.EMPLOYEES table. Grant the HRCLERK role to the HRMANAGER role.
Review your underlying SQL statement:
6. Use EM to create an account for David Hamby, a new HR clerk (Navigation aid:
Administration > Users). Use the following specifications:
7. Use EM to create an account for Rachel Pandya, another new HR clerk. Repeat the steps
from task 6 with RPANDYA as the username.
8. Use EM to create an account for Jenny Goodman, the new HR manager. Repeat the steps
from task 6 with JGOODMAN as the username and selecting the HRMANAGER role
instead of
the HRCLERK role. Review your underlying SQL statement:
9. Test the new users in SQL*Plus. Connect to the ORCL database as the DHAMBY user.
oracle as the new password. Select the row with EMPLOYEE_ID=197 from the
HR.EMPLOYEES table. Then, attempt to delete it. (You should get the “insufficient
privileges” error.)

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