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Ministries, whetherScheme or_ noL. t

FORMí for allSecretariat Service
Centra} Ministty / oi
thisig so, eKeept for the have cif
must be, arct Railwavs, These
External Affairs and the rules are v¹ry mnch
ferent rules, but thesedifference, Buthecause these
much and by
and there is/not for different purposes
persons are recrulted Therefore, /
agencies, they are geparate. uniform:
different ghould be
Baying that there is
his purpose inCARRIED OUT, The onty differencenoé
h.... ity is almnost Affais does
(500) of Home
that the Ministry in these two Ministries.
controlthe Services back
..... Then, Sir, question6 were raised about atso
backward States,
Ward areas / and the Budget is properly
about the city of Calcutta. If the
that assistance is
SCRUIINISED, it would be/found the backward
States, particularly
k p r o v i d e d for the Finance COmmission which AS
States, and the of the
the OVERALI | requirementsmakes its
SESSES considerationand
States,takes this /into out everytime
r'ecommendationswhich are carried
recommendations are
received, and they are received to
Constitution. Sir, Iwould like
according to the on this
amount paid to the States
give the (600) total
planing is to create con
The main objective of standards are raised in a
ditions in which / living and all citizens are
sufficiently reasonable level growth and
opportunity for
given full .and equal a balanced em:
service. The pians seek to provide
and employment.
phasis on increase in production
THUS accepted as the
Thedevelopment plans are / development in the
means for ensuring equitableis nG reasOn to sup
field of social gervices, There fortunate or PROS
pose that the needs of the less would
PEROUS States are being neglected. But these differ
not be proper(700) to expect that immediately. It
ences could be WIPED 0UT now
towards that
must be seen whether we are gong
- very end or not. We are DELBERATELY
towards that. end and we hope and trust
that in !
cOurse of time these inequalities would be wiped
out; if not completely wiped out, at any rate they
would be / LESSENED. My hon. friend complained
about inadecuate provision included in the pBan for
....a..d.... meeting the growing requirements of the city Iof
Calcutta where even the basic services like WATER
AUeNisposal and dratnage wer
h b e i nbeing
gAUGMENTED and that (800) the Central Gy
about solving these
ernment was not enthusiastic
difficulti s. (810 words)

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