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Reliability of 2 methods in maxillary

transverse deficiency diagnosis
Chun-xi Zhang,a,b Xiao-ming Tan,b Wei Wu,c,d Hong Liu,b Yi Liu,b Xiao-ru Qu,b and Dong-xu Liub
Qingdao, Jinan, and Weifang, Shandong, China

Introduction: The objective of this research was to evaluate the reliability of 2 methods (Andrews’ Element III
analysis and Yonsei transverse analysis) in maxillary transverse deficiency diagnosis. Methods: Plaster casts
and cone-beam computed tomography images of 80 outpatients with skeletal Class I malocclusion (29 males
and 51 females, mean age, 20.16 6 8.22 years) were selected. Maxillary and mandibular width were
measured, respectively, and independently by 2 examiners at an interval of 2 weeks, using Andrews'
Element III analysis and Yonsei transverse analysis. Intraclass correlation coefficients and Bland-Altman
plots of intraexaminer and interexaminer reliability were evaluated. After diagnosis, Cohen's kappa statistics
were calculated to evaluate the diagnostic agreement. Results: The intraclass correlation coefficients were
all above 0.85, indicating good to excellent reliability. Compared with Andrews' Element III analysis, Yonsei
transverse analysis had higher intraexaminer and interexaminer reliability in both maxillary and mandibular width
measurements. Thirty-one to 42 of the patients were diagnosed with maxillary transverse deficiency by 2
examiners using 2 methods. The intraexaminer and interexaminer Cohen's kappa values of Yonsei
transverse analysis were all higher than those of Andrews' Element III analysis. Conclusions: Both Andrews'
Element III analysis and Yonsei transverse analysis had good to excellent reliability and substantial diagnostic
agreement. Yonsei transverse analysis had higher reliability in maxillary and mandibular width measurements
and higher diagnostic agreement, compared with Andrews’ Element III analysis. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial
Orthop 2021;159:758-65)

harmonious maxilla-mandibular transverse transverse deficiency (MTD) is pervasive in patients with
relationship is crucial for the function and sta- malocclusion.1 It is often accompanied by crossbites,
bility of the dentition; the ideal transverse rela- dental crowding, and wide buccal corridors, and it is
tionship is that the molars are centered and upright in often compensated with the buccal tipping of the maxil-
the alveolar house and well-intercuspated. The maxillary lary molars and lingual inclination of the mandibular
molars2 leading to an exaggerated curve of Wilson, in-
clined force transition, and potential periodontal disad-
Center of oral medicine, Qingdao Municipal Hospital, Qingdao, Shandong, vantage. The transverse discrepancy is more easily to be
b ignored than the sagittal and vertical discrepancies,3
Department of Orthodontics, Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Oral Tissue
Regeneration, Shandong Engineering Laboratory for Dental Materials and Oral therefore, selecting an accurate and reliable MTD diag-
Tissue Regeneration, School and Hospital of Stomatology, Shandong University, nostic method is essential before treatment planning be-
Jinan, Shandong, China.
c gins.
Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong, China.
Department of Stomatology, Weifang People's Hospital, Weifang, Shandong, Studies have found that dental arch width deficiency
China. was one of the primary causes of dental crowding,2 and
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po-
crowding was a major consideration in MTD diagnosis in
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the last century. By measuring plaster casts, Pont4 estab-
China (Nos. 81571010 and 81701008); Natural Science Foundation of Shandong lished an ideal relationship between maxillary incisor
Province, China (Nos. 2018GSF118199 and ZR2017BH116); and Key Research
width and dental arch width; Schwarz and Gratzinger5
and Development Program of Shandong Province, China (No. 2019GSF108187).
Address correspondence to: Dong-xu Liu, Department of Orthodontics, School presented a method of dental arch width estimation ac-
and Hospital of Stomatology, Shandong University, and Shandong Provincial cording to different facial types, and Howe et al6 set a
Key Laboratory of Oral Tissue Regeneration, and Shandong Engineering Labora-
series of arch width normative data. However, at that
tory for Dental Materials and Oral Tissue Regeneration, No. 44-1, Wenhua Rd W,
Jinan 250012, Shandong, China; e-mail, time, most studies merely took the maxillary expansion
Submitted, August 2019; revised and accepted, February 2020. as a means of space acquisition. The relationship be-
tween maxillary and mandibular widths had been rarely
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. evaluated.

Zhang et al 759

In recent years, Andrews and Andrews7 proposed The not been evaluated yet. Therefore, in this study, we
six elements of orofacial harmony. According to the au- aimed to evaluate the reliability of 2 methods in MTD
thors, the mandibular width is naturally optimal in most diagnosis.
patients; the maxillary width should be 5 mm greater
than the mandibular width when the first permanent MATERIAL AND METHODS
molars centered and upright in the alveolus. If the differ- This cross-sectional study was accepted by the
ence between maxillary and mandibular width was less Research Ethics Committee of Shandong University
than 5 mm, the patient was diagnosed with MTD. To Dental School (Protocol No. 20190505). Among the out-
calculate maxillary and mandibular widths after decom- patients who visited the Department of Orthodontics of
position, distance and angular measurements of plaster School of Stomatology, Shandong University in 2018, 80
casts were made. were included in this study. The inclusion criteria were as
Radiographs are also commonly used as an aid in follows: (1) the subjects were aged at least 12 years with
MTD diagnosis. Ricketts8,9 introduced a transverse diag- full permanent dentitions; (2) all maxillary and mandib-
nosis method using anteroposterior cephalometrics and ular first permanent molars had fully erupted to the
determined a series of age-determined normative data. occlusal plane; and (3) skeletal Class I relationship
However, because of the image superimposition of ante- (ANB angle was greater than 1 and less than 4 ). The
roposterior cephalometrics and head rotation during ra- exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) subjects with any
diographing,10-12 higher landmark identification errors of the first permanent molars have abnormal root
and less reliability of this method were reported than morphology, restoration, fracture, or cavity; (2) peri-
those of the cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) odontal disease; and (3) previous orthodontic treatment.
images.13 Recent studies reported multiple ways in CBCT scans (NewTom 5G; NewTom, Verona, Italy) at
MTD diagnosis using CBCT images. Miner et al14,15 a 0.30-mm voxel resolution with the scanning parameter
analyzed the transverse dimension using the cone- of 110 kV, 5 mA, were selected from the past orthodontic
beam transverse method. By measuring maxillary and records. They were not specifically taken for this research
mandibular width at the palatal and lingual cortex, but to evaluate other craniofacial patterns, for example,
normative data were determined, and this method was the impacted third molars. The corresponding plaster
proved to be valid. Shewinvanakitkul16 developed a casts were also selected. All the CBCT data and plaster
method to measure buccolingual inclinations of poste- casts were coded and randomized to blind the investiga-
rior teeth using CBCT; afterward, the Case Western tors who made the measurements.
Reserve University's transverse analysis was developed.17 Andrews' Element III analysis was based on the plas-
Yehya Mostafa et al18 indicated that the Case Western ter casts measurements. The facial axis (FA) points were
Reserve University's transverse analysis could signifi- defined as the midpoint of the buccal groove of the first
cantly improve the orthodontic results. Koo et al19 intro- permanent molars. The WALA ridge was defined as the
duced Yonsei University's transverse analysis. The most prominent portion of a mandible's mucogingival
authors stated that the centers of resistance (CR) of the junction. First, distances and angles were measured. A
first permanent molars were not readily affected by the digital caliper with an accuracy of 0.01 mm was used
tipping of the teeth; thus, the CR could enable evalua- to measure the distance between the maxillary FA-FA
tion of the transverse dimension at the basal bone level. points of the bilateral first molars, as well as the distance
By measuring the maxillary and mandibular width at the between the WALA-WALA ridge at the side of mandib-
estimated CR of first permanent molars, the authors pro- ular first molars. An Andrews ruler was used to measure
vided the Yonsei Transverse Index of normal occlusions, the angulation between the FA of maxillary first molars
which is 0.39 6 1.87 mm. and the occlusal plane. The plastic rod was placed paral-
As with any diagnostic test, the most important fac- lel to the FA of the crown; thus, the angulation could be
tors are validity and reliability.20 Reliability represents read on the ruler (Fig 1). Second, researchers estimated
the repeated measurements by the same or different the amount of horizontal change that would occur be-
raters yielding the same results, and a diagnostic method tween the FA-FA distances when the molars were opti-
with high reliability is crucial in orthodontic clinical mally angulated. According to Andrews' Element III
practice. As far as we know, the reliability of Andrews’ analysis,7 every 5 molar inclination change indicates
Element III analysis and Yonsei transverse analysis has 1-mm difference in maxillary width. Then, the estimated

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics June 2021  Vol 159  Issue 6
760 Zhang et al

Fig 1. A, Maxillary FA-FA distance measured by the digital caliper. B, Mandibular WALA-WALA dis-
tance measured by the digital caliper. C and D, The angulation of the bilateral first permanent molars
measured by the Andrews ruler.

amount of change was subtracted from the original FA- interval. The researchers used the same computer, digital
FA distances; the result represents the maxillary width caliper, and Andrews ruler to prevent performance
after decompensation. The mandibular width was the bias.21 The agreement of dichotomous diagnosis MTD
WALA-WALA distance minus 4 mm. Finally, we sub- and harmonious was evaluated with kappa statistics.
tracted the mandibular width from the maxillary width,
and if the difference is less than 5 mm, the patient was Statistical analysis
diagnosed with MTD.7 Sample size calculation for the kappa agreement
Yonsei transverse analysis was based on the measure- evaluation was performed using PASS (version 15.0;
ments of CBCT images. The Digital Imaging and Com- NCSS, LLC, Kaysville, Utah) software, with an alpha of
munications in Medicine format CBCT data were 0.05, power of 0.8, k1 of 0.9, and k0 of 0.7,22 the num-
transferred into Materialise's Interactive Medical Image ber of the subjects should be at least 79. Thus, 80 sub-
Control System (MIMICS) (version 19.0; Materialise, jects were included. Statistical analysis was performed
Leuven, Belgium) software package. The estimated CR using SPSS (version 21.0; IBM, Armonk, NY) and Mad-
points were located at the middle of the root furcation Calc (version 18.11.3; MadLogic, Ostend, Belgium)
of the first permanent molars.19 To make the procedure software package. The mean of the 2 measurements
more precise, the location of the points was checked on of the same examiner at different times was calculated
different cutting slices in 3 planes of space, including the to represent the final measurement of the examiner.
sagittal, coronal, and transverse views. Then the distance First, the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC; 2-
between the estimated CR points could be calculated way random, single measurements) were used to assess
automatically in MIMICS (Fig 2). Then we subtracted the intraexaminer and interexaminer reliability of the
the mandibular width from the maxillary width. Accord- maxillary and mandible width measurements. The
ing to Yonsei Transverse Index, if the difference was less agreement was classified according to the following
than 2.26 mm, the patient was diagnosed with ICC values: excellent (.0.9), good (0.75-0.9), moderate
MTD.1,19 (0.5-0.75), or poor (\0.5).23 A P value less than 0.05
All the measurements were carried out by 2 practiced indicated statistical significance. Second, the Bland-
researchers (C.Z. and X.T.) independently at a 2-week Altman plots were drawn, in which the 95% limits of

June 2021  Vol 159  Issue 6 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Zhang et al 761

Fig 2. A, B, and C, The location of the estimated CR points on the coronal, transverse, and sagittal
view. D, The distance between the points could be calculated digitally in MIMICS.

Table I. Intraexaminer and interexaminer reliability of Andrews’ Element III analysis and Yonsei transverse analysis

Examiner A Examiner B Interexaminer

Diagnostic methods ICC 95% CI ICC 95% CI ICC 95% CI

Andrews' Element III analysis Mx 0.94 0.907-0.961 0.894 0.839-0.931 0.937 0.901-0.960
Md 0.916 0.872-0.945 0.871 0.805-0.915 0.918 0.871-0.948
Yonsei transverse analysis Mx 0.988 0.981-0.992 0.986 0.976-0.992 0.989 0.973-0.995
Md 0.991 0.987-0.994 0.966 0.948-0.978 0.985 0.969-0.992
CI, confidence of intervals; Mx, maxillary width; Md, mandibular width.

agreement were defined as the mean difference plus RESULTS

and minus 1.96 times the standard deviation of the dif- Twenty-nine males and 51 females were included in
ferences. The bias should ideally be near zero, and the this study, with a mean age of 20.16 6 8.22 years. The
values between the limits of the agreement lines were clinical examination showed that only 19 of the 80 pa-
considered to be acceptable. The smaller range between tients had posterior crossbites.
these 2 limits, the better the agreement.24 Third, after The ICC with 95% confidence intervals for intraexa-
diagnosis, Cohen's kappa coefficients were calculated miner and interexaminer reliability of the 2 methods
to evaluate the clinical determination of harmonious are presented in Table I. The ICC values were all above
vs MTD of the 2 methods. The levels of agreement re- 0.85, indicating good to excellent reliability. Compared
flected by the kappa values were considered 0-0.20 as with Andrews’ Element III analysis, Yonsei transverse
slight, 0.21-0.40 as fair, 0.41-0.60 as moderate, 0.61- analysis had higher intraexaminer and interexaminer
0.80 as substantial, and 0.81-1 as almost perfect reliability in both maxillary and mandibular measure-
agreement.25 ments.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics June 2021  Vol 159  Issue 6
762 Zhang et al

Fig 3. Bland-Altman plots for evaluating the interexaminer reliability of both methods. For each plot, the
x-axis was set as the mean of both examiners' measurements. The y-axis represents the absolute dif-
ference between the 2 measurements. The blue line represents the bias, and the red dotted lines repre-
sent the upper and lower limits of agreement. The top row shows the interexaminer reliability of
Andrews' Element III analysis for maxillary and mandibular measurements. The bottom row shows
the interexaminer reliability of Yonsei transverse analysis for maxillary and mandibular measurements.

Fig 4. Bland-Altman plots for evaluating the intraexaminer reliability of Andrews' Element III analysis.
For each plot, the x-axis was set as the mean of measurements at different times of 1 examiner. The
y-axis represents the absolute difference between the 2 measurements at different times. The blue line
represents the bias, and the red dotted lines represent the upper and lower limits of agreement. The top
row shows the intraexaminer reliability of examiner A in maxillary and mandibular measurements. The
bottom row shows the intraexaminer reliability of examiner B in maxillary and mandibular measure-

Figures 3-5 report the Bland-Altman plots of inter- measurements and 6 outliers in mandibular width mea-
examiner and intraexaminer reliability. Figure 3 shows surements. In Yonsei transverse analysis, there were 4
the interexaminer reliability. In Andrews' Element III outliers in maxillary width measurements and only 1 in
analysis, there were 4 outliers in maxillary width mandibular width measurements. Figures 4 and 5

June 2021  Vol 159  Issue 6 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Zhang et al 763

Fig 5. Bland-Altman plots for evaluating the intraexaminer reliability of Yonsei Transverse analysis.
For each plot, the x-axis was set as the mean of measurements at different times of 1 examiner.
The y-axis represents the absolute difference between the 2 measurements at different times. The
blue line represents the bias, and the red dotted lines represent the upper and lower limits of agree-
ment. The top row shows the intraexaminer reliability of examiner A in maxillary and mandibular mea-
surements. The bottom row shows the intraexaminer reliability of examiner B in maxillary and
mandibular measurements.

demonstrate the intraexaminer reliability. For examiner Table II. 2 3 2 kappa agreement table of Andrews
A, there were 4 outliers in maxillary measurements and Element III analysis
3 outliers in mandibular measurements in both methods,
respectively. For examiner B, there were 3 outliers in Examiner B
both methods respectively in maxillary measurements; Examiner A MTD Not MTD Total
4 outliers were in Andrews' Element III analysis and MTD 36 6 42
only 1 outlier in Yonsei transverse analysis in mandibular Not MTD 6 32 38
measurements. Compared with Andrews’ Element III Total 42 38 80
analysis, Yonsei transverse analysis had biases closer to
0 and smaller ranges between the limits.
Using Andrews' Element III analysis, 42 patients were Table III. 2 3 2 kappa agreement table of Yonsei
diagnosed as MTD by examiner A and by examiner B. transverse analysis
Thirty-one patients were diagnosed as MTD by examiner
Examiner B
A and 39 patients were diagnosed as MTD by examiner
B, using Yonsei transverse analysis (Tables II and III). Examiner A MTD Not MTD Total
For Andrews' Element III analysis, the intraexaminer MTD 30 1 31
kappa value was 0.62 in examiner A and 0.67 in exam- Not MTD 9 40 49
Total 39 41 80
iner B; for Yonsei transverse analysis, the intraexaminer
kappa value was 0.82 in examiner A and 0.80 in exam-
iner B. The interexaminer agreements of both methods reliability; furthermore, Yonsei transverse analysis had
reflected by the kappa values were substantial, with higher ICC values. However, studies have shown that
the value of 0.70 in Andrews’ Element III analysis and the ICC values report merely the strength of the relation-
the value of 0.75 in Yonsei transverse analysis (Table IV). ship between 2 variables. To report the actual agreement
in reliability evaluation, the Bland-Altman plots were
DISCUSSION recommended to assist.26 The Bland-Altman plots of
According to the ICC values in Table I, both methods our study, shown in Figures 3-5, indicate high
had good to excellent interexaminer and intraexaminer interexaminer and intraexaminer reliability of both

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics June 2021  Vol 159  Issue 6
764 Zhang et al

Table IV. Kappa values of Andrews’ Element III analysis and Yonsei transverse analysis
Kappa values

Methods Intraexaminer A Intraexaminer B Interexaminer

Andrews' Element III analysis 0.62 0.67 0.7
Yonsei transverse analysis 0.82 0.8 0.75

methods, with biases near zero and few outliers outside the prevalence rate in the general population. Previously,
the limits of agreement. Furthermore, Yonsei transverse Proffit and White Jr31 claimed that 30% of adult patients
analysis had smaller biases, equal or fewer outliers, and had transverse discrepancy; Kurol and Berglund,32
smaller ranges between the 95% limits, indicating together with Kisling33 reported a prevalence rate of
higher reliability. The result was coincident with that 13%-23% of posterior crossbites in European children.
of the ICC values. The higher reliability of Yonsei Considering the relatively high prevalence rate and
transverse analysis may attribute to the precise dental compensation, attention should be paid to trans-
location of the CR points on CBCT images using verse dimension routinely, even in patients with skeletal
digital software. By observing sagittal, coronal, and Class I malocclusion. It should be noticed that posterior
transverse cross-sectional slices, researchers could be crossbites may not be the only reference in MTD diag-
able to locate and calibrate the estimated CR points in nosis. If plaster casts are available, Andrews’ Element
3-dimensional space on a 2-dimensional computer III analysis can be performed; if the outpatient has
screen.19,27 Furthermore, after the location of the points, already taken CBCT image because of the impacted teeth
the distance between them was calculated digitally by or other dentofacial diseases on their first visit, Yonsei
MIMICS, which could avoid human error to a large transverse analysis is also an option.
extent. Previous studies have demonstrated that the dis- When evaluating diagnostic methods, validity is
tance and angular measurements using 3-dimensional another major factor apart from reliability. In our study,
software have higher reliability than manual plaster more patients were diagnosed as MTD in Andrews’
model measurements,28,29 which is in accordance with Element III analysis by both examiners. However, it is
the results of our study. unclear which method is more accurate. A “gold stan-
In Andrews' Element III analysis, both intraexaminer dard” in MTD diagnosis needs to be established. Further
and interexaminer reliability of the mandibular width studies about the validity of the 2 methods are needed,
measurements was lower than that of the maxillary and the sensitivity and specificity shall be calculated.
width measurements in our study. This finding may be Although Yonsei transverse analysis had higher reli-
due to the measuring locations of the WALA ridge at ability and agreement in diagnosis, it is still a
both sides of the mandibular first permanent molars. radiation-exposing and relatively expensive method,
Although the examiners were well trained, the WALA compared with making the impressions and measuring
ridge is inherently a curve in 3 dimensions; the location plaster models. Orthodontists ought to choose the diag-
of the measuring points on this curve may have greater nostic methods wisely with regard to reliability, effi-
variation. However, in maxillary width measurements, ciency, and validity.
the location of the FA points could have more reproduc-
ibility. Therefore, to increase reliability in mandibular CONCLUSIONS
width measurements in Andrews’ Element III analysis,
clinicians could define the location of the measuring 1. Both Andrews' Element III analysis and Yonsei trans-
points more specifically. verse analysis had good to excellent reliability and
In our study, 31-42 patients were diagnosed as MTD substantial kappa agreements. Yonsei transverse
in the 80 patients with skeletal Class I malocclusion, with analysis had higher reliability in maxillary and
only 19 of them have posterior crossbites. At present, no mandibular width measurements and higher kappa
“gold standard” in MTD diagnosis is available.30 There- agreement than Andrews' Element III analysis.
fore, we were unable to determine whether maxillary 2. Posterior crossbites may not be the only reference in
transverse deficiency had been overlooked or because MTD diagnosis. Cautions need to be paid to the
of the systematic bias of the methods. In addition, the transverse dimension routinely in orthodontic diag-
number of subjects in our study is too limited to estimate nosis.

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Zhang et al 765

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics June 2021  Vol 159  Issue 6

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