English JBPriestly

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Yr 10 Homework: J.

B Priestley research

Priestley’s background:
1. Where did Priestley grow up?
John Priestley grew up in the West Riding of Yorkshire in Bradford.
2. What was his life like as he was growing up?
He was born on the 13th of September 1894. John’s mother died when he was very young, making
his stepmother raise him. He went to Belle View school until he was 16.
3. What social background was Priestley from? (i.e working, middle or upper class)
He was born into a middle-class family.
4. What role did Priestley perform during the second world war?
During the second world war, Priestly was a regular broadcaster on the BBC, beginning in the
aftermath of the Dunkirk evacuation.
The Edwardian Era:
1. How was life different for people in the working classes compared to the upper classes?
The Upper class lived very rich and wealthy, owning lots of land and having the most power in
the country. The working class were very poor, owning almost no property, however accounted
for 80% of the population.
2. How did attitudes towards poor people from the rich change during this period?
During the 1900’s, attitudes changed, as much of the population was poor and sick. They realised
that their policy of just leaving them to help themselves, “laissez-faire”, was not effective to
poverty and illness.
3. How did attitudes change towards women during this period? What could the reasons be for the
Women were regarded as second-class citizens and had far fewer rights than men. They were
unable to vote until the suffragette movement made that the equal franchise act was passed,
allowing men and women equal voting rights, in 1928.
Research the Two World Wars:
1. How did the two World Wars impact on Priestley’s own life?
During the first world war, Priestley volunteered for the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment. He was
badly wounded during the war, after being buried alive by a trench mortar. During the second
world war, he was a regular broadcaster for the BBC. He was haunted by his experience in the
2. How did Priestley view the Second World War and its impact on society?
Class distinction was majorly reduced, due to all classes fighting in the war together, as equals. As
well as this, women’s rights and respect was improved, due to women’s help during WWII and
3. What did Priestley say about his experiences of being in the First World War himself?
Priestley wrote a letter in the trenches, describing the horrors and misery of life in the trenches.
Later in his life, he described that he wished to escape the hell of war, saying he felt like ‘a mouse
in a giant mincing machine.’ He criticized the trenches the men were packed into, saying he
believed that the horrible conditions were a cause of huge amounts of death.

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