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Task 1: Some people prefer travelling alone to have freedom to do what they like.

Other people
choose to travel in groups with tour guides to have fun and reduce travel experience. Discuss which
option you prefer when travelling.

In recent years, travelling has gained in popularity. Some people are keen on travelling in a group
with a tour guide. However, others claim that travelling alone is better. In my opinion, I agree with
the former. Discuss below are several reasons supporting my perspective.

On the one hand, people should recognize that travelling alone brings some advantages. Firstly, it is
true that when people travel alone, they have freedom when it comes to time. For example, if they
travel on their own, they are more flexible with time, so they are able to change their plans
whenever they want to. Moreover, it is fact that thanks to travelling alone, they can do whatever
they like –eat, dance, play a little music. This is not possible when they are in a group because there
are plenty of conflicting opinions.

On the other hand, there are several arguments in support of the idea that travelling in a group with
tour guides is better. Firstly, there is absolutely no doubt that only by travelling in group with tour
guides can people open my mind and gain knowlegde about culture. For example, when they visit a
museum, they can have a better understanding of local history. Secondly, it is fact that travelling in
group with tour guides, they can reduce travelling cost. In deed, people can share the cost of
transport, accommodation and other services. Thanks to that, they can save a lot of money. Finally, it
is undeniable that when they travel in group, they so they can make a lot of new friends. It means
that people can talk and take photos together. Thanks to that, they can expand their relationship and
become closer.

In conclusion, the above-mentioned facts have created a dilemma and it is still a controversial issue.
People should have further consideration on this issue. Personally, I would rather travel in group with
tour guide than travel alone.

Task 2: Nowadays, many people choose to have meals in the restaurant while others want to eat at
home. Which one do you prefer?

In recent years, MORE AND MORE RESTAURANTS ARE OPENED EVERYWHERE. some people are keen
on having meals in a restaurant while others want to eat at home. In my opinion, I agree with the
former idea. , peo

On the one hand, people should recognize that eating at home brings some advantages. To begin
with, it is true that when people have a meal at home, they are able to save money. For example,
thanks to cooking at home, they do not have to pay for some services. This is suitable for people who
do not have much money, like workers and students. Secondly, it is true that after a tiring day at
work, people can cook together and share stories of the day in the meal. When doing so, it helps
them tighten family bond and as well as reduce stress.

Moreover, it is a fact that eating at home is very convenient. Indeed, people do not have to go out to
restaurants far from home. So, they can save time travelling. Instead, they can stay at home and cook
their favorite meal.

On the other hand, eating at a restaurant is better. Firstly, there’s no doubt that if people have a meal
at restaurants, they can enjoy plenty of foods which they cannot cook at ome as well as have a great
atmosphere and nice view. Secondly, it is true that eating at restaurants helps people save time.
indeed, if eating out, they do not have to prepare any foods. This is suitable for people who are busy
with work. Finally, it is undeniable that in case of/ in order to have a wonderful to hold a nice event/
celebreation, having meal in a restaurent is a must. Thanks to a big space in restaurent, they are able
to invite a lot of people. Moreover, in the restaurant, they can enjoy interseting performances so
everyone will have great time.

In conclusion, the above-mentioned facts have created a dilemma and it is still a controversial issue.
People should have further consideration on this issue.

Task 3: The number of childen who are considered overweight in increasing. This is negative
consequence of mordern lifestyles and habits such us eating fast food and play video games.
Therefore, some people think increasing the time spent on physical education at shool is the best
way to deal with problem of overweight children. Do you agree or disagree with the statement.

In recent years, the number of childen who are considered overweight in increasing. This is negative
consequence of mordern lifestyles and habits such us eating fast food and play video games has
become a board issue to the public. Some people believe that increasing the time spent on physical
education at shool is the best way to deal with problem of overweight children. In my opnion, I partly
agree with this idea. Discussed below are several reasons supporting my perspective.

On the one hand, people recognized that incresing the time on physical education at school brings
many advantages. Firstly, it is true that physical education at school plays an important role in
impoving their health. For example, when students do exercise and play some sports, they can not
only reduce stress but also have a good shape. Moreover, we should not forget that if students spend
their time on physical education, they can avoid the risk of diseases such as obesity and heart
disease. Thanks to that, they will feel healthy and active, which helps them study better in class. Last
but not least, it is the fact that thanks to increasing the time spent on physical education at school,
they have a chance to develop social skills. In deed, when they play soccer, they can interact with
friends. Therefore, they can impove teamwork skills and expand relationships.

On the other hand, there are several arguments aganst the idea that increasing the time on physical
education at school is not neccessery. Firstly, there is absolutely no doubt that physica education at
school is time-consuming. In fact, many students want to focus on important subjects such as math,
science, english which they have to take exams on regularly.

In conclusion, the above-mentioned facts have created a dilemma, and it is still a controversial issue.
People should have further consideration on this issue.

Task 4: There is an increasing number of people leaving their jobs in companies and operations to
start their own business. This is popular WITH young people especially people with higher education
IN VIETNAM and increasing more and more. Discuss the main causes of this trend.

In recent years, there is a trend of people leaving their jobs in companies and operations to start /
begin / run their own business. This is popular with young people especially Vietnamese people with
high education background. Discussed below are several major causes / reasons of this issue.

First and foremost, a very important point to consider is that Vietnamese people run their own
business in order to have better salaries. In fact / it is the fact that many young people work hard but
cannot earn enough money to make a living; therefore, they quit their jobs to start their own
company. Thanks to that, they are able to have more profit, thus, have a quality life.
Another reason / explanation for this trend is that young people in Vietnam are longing for the
freedom in their career / jobs. There is no doubt that working in companies makes people feel
stressed and puts them under a lot of pressure. As a result, they want to quit the jobs and find
freedom by starting their own business. For example, if a young man has a deep passion for fashion,
he can open his own fashion store to satisfy his passion and feel free in his job.

Last but not least, if Vietnamese young people have their own business, they have/ stand a great
chance to learn more useful skills. Indeed, not only can they improve his leadership skills, but they
also gain money-time management skills.

In conclusion, the above-mentioned facts have outlined reasons of young people with higher
education quitting jobs in companies to run their own business. People should have further
consideration on this.

- have better salaries / make more money / earn more money

- have more freedom.

- have more skills

Task 5: People decide to have children later in their life. Discuss the reasons leading the trend and
impacts on family life and society.

In recent years, people who decide to have children later in their life have gained in popularity.
Discussed below are several reasons and impacts of this issue.

First and foremost, people should recognize that there are several main reasons why more and more
young people decide to have children later in their life. A very important point to consider is that
they want to focus on their career. Indeed, if people have children early, they have to spend time on
taking care of and teaching their kids. As a result, they are not able to work effectively and not able
to make enough money. Another explanation for this trend is that they are longing for the freedom
in their life. For example, if they do not have babies, they can do a lot of hobbies such as traveling
and sports. Thanks to that, they feel happy to be alive and really enjoy themselves.

There are many serious effects of having babies late in people’s lives. To begin with, there is no doubt
that if people give birth in old age, they and their children may suffer from some serious health
problems which have a negative influence on their life. Moreover, it is undeniable that this issue
leads to / results in old population. As a result, there are not enough workers for the development of
economy and society.

In conclusion, there are some reasons and effects of having children later in life. Therefore, people
should consider the suitable time to have children.

Task 6: Nowadays there is a trend of having a small family rather than a large family. People prefer
living in a nuclear family with 2 generations. Discuss benefits and drawbacks of having a small family
rather than a large family.

Recently / today, more and more people become keen on living in a nuclear family with 2
generations. This essay will discuss advantages and disadvantages of having a small family rather
than a large family.
On the one hand, there are several benefits of living in a nuclear family with 2 generations.

Firstly, there is no doubt that living in a small family is a good way to save money. Indeed, people in
small family do not have to spend a lot of money on food, clothes and accommodation, so they can
save money and have better living condition / financial condition. For example, because there are not
many people, they do not need so spend a huge amount of money on a big house.

Secondly, it is undeniable that if people live in a nuclear family, they can avoid conflict. Parents and
children have the same interests, so they can understand each other better / get along better.

Because children and grandparents do not have much same interest, so they may have arguments if
they live together.

(avoid conflict / argument)

On the other hand, living in a nuclear family may bring some limitations.

To begin with, it is true/ obvious that when someone is in trouble, he/she / that person does not get
a lot of help from many people. For example, / For instance

For example, if grandparents are ill/ suffer from serious illness / sickness, they will not be taken care
of / looked after by their relatives. This may have a negative effect on their health.

Moreover, if young people in the family have problems in their life, they will not get advice from
grandparents who are very experienced / have a lot of experience.

Moreover, it is the fact that due to not living with grandparents, their relationship may be not good /
may be damaged / destroyed. In fact, if they do not usually contact / visit old people, they can not
update their status and tighten their family bond.

In conclusion, living in a nuclear family with 2 generations has both pros and cons. Personally, I think
the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.

Task 7: A recent study states that 58% of children used digital devices in the form of a tablet, phone,
computer or TV at home. Many parents thought their children learn more about violence from TV
than from any other source. Television was also cited for fostering bad habits by glamorising highly
advertised junk foods and frequent use of alcohol.

Discuss benefits and drawbacks of watching TV.

Pros and cons

Recently, there is an increasing number of children using digital devices/ equipment in the form of /
namely tablet, phone, computer or TV at home. Many parents/ adults believe that their kids learn
about violence and bad habits from TV than any other source. This essay will discuss advantages and
disadvantages of watching TV.

On the one hand, there are some benefits of watching TV for children. Firstly, there is no doubt that
watching TV helps children to relax. For example, when they watch comedy, cartoon, or game show,
they can have a lot of fun and take away their worries after hard work / stressful lessons at school.
Secondly, it is undeniable that thanks to watching TV, children can gain knowledge. Indeed, if they
see educational programs such as history or animals, they stand a chance to open their mind about
cultures and natures. Thirdly, it is true that watching Television is a good way to learn new skills. in
fact, / it means that / For instance, whenever kids follow English talk on TV, they are able to improve
their English skills.

On the other hand, watching TV brings several drawbacks / limitations / Watching TV is not good for
children in some ways. To begin with, it is the fact that there are a lot of violence programs on TV.
Indeed, due to some programs like boxing and action movies, children may copy violence and hurt
other people. Moreover, television was also cited for fostering bad habits. In fact, there are a lot of
advertisements about junk foods and alcohols on TV, which are not good for children’s health. / Have
a negative effect on children’s health.

In conclusion, watching TV has both pros and cons to children. Personally, I think the benefits
outweigh the drawbacks.

Have a bad / negative effect on is harmful to N



Task 8: Many students go to university, but they can not find jobs affer leaving university. It is said
that more students should be encouraged to go to vacational schools. Do you agree or not agree
with this statement?

In recent years, many students go to university, but they can not find jobs affer leaving university has
gained in popularity. Some people believe that more students should be encouraged to go to
vacational schools. In my opinion, I partly agree with this idea. Discussed belove are several reasons
supporting my recspective.

On the one hand, people should recognize that students should be encouraged to go to vacational
schools because of several reasons. Firstly, it is true that students can save plenty of money and time
when studying at vocational schools. Therefore, this type of learning is more suitable for people who
have little money. For example, it takes about 2 years to complete an electrical vocational training
whereas you would need at least 4 years for university. Secondly, when students take part in
vacational school, they can gain/ get/ obtain practical experience and technical skills. Thanks to that,
students could gain useful working skills and experience in actual situations.

On the other hand, there are several agruments against the idea that going to university is better.
There is absolutely no doubt that when students attend university, they can gain more knowledge.
For instance, they are allowed access to good lectures by many professors. Moreover, thanks to going
to university, students can develop important skills such as communication skills and soft skills.
Besides, they can make a lot of friends, so it is a good way for them to expand their relationship.

In conclusion, the above- mentioned facts have created a dilemma and it is still a controversial issue.
People should have further consideration on this issue.

Task 9: One way to solve the problem of congestion in cities is to build sky (tắc nghẽn đường phố)
trains which run overhead rather than on underground. What are the advantages and disadvantages
of this solution to solve the congestion problem.

Nowadays, with the development of the economy and society, one way to solve the problem of
congestion in cities is to build sky trains which run overhead rather than underground. This essay will
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this solution to solve the congestion problem.
On the one hand, there are a lot of benefits of building a sky train. Firstly, it is true that Using sky
train helps reduce the number of people using private cars on the road. It means that many people
will travel by sky train to save money on transport fees. Moreover, it helps avoid traffic jams and
reduce accidents which can happen during rush hours. Secondly, there is no doubt using electric sky
trains may reduce environmental pollution, especially air pollution, so this is a good way to protect
the environment and people can avoid a large number of dangerous diseases such as lung and
cancer. Finally, we must say that modern sky trains are very fast and advanced. if people travel by sky
train, they will really feel comfortable and convenient. It means that they can enjoy the beauty of
nature and fresh air. Besides, they are able to listen to music when sitting on the sky train.

On the other hand, there are some drawbacks of building sky train. To begin with, it is too expensive
to build a sky train system. This is a difficult issue for the government because some governments
their whose country is still poor. Moreover, using sky trains can cause a lot of noise for people living
around rail tracks so they may feel uncomfortable and tired such as headaches.

In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages related to building sky trains. However,
the advantages are more than the disadvantages. Therefore, people should use sky trains to protect
the environment and improve the quality of life.

In recent years, building sky trains has gained in popularity. Some people think that building sky
trains has many advantages. However, others think that it also could have some negetive effects. In
my opinion, its benefits outweigh its drawbacks. Discussed below are several benefits as well as
drawbacks of this issue. It is true that using sky train helps reduce the number of people using
private cars on the road. Indeed,

On the one hand, building sky trains has some drawbacks. Firstly, it is too expaensive to build a sky
trains system. It means the government has to pay plenty of money for the sky train system.
Secondly, people can be in danger when travelling on sky trains. Because the train moves high, it is
very dangerous for the elderly and children, so it is difficult to attract them.

On the other hand, there are plenty of benefits of building sky begin with, it is fact that it
helps to protect environment. For example, when people go by sky train instead of privite car, air
polution can be reduced. This is good for people’s health. Secondly, it is true that going by sky trains
reduces traffic jams. Indeed, if people travel by sky trains, traffic jams and road accidents will less
happen. Moreover, it takes less time to go place to place. Therefore, people can save commuting
time and reduce traffic jams.

In conlusion, the above-mentioned facts have created a dilemma and it is still a controversial issue.
People should take advantage of the pros and minimize the cons of this issue.

Task 10: Many people move to big cities which is a trend in many countries. Discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of living in big cities.

In recent years, moving to big cities has gained in popularity. Some people think that living in big
cities has many advantages. However, others think that it could have some negative effects. In my
opinion, its drawbacks outweigh its benefits. Discussed below are several benefits as well as
drawbacks of this issue.

On the one hand, people should recognize that living in big cities brings some benifits. To begin with,
it is true that when living in big cities, people can have a chance to find a well-paid job. For example,
the salary of people who work in Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh is higher than work in the countryside.
Secondly, it is the fact that if people live in big cities, they can access better services. Indeed, there
are a varity of hospitals and universities which have qualified doctors and better education.
Moreover, when people live in big cities, they can enjoy good entertainment. It means, at the
weekend, they can go to the cinema, go shopping, eat out, which helps them take their tiredness
away after stressful days of work.

On the other hand, besides the important advantages of this issue, it has plenty of drawbacks. Firstly,
there’s no doubt that living in a big city can be expensive, with high costs for housing, food, and
other expenses. Secondly, it is true that when living in big cities, people have to face traffic
congestion. It means that the streets in big cities have plenty of vehicles like cars, buses, and
motorbikes which make people get stuck in traffic jams for long hours. Therefore, it is time-
consuming when people comute from their home to workplace and come back home. Finally, it is
undeniable that cities can be loud and polluted which has negetive effect on people’s health. For
example, people who live in Ha Noi are suffering from air pollution and noise polution which causes a
variety of serious diseases.

In conclusion, the above-metioned facts have created a dilemma, and it is a controversial issue.
People should take advantage of the pros and minimize the cons of this issue.

Task 11: Rainforests play an important role in the health of the environment. However, with our
population increasing as forests decline, the world is facing a potential crisis with regard to air
quality. Individual efforts to improve our quality will not give any results, and it’s only the
responsibility of our government to reduce air pollution. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with
the statement.

Bài làm

Nowadays, with the development of the economy and society, rainforests play an important role in
the health of the environment. However, with our population increasing as forests decline, the world
is facing a potential crisis with regard to air quality. I agree with the idea that Individual efforts to
improve our quality will not give any results, and it is only the responsibility of our government to
reduce air pollution.

Firstly, it is the fact that everyone should take part in protecting the air. It means that people should
plant trees to provide oxygen and reduce plenty of carbon dioxide in the air. Moreover, it is true that
people should use alternative energy to save natural resources. For example, people can use solar
energy and wind energy instead of using fossil fuel such as oil, coal and so on. Furthermore, we must
say that people are able to use public transport or cycle instead of using private cars to reduce
emissions into the environment. Besides, parents and teachers can educate their children how to
save energy and protect the air.

Secondly, the government should also have a strong solution to protect the quality of the air. First of
all, the government should organize competitions or green movements to encourage people to plant
trees and recycle rubbish. In addition, the government should give strict laws to reduce the
destruction of forests and polluting the environment. Moreover, it is true that they are able to build a
large number of factories to recycle rubbish. Finally, the government may free public transport
tickets to encourage people to use public transport.

In conclusion, both individuals and the government should share hands to protect the air as well as
the environment. This will keep the environment clean for a long time.
Task 12: The cause and effect of traffic accident

Nowadays, with the development of the economy and society. Traffic accidents are a problem which
really need solutions from people and the government.

To begin with, there are a large number of causes for traffic accidents on roads. Firstly, it is the fact
that one of the reasons for accidents happening is over speed. It means that drivers drive too fast
and less carefully. Secondly, many people use alcohol and beer before driving. Moreover, many
people may not understand traffic laws when they take part in traffic. Finally, the system of roads is
of low quality which is also the reason for having accidents.

Accordingly, there are some bad effects on our life. First of all, people usually can be danger when
traveling on the road. For example, they can be collided with by other drivers who used alcohol or
beer before driving. Therefore, it will affect their physical and mental health. In addition, If traffic
accidents are more and more, this will make the traffic culture of Vietnam less beautiful in the eyes
of foreigners.

Accordingly, there are plenty of solutions for reducing accidents on roads. We must say that people
must learn traffic laws and practice driving before driving on the roads. Moreover, people should use
public transport to reduce traffic jams. Furthermore, the government may have a lot of policies and
laws to check drivers. Last but not least, the government needs to improve the quality of system

In conclusion, people and the government should do solutions together to reduce traffic accidents.

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