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Written By:


NISN. 0058901453


Jalan Peninggaran Barat I, RT.12/RW.11,

Kebayoran Lama Utara, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta,
Special Capital Region of Jakarta, 12240
Alhamdulillah, with gratitude to Allah SWT., who has given His
guidance, strength, and mercy in completing writing the proposal report for this
traditional cilok food product well. Prayers and greetings have always been
poured out to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the best example of

To my beloved parents, namely Mr. Syamsudin and Mrs. Sri Sulastri, as

well as my brother and sister, namely Anis Febriana and Putra Muhammad Raffi.
Thank you for the infinite love, prayers, and sacrifices you have given. My
success is a dedication to you.

To myself, Najwa Amalia Putri, thank you for persevering, studying, and
working hard to achieve the university I dreamed of. Keep trying and keep

To my supervisor Mrs. Tien Martina, M.Pd., thank you for your

guidance, patience, and dedication, and always give me encouragement and
inspiration in completing this traditional cilok food product proposal report.

To all my friends: Thank you for your support, enthusiasm, and

encouragement in completing this traditional food product proposal report. With
you, obstacles feel lighter and laughter more festive.

In this report I discuss the proposal of traditional cilok food products.

The author realizes that in writing this proposal report is still far from being
expected. Therefore, the author expects constructive criticism and suggestions.
The author hopes that this proposal report can be useful for readers.

Jakarta, 21st February 2024


Najwa Amalia Putri


TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.......................................................................1
1.1 Background of Cilok Traditional Food Products.........................1
1.2 Vision and Mission of Cilok Traditional Food Products.............1
1.3 Benefits of Making Proposals for Traditional Food Products in
1.4 The Purpose of Making Cilok Traditional Food Product
CHAPTER II BUSINESS ACTIVITIES..........................................................3
2.1 Business Aspects of Cilok Food Products...................................3
2.2 Cilok Traditional Food Products Sales Location.........................4
2.3 Target Customers of Cilok Traditional Food Products................4
2.4 SWOT Analysis of Cilok Traditional Food Products..................4
2.5 4P Analysis of Traditional Food Cilok........................................5
CHAPTER III FINANCIAL PLANNING.......................................................6
3.1 Compasition.................................................................................6
CHAPTER IV COVER......................................................................................7
4.1 Conclusion...................................................................................7
4.2 Suggestion...................................................................................7

1.1 Background of Cilok Traditional Food Products

Cilok (short for Aci dicolok) is a typical West Javanese food
made from tapioca or chewy starch with additional complementary spices
such as peanut sauce, soy sauce, sauce and others. Cilok is round like
meatballs, it's just different basic ingredients. Made from tapioca base
ingredients, cilok feels chewy when consumed. Not only liked by children,
in modern times it turns out that almost everyone likes cilok, such as
students, students and parents.

Not only making it a delicious snack, Cilok can also be a business

opportunity. To start this business is actually not complicated. You just
need to prepare raw materials, including: starch (tapioca), wheat flour,
onion seasoning and friends, mixing of course using.

In addition to the low price, the ingredients to make this cilok are
easy to get and how to make it is not too difficult.

1.2 Vision and Mission of Cilok Traditional Food Products

Business Vision: Offering quality and filling snacks at affordable

Business Mission: Provide and implement good and quality

service for customer satisfaction.

1.3 Benefits of Making Proposals for Traditional Food Products in Cilok

The benefits are:

1. Develop a plan from idea to product marketing

2. Assist in the implementation of activities in accordance
with what has been planned

3. Detailing the estimated expenditure and receipts to be
4. Helping entrepreneurs to think critically and objectively
about the business field to be carried out
5. As a communication tool in explaining and convincing
ideas to other parties

1.4 The Purpose of Making Cilok Traditional Food Product Proposals

The objectives are:

1. To fulfill the assignments of English subjects.

2. To increase experience and knowledge about


2.1 Business Aspects of Cilok Food Products


1. Wheat flour 800 g

2. Tapioca flour 800 g
3. Garlic 12 pcs
4. Royco 4 pcs
5. Peanuts 250 g
6. Cayenne pepper 1 pck
7. Sweet soy sauce 2 pcs
8. Chili sauce 2 pcs
9. Packaging 20 pck
How to make cilok:

1. Mix tapioca flour, wheat germ, and fine seasonings.

2. Put warm water little by little. Knead the dough until
easily scavenged.
3. Knead thoroughly.
4. Necklaces as big as marbles. Bring water to a boil lightly
watered. Insert the cilok. Cook until the peepers float.
Remove and drain.
5. Fry the red chili until wilted. Puree beans, herbs, and
water to taste with in ulek. Cook the peanut seasoning
with sugar, salt, and orange leaves until popping. Mix
6. Put cilok in the peanut seasoning. Mix well. Remove and

2.2 Cilok Traditional Food Products Sales Location
The place chosen is the SMKN 59 Jakarta canteen because it is
easily accessible to potential customers.

2.3 Target Customers of Cilok Traditional Food Products

The target customers of this little are all circles, especially for
students. They are petty consumers who have certain characteristics. In
addition to determining its location, we must determine the appearance of
the product. This cilok is quite promising. In addition to the affordable
price, it also tastes good. The business market segments chosen in this
business are the lower and upper middle class. This small product is
tailored to its target market. Therefore, the price of this traditional food
product can be affordable.

2.4 SWOT Analysis of Cilok Traditional Food Products

Every activity to start a business, the first thing to do is to
measure our ability to the environment or competitors, namely through
SWOT analysis.

 Strength (kekuatan):
1. Its strength lies in its ingredients made from aci and
2. Seasoning Does not use preservatives so it is safe and
3. Affordable price
4. Durable
 Weakness (Kelemahan):
1. Flavor variants that are still less diverse Strength
 Opportunity (Peluang):
1. Strategic place
2. It is almost rare for manufacturers to sell petty

 Threath (Ancaman):
1. Students prefer to shop at their usual place
2. More concerned with products that are cheaper
2.5 4P Analysis of Traditional Food Cilok
 Product (Produk):
1. The product sold is "Cilok" which is a typical food of
West Java.
 Price (Harga):
1. The price per serving is IDR 7,000 because this price is
very affordable.
 Promotion (Promosi):
1. In doing promotions, we will distribute brochures about
our products, and promotions on social media so that
consumers can get information about the small products
we will offer.
 Place (Tempat):
1. The place chosen is the SMKN 59 Jakarta canteen
because it is easily accessible to potential customers.


3.1 Compasition
Product Cilok, with quantity 20 pck. The following is the
financial plan.

Material Necessity Unit Sum

Wheat flour 800 Gram Rp 8.000
Tapioca flour 800 Rp 8.000
Garlic 12 Pcs Rp 2.000
Royco 4 Rp 2.000
Peanuts 250 Gram Rp 10.000
Cayenne pepper 1 Pck Rp 2.000
Sweet soy sauce 2 Pcs Rp 4.000
Chili sauce 2 Pcs Rp 2.000
Packaging 20 Pck Rp 60.000
Total Cost For 20Pck Cilok Rp 98.000

Total HPP/Capital Per Pck Rp 4.900

Selling Price Per Pck Rp 7.000
Laba/Profit/Untung Per Pck Rp 2.100
Benefits For 20 Pck Rp 42.000

The total expenditure of IDR 98,000 has received 20 pck for a

total of 120 pcs. The selling price of 1 pck is IDR 7,000 there are 6 pcs in
it. IDR 7,000 multiplied by 20 pck is already getting IDR 140,000. IDR
140,000 - IDR 98,000 = profit IDR 42,000


4.1 Conclusion
With this traditional cilok food proposal report, in addition to
being one of the requirements for the Practical Exam at SMK Negeri 59
Jakarta, the author also felt various benefits and valuable experiences
including: initiative, creativity, time discipline in working on this proposal.

The conclusion that can be drawn by the author is, of course, the
proposal report of this traditional food product highlights the uniqueness
and market potential of the product. With in-depth analysis and the right
marketing strategy, it is expected that cilok products can become the main
choice of consumers in meeting the needs of delicious and nutritious

4.2 Suggestion
Some suggestions to improve the report on the proposal of this
traditional food product are:

1. The importance of identifying the competitive

advantages of small products compared to other similar
products and highlighting their added value
2. Include future product development plans and
innovations to maintain the competitiveness of small
products in the long term.
3. Include risk analysis and mitigation plans that take into
account factors such as changing consumer trends,
government regulations, and market competition.

Thus the presentation of the report on the traditional cilok food

proposal that we have compiled, please apologize if there are many

shortcomings contained in the preparation of this proposal. Hopefully this
proposal can provide benefits for readers and writers to foster motivation
in opening a business.

Business failure is actually not caused by others, but comes from

ourselves, thus perseverance and tenacity in carrying it out is a must.

Criticism and suggestions are very much expected for the

improvement of the business where to come, thank you.



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