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crores hs beeri

find that à sum of Rs. 4 not know how it is to

We do
be invested this year.
been toldJthat during the period
used up. We have lakhs have been
allowed to / e
1948-53, nearly Rs.35 and generally in tHie
0nvested in textile machinery to what extent cotton
textileindustry. We have gecn
......L been dominaked by the nationa!
and jute / havewhat extent they play the role as
capital and to themn, We know further
against thedemand for (500)
..(S..(a... what the Government is in regard to these
doingC0UNTERPART in /
industries and how the Indian
hehaving. Then, why this further
these industries are carpital?
PENETRATION of forcign
expansion schene, we |
Even in regard to the
electrie fans and muchine
a. find that painls, soaps,
industries where the Govern
tools are sone of the interest to establish or
ULent js allowed foreign /
will adversely compete
expand their factories. It country, when the IN
with the production of the not find any market in
DIGENOUS /producers do to what
e have got to see
this sphere. Therefore,issae has been REGULATED
extent the capital (600) bythe Finance
bythis Governmentand national WELL-BEING of /
Department so that the
thecountry could be
the fact as to how
Then, we have got to lookinto
are allowed to function. So
far the new indus tries concerned, sOme of
far as the oil REFINERIES are OFe r e
nd /some
them have been established of
going to be established very soon. In the control
.administration, the.Indians bave no share. /
There are only PREFERENCE shareholders and they
have no management. So far as the ad
voice in the
ministrative aspect in (700) this indust1y is con
ofit is the technical
cerned, tBhhe most inportant part
KNOW-HOW.They do not guarantee that they will
train the Indians. Th£t means they say, even after 20
years, we will have to face the problem of / the know
how in respect of the oil refineries. I do not
why the.Goyernment are showing softness to | for
eigners in this matter.
Then,we have another investment in COLLABO
.... RATION with the Indian Chemical Industries for
the manufacture of /CVIL, EXPLOSIVES, Here, as
far as I have gathered,only 20 per cent is going to be
Indian capital. The (800) majority of the shares will
remain with the Indian Chemical Industries. No
.a....... body elsehasbeen allowed to make any investment.
IIt woud hav been better if other companies and
private individuals had been given an opportunity
to purchase the shares. (840 words)

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