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knock out gas

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https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki

Incapacitating agent
A fictional form of incapacitating agent, sometimes
known as "knockout gas", has been a staple of pulp
detective and science fiction novels, movies and ...

History Early uses The 20th century Sleeping gas

People also ask

What is the knockout gas?

KNOCKDOWN GASES are a type of toxic

industrial chemical that when inhaled can cause
immediate loss of consciousness and can be
fatal. Knockdown gases include hydrogen
cyanide, hydrogen sul!de, and phosphine. These
gases have legitimate usages, but may be used
for nefarious purposes. 2 Apr 2020

https://www.dni.gov › jcat PDF

Knockdown Gases: Dangers, Indicators, and

Response - DNI.gov


What gas is used to knock you out?

Does knockout gas actually work?

How does knockout gas work? Well, NO such gas

exist in reality except in comic. However if existed
then more likely it would be behaving like a
sleeping gas. It subdue the central nervous
system and makes unconscious. 29 Sep 2017

https://www.quora.com › Is-knock-...

Is knock out gas real? - Quora


Is sleeping gas a real thing?

Sleeping gas is an oneirogenic

general anaesthetic that is used
to put subjects into a state in
which they are not conscious of
what is happening around them.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki

Incapacitating agent - Wikipedia


What is the function of fuel gas knockout


What is a fuel gas knockout drum?

Which spray can make a person


Is it safe to use laughing gas?

Nitrous oxide is safe to use under the proper

care of a doctor. However, some people may
experience side e"ects either during or a#er use.
The most common side e"ects of laughing gas
are headaches and nausea. Children may also feel
agitated or might vomit a#er the laughing gas is
removed. 14 Sep 2023

https://www.webmd.com › what-to-...

What to Know About Laughing Gas - WebMD


Does tear gas knock you out?

Exposure causes a burning sensation and

tearing of the eyes to the extent that the subject
cannot keep their eyes open, and a burning
irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose,
mouth and throat, resulting in profuse coughing,
nasal mucus discharge, disorientation, and
di$culty breathing, pa%ially incapacitating ...

https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki

CS gas - Wikipedia


What is chloroform used for?

Chloroform is used as a solvent, a substance that

helps other substances dissolve. Also, it is used
in the building, paper and board industries, and in
pesticide and !lm production. It is used as a
solvent for lacquers, &oor polishes, resins,
adhesives, alkaloids, fats, oils and rubber.

https://www.dhss.delaware.gov › files



How much is chloroform?


Cat Code Description Price

C1121- Chlorofor $168.45

1LTGL-EA m $151.61

C1121-4LTGL- Chloroform $410.15

EA $369.14

C1121- Chloroform $555.65

500MLGL-CS $500.09

C1121-1LTGL- Chloroform $756.40

CS $680.76

5 more rows

https://www.labdepotinc.com › p-1...

Chloroform - The Lab Depot


How fast does tear gas work?

Riot control agents work by causing irritation to

the area of contact (for example, eyes, skin, nose)
within seconds of exposure. The e"ects of
exposure to a riot control agent are usually sho%-
lived (15–30 minutes) a#er the person has been
removed from the source and decontaminated
(cleaned o").

https://emergency.cdc.gov › factsheet

Facts About Riot Control Agents - CDC

Emergency Preparedness


Is fast gas illegal?

Although it is illegal to sell nitrous oxide for

human consumption, this is extremely di$cult to
prove. Since the substance has legitimate uses, it
can be found on sale in some small retail outlets
and is easily available online. 13 Apr 2023

https://m.independent.ie › dublin

Dublin's laughing gas epidemic — how is it

harming our young people ...


Why does laughing gas feel so good?

Inhaling nitrous oxide provides a

feeling of euphoria or “laughing”
gas. However, the feeling of
happiness is not caused by the
gas itself—it's actually caused by
the body's response to a lack of oxygen.
17 Oct 2022

https://www.drthomasflavin.com › ...

Does Laughing Gas Really Make You Laugh?


Why is laughing gas so good?

Nitrous oxide slows down your brain and your

body's responses, and the e"ects of the drug
varies depending on how much has been inhaled.
Taking nitrous oxide can cause: feelings of
euphoria, relaxation and calmness. !ts of giggles
and laughter – hence the nickname 'laughing gas'

https://www.talktofrank.com › drug

Nitrous Oxide | Laughing Gas - FRANK


How painful is CS gas?

Exposure to the spray causes distressing

symptoms including lacrimation, eye pain,
blepharospasm, a burning sensation in the throat
and nose, increased nasal secretions, chest
tightness, sneezing, coughing and retching.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc

Sho%-term and long-term physical e"ects of

exposure to CS spray - NCBI


How painful is tear gas?

Before the tearing, the choking

and the pouring mucus, tear gas
burns. It causes searing pain in
the eyes, skin, lungs and mouth
—or anywhere it touches. “It can
be overwhelming and incapacitating. 2 Dec 2018

https://www.pbs.org › science › ho...

How tear gas works: A rundown of the chemicals

used on crowds - PBS


Who invented tear gas?

In the United States, what we call

“tear gas” is o#en CS gas, a
chemical compound credited to
two American scientists, Ben
Corson and Roger Stoughton,
who discovered it in 1928. (The C and S in “CS”
come from the !rst initial of each man's last
name.) 3 Jun 2020

https://www.vox.com › police-tear-...

The history of tear gas: How police made it a

weapon against protesters


Is chloroform a killer?

Chloroform has been used by criminals to knock

out, daze, or even murder victims. Joseph Harris
was charged in 1894 with using chloroform to rob
people. Serial killer H. H. Holmes used chloroform
overdoses to kill his female victims.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki

Chloroform - Wikipedia


Is chloroform a killing agent?

A fatal oral dose of chloroform may be as low as

10 mL (14.8 g) with death due to respiratory or
cardiac arrest. Breathing chloroform or ingesting
chloroform over long periods of time may
damage liver (such as hepatitis and jaundice),
kidneys, skin and central nervous system (such as
depression and irritability). 21 Jun 2023

https://www.dcceew.gov.au › npi

Chloroform (trichloromethane) - DCCEEW


Is chloroform is a drug?

Chloroform is pa% of the FDA drug products

withdrawn or removed from the market for
reasons of safety or e"ectiveness. 25 Feb 2016

https://go.drugbank.com › drugs

Chloroform: Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of

Action - DrugBank


Does tear gas have a smell?

Tear gas is a white crystalline powder with a

pepper-like odor. It was !rst synthesized by
Corson and Stoughton in 1928 and is, thus,
abbreviated as CS (Corson and Stoughton 1928;
US Army Chemical School 2005).

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › NB...

Tear Gas (CS) - Acute Exposure Guideline Levels

for ... - NCBI


Do lemons help tear gas?

The best defense against tear gas

is a gas mask, but if you don't
have a mask there are still steps
you can take to minimize damage
from tear gas. If you think you
might encounter tear gas you can soak a
bandanna or paper towel in lemon juice, milk, or
cider vinegar and store it in a plastic baggie.
25 Jul 2020

https://sciencenotes.org › tear-gas-e...

Tear Gas Exposure Treatment - Science Notes


How long do tear gas last?

15-30 minutes

Tear gas is a term used to refer to several di"erent

riot control agents that temporarily constrain
people by causing irritation to the eyes, mouth,
throat, lungs, and skin. Tear gas e"ects usually last
15-30 minutes a#er a person has le# the
exposure area and cleaned o".

https://www.oregon.gov › pages › t...

Oregon Health Authority : Tear Gas : Toxic



Why is chloroform illegal?

Chloroform (CHCl3) is reasonably anticipated to

be a human carcinogen based on su!cient
evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental
animals (NCI 1976, IARC 1972, 1979, 1982, 1987,

https://www.epa.gov › documents

Chloroform CAS No. 67-66-3 - Environmental

Protection Agency


Is chloroform safe to inhale?

Breathing about 900 pa"s of chloroform in a

million pa"s of air (900 ppm or 900,000 ppb)
for a sho" time causes fatigue, dizziness, and
headache. If you breathe air, eat food, or drink
water containing elevated levels of chloroform,
over a long period, the chloroform may damage
your liver and kidneys.

https://wwwn.cdc.gov › PHS › PHS

Chloroform | Public Health Statement | ATSDR -



How much chloroform kills?

The mean lethal dose for adults is estimated to be

approximately 45 g [1]. Chloroform may be
absorbed across the skin and prolonged exposure
may result in systemic toxicity, as described in the
inhalation section.

https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk › ...

Chloroform Toxicological overview - GOV.UK


Can tear gas make you cry?

It causes crying, sneezing,

coughing, di$culty breathing,
pain in the eyes, and temporary
blindness. With CS gas, symptoms
of irritation typically appear a#er
20 to 60 seconds of exposure and commonly
resolve within 30 minutes of leaving (or being
removed from) the area.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki

Tear gas - Wikipedia


What is the di#erence between CS and

CN gas?

types of tear gas

CN is the principal component of the aerosol

agent Mace and is widely used in riot control. It
a"ects chie&y the eyes. CS is a stronger irritant
that causes burning sensations in the
respiratory tract and involuntary closing of

https://www.britannica.com › techn...

CN | tear gas - Britannica


Is tear gas legal in the UK?

CS Spray is a prohibited weapon by vi%ue of

Section 5 of the Firearms Act 1968.

https://www.met.police.uk › trainin...

Training and safety precautions for CS gas/spray -

Metropolitan Police


Is laughing gas illegal in UAE?

'Not Criminalised, Cheap And Easily Available

Drug' The Ministry Of Health Issued A Warning
Against 'Laughing Gas' The UAE Ministry of Health
and Prevention is warning of the dangers of Ethyl
Chloride spray, a low cost drug not yet
criminalised in the UAE. 8 Apr 2017

https://lovin.co › dubai › news › eth...

'Not Criminalised, Cheap And Easily Available

Drug' The Ministry Of ...


Why is laughing gas banned?

Laughing gas health risks

It gives users a 90-second high

but repeated misuse can lead to
nerve damage, loss of eyesight
and other health issues. It is the second-most
misused drug by 18 to 24 year olds across the
country. The government's ban, however, comes
under plans to tackle anti-social behaviour and
li'ering. 8 Nov 2023

https://news.sky.com › story › nitro...

Nitrous oxide: Recreational use of laughing gas

banned in the UK


Are nitrous balloons illegal?

From today (Wednesday, November 8, 2023), yes.

The ban, brought in as pa% of the Government's
antisocial behaviour action plan, makes nitrous
oxide a Class C drug under the Misuse of Drugs
Act 1971. 18 Oct 2023

https://www.standard.co.uk › news

What is nitrous oxide? Laughing gas now o$cially



Is laughing gas embarrassing?

Some people can become a bit giggly, which is

where the common name of the sedative comes
from, but that's about it. You might feel slightly
intoxicated, but still in control. You won't sta"
speaking gibberish or blu" out any
embarrassing things while on laughing gas.

https://www.dogwoodfamilydentist.com › ...

Does Laughing Gas Make You Say Things? |

Dogwood Family Dental


Is laughing gas safe for kids?

Key points to remember. Nitrous oxide gas helps

reduce a child's pain and anxiety during dental
procedures. You need to give consent before
your child has sedation. Children usually recover
quickly from the e"ects of nitrous oxide gas

https://www.rch.org.au › fact_sheets

Kids Health Information : Sedation (nitrous oxide)

for dental procedures


Does gas and air make you high?

These side e#ects may include dizziness, feeling

high (euphoria), and causing a feeling of sickness
(nausea) but the e"ects go away quickly when
you stop using it.

https://www.labourpains.org › gas-a...

Gas and air - Labour Pains


Is doing balloons illegal in the UK?

Possession of 'laughing gas' is now illegal with

repeat serious users facing up to 2 years in prison
and dealers up to 14 years. The ban, promised as
pa% of the government's Anti-Social Behaviour
Action Plan, makes nitrous oxide a Class C drug
controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.
8 Nov 2023

https://www.gov.uk › news › posses...

Possession of nitrous oxide is now illegal -



Does laughing gas smell good?

Laughing gas is a common

anesthetic, administered as a
colorless, non&ammable, sweet-
smelling gas. 16 Feb 2018

https://www.carillondental.com › blog

Laughing Gas: 5 Facts You Should Know - Carillon

Family Dental


Can laughing gas cause panic a$acks?

Nitrous Oxide Sedation For Dental Anxiety

While routine dental visits and treatments are

widely advised to protect your dental health, it
can cause mild anxiety and even panic a$acks
for many people. 21 Sep 2020

https://www.parksidedentalcare.com › ...

Nitrous Oxide for Anxiety Relief - Montgomery -

Parkside Dental Care


How bad is pepper spray?

What's worse than pepper spray?

Is second CS painful?

Is CS gas worse than tear gas?

What are the psychological e#ects of CS


Was tear gas used in ww2?

In 1943, Japanese prisoners of war said that as

soldiers, they were supplied with poisoned gas,
and in Central China, Japanese “frequently”
armies used tear gas as a tactic against Chinese
troops. Soldiers were also stocked with anti-gas
clothing. 16 Jun 2020

https://www.pacificatrocities.org › j...

Japanese use of Poison Gas in World War II -

Paci!c Atrocities Education


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