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Swapping:- Swapping in operating systems refers to a memory management

technique where inactive or blocked processes are temporarily moved from the main
memory (RAM) to secondary storage (usually a hard disk drive) to make space for
other processes that need to be active
This process involves two main steps:

Swapping out: When a process becomes inactive or blocked, the operating system moves
its data and code from RAM to a designated area on the hard disk called the swap space.
This frees up RAM for other processes that need it.

Swapping in: When the inactive process needs to be active again, the operating system
copies its data and code back from the swap space to RAM. This allows the process to
resume execution.

Advantages Of Swapping:
Increased multitasking: Swapping allows more processes to be loaded into memory at the
same time, even if there is not enough physical RAM for all of them.
Improved memory utilization: Swapping helps to ensure that RAM is being used
efficiently by making space for active processes and storing inactive processes in secondary
Reduced process termination: By swapping out inactive processes, the operating system
can avoid terminating them altogether, which can save time and resources.

Disadvantages Of Swapping:
Performance overhead: Swapping data between RAM and disk is much slower than
accessing data in RAM directly. This can lead to performance slowdowns, especially if
swapping occurs frequently.
Increased wear and tear on the hard disk: Swapping involves writing data to and . . ..
reading data from the hard disk frequently, which can increase wear and tear on the drive.
Complexity: The implementation of swapping adds complexity to the operating system,
which can make it more difficult to debug and maintain

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