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not only

At the present monent, it is clear that

have we in India no natioa! independence, bt we
....N. are/HEDGEID in and obstructed by numerouS re
Strictions, limitations, Safeguard and reserVation8
which BLOCK the path to planning and progress.
Or/plan fornational devetopment must, therefore,
be drawn up for a free and independent India.
THANKS to the sacrifices made|by millions of
Our gQuntrymen and country-women under the
leadership uf the Father of the Nation, Mahatma
Gandhi. we/have toduy secured complete soveriegn
political independence ata tine when the nationgof
the world were engaged in the (500) bitterest struggle
using all the weapons of destruction, If, therefore,
we have secured political independence during the
period of a /quarter of a century, 0t should not bhe
difficult, especially when we are today masters in
iour own country to / secure a s0cialist pattern of
:society, as has already been indicated. But it re.
quires the assistance, the PROPAGANDA,theactive
./work of al!l those who are interested ín thís. Iam
sure so long as my hon, friends, the Minister, the
Deputy Minister and the other Minister who repre
o : s e n t the Commerce and ndustry Vinistry can give
us an assurance that (600) the capitalist pattern
would be avoided, some of us who believe in a cent
per cent socialist democraCY give an undertaking
..i that certainlyTOTALITARIAN policy will not be in
troducedin this country, because we have believed
ALL ALONG{during the fight that we have given to
the British Government, when we secured political
independence, that we shall try to maintain /
democracy UNDILUTED, and asocialist democracy
at that. Iam absolutely certain that in this country
....... of ours, berty of thought,liberty'of speech, and
iberty ofàctlorn will be guaranteed to every citizen,
toexpress his views in the (700) manner he pleases.
Itherefore assure my hon. friend that so long as we
do not, in the GARB of/ a socialistic pattern, support
-a capitalist system, India wvill stand hundred per
cent, for a socialist democracy.
Now, luckily for/ usthe Fundamental Rights of
the Constitution have declared that acitizen would
be assured of many of thesocial/AMENTIES which
will give reasonable comfort FROM THE WOMBTO
. . . . . a msaid
many / times, will not satisfy the common man,
unless the saying isput into effeot.I am absolutely
certain, therefore, that (800) so long as there is a
pETERVINATION on the part of our contrymen,
we will be in a position tosecure a socialist pattern
of society. It is not even possible to draw up a plan
onany other basis. (840 words)
"Then, Sir,a reference has been made to certain
additional projects / which have been included in
the Five Year Plan. There was a great demand ..... tnooo.. from Maharashtra to inelude this project / in the
Five Year Plan. A couple of yenrs ago, there was
.. conference presidedQver by my colleague from / the
district, the present Revenue Minister of
Maharushtra. He had presided over it and there yas
a UNANIMQUS demand, (500) supported by practi
cally the ontire people fromn Maharashtra that this
project shouldbe included in the Five Year/Plan. I
take this opp0rtinity to congratukate the Govern:
............... ment of india and the Government of Maharashtra
for having soen to / it that this project in Maharash
tra is ineluded in the Five Year Plan.
. .

... The President's Address makes referenc .hel

improvementofour transport and communications,
Our increased production leads to the question of
better transport facilíties. The agricultural produc.
ea s tion is I on the increase, but, Sir, if there is no
bettermentof our transpert facilities, this increased
production in agricülturewill (600) not henefit the
agriculturist. In my art of the gountry, even now
this situuation PREVAILS. The production there is
on/the increase, but the agriculturists are suffering
on account of INADEQUATE facilities of railway
transport, I was glad to find / from the President's
Address that the Railwavs are thinking of opening
even new lines very soon. It has also been / said that
concerned, the manufacture of these is going on
very satisfactorilv,/and we haye made good progress
in this respect during the last few vears, Any nation
can be proud of (700) this achievemnent.
Then, thereis a reference to the housing condi
tions,We can very wellremember the scenes that we

were required to witness immediately after Parti

tion.Thousands and tens of thoIsands of or BRETH
REN came to this country from / Pakistan. It was a
very seriousquestion as to how to house then, but
the day has comewhen the/question haspractically
been solved, or it can atleast besaid thatwe are near
.....A-. -. . . . . - a
the solution of the /question. Seventy two grores of
67R72 r'upces have been spent during the last few years in
constreting houses for the refugees (800) and in
this very city w are witnessing an }XHIBITION
where we can see the iodeBs of eheap and decent
houses. If these cheap houses are constructed for
the refugees, it will provide SHELTER forthem at a
low cost. (840 words)
Certain extent ingetting /eredit from the bantkg and
other financial institutiors.
Yesterday, it was mentioned by my. hon. friend
that the CRUX of /the problem is the question of
Payment of REMUNERATION to a partieular man:
Aging ageney system. IIe 9aid that in this / Bil a
definite encouragement has beern given to the alter.
native type of management, namely, the managing
director or the manager, /where an individua!I has
been permitted to take 5 per cent while in the case of
the managing ngency it (500) has been permitted to
take about 10 per cent. I wOuld like to point out to
him that lt is / not merely the question of renuneration
d.... C Which will decide the alternative type of manege
nent. The remuneration is not a very imortant
thing. Ündesg and until you allow a certain amount
of FLEXIBILITY for any system to function, it will
not/be possible to EVOLVE anyother aystem to take
the place of the nanaging agency system. IN SPITE
ofso/many SHACKLES, you may fínd that those few
business houses which are -carrvin On nOW TNAy
haye to carry 9n(600) on the present basis; yOu may
not find many new people coming in the field.
Several times, it has been mentioned in this
House why the business community has not pre.
Seribed for itseif a code of conduct. In this connec
tion, / I wOuld like to point out that a degree or
dipioma is essential for theprofession and in case of
/VOLLATION of the code, Sanction should be pro
vided by it to prevent a person from PRACTISING
the profession. Today even / Ashoka Mehta and Shri
C. C. Shahcan set up a GROCERY shop and become
businessmen, Nobody lavs down any (700) condition
for starting bsiness and nobody canpreventothers
from continuing it,but I would like to point out that
L with regard to the code of conduct, there is a
certain amount of ETHICS and there are certain
standards and TRADITIONS on which busines6
houses function, If a particular firm has not got
proper ways of managing its business, you/will find
that that business house will find it difficult to
function andit would be difficult for it to / comnand
xa.9Ldo the confidence
not be of theit tobusiness
possible for community.
funetion It wouid
as effectively ag a
(800) firm which has proper ways of managing its
business. Thatis sufficient as a code of comduct. It is
notIpossible to presoribea certain code of conduct
P in the manner it has been one for the profession in
general. (840 words)
A.......... The other contradiction is this. On the ono hand,
Shrimati Renuka Ray says that in the near future
they vill he making a successful conpletion of the
work of economic rehabilitation of refugees in that
State, / but only last year Shri AP.Jain said that us
yet the problem of the displaced persons from (500)
Bangladesh was a matter which was. giving some
concern. Ireally do not understand why in spite of
Shri/ A.P.Jain recognising that the problem is still
quite serious, Shrimati Renuka Ray should h¡ve
made such a statenent. Yet, Iwhen we heard the
hon, Finance Minister,we find that there has een a
big SHORTEALL in rehabilitation budget.
Lthik that if the Fuct Finding Comnittee's
Report had been published, the asSessment that we
. have rehabilitated about fiftY per /centof the people
of Bangladesh whocame over as displaced persons
....... would have become guite clear in regard (600) to jts
incorrectness. As a matter of fact, when we went
round the camps and colonies in West Bengal, we /
found that as yet, not more thanfifteen percent of
the people have been rehabilitated in the sense that
they are able to EKE QUT their SUBSISTENCE on
the poorest levels. It is not more than fifteen per
cent, / and I think the figures of the Fact Finding
Committee are still ower. I think this issomething
that we have to take ver serioIsly and put our
minds to, and apply all the resources that we have to
find (700) out how we will e able to tackle this
problem of rehabilitation.

Now,coming to the question ofrelief, I/ feel that

until we are able to give really proper rehabilita
tion, w cannot wì thdraw relief. It is no use arguing
whether relief leads to LETHARGY and moral
SLACKNESS.Uniess our rehabilitation poiieies are
fruitful, have we any right to starve / the peopie to
death? As a matter of fact, Shri A.P. Jain nay know
that in West Bengal, the /INCIDENCE of TUBERCU.
LOSIS amongst the refugee population is very high.
Only a small percentage of them is CATERED for by
(800) the medical relief gijven by the Directorate of
Rehabilitation. IfIam to tell youthe TRAGIC fate of
t. the / refugees in West Bengal, I would refer yoi to a
report which appeared in February, 1954. (840 words
We might, (500) Sir, also RESORT to some othe?
wavs. I uggest that we might take to public trading
in some specific items iof export and import, Thai
wOuld also certainly go along way and help ug. The
....,.9. private CORPORATE gector has been STEADI1
growing and has been developing, capacity. It is sur
to benefitfrom all these present concessions andde
velop /greater capacity. This sector must come for
WArd to meet new demands for taxation in the futiire
Iagree that so/far asindirect taxation is concernec
it has reached the SATURATiGN peint, but the caz
porate sector,growing as itis (600) in strength,in y
TALITY andin capaeity, wi!l Ht, Iam sure, SHIR
...s..... its responsibility to contribute to the common
fund. I wish, Sir, the committee which had bee
. . . b a . appointed to go into where the additional nationt
income hadgone,/had entered uponits labours ab
earliier and had made its findings available to us.
hh do not want/ to state its findings, butIhave a feelir
that the comnittee, when it CONCLUDES its labour
will come to /the conclusionthat a major portign
this additional national income has gone intg th
pockets of acomparatively Small (700) number
men, small number of individuals. Andit isthey wh
must in future contribute their share to the / cou:
try's taxation needs because the profits they hav
earned are not all due to their own efforts an
enterprise only. To a very iargemeasure, hey a
the result of the economic policies of the Gover
nent and due to certain othecirumstanceg 1
which they did not contribute anything. Therefor
g there is ample justification for the two taxes, t!
capital gains jtax and the excess profits tax. I nee
not go in detail into all the reasons that my ho
friend (800) has explained earlier so LUCIDLY but
must savthatI entirely agree with themall. Hevir
said this, I / would like to sav a few words about s
locations which have een made to the varions Mi
istries in the Budge.. (840 words)
... ....

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